Chapter 342 Fireworks!

At first, I thought that the two were fighting, but unexpectedly, it was a show of affection?

Those who originally wanted to come up to help and take the opportunity to get to know Yue Caiwei are glad that they didn’t go up, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

“Go, go.

Chi Xuan can’t stand it, but after insisting, his daughter-in-law likes to pretend to be hurt, so let her pretend!

Carrying a daughter-in-law is also a trivial matter.

Who let himself spoil his daughter-in-law.

He half squatted down, let Yue Caiwei climb up, and bound his daughter-in-law’s legs with both hands.

Yue Cai “590” Wei was on his back, not to mention how comfortable it was, hooking Chi Yi’s neck with one hand, and continuing to eat Qiansi Candy with the other.

I still haven’t eaten one!

It tastes even sweeter this way.

Caiwei, “You want to murder your husband!”

Chi Yan’s breathing was a little short.

why do you say

Of course, it was because of Yue Caiwei, the hand was really hooked on his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe, which was really uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong?”

Yue Caiwei looked puzzled.

“Tighten a little more, and I may really be unable to keep up with my breathing.”

As soon as she said these words, she knew such a problem, her arms relaxed a little, and her face was even more embarrassing.

But then, he was righteous again.

“Who asked you to rob me of candy just now, and you dared to ask me to come.”

“This is my punishment for you!”

“It’s really cheap for you.

[Just remember to eat candy, I really forgot, but he deserves it. ”

[Humph, if I hadn’t been happy today, I would have to take care of you. ”

Eat, can solve most troubles.

For her, at least.

Chi Xuan smiled and said, “I think it’s you who eat candy, forget about it!”

Yue Caiwei couldn’t help feeling embarrassed when the words were revealed, she wiped Chi Xuan’s cheek with her left hand and protected it lightly and forcefully.

Too heavy to bear.

Start with not silky skin, or sticky fine silk.

As soon as she touched the candy, a smile appeared on her face, and her beautiful face was like a tabby cat, but she didn’t care.

The good atmosphere was broken again.

“Caiwei, you have gained so much weight and you feel so heavy.”

“It’s not just me saying that.

Chi Yan added another sentence.

This made Yue Caiwei frown, and before she could get angry, she heard the discussion behind her, and her cheeks flushed slightly.

not far away.

A group of people were surrounding the place where Caiwei was wrestling, and they were arguing in amazement.

“It was just a fall that actually cracked the ground.

“This girl is amazing!”

“Looking so beautiful, I can’t imagine that he is a heavyweight. People can’t look at their appearance.”

“It’s not easy, little brother like that!

“It’s not easy, if I had such a beautiful daughter-in-law, I would be willing to carry it on my back every day!”

Some people swear, their tone is full of envy, 0

When I think of Yue Caiwei’s stunning beauty…

Squirt squirt.

But, right now–

A familiar figure came, “Really? Then you can carry me home today.

When he spoke, he put his hands on his ears, and said in a very unkind tone, “I want you to buy me a thousand silk candy, you’re good!”

“There are beautiful girls here.

The man screamed in pain and hurriedly admitted his mistake to his daughter-in-law, but the other party insisted that he carry it home.

The people around hurriedly moved away and looked at the other’s daughter-in-law. She looked pretty good, but the corners of their mouths twitched.

It’s like being pregnant.

If this is carried back, I am afraid that it will cost half my life.

For a time, all kinds of laughter from Da 2.4 were full of fireworks.

However, Chi had already walked away with Yue Caiwei on her back, and Yue Caiwei had a lot of food in her hands, making her very satisfied.

“Husband, look over there..

Yue Caiwei suddenly exclaimed.

Chi Xuan looked at it subconsciously, and found that in the sky of the stars, brilliant firelights rose up one after another, and a sharp sound broke through the sky.

“This is… fireworks?”

He was immediately stunned.

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