The amazing changes that appeared on the scene were only caused by a slight leak of power, and it was not a complete use of natural disaster power.

“Stop, what do you want to do?”

The blood god roared in panic, and he could feel an invisible gravitational force around him, gradually increasing, pulling his body.

Dangerous, dangerous, life is seriously threatened.

As Tang Feng made a big move, the blood god’s intuition and premonition kept reminding him. For his intuition, he is convinced of it, and with it for so many years, he does not know how many times he has avoided life and death crises and picked up a small life.

Moreover, in any case, it is impossible to make the enemy calmly magnify the move.

The Blood God made a decision in a flash, burst out blood energy, accelerated forward, and rushed towards Tang Feng, trying to kill him first.

“It’s late.”

Tang Feng meditated in his heart, frowned, and strengthened the power of the natural disaster.

An invisible ripple appeared, and the surrounding gravity suddenly strengthened, whether it was rubble, light objects, or heavy things, collapsed walls, fallen doors, all violated the laws of physics and flew up.

The same is true of the blood god, a strong gravitational pull pulls at him, causing his feet off the ground, and he is struggling to flap his wings to barely stabilize his body and resist gravity.

It’s just that in this way, he can no longer attack.

“What kind of power is this?”

The blood god shouted in horror, he could feel that the invisible and powerful gravitational force had spread all around him, shrouding him, and no matter how he struggled, it was like a mosquito falling into a spider’s web, and he could only wait for death.

“This is the power of natural disasters, the center of the earth shifts!”

Tang Feng stretched out his hands forward, holding it virtually, as if controlling the invisible gravity, controlling the blood god, and said slowly.

“Catastrophe? Is it to summon meteorites and attract the power of solar storms? So the geocentric shift? And what is the power? Why can gravity be manipulated? ”

The blood god was still puzzled, roaring and asking, while struggling desperately, resisting gravity, and under the desperate burst of blood energy, he was about to fall back to the ground little by little.

He was overjoyed in his heart and saw the hope of breaking free and saving his life.

Tang Feng turned a blind eye and continued to explain.

“That’s right, the geocentric polar shift is the same as summoning meteorites and solar storms, and it is the power of one of the ten natural disasters that I can use.”

The blood god’s face was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and his fangs were exposed, oh my God! Did you hear you wrong? Are there ten types of natural disasters?

He didn’t know, except for Ling’er’s only few daughters, the rest of the people didn’t know, and they didn’t expect that there were ten kinds of natural disasters that Tang Feng could use, which was a secret that had not been leaked out for the time being.

In other words, Tang Feng had ten choices for how he wanted to perish the world. It feels like it’s casual, picking and choosing on the cards, and if you want to die, you just pick a random card.

The blood god is going to be scared to pee, he is very sad and angry, and he wants to yell, you have never said it, and there are natural disasters that have not been used.

He thought that summoning meteorites, great sun storms, and various disasters that he had used before should be all the abilities that Tang Feng could use.

Before the war, various aspects were also considered.

Summon meteorites? Don’t be afraid, as long as he entangles Tang Feng, he doesn’t believe that he dares to summon meteorites, unless he wants to die together.

The solar storm is not afraid, he is no longer afraid of the weakness of the sun, and he has an immortal body. Really summoned by Tang Feng, or entangled, together to bear the power of natural disasters, see who can’t hold it first, who dies first.

As for the rest of the disasters, also taken into account, there are ways.

All aspects of the battle have been considered, and there are no accidents, such as always pressing Tang Feng to fight, and it seems that he is about to win.

However, Tang Feng used another natural disaster power, which was still very suitable for dealing with his power.

“You just asked me, is the geocentric shift a power? Thanks to you living for so many years, you have no knowledge and culture at all, haven’t you heard of gravity? ”

Tang Feng glanced at the Blood God with disdain and explained: “The geocentric polarity shift represents the power of the center of the earth, that is, the four basic forces of the universe, the power of gravity. ”

“The center of the earth is the core of the planet, which will have a strong gravitational pull, which will pull all the matter over, and after a long period of change, it will gradually form a planet.”

“The size of the planet depends on how strong the gravity of the center of the earth is, the strong center of the earth can form Jupiter, or a larger planet, the sun also has the center of the earth, which should be said to be a star.”

“Forget it, you just think it’s a planet, and you uncultured vampire can’t explain it clearly.”

Tang Feng waved his hand and said with a look of disgust.

The blood spirit qi erupted directly from his nostrils, and if he couldn’t break free from gravity, he really wanted to tear his mouth apart with his claws.

However, listening to Tang Feng’s explanation, his heart sank, and he had a very bad premonition, maybe there was no hope of escape.

Sure enough, Tang Feng then issued him a declaration of death.

“Hearing this, even with your stupid brain, you should know what power I use now, right?”

“That’s right, what I’m using now is the gravity of the earth, that is, the gravity of this planet is controlled by me.”

“As long as I want, I can make the gravity of the entire planet increase many times, or reduce it to less than the moon, or I can completely cancel the gravity of the planet, converge the gravity of the earth’s center, and let all the matter attached to the center of the earth leave.”

“There will be no land, sea, atmosphere, and all the rest of life, which will no longer exist, and will float into the universe.”

“A planet will disappear, leaving only a center of the earth. After a long time, a planet may form again. ”

After Tang Feng sighed, even he, as a user, was terrified by the power of the natural disaster.

The power of natural disasters is infinite, if you use your imagination, you can also treat the entire universe as a planet, manipulate the gravity of the entire universe, and completely extinct everything.

Thinking far away, he is not capable of doing it for the time being.

“Well, manipulating the gravity of the entire planet and making the planet collapse, I can’t do this kind of thing yet.”

“However, it is still possible to borrow only a part of the gravity and kill you.”

“Blood God, Diacon Firth, can you resist the gravitational pull from the planet?”

Tang Feng’s grasped hands slowly, slowly clenched, borrowed more of the gravity of the heart, and led to the Blood God.

Take the planet under your feet as a standard analysis.

Level four is very strong, but it is not enough to fight against the power of a planet, even if it is level five, it takes a period of preparation, plus the strength is biased towards destruction, the characteristics of destruction, in order to destroy a planet.

It is the complete destruction, not the destruction of the appearance of the planet.

In the reversal of the future, the young Magneto Eric accepted the power of the apocalypse, making his own power close to level five, and even so, it would take a while to prepare for a period of time to destroy the environment of the entire planet and destroy human civilization.

This is still the case that the planet silently bears and will not resist.

The gravitational pull that a planet possesses is very strong, and it really bursts out, which is definitely the top level of level five.

Level three to level four, level four to level five, the difference between one level is the difference between heaven and earth.

In the movie, Jean just lost control, the power ran away, and he simply killed Professor Charles neatly.

Similarly, borrowing the gravity of the planet, Tang Feng can also easily kill the blood god.

“I lost!”

“Defeated heart!”

Feeling the gravitational pull shrouded in his body, the blood god became so strong that he couldn’t resist, smiled miserably, saw the time of death, and gave up the struggle with a dead heart.

“All the way!”

Tang Feng was not in the mood to be quick to talk when he saw the blood god’s death, and he was also quite impressed with him, the first enemy who hurt him and made him fall into a bitter battle, and only by borrowing the power of natural disasters could he defeat the enemy.

“Earthburst Sky Star!”

Tang Feng shouted, and his hands were completely clenched.

Although it is very shameless to steal the name “Earth Explosion Sky Star”, it is also a coincidence, the principle of this big move is similar to that of Earth Explosion Sky Star.

The difference is that the real Earthburst Star first condenses a black ball with a strong attraction, like a black hole, and sucks everything around it together.

And his earth-bursting star, without the role of the black ball, can directly pull the planet, the ubiquitous strong gravity, shrouded in the blood god, with the blood god as the center, as the black ball function.

At the same time, it will also cause great squeezing to the Blood God.

PS: This is the explanation of the geocentric polar shift in this book, and the final interpretation right is in the author, and the scientific party should not be more true. _

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