Chapter 451 It’s time to arrive at Scarlet Moon Emperor City!


Little Crescent Moon still doesn’t know that Chiyue Immortal Building is her family’s property.

Otherwise, why would you say this.

“Don’t worry, it has already been paid.”

Shen Yunxi didn’t say much, just casually dealt with it.

It stands to reason that in order to settle the account clearly, it is indeed necessary to pay the spar.

But Yin Qing said that she didn’t need to be so troublesome.

“That’s good.

We “can’t bully others!”

The little crescent moon can still speak idioms, and the two girls laughed lightly.

When Xiao Yueya grows up and becomes a little more sensible, it will be very interesting to know that Chiyue Immortal Building is Chiyan’s business, right?

The two women thought carefully in their hearts.

And from then on, it can be seen that Xiao Crescent has been educated since childhood.

Still very good.

She has the father of Chi Xuan, how can education be poor?

The two women, one on the left and one on the right, walked out while protecting the little crescent moon.

Don’t look too closely, the little guy is running around.

In the morning, I strolled around the South City, and in the afternoon, I planned to go to the East City, and then play in the expanded new city.

The expansion of the new city also took some time, but after all, it was too short, and there were also millions of people who successfully lived in it.

This is just the beginning.

After another ten years, the whole outer city will be more lively.

It can accommodate 500 million people, and it can be seen how prosperous the future will be?

“It’s more lively here!

Compared with the South City, the East City is indeed more lively.

The reason is very simple.

Most of the forces that came to Scarlet Moon Emperor City basically came from Dongcheng.

Naturally, to be more lively.

“There are more people here!”

Little Crescent Moon looked around and was very interested in everything.

The Thousand Illusory Jade-faced Fox in his arms is also very curious.

In the past, living outside was like sitting in a well and watching the sky. After being caught, I was locked in a cage all day long, and the world I saw was too small.

“Hey, what’s over there?”

She found a very lively store, ran over quickly, and found that it was a newly opened movie theater.

Seeing the sign outside, she didn’t know why, “Aunt Xue, Aunt Yun, what are you doing!”

“It doesn’t seem to be selling anything?”

Shen Yunxi looked at it, explained it for her, and said something very different in her heart.

Unexpectedly, the movie theater opened to the Imperial City.

This technology is only mastered in the Thousand Moon Holy Land.

Although it is not limited to the virtual element field, it also exists in other large fields, but it is the field around the virtual element field.

0 asking for flowers…

The difference between the Scarlet Moon Domain and the Void Yuan Domain is not a star and a half.

This is also the decision of the Thousand Moon Holy Land.

Because, they later found out that Chi Zhu and Yue Caiwei went to see the photo, didn’t they just seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

But there is only one open at the moment. When the Red Moon event is held, I met Chi Xuan and the two, and we will talk about it.


If it can, Qianyue Holy Land can make a lot of money, and the future market of the imperial city has unlimited potential.

Not to mention all the territory of the Chi tribe.

“It turns out that, then let’s go in and have a look, it sounds very interesting.”

She is interested again.

To be precise, she is full of interest in all new things.

Wu Xue Ma said quickly, “This is not good, it will take a long time.

“Did you forget, little crescent moon, we are going home before dark!!

These words reminded Xiao Yueya.

Little Crescent nodded, her face a little disappointed.

“It’s alright, next time I ask my parents to take you over to see it, it will definitely be happier.”

Shen Yunxi comforted.

This made Xiao Yueya happy, “Okay, I’ll ask my parents to bring me here in the future.” Yu,

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