Chapter 323 My daughter-in-law is too cute!

Chiyang Road Palace.

Chi Xuan and Yue Caiwei are enjoying tea, not to mention how comfortable their lives are.

“This tea tastes good, Yue Ruyuan really has a heart.

After tasting it, Chi Zhu smiled.

This is a new tea that has been supplied in recent years, the Mingri Bingwu Tea, which was specially offered by Yue Ruchao.

The other party always remembered that Chi Zhu liked to drink tea, so he searched for offerings everywhere.

This made Chi Xuan drink a lot of fairy tea.

Those who drink tea now have heard that it was picked from the snowy regions of the extreme west. The labor cost is not low, but the value of tea leaves is far more than 20%.

But Yue Ruyuan is very smart, the value of tea is not high, and the value created by supplying it to Chiyan is extraordinary.

But Yue Caiwei took a sip and spit it out, “Fear fright.

“What’s so good about this, I really don’t know how you like to drink this, it’s hard to drink to death.”

She likes sweets very much, so how could she stand the taste of tea.

“Don’t drink, don’t waste it!”

“It’s not easy for your husband to make tea, so you spoiled me.”

Chi Yan had a look of pity on his face.

I finally left the tea

“I was wrong.” Yue Caiwei admitted her mistake, like a wrong student.


She remembered that at the beginning, when cooking was so unpalatable, her husband didn’t vomit up, so she endured it and ate it.

But he wasted his husband’s efforts.

This made her a little embarrassed. She just drank the mouth and only remembered the smell. How could she think so much.

Forget it, “If you don’t drink it, give it to me.” Chi Yan was very helpless, and went up to get the tea cup in her hand.

Yue Caiwei hid the teacup, not giving him a chance to take it at all, “No, I have to drink it myself.”

“Besides, this is what I drank. With my saliva in it, you should drink it too!”


She exerted more force, and the tea in the cup overflowed directly and floated in the air.

Seeing this, Chi Yu was speechless.

Cai Wei, “You did this on purpose, right?

He looked in the direction where she took the teacup, his expression full of helplessness.

Seeing his gaze, Yue Caiwei also looked at it and found the empty teacup, her expression couldn’t help but be astonished.

“I did not do it on purpose.”

She took back the teacup and looked even more remorseful, like a student who made a mistake, waiting for Chi Yan’s punishment.

It looks like Chi Yan is so willing to say it, he can only forcefully say with a smile, “Forget it, it’s not a big deal.”

But “, you’d better put the teacup down! Don’t break the teacup again.


It’s really not easy.

“Pour me another glass, and I’ll definitely drink it this time.”

Yue Caiwei stretched out her slender jade fingers, looked at Chi Yan pitifully, her eyes were full of prayer, and her small face couldn’t help pinching.

Chi Yan really got started and pinched her face gently, “Then I’ll pour you a glass.”

My wife is so cute!

Can’t stand it.

He also did not forget to secretly record it with a photo disk.

“Thank you husband.” Yue Caiwei suddenly changed her face, smiling like a flower.

Poured another glass, she tilted her head up like drinking water, and drank the tea in one go.

“Does anyone drink tea like this?”

Chi Xuan was speechless when he saw it, but after thinking about it, forget it, because he saw his daughter-in-law’s pain mask and secretly recorded it.

Yue Caiwei’s pretty face was slightly twisted, she forcibly drank it, and then said, “The tea your husband made is really delicious.

This is really difficult for her.

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