“Villains, they are all a bunch of big badass, how can you say that brother.”

“My brother is not a bad person.”

In a hotel in a city named “Art Basket”, Lingerqi’s little face turned red, holding his small fists, refuting the words on TV.

It has been three days since I left “Luoshan City”.

Tang Feng and Ling’er also knew that after leaving, the news that was broadcast, after three days, the denunciation of Tang Feng not only did not abate, but under the control of some well-intentioned people, it became more and more intense.

All kinds of upper-level people spoke out one after another, supporting the proposal to control Tang Feng and limit his ability to calamity.

As upper-class people, money, beauty, status, there is no shortage of everything, and they are afraid that Tang Feng will suddenly come to an unexpected disaster and take their lives.

Compared with the fear and fear of ordinary people, these upper class people are more afraid.

With the support of the upper echelons, as the military who captured Tang Feng, it suddenly received a lot of open support, and the action became more convenient.

“Oh God, everyone knows, beautiful women like me, one day I was afraid to rob his girlfriend, and then…”

On TV, a playboy with a beard faced the interview camera, teased a little, and shrugged away.

Even with Tony Stark’s social status, he was afraid of Tang Feng’s ability and did not dare to unscrupulously open his mouth to provoke like his usual style.

Moreover, he and Tang Feng had no enmity, so there was no need to risk his life to provoke Tang Feng.

Even so, in the face of denouncing Tang Feng’s remarks and arrests, he silently supported the weapons, sold weapons to the military, gave an eight-fold discount, and collected tens of millions of dollars less.

“Ling’er, there’s no need to be angry, they can’t hurt me a single hair no matter what they say, I don’t care.”

Tang Feng withdrew his gaze from the TV, slowly shook his head, and laughed at himself: “Indeed, they are not wrong, I am not a good person in the first place.” ”

“Good people, they don’t kill so many people, and they affect so many innocent lives.”

Saying that, Tang Feng turned off the TV, and said that he didn’t care, but in fact, he didn’t feel good in his heart. Just because of the ability to disaster, the whole world came to denounce him, calling for him to be caught and controlled, and no one cared what the reason was.

Tang Feng seemed to feel the loneliness of being an enemy of the whole world.


Ling’er grabbed Tang Feng’s hand and opened her mouth with concern, she could feel that Tang Feng’s mood was a little wrong, she was ignorant and clumsy, and she was not very clear.

“Okay, brother is fine.”

Tang Feng saw that because of himself, Ling’er was worried, converged his chaotic emotions, smiled toothyly, and said.

Oh, yes! Even if you are an enemy of the whole world, as long as there is Ling’er around and Lisa’s support, it is enough.

Thinking about it, his mood really relaxed.

“Is it true? The red demon who can manipulate disasters lives here? ”

“Absolutely, although he made a disguise, his appearance has not changed, I will not be mistaken, and the woman.”

“That’s the red devil, are we really going?”

“Yes, if he kills…”

“Don’t be afraid, we have so many people here, he won’t dare to make a move.”

“Everyone, please come with me and protest to him.”

Outside the hotel, there was a burst of sounds, Tang Feng listened for a while, looked out the door, and his face was strange.

Is the foreigner IQ show funny? Or are they used to marching and protesting, how naïve are they, thinking that if there are more people, they are not afraid of my shot?

“A bunch of idiots, we’ve been exposed, pack your bags, let’s go.”

Tang Feng quickly asked Ling’er to pack up her luggage together, and as soon as she opened the door, she was faced with a group of angry-looking people, shoulder to shoulder, holding up protest panels, crowding in the aisle.

“We are going to protest to you…………”

The chaotic sounds of protest came to Tang Feng in unison.

“Get out of the way.”

Tang Feng squinted, his face was cold, and he grasped it impatiently, and the dark red calamity power emerged, and he said directly.

Jing, the scene immediately became dead silent, all the words swallowed into the stomach, everyone looked at the calamity in Tang Feng’s hand with a panicked face, and their steps couldn’t help but retreat.

Having seen the news broadcast of Tang Feng, everyone present knows how terrifying that dark red calamity is, as long as it is gently contacted with people, it will immediately turn into powder, and there will be no corpse.


Afraid, all afraid, they did not dare not let it, they all desperately avoided Tang Feng, and forced to form a small path that could allow Tang Feng to pass in a not wide aisle.

Tang Feng was expressionless, pulled Ling’er over, and turned a blind eye to the person in front of him.

It was quiet, dead silent, and under everyone’s gaze, he walked out of the hotel.

Outside the hotel, there were more people waiting for Tang Feng, both streets were full of people, the streets were full of cars, and many people stood on the roof of the cars to look over.

Protest panels, given to some people held high.

Put the Red Devil in a cell!

The red devil shouldn’t exist!

Go to hell! Return the lives of my loved ones!

The car accident caused my loved ones to die!

Get out of our country!

Tang Feng withdrew his gaze from those protest panels with a calm face, took Ling’er’s hand, and walked towards the crowd.

Because there is no way to go.

“Red Devil, get out of my country.”

“You, an inhuman mutant, should stay in prison for the rest of your life.”

“Return the life of my relatives, Red Devil!”

“Go and die!”

“Mutants of, how not to die.”

It may be that he feels that there are more people, and the people outside are more daring and keep cursing Tang Feng.

The crowd in front of Tang Feng, although afraid, felt that the people around him inexplicably had the support of invisible forces, insisted on not retreating, and did not let go.

He looked directly at the man in front of him, and the man was also very vocal, strong to hide his weakness, fear, and glared back at Tang Feng, in front of everyone, proving how brave and manly he was.

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