Chapter 350 Daughter-in-law swears!

After walking around the Holy City of Thousand Moons for a long time, Yue Caiwei burped her food, and she was satisfied.

After coming to Qianyue Holy City.

She is either eating, or on the way to eat, she really has to eat all over the Dao world before she is willing.

She pulled Chi Yan to look at the photo again, but she came out cursing after less than half of it.

“I don’t know the plot made by the brain, it’s too rubbish.

“What a beautiful love story.

She couldn’t help but yell.

Happy to go in, disappointed to return.

Chi Yan felt the same way, a typical Mary Sue plot, but he joked, “Isn’t this what you want to watch? 590

At the beginning.

The daughter-in-law was very excited when she saw the stunt.

Originally, her freshness in taking pictures had long since passed, and she was thinking about what to eat every day.

After eating all the delicacies of Qianyue Holy City, I will continue to struggle in another place.

“How did I know the difference was so big.

Yue Caiwei curled her lips, “Suddenly I feel boring. After a while, we will continue in another place.”

All of a sudden, the interest in keeping her in the Qianyue Holy City faded away.


Tomorrow, the annual Thousand Moon Party will start, and she has to join in the fun.

Mainly looking forward to Chi Xuan’s preparation.

She did not forget to remind, “Tomorrow will be the time..

“Tomorrow you’ll find out.

Chi Yan sold out.

Or it took a little more time to make, he even started it himself, outlined the trend of fireworks, and made sure there was no problem.

This thing is not complicated, but the details are difficult to control. After all, he has no talent for painting, so it took a long time.

“Then I’ll look forward to it,

Yue Caiwei’s eyes flashed and she smiled.

The two walked back to Qianyueju.

Back here, I found that there were really a lot of people in the lobby.

Recently, the Qianyue Meeting was about to start, and it was the most lively time of the Thousand Moon Holy City, and many young heroes came here.

The female disciples of the Thousand Moon Holy Land are still very popular (cace).

Not to mention, there are more core disciples this year, and they will take the opportunity to choose their own Taoist companions.

Most of the people who come here are from unusual backgrounds, and the living environment is naturally not bad. Qianyueju is the first choice.

“Recently, there are more and more people.

Yue Caiwei glanced at it, didn’t care at all, and dragged Chi Xuan back to the room.

They don’t follow these people.

These people are paying attention to them, to be precise, Yue Caiwei.

“What a beautiful woman!”

Everyone was amazed, but seeing Chi Yan on the side, they gave up their thoughts again.

However, a young man’s face was wretched, and his gaze towards Yue Caiwei was full of greed.

“This is superb!”

“And, there’s an air of sophistication about it.”

“If you can get her…

He had an idea in his mind.

He also prepared to ask his attendants to inquire about the situation of “Red Moon”.

Then, wait for the opportune moment..

Ke Fang came up with such an idea, and Yue Caiwei looked back at him with a faint smile on her face, which made him go crazy.

The whole soul was hooked away by Yue Caiwei.

At this time, his thinking was that as long as he could get Yue Caiwei, he would be willing to die now.

However, when she saw Yue Caiwei’s eyes…

It was like an abyss, pulling him into an endless hell.

After a while, his eyes became dull.

Then, there was no trace of his expression, as if he had become a fool.

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