Flickering was disappointed, but the saber-toothed tiger still did not recover his memory, completely ignoring her.

“Hahaha, come, come and sit, the wine and dishes I let people carefully prepare will definitely satisfy you.”

Next, Eric of Magneto enthusiastically led Tang Feng and the others to the restaurant and beckoned them to sit down.

“Oriental Cuisine ?!!”

Tang Feng saw the Chinese food on the wide table, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise.

“That’s right, I heard that you have oriental ancestry, so I know that you will like to eat oriental food.”

Magneto Eric smiled, opened a bottle of treasured wine, and personally helped Tang Feng fill it.

“Oh, you’re too polite, I’ll do it myself.”

Tang Feng politely held the wine glass steadily, and sniffed it gently, even if he didn’t drink, he could smell it………… It’s weird.


Try a little sip, there is a spicy, strong smell of alcohol straight to the heart and lungs, making Tang Feng cough out loud, and keep eating vegetables before calming down.

“Hahaha, I forgot, according to the age law, you have not graduated from high school, you are not an adult, you can’t drink.”

Magneto Eric was stunned when he saw Tang Feng’s choking appearance, and then said with a hearty laugh.

“No, I have half Oriental blood, and according to the Oriental age algorithm, I am already an adult.”

Tang Feng rolled his eyes fiercely, retorted, and in order to show that he was a man, he forcibly endured the discomfort and poured a sip of wine.

The wine entered the stomach, the face immediately red, wait for a while, the alcohol rushed to the brain, the brain was a little faint.

Well, what kind of wine is this, the degree is too high!

It was definitely not that he poured one glass, but that the degree of wine was too high.

In order not to lose face, Tang Feng could only cheat, loosen his control over the disaster force, let the disaster force digest the wine, and the drunkenness was gone all of a sudden, and only the face remained rosy.

For a while, he felt bored.

By cheating with disaster power, he can’t enjoy the food.

Clipped a piece of roasted goose meat, put it in my mouth and ate it, before I had time to taste it, the disaster power rolled up, and immediately there was no residual fragrance.

“Hey, nice drink, another drink.”

Magneto Eric didn’t know Tang Feng’s mental activities, but he just felt that Tang Feng, who had never drunk, could hold up without getting drunk after drinking a glass, it was really a good amount of alcohol, he saw the hunter and made up his mind to get drunk Tang Feng.

This is a bad taste from an old man.

High above, he decided the life and death of others in a word, struggled for ideals, and paid too much, so that Eric of Magneto lived like an emperor, and there were few confidant friends, even the witch, who gradually distanced himself from him.

Only Tang Feng, who was also a fourth-level mutant, could make him put down the shelf he looked down on.

“Hmph, come on, I’ll drink well.”

Not to be outdone, Tang Feng proudly drained the glass of wine in one sip.

Magneto Eric couldn’t help but shout: Good.

“Good drink, I respect you.”

Red Tank appreciated Tang Feng’s amount of wine, raised his glass, and dried first.

“You, very strong.”

The saber-toothed tiger cherished the words like gold, raised his glass, saluted from afar, and raised his head to dry.

Tang Feng accepted all the challenges, poured a full cup, and saluted back.

“Brother, is this wine delicious? What a bad look. ”

Ling’er sniffed the wine, frowned uncomfortably, and asked curiously.

“It’s hard to drink, only we men drink it, you just drink this kind of wine.”

Tang Feng said, taking the cocktail prepared at the same time and letting Ling’er try it.

Ling’er tried a sip, her eyes lit up, the cocktail was not spicy, it was very suitable for her to drink.




Don Wind and Magneto Eric, Red Tank, Saber-toothed Tiger, non-stop toast, and Quicksilver also participated.

Under the leadership of the witch, Ling’er and Wanda, flashed, drank cocktails, and toasted.

Ling’er’s happy little face was rosy, and she thought it was too interesting to toast.

Then, Ling’er, Twinkle, Wanda, are all drunk, even if the cocktail is good, it is also a degree of wine, and the girls have already drunk a lot, and they are not used to drinking, it is strange not to be drunk.

Only the witch was not drunk, but she looked at Tang Feng with a surprised face.

Tang Feng maintained a graceful smile, raised his head and chest, his eyes were contemptuous, looking at the drunken Magneto Eric, Red Tank, Saber-toothed Tiger, all scum, Quicksilver is even more scum, and want to pour him down?


Using the disaster power to cheat, Tang Feng laughed to the end, took Ling’er and followed the witch to the arranged room, and rested for the time being.

Ling’er looks so cute when she is drunk!

Tang Feng looked at her fondly.

“Brother, brother, Ling’er wants, Ling’er wants to drink.”

Ling’er’s drunken nonsense.

“Good, good, brother will give it to you and feed you.”


“What’s going on? Do you want me to have a late-night snack? ”

The day passed, the night came, Ling’er finally sobered up from the drunken state, Tang Feng was whispering something to her, watching the TV series warmly.

Just living in the world of two, the witch came to knock on the door, and Tang Feng had to open the door and ask.

“Indeed, strenuous activity is to eat a late-night snack to fill your stomach.”

“Let’s go, it’s Eric who wants to see you, if you need it for a night snack, I’ll go and ask someone to prepare.”

The witch noticed the spirit inside and said ridiculously.

“Let’s go.”

“You will also prepare for the night snack, and let people bring Ling’er to eat first.”

“Ling’er, you just stay here, you don’t have to follow.”

Tang Feng shrugged, his face thickened, he no longer cared about the ridicule words, and turned to Ling’er.

“Then, okay, Ling’er waits for her brother to come back, hurry up.”

Although Ling’er was reluctant, she was no longer worried that Tang Feng would leave her behind, and said.

Tang Feng nodded with a smile, snorted softly, and then closed the door and followed the witch to leave.

The wine is finished, the food is finished, and then it’s time to get down to business.

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