Tang Feng personally went out, and there was a detection field to lock the vampire, but there was no accident, and the three vampires were caught.

It is that the process is slightly troublesome, and the vampires are very strong, as long as it is not the heart, the head is pierced and destroyed. The rest of the body can recover quickly even if it is severely injured, at most sucking more blood afterwards to replenish the weak body.

Therefore, the three vampires resisted stubbornly, even if they were not Tang Feng’s opponents, with the resilience of their bodies. There was no way, he could only focus on their limbs and destroy them with disaster power.

Without limbs, even with the resilience of a vampire and without a large amount of blood replenishment, it is impossible to recover in a short time.

“Who sent you here, and is the target Lisa?” That is what you call the Holy Virgin. ”

In a dark corner, where the sun can’t shine, Tang Feng leaned over slightly, lowered his head, looked at the “three insects” lying on the ground in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, it’s our leader, Deacon Firth.”

“Yes, that’s right, it’s the rumored saint, that little girl, Lisa.”

“We are just listening to the order to monitor here, don’t want to do anything to her, spare your life, please let us go.”

Without limbs, the three vampires even spoke, looking at Tang Feng, they had to try to raise their heads, there was no resistance, they were reduced to fish meat, and it was up to Tang Feng to kill or not.

They panicked and were afraid, and without Tang Feng’s severe torture to force a confession, they said everything at once that should and should not be said.

After asking, Tang Feng probably understood the situation of the vampire family.

Although the vampire clan is scattered all over the world, there are still leaders who everyone agrees on, as well as the elders. In the past, what the vampire clan wanted to do was decided by the leader and the elders, and then all vampires were ordered.

As long as it is not too embarrassing, the order to find death, ordinary vampires will not resist.

The current vampire leader is Diacon Firth, and there are five members of the Elders, all of whom are very old, have lived for a long time, and have a high prestige.

According to the three vampires, the leader and the elders are usually at odds with each other, which is something that all vampires know. In the long history, except for only a few generations of leaders, with their personal charm, they subdued the elders. Most of the rest of the leaders were at odds with the Elders.

All because of power.

Deacon Firth has also been in conflict and dispute with the elders, but in Lisa’s matter, there is a rare agreement, and the decision to work together to capture Lisa.

Three vampires, two belonging to Diacon Firth’s men, and one belonging to the Presbyterian Order.

Tang Feng’s heart sank, things are indeed very troublesome, Lisa can make the vampire leader and the elder group willing to give up the fight for power and profit, cooperate in the capture of Lisa, from this can be seen that they want Lisa a lot.

“You should have a contact number for Deacon Firth, right?”

Tang Feng squinted and asked.

The three vampires nodded quickly, their faces touched the ground, and they didn’t care if they were stained with dust.

Tang Feng found his phone number on one of the vampires, and under his prompt, he quickly found the contact phone number, and the key was connected.

As soon as I got on the phone, I got through immediately.

“Hey, is it Anthony? What’s up? Is there something wrong with that holy girl? ”

Tang Feng heard the male voice coming from the phone, took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice: “You are Dican Firth, right?” I am Tang Feng, believe you know who I am. ”

With the power of the vampire clan, Tang Feng did not believe that he was a fourth-level mutant, and Diacon Firth had not heard of it. Not only that, I believe that even Lisa is his sister and knows it, but still ignores his deterrent power and attacks Lisa.

“Hahaha, Red Demon Tang Feng, the daimyo has been admired for a long time, you called me, is there something wrong?”

“Don’t pretend to be confused, you know that Lisa is my sister and want to attack her, are you vampires looking for death?”

Tang Feng was furious, and said bluntly and threateningly.

“If it’s an ordinary thing, you fourth-level mutant, we vampires will give some face and don’t want to provoke you. However, your sister’s holy light ability is the hope of our vampire family to overcome the sun, so we will not give up no matter what. ”

“I have a proposal, so as not to hurt everyone and be angry, you send the holy girl over, we vampires can promise that we will only study her power and will not harm her life.”

“What do you say?”

Deacon Firth offers a solution to peaceful coexistence, and with his ruthless thinking, it really is the best of both worlds.

“No kidding!”

“Lisa is my lovely sister, how could I give it to you personally and study her? Don’t even think about it. ”

“In a word, do you choose to give up, or continue to insist on catching Lisa?”

Tang Feng roared angrily.

After a moment of silence, a voice finally came out of the phone.

“We vampires can’t give up, even if you’re a level four mutant, you can’t make us back down, this is our hope to enjoy the sun, even if it’s against you.”

Very resolute tone.


“I can’t let you take Lisa, then, go to war!”

Tang Feng recovered his calm, said coldly, shook his hand hard, the power of disaster to transform the body, and suddenly held the mobile phone rotten, and the disaster force rolled up, turning the tattered mobile phone into powder.

Then, ignoring the three vampires’ pleas for mercy, the calamity swept towards their bodies, turning them to ashes.

Tang Feng left here, his indifferent face and murderous eyes, and after stepping into Xavier Academy, he regained his gentle smile.

No matter what happened, he didn’t want Lisa to worry, even if the sky fell, he would carry it.

ps: Due to the timing problem, a chapter will be uploaded at seven o’clock tonight, let the responsible editor do it well, and then update the chapter on the shelf in the early morning.

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