Chapter 312 Mysterious Holy Body!

This made Chi Huang very speechless.

Because the daughter-in-law Mao asked her to go there, she could not do it by herself. Could it be because she didn’t give anything?

After thinking about this, he also took out a piece of cake to try, but it was still useless.


Yue Caiwei laughed immediately, “Husband, it seems that she really treats you as a strange uncle, and it’s useless to tempt you with things.”

“You don’t have the predestined relationship with women!


Chi Yan was speechless.

I don’t have a female “five-seven-seven” popularity? With my skin, it’s more than enough to go out and be a little white face, right?

Even if you don’t have your current status!

In this regard, Chi Xuan is very confident.

Chi Qi said beside her, “It’s not because of the Holy Master, it’s because of the discipline at home.

“Yaoyao is the fourth generation of my eldest brother, more than a dozen of this generation are all men, just such a girl, so…


Chi Xuan felt a little better.

Of course, in addition to this accident, there are also reasons for the practice of their own cultivation.

Ever since Chi Yao came in, he has noticed a faint icy aura from the opponent’s body, but it’s not particularly obvious.

Just two or three years old, there is a cold breath on his body, I am afraid it will not be simple.

“Then why did you bring her here today? Shouldn’t you find out, my husband and I are going to have a baby.”

“You bring a little girl here and let us experience the joy of being a parent in advance?”

Yue Caiwei couldn’t help joking.

In fact, she found that Chi Yan’s expression was wrong, and she took another look at Chi Yao, and found that the little girl was indeed extraordinary.

There is a faint swirling cold air on his body, which contains some kind of charm, his performance is relatively weak, and his age is still too young.

Needless to say, he must have a special physique.

Chi Qi’s face froze, “If the mistress thinks like this, it will be Yaoyao’s blessing.

She came here today for the same purpose, but the starting point will be different.

“Come on.

Yue Caiwei waved her hand, “Listen to your tone, this little girl is very precious at home. I can’t bear to send it to Chiyang Dao Palace.”


Even if she likes a little girl, she can’t do such a thing.

Give birth to one that is not fragrant.

“I brought her here today mainly because of her physique…

Akasaki briefly said, and finally concluded, “Akasaki has little knowledge and wants to see the Holy Master and Mistress.”

“If you can.

She hesitated to speak, but how smart Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei were, how could they not see it.

“You have grown a lot, but you know how to get along.0”

Chi Yan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “I’ll take a look first, I’m only two or three years old now, and I’m exuding a slight chill. I’m afraid my physique is better than yours.”

Possibly “It’s the Eucharist, but I should have seen it earlier.”

He said and motioned for Chi Yao to come over.

This time, Akasaki brought her over and stood in front of Chi Yan, still a little timid, as if she was scared.

Chi Yan put a finger on the palm of his hand, and a rune appeared on it, condensing into a group of splendid Huaguang, and lightly twitched his eyebrows.

He noticed it carefully, and then slowly let go of his hand, and said to Yue Caiwei, “Caiwei, take a look too.”

Yue Caiwei did the same, and halfway let go of her hand and looked at Chi Yan.

“It’s not wrong, it’s the Ice Profound Sacred Body!

Whether it is the body of the gods, the body of the holy body, the body of the Tao.

Most of them are not special, such as the five elements, thunder and lightning..

But with the special energy attribute of 2.4, the cultivation may be easier.

For example, Bai Shenshui, she is the body of Yuanshui.

This physique has advantages and disadvantages.

After all, if you have special energy, your practice is fixed. If you don’t have a good practice, it’s useless.

The Bing Xuan Holy Body, the best practice method for the Red Clan is the Bible – Bing Xuan Jing.

Wu Xuema practiced the Bing Xuanjing. ,

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