A long, long time ago,

There was one swordsman who could not use magic power and sword.

“Wait a minute. If you can’t use a sword, you’re not a swordsman in the first place.”

“Take them away.”


No one showed any interest in such a swordsman, and the swordsman spent  lonely days in despair over their lack of talent.

One day, a friendly foreigner came to such a swordsman.

‘There is no such a thing as impossible.’

Impressed, the swordsman started doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running from that day.

“This is npt One Punch Man.”

“Go away.”

“Let go of me!”

After hard and tough training, the invisible blade finally acquired great power.

The swordsman looked back at the world with a happy heart.

While he only looked forward, the world had changed a lot.

A ranker who shoots a beer commercial, a ranker who makes a special appearance in a Kim Eun-sook drama with an ulterior motive, a ranker who only has eyes on climbing the tower, and many more.

Disappointed by the appearance of the strong who represented the world, the ashamed swordsman decided.

‘Yeah, I’ve made up my mind!’

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The swordsman threw everything away and disappeared into the shadows.

With a figure as invisible as it’s blade, they swore to protect the people…

This is the end of the story for the B-Rank hunter, the sword wielding master.

“You are the true dark hero of this era. From the bottom to the underground protector, it’s perfect.”


“Anyway, let’s make this something that only we know, and keep our mouth shut. If it wasn’t for such an unavoidable situation, the master would never have revealed her strength. Finally……”

Hwang Hon turned to the people.

He spoke with a serious face without a single smile.

“The black is in your prejudice.”


Maybe this bastard wasn’t stupid.

You know, wasn’t he making such a big deal out of this?

Zio prepared for her tenth sword attack with a grumpy expression on her face.

Was this bastard joking right now or telling the truth? People had a mysterious look on their faces.

It must be difficult for them to listen to this bullshit, but the truth is, the one who suffered the most in this situation was Gyeon Zio.

‘What is this! What the hell is this?’

One S-Rank. One A-Rank. One BB-rank hunter, and so on.

A situation in which a blade had to be created and used with a very small amount of magic power that not a single one of them noticed.

There was even a condition that had to be done using only pure magic without using any skills.

By analogy, the difficulty level was similar to that of sculpting the Palace of Versailles on one side of a bean.

[The deity, ‘Reader of fate’ has a new way to train this way, so he snoops around to see if there is a way to get contact information since this is a great teacher.]

That’s literally it.

Even if by chance, out of the blue, she was pushed back.

No matter how messy the course was, the result was (forced) high-intensity magic power control training.

Sweat dripped down from Zio’s forehead, since she had been concentrating for a long time.

Munchkin was unintentionally becoming more and more of a monster, although no one wanted it.

As proof of that, the moment the tenth blade flew out.

[Invisible Strike! The enemy only remembers that he was cut by something!]

[Yeosil knowledge*! Let go of that arrogant anguish of stubbornness and look at the phenomenon as it is! Taking a step forward with enlightenment!]

(*The wisdom of seeing reality as it truly is, or attaining a direct perception of reality just as it is)

[The characteristic, ‘Sword of Heart’ (Heroic) has been unlocked.]

[You have met the requirements for a 2nd application.]

[Second title, ‘Sword-wielding master’ (legendary) blooms.]


“Nyangachi hoobaenim, what’s up?”

“No… just what.”

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It seems she could hear the (true) swordsman’s wise man song…

Was this worldview balance really okay as it is? Behind Gyeon Zio, who has become more serious.

People were slowly coming to their minds one by one.

They seemed to get out of shock relatively quickly, perhaps because the (bullshit) conversation with Hwang Hon worked.

The darkroom on the 7th floor.

It was really close timing.

When they came up alongside Yoon Eui-seo and Seo Gahyeon and the other missing people.

The men who had been dragged were each trapped in a cocoon and hung upside down, just one step away from losing their breath.

Being trapped in insect sap and almost suffocating. It would never have been a common experience.

Still, some of them were still emptying their stomachs at one side.

“Bleh, I thought I would cross the Jordan River…”

“The rotten feeling in my body is not going away. I am going to have a nightmare every night.”

“It was a good experience. Thanks to someone.”

Shin Jincheol, the head of the raid, said in a sarcastic and loud voice.

Yoon Eui-seo, who was comforting his younger brother, who was tired, paused.

“You said you wouldn’t let anyone die, you bastard. If you were only a few seconds late, we would have cleared some of the invoices.”

Saliva dripped near his feet.

It was an act that crossed the line, but Yoon Eui-seo simply turned pale, and he turned his head to pretend he didn’t see it.

Instead, the one who got angry was his younger brother, Yoon Kangjae.

“F*ck, What are you doing? Not even thanking the person who saved you…!”

“Kangjae, be still.”

“What, younger one? I’m pretty sure there wasn’t even any blood on my head. Who saved whom? Do you not have eyes? Everyone here knows who rescued them, so aren’t you just eating the wrong thing and talking nonsense?”

“Don’t bullshit! In the end, all these people to my hyung…”

“Yoon Kangjae!”


“I told you to stop… I’m sorry, Raid chief. My dongsaeng is still young.”

“What the. It’s done, it’s done. The hyung and the dongsaeng. Very good, it’s understandable.”

Shin Jincheol spit once again and turned around.

Yoon Eui-seo’s clenched fists trembled with his head down.

At that time, there was a strange silence as someone’s self-esteem was wretched miserably.


A distinctive, unpretentious voice.

“Very dirty. Jeong Jincheol.”

(Not a spelling mistake, she said his name wrong)


“What kind of an idiot spit on the floor these days? I am so sick of old people.”


Shin Jicheol walked over to Zio with a face asking what he just heard.

He threateningly turned his back and asked.

“Hey, what did you just say? Look into my eyes and say it again.”

Zio looked at him as he wished. And repeated what she said.





“Are you Jeong Jincheol?”


“If you want to be Jeong Jincheol, tell me right now.”

‘Cause that’s what I want too.’

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Gyeon Zio laughed. The laugh was close to a ridicule.

Behind them, Yoon Eui-seo, who was behind her, was clearly visible.

The eyes that didn’t look at a person as if it was actually looking at a person gave goosebumps at Shin Jin-cheol’s neck…

A big man and a little woman.

As Shin Jincheol said earlier, unless he ate something wrong everyone knew.

Which of the two was bigger?

In the silence heavier than before.

Suddenly, Tak Lamin coughed aloud. Ahem.

Thanks to him, Seo Gahyeon, who was being treated by him, was surprised and shouted at the same time.

That calmed the atmosphere a bit. Tak Lamin cleared his hoarse neck.

“Ah, sorry. But… I just thought you should stop now and hurry up.”

[Timer – 00:01:27:45]

“The dungeon is still in full swing. We have to finish the attack.”

The dungeons would only end if the ‘Life Core’ was destroyed. They had to do that much to finish the game.

He also added that it would most likely be located on the rooftop due to the structure of this dungeon.

“You’ve worked hard already, but please take care of us until the end.”

Tak Lamin made eye contact with Zio.

The national civil servant hunters are… Surely there was something that weakens people’s hearts.

Was it because they were all rice bowls who devoted themselves to justice?

Zio clicked her tongue and relaxed her expression.

People started getting busy one by one, preparing to move. Everyone was busy checking their status.

“Unni, are you okay?”

“Uh. The mushroom in Mushroom Gahyeon disappeared.”

“Don’t make fun of me. I was so scared. Luckily the agent had characteristics for emergency treatment.”

“Even if you have a mushroom on your head, it’s not bad for your character’s competitiveness.”

“This unni is cute, but sometimes really weird.”

A little bit of grumbling.

Seo Gahyeon, who was quick-witted, said that the person behind her had something to say and left her seat.

Zio looked around. Hwang Hon was carefully looking at Yoon Eui-seo.

Zio, who had confirmed that he had no interest in this side, shuddered with an insincere tone.

“Curiosity killed the cat.”

“…I never intended to do that.”

Tak Lamin laughed bitterly.

The young elite agent patted his heavy wrists. To be more precise, the terminal engraved with the country name.

“Unlike the tower, can’t you use electronic devices in dungeons? It’s a bit of a habit for me.”

She didn’t know what the principle was, and even if it was not very smooth, a dungeon could access the communication network anyways.

So, as soon as Tak Lamin heard that Zio was an Awakened, he connected to the center database and searched.

Awakened, ‘Gyeon Zio’.

As he said, checking the personal information of the Awakened was a habit for a national agent.


“CLassified Information.”


“Today was the first time I saw these words in the database with my own eyes.”


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“Are you really… who are you?”

Tak Lamin couldn’t get an answer to that question in the end. However, it wasn’t sad or disappointing.

Rather, if it was a feeling similar to relief.

As soon as he saw that face and eyes… Whatever the answer was, he realised that it was beyond his reach.

The building’s rooftop.

The battle began once again.

The dungeon’s heart and source, the ‘Life Core’. The last resistance of the monsters who tried to protect it became fierce.

The 2nd Attack Team of <Invibe> collapsed like a paper doll that was just cut out.

Seo Gahyeon grabbed Zio’s hem from behind. The trembling passed through it.

……Well. okay.

Since she created a secondary identity for this day anyways, she would give out a generous service.

The swordsman master swiped her nose and walked away.

[The characteristic, ‘Sword of Heart’ has been activated.]


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[Real-time Ur-level dungeon master appeared and is slaughtering]

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yujiz20: ??

tacco_kor: What

samrams: What angle is that ㅋㅋ Is it a hidden camera?

yereobun: ? Wait what is that

no_no_no: ?? Can you see the guy that is flying right now??

swordmaster: Is that a sword?

baekie: No, but they don’t have a sword?

tacco_kor: Huh

momstouch: Huh??

zioonlyzio: ㄷㄷㄷ;;

zolreo: Wow, that’s scary

pandok: That damage is crazy. Is it real?

salrezio: What did I just see

akrkatu: This seems to be from Jong-ro. It’s in real time, guys.

jeonmunga: Are you shooting a live-action movie? Isn’t that some cartoon technique?

therss: I can’t see their face because of the poor quality ㅜㅜ

murimrer: Who the hell is that

gosuu: Yeah, who is it really

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