▷Local – Korea

▷Domestic Ranker channel 1 (For Rankings 1-50)

|12| Imagination: Our Babylon is closing down on the 38th floor this week. The official letter will be sent tomorrow but please be mindful to the operation of the attack team

|39| Goldroger: Huh? Why? The tutorial period starts soon so there will be a long hiatus

|8| David: I know, I have seen it ㅋㅋㅋ Did he catch that crazy Bambi’s illness? I have been telling you to increase the number of people already, yet you keep picking minority love

|8| David: He is a real pain in the ass too, Once I know where Jo is i’m going to catch themㅋㅋㅋ Is something wrong with their family’s dam? It’s time to give up and just sit downㅋㅋㅋㅋ be a dog

|4| whitebird: It’s not ‘love’, It’s ‘elite’. It’s not ‘dam’, it’s ‘being’. It’s not ‘sit’, It’s ‘don’t’. It’s not ‘be a dog’ it’s ‘super funny’

|8| David: mourn–

|6| Late Night Snack King: Do you have to attack in such a way? I’m leaving now

|20| Renewing my public certificate: But you all saw the breaking news. I woke up to US clearing the 42nd floor. According to what I heard the rest shouldn’t take long because the scenario connects to the 44th floor. Isn’t the difference too big?;

|12| Imagination: That’s why our guild leader ran out in middle of a attack

“Do you want to see me go crazy? Ah fuck, did you hide a honey jar under a blanket or something?”


“We are a country with 4 S-ranks! Does it make sense that the 3rd largest country in the world is still suffering on the 30th floor! I can’t even raise my head in embarrassment!”

‘It really doesn’t fit me…’

Zio covered her ears with a sour expression. Gyeon Ji-rok followed her towards her room and pointed at her

The second of three siblings

Her younger brother, Gyeon Ji-rok who was born exactly 11 months after Zio was the 5th strongest ranker in Korea

He was also the 4th ‘S-rank’ to appear within Korea

Gyeon Ji-rok, who had a strong desire for victory since childhood, felt like a fish in his natural habitat once he received a ticket for the tower

He went through the tutorial like crazy. Got the interest of good deities, and also got a good placement. He was already ranked 5th

Of course, being placed S-rank didn’t immediately cause someone to get into the world rankings

A rank simply refers to a person’s ‘vessel’. The overall ranking was another matter

A person’s ability couldn’t be judged by his or her vessel alone

The abilities varied widely depending on their deity, how they met, what powers they had, and how they awakened

At the top rankings there were already a lot of AAA ranks that had exceeded the limits of their rank

They were true monsters

Thanks to this, not only was Gyeon Ji-rok ranked 5th, but Korea’s 2nd S-rank was also ranked in 8th while the third one ranked in 6th

That’s why Gyeon Zio was a super rare case

That is um…

“The only thing you do is breathe yet you keep getting stronger! Please, have some conscience or something. Don’t you ever feel embarrassed when you see others working so hard, you glutton!”

[Your covenant ‘reader of fate’ coughs loudly, wondering whether or not his words are a little too strong]

[If you don’t take care of your noona well it will show discomfort at the bad manners]

‘You hold it in. and I will also hold it in. I told you. He is a cash cow within the house’

Naturally, gluttons were best at grasping reality. Even if you don’t get along with your financial banker, you have to endure it

Lookin at her new ipad, which was bought with Gyeon Ji-Rok’s card. Zio endured the yelling

“Are you listening, miss strong?”

“Yes. but i’m not miss strong”

“Then what are you?”

“Miss Powerful”


Huh, what’s with that?

Gyeon Ji-Rok couldn’t bare listening to her anymore as he felt tired all by himself and raised his eyebrows

Zio also raised her chin. Her black bob hair shined brilliantly

“A bystander hiding her strength”


“It’s official. Even my status window says ‘A bystander with a free soul’”

The hawk couldn’t believe that the eyes of the usually two tear spotted eyes  cat could look so mean today

That hopeless glutton homebody…

At that moment, Gyeon Ji-rok genuinely wondered what kind of punishment he had to have such a sibling


There was, of course, a reason as to why the number 1 who did nothing didn’t get blamed

The ranking, that measured the total strength of the awakened was flexible

And thus, the Babel Network changed its judgement ‘criteria’ to the absolute value, the level of the awakened

Depending on how many strong rankers they had, each country’s servers expanded differently, and they didn’t open subchannels on places they considered had little value

Rather than looking at each and every one of them, they would only treat those with talent they can see at a glance. It was a surprisingly cruel way

There was even a myth that number of tickets given to each country were based on the size of their server

In addition as soon as the sub-local channels opened, the stable hunting ground ‘formal dungeon’ would be created in the area, as well as a appearance notice for gates

Considering the fact that the number of tickets represented the number of awakened, and that sub-channels were directly related to the safety of the citizens…

It was as if a few handful of awakened people had to support their whole country

At this point, the value of the top rankers in this era had reached beyond the value of nuclear weapons from the old era

Of course, their existence itself didn’t solve all unstable factors such as cracks

But there was also a fine line drawn between what Babel cared about and what it didn’t

South Korea, that had managed to transform itself from a neglected country that was coldy treated by the Babel into one of the top powers knew this difference more than anyone else

Before the first S-Rank Awakened, Korea was in chaos. It was hell korea in Hell Mode

(When it says Hell Korea it uses the slang Hell Joseon, which basically means living in Korea was so hard that it was like hell)

Due to the insufficient manpower within the country hunters fell dead all over, and the groveling didn’t stop at where they couldn’t reach

All the people prayed desperately as they watched other countries, countries with S-ranks, quickly find stability

Dear heavens, please bless us with a S-Rank too

And then that’s what happened…

The world’s fifth and most intense appearance, Korea’s first ever ’S-rank’ was born

Over the past 10 years, several more S-ranks emerged, but people hadn’t forgotten the wait and joy they faced at that time

The savior who rebuilt the nation’s fortune just by existing

All that was known about them was their title ‘Jo’ and alias Magician King, but they were a big deal

Heroes were heroes, and benefactors were benefactors

A person who only eats and plays, but receives less swearing, was created that way. They were truly gifted with natural luck


“Keep it”


Anyways, the reality at the moment was the life of a college student

You can’t even change the money line, since there was a umbilical cord on top of the money line

Zio nervously swallowed her dry saliva

Due to the continuous failure of her eldest daughter’s college entrance exams, Miss Park’s nerves recently were very sharp

You had to lids down and watch, otherwise a tragedy like before could have unfolded where you came home to missing beds

[Your covenant ‘the reader of fate’ asks if it was because you stayed out for a week before the entrance exams]

‘Do take care of yourself, giggle’

Tak! Miss Park put her spoon down 

Zio felt suffocated since the smell of the sweet tofu stew, that she had been eating well, couldn’t be put out

The 3 Gyeon siblings

The first was the No.1 Hunter in Korea, the second is the No.5 hunter nicknamed the ‘crazy deer’. And the youngest was an attention-seeking youtuber that had sold its soul to the devil, yet…

The strongest person in the 4-person-table was Park Soon-Yo, a fresh manager, in charge of morning star’s building 1

“Why don’t you ask for money these days?”

“Yes yes?”

“No matter how much I try to read your mind, I can’t figure it out. So I have been thinking about what this could mean”

There was a strong hunch that she was fucked

“Do you use Ji-Rok’s card?”



The hunch of the creator was scary!  With her eyes wide open, Zio hardened in place

H-Hey, she couldn’t even lie, what the fuck!

Next to her, Gyeon Ji-rok realised what was happening and put down his chopsticks, the snow fell gently at first

“Gyeon Ji-Rok”

“I have sinned to death, blinded by the love for this small family. Aaah mother, please don’t forgive this bad son…”

“5 seconds. Give me the purchase history of the card I gave you”

“I’ll fulfill your orders immediately maam”

Gyeon Ji-rok, who managed to save his life, immediately stood up and made a deep bow

‘O-Oh fuck!’

Zio jumped up and started running

She couldn’t use her skills to hide her awakening from Miss Park. So she only roughly wore her three line slippers and ran out

[Your covenant, ‘the reader of fate’ sighs, didn’t it tell you think one more time about that Ipad Pro]

“Oh, shut your mouth!”

[Mother-In-Law would faint once she saw the history, but since this is happening, just whistle and head to the tower]

[The ‘reader of fate’ put a placard on the wall that says that this handsome brother is on standby to get closer to you]

“No way, get lost!you pervert! I told you to now show that you are an old man since you are creepy! I told you you should just live as an Unni!”

[Your covenant, ‘the reader of fate’ says you are the old man! What do you mean I’m the old man? I have never seen such a hot old man before]

“If you are older than me you are an old man, so shut up!”

『Stigmata(star mark), forced opening』

『Ultimate Covenant, ‘■■■■’ rises his body and whispers to his only incarnation』

It all happened very fast

The voice full of smiles was gone in an instant

Tukk, Zio stopped in her tracks

She didn’t realise since she was running so fast, but the subway station was right around the corner

‘Why didn’t you tell me beforehand?’

The ‘stigmata(star mark)’ was an evidence of a covenant and the door that connected one’s soul to the stars

Gyeon Zio’s covenant was a very selfish logo, it was very strong so it could ignore the rules and force open it as it pleased

However, even if the person was strong, since it ignored a Babel’s law, the person would also be forced into silence for several minutes

It was kind of a penalty. In his words, a time given to Babel for judgement

Anyways, it knew Zio didn’t like it, so It didn’t do it most of the time

Hmmm… did it mean to avoid it?

‘If you are going to tell me, do it properly. What is this’

Zio leaned against the deserted wall with her hood on her back, and opened the channel window she always put aside

▷Local – South Korea

▷Domestic rankers channel 1

|6|Late Night Snack King: Hey, crazy Bambi, did you wipe out the mana stone in floor 38 XX

Hm, it was a load of crap in there as usual

Next Zio, who was about to open the world rankers channel, stops

Of course, the translation given by Babel was excellent but… The wounds created by the english section of the college entrance exam had not yet healed…

It was too early to look at the foreigners

‘Yeah. and it’s a crack in Seoul, what is looking at the world channel going to do’

As usual, passing through Heungseon Daewonun’s mind, Zio rummages through the domestic and regional channels

Unlike the ranker channel, which felt similar to the kakaotalk system where chatting was active, on this side only Babel’s notices showed up

Sure enough, there was only an hour left until the announcement for the start of the next tutorial

‘This means it’s not a monster wave’

Then it will either be a guerilla (time-limited) dungeon, or a sudden gate

It’s surprising that it was close to her house, but that was enough to easily close it even if it were only the government officials from the center

Gyeon Zio took a strong breath and walked lightly towards a nearby smoothie king.and then…


Were the crack difficulty like this these days?

Zio sippd on her strawberry smoothie with a serious look

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