“Soldier, report the situation, how far are we from the goal?”

On the highway, more than thirty soldiers were trotting forward, and in the distance behind there were motorcycles that fell to the ground, and the leading captain of them asked with a serious face.

“According to the detection of our “space eye”, the target is in front of us to the left, five kilometers away. ”

There was a soldier next to him, looking at the laptop in his hand while reporting.

The “Space Eye” is an artificial satellite exclusive to the military, and it is obvious that the positions of Tang Feng and Lisa have been locked by the “Space Eye” above at any time.

“Good, keep moving at this pace.”

“Remember, the target is dangerous, and our ambush has been detected, the soldiers in camouflage are dead, tell the soldiers to be careful.”

“Carry my word on.”

The captain pondered and said with a cold expression.

“Yes, sir.”

The soldier did as ordered.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers who were approaching in the direction of Tang Feng everywhere received warnings from the captain at the same time.

“In addition to being careful with the energy that will glow red, his means of causing car accidents are useless, then, this operation should be fine.”

The captain thought about it in his heart, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile viciously.

The two prey have fallen into his carefully woven net, waiting for him to “hunt”.

At this moment, there was a roar in the distant direction, and then the sound became louder and louder, and an airplane appeared high above it.

The captain listened to the harsh voice, looked back, and saw that it was an ordinary civil aircraft, and it was not an accidental force to intervene, so he let go of his heart.

However, he had a doubt, he had considered all kinds of accidents before acting, if he was not mistaken, it seemed that no plane route would pass here.

Thinking like this, the captain had a bad premonition in his heart.

What happened next turned his bad premonition into a fact, and in his glance, he seemed to see a flash of fire on the plane.

Be…… Reading it wrong?

The captain involuntarily stopped running, his eyes widened with unease, and he looked at the plane in the sky.

“Sir, what’s wrong?”

The accompanying soldiers also stopped, and a soldier beside him asked suspiciously.

“Yes, there are attacks, find cover, no, run.”

The captain saw that the fire of the plane was getting bigger and bigger, and it began to show signs of falling, which frightened him and shouted back with a twisted face.

Looking around, on the empty road, there was no place to escape at all, so he could only change his words, and he should run desperately into the distance first.

What goal, he can no longer care about.

“This, this, the plane is going to fall, run.”

After the captain’s reminder, the soldiers all noticed, panicked, and quickly ran away from the direction where the plane might fall.

In fact, although they are flustered, they will not be too afraid, after all, the place where the plane fell is not necessarily their location.

If so, they can only be considered unlucky.

As for the reason why the captain was so shocked, it was only for another reason.

“God, Colonel Stryker, your guess is right, he must have caused other disasters besides car accidents.”

“It’s crazy that he has a plane down over our heads right now.”

As the captain ran, he took the military phone and reported to Colonel Stryker.

“Sure enough, I guessed correctly, I know that the abilities of every mutant are not so simple, and for the sake of prudence, I did not send gunships or warplanes.”

“I will now order that the planes within the “New City” area are forbidden to take off, approach, and if you have escaped this aircraft attack, there will be no more.” ”

Colonel Stryker’s gloomy voice came from the military telephone.

He couldn’t be more familiar with mutant abilities.


The captain was relieved, a plane fell from above, and the shadow of death was shrouded, this kind of thing was enough once, and again, I was really afraid that the liver would not be able to stand it.

“Next, you have to be more careful, although the target is only high school students, but you can imagine how crazy it is to do this kind of thing.”

“You’re going to think of him as a Brotherhood mutant.”

Colonel Stryker said solemnly in warning.

“Yes, I see.”

The captain nodded affirmatively and did not hesitate.

There were two or three hundred people on the plane, and the target could be so ruthless, you can imagine how crazy it was, so he raised the spirit of 120,000 points and treated Tang Feng.


An explosion came from above, and the flames shone in all directions.

From all directions, the soldiers who gathered towards Tang Feng and ran away from the plane fall route in panic all looked up in shock.

I saw that with the explosion, the plane fell apart, and then the wreckage seemed to be able to automatically lock the target, and each piece of wreckage was accurately aimed at the soldiers below, falling and crashing.

“Ah! Help me! ”

“God forbid! Don’t chase me! ”

“Run, run!”

“Stupid, what are you doing lying down? It fell down this way. ”

Dodging, dodging, lying down, it was useless, there was no cover, the soldiers only ran desperately, trying to run through the “chase” from the Grim Reaper.

“Colonel Stryker, please bless me with staying alive this time.”

The captain looked above sluggishly, and there was a wreckage wing coming straight over, smiled miserably, took out a family photo, took a deep gaze, and then ran desperately.

Everyone was running for their lives, only Tang Feng took Lisa to sit on the side of the road, asking her to close her eyes and turn her back in advance, but he looked up to admire the “fireworks” above.

“Fireworks, it’s so beautiful!”

Tang Feng said to himself in a complicated tone, grasping the hard ground with one hand, and his body trembled slightly without Lisa noticing.

ps: I’ll change two chapters in the early hours of the morning, and I’ll change it again during the day! By the way, you said whether you want to build a Jun-sheep number.

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