Through exploring the field, knowing that the ground trap successfully trapped Kuaiyin in the center, Tang Feng’s heart was finally relieved, and he was about to stand up, who expected that his brain was faint, and one did not stand firmly, and sat back on the ground.

Void, so empty, he now feels that his body has been completely hollowed out, and he can’t use it with strength, and he can’t lift it up.

“Are you all right?”

Jean asked worriedly.

Tang Feng’s pale face now was indeed worrying, and although the shaking stopped, she knew that something must have happened, which made her even more worried.

I am afraid that Tang Feng’s madness will cause heavy casualties, and it will be difficult to deal with it afterwards.

“What the hell did you just do?”

Scott was equally worried and asked in a deep voice.

“This kind of power is terrible.”

Orolo still hasn’t come to her senses, her face remains shocked, she is a storm woman, she has the ability to control celestial phenomena, but compared with the earthquake caused by Tang Feng, it is really a small witch, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

“Want to know? Just follow me. ”

Tang Feng gritted his teeth, shook his body, barely stood up, and walked in the direction of Kuaiyin.

The three people behind him glanced at each other and followed with a worried look.

“The power of the ten natural disasters…”

Tang Feng pondered as he walked, and after using it this time, he really found that with his current ability, he was not qualified to use the Ten Great Heavenly Tribulations.

Even if he barely borrowed a trace of strength, he was still too consumed and almost squeezed dry.

Having said that, at a critical moment, when you want to use it, you can still borrow the power of a natural disaster.

Tang Feng’s fist was weak to hold, there was a sentence that was not said, and I got used to using it.

The body is weak, what is it to be squeezed dry.

So, he summed up his current capabilities.

Close combat uses disaster power, which is a normal means of combat, blocking enemies, harassing, and attacking a wide range, using disasters, from car accidents, man-made disasters, to tsunamis, typhoons, etc.

Finally, it is a desperate means, the ultimate big move, that is, to borrow the power of natural disasters.

“The power level of natural disasters is really not comparable to disasters.”

“Even if the earthquake is terrible, it is not as good as the direct sinking of land.”

After walking for more than ten minutes, in this process, the calamity power circulated in the body, gradually causing Tang Feng to recover his physical strength, and his mind also improved, making his pace keep speeding up.

Finally, we came to the range where subsidence occurred.

Tang Feng stood on the edge of the depression, looked around from afar, saw with his own eyes the appearance of the subsidence in the circle, and also noticed the “black spot” in the center of the circle, in a dilemma, with no way to run.

“This is … Just kidding?! ”

The three of them followed Tang Feng here, and they were all unbelievable when they saw the terrifying scene in front of them.

For Tang Feng’s power, he has a deep understanding.

Orolo swallowed her saliva and carefully looked down at the dark depths of the sunken ground, only feeling that it was a dark abyss, as if it went straight to the center of the earth, making her heart palpitate.

“Storm Girl, please, take me to fly over.”

Tang Feng tilted his head to Aurolo.

“Leave it to me.”

Orolo looked at him deeply, took a deep breath, barely recovered his mood, and nodded in agreement.

She also didn’t care that Tang Feng could call her nickname, Xavier Academy is an academy for mutants, everyone knows, as a righteous X-Men, often go out to deal with mutants, or have some popularity.

The fierce wind, under the control of Orolo, led the four people to fly through the subsidence and came to the opposite side.

As soon as it landed, a silver light flashed, which could not be seen by ordinary people’s eyes, and Tang Feng only noticed it with the field of exploration.

Hearing three muffled sounds, he did not panic, but there was a violent calamity wrapped around his body.

In the face of the dark red calamity, Quicksilver thought of the fate of those military soldiers, he was shocked in his heart, immediately stopped, turned under his feet, and narrowly avoided it.

He stopped in the distance, showed his figure, hugged Lisa, his face was cold sweat, and he was afraid.

“Quicksilver, give Lisa to me.”

Tang Feng grabbed it with one hand, and a dark red calamity appeared on it, like the flames of hell.

“Hey, you have to believe me, I really didn’t want to hurt this little girl, I just wanted to invite her to the brotherhood.”

“However, it seems that God did not allow me to do this, and suddenly there was an earthquake and another subsidence, and it directly trapped me here, which is really unlucky.”

“You said yes?”

Quicksilver looked at Calamity with trepidation, smiled dryly, and pretended to talk lightly.

“Yes, it’s a coincidence, then do you want to come to a meteorite?”

“I can satisfy you to see if you run fast or a meteorite falls fast.”

Tang Feng gritted his teeth fiercely and said threateningly.

“Oh my God, no, you did all this?”

Kuaiyin is not stupid, and quickly reacted, with a dull face.

“Quicksilver, it turned out to be you.”

“What are you doing with Lisa? Did Magneto tell you to do it. ”

“Damn Quicksilver, you dare to attack us?”

The three of Scott finally stood up in pain, and as soon as they landed, they were attacked by Quicksilver, and Tang Feng did not remind him, and he couldn’t react at all.

“No, no, you guys said something wrong, just say hello, it’s not an attack.”

Quicksilver took out a sharp knife and said with a defiant look.

“You can try.”

Jean’s face was very ugly, her long red hair dancing without wind, ready to activate her mind and control Quicksilver.


Tang Feng’s impatient look interrupted the communication between the X-Men and the Brotherhood on a daily basis, and he looked at Quicksilver fiercely and threatened: “Now, immediately, immediately, hand Lisa over to me.” ”

“Otherwise, I will sink you directly into the center of the earth.”

In order to prove that he was not lying, he stomped his foot sharply and shook a few times.

ps: The website is still a little undone, the update is a little late, but don’t worry, just wait for it.

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