Chapter 320 My daughter can’t compete with me for favor!

“Aren’t you afraid to have a daughter and compete with you for favor in front of me?”

Chi Yan joked, “I heard that my daughter was my father’s lover in a previous life.”


“Is there any such talk?”

Yue Caiwei seemed to take her words seriously, and immediately shook her head, “That won’t work, absolutely won’t work.

“Husband, you can only spoil me, do you hear me?”

A daughter can’t compete with herself!


This time, the Empress became Tsundere.


Chi Yan couldn’t help laughing, “Why are you still vying for favor with your daughter, don’t you need favor when you have a son?”

“What is the son’s pet, if it’s a boy, I don’t beat him every day!

Yue Caiwei showed a fierce look on her face, and said with a teasing, “I will beat him as you, who made me reluctant to beat 577 you.”

If you are reluctant to beat your husband, how can your son be reluctant to beat him?

Ah this…

That sounds miserable enough.

If a son is born, it must be the beginning of a miserable life.

When it will end is unknown.

“That’s really bad enough, I think it’s better to have a daughter, lest your son suffer from your “poisonous hands” when he is born.

Chi Xuan laughed.

In order to prevent this from happening, he must refuel.

Yue Caiwei was unhappy, “I think you just want your lover in your previous life, this is just an excuse.”

“Husband, you don’t love me anymore!”

The Empress was unhappy, her pretty face was angry, and she was very playful and cute.

“That’s just a joke, how can it be serious!”

“How can I have a little lover in my previous life.”

Chi Xuan thought it was good to tease his daughter-in-law, so he thought, “It’s Cai Wei, do you want to have a son?

Directly against the generals!

After all, the daughter-in-law really has a previous life!

At this moment, it was about Yue Caiwei’s fate, which made her die.

“Nonsense, how could I think like that.

Yue Caiwei quickly quibble, “Besides, how could I possibly have a previous life.

It’s just that the more you talk about the back, the less confident you are.

“Besides, even if I have a previous life, my lover is definitely your husband!”

This sentence, she said so confidently!

[I didn’t lie, I only loved you Chi Yan in my previous life!)

[After breaking off the marriage, (cace) I have never dealt with emotional matters, so there is nothing wrong with what I said!)

She hypnotized herself internally.

But it does make sense.

However, wasn’t that the reason why she could accept Chi Yan so quickly?

“I trust you.”

Chi Yan hugged her with both hands, but her heart was full of emotion, secretly thinking that if a wife was like this, what more could a husband ask for.

The daughter-in-law only loves him, so why not herself.

“Don’t worry, even if you have a daughter, she will definitely not be as good as you, Caiwei.”

He spoke again of comfort.

Yue Caiwei was very happy, smiling like a flower, “Husband, you are so kind.”

The two just hugged each other like this, where they spoke affectionate words.

Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema sent the two of them out of Chiyang Dao Palace and returned without disturbing them, and left quietly.


While the two lived a leisurely and happy life, the time for preaching at Cangqiong Mountain gradually advanced.

The Reds are also preparing.

This matter, but it is not easy, must be implemented step by step, to create the illusion of [Chiyue] leaving the Chi tribe.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the news of the absence of the two cannot be leaked, but must be leaked accidentally.

In this way, those guys are likely to take the bait and lure an emperor to ambush.

As for strength…

Although more than a hundred years have passed, they have been sleeping for so many years, and their strength cannot be fully recovered.


The strengths of Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei are also very different from when they killed the Bing Xie Emperor!

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