“If you don’t bring us, at least bring the Black Queen, you must know that the enemy you face next, but the ancestor of the vampire family, known to the world as Cain’s Dracula.”

The White Queen frowned slightly and persuaded.

“It is precisely because it is Dracula that I have to go alone, although the Black Queen has a fourth-level strength, I am not underestimating you.”

Tang Feng looked at Hei Hou and explained, “However, this time the natural disaster power I use will be very strong, even if Dracula has the power of a fifth-level mutant, I can endanger his life.” ”

“If you are around, the power of natural disasters will also affect you.”

With Tang Feng’s explanation, the Black Queen and the others did not force it, they all knew how terrifying the power of the natural disaster was. Hearing that this time Tang Feng would use a stronger natural disaster power, Hei Hou retreated, resisting the natural disaster that could threaten the fifth-level mutant, she had no confidence at all.

“Brother, are you sure of killing Dracula?”

Seeing Tang Feng so solemn, Ling’er asked with concern.

“Whether I can successfully kill him, I haven’t tried, and I’m not very sure.”

“If you really can’t win, I believe it will also give Dracula a heavy blow, so that he can’t do evil for the time being, and can only heal.”

“Don’t worry, it’s really to the point of defeat, there is a flickering teleportation, I can also retreat safely.”

Tang Feng comforted Ling’er and said.

Without further ado, it was decided, and Tang Feng set off with Flickering!


With flickering teleportation speed, he crossed the eastern and western hemispheres in an hour, to the wilderness site where Count Danica Taros gathered a thousand vampires, and where Dracula might sleep.

This wilderness is wide, wide, and desolate, and uninhabited for thousands of miles. Since it was daytime, the vampires temporarily found a dark place where the sun could not shine, rested for the time being, and began to act again in the evening.

“Okay, you just leave far away, and if I need you, I’ll let you know again.”

Tang Feng and Flicker appeared on a hillside, looking at the endless wilderness, he waved his hand and told Flicker to leave.

“I’ll stay, don’t worry, I’ll stay on the side and watch the battle, and I won’t interfere with your battle.” You don’t have to worry about me, if something goes wrong, I’ll use teleportation to leave first. ”

Flicker shook his head, disobedient and wanted to stay. Although there is teleportation, you can come quickly after receiving Tang Feng’s notice, but after all, there is a delay, and you will not arrive at the first time.

When Tang Feng informed her to come and evacuate, it must be a very urgent time, delay a little, maybe not wait for her to arrive, let Dracula kill first.

Even if it was a little possibility, Flicker didn’t want to gamble, pursed his mouth tightly, and rarely violated Tang Feng’s words.


“Even if you teleport, with Dracula on the side, there will be danger at any time.”

“Well, obedient, I’ll be fine, you get out of here first.”

Tang Feng refused very seriously, like treating Ling’er, put one hand on the flickering head, and coaxed her with a gentle tone.

There is a point that Tang Feng did not make clear, although I have not seen the movie about Gula, I have also heard that Dracula will also teleport.

Therefore, with the same ability to teleport, Dracula must be more proficient and play more slippery than Flash. Dracula really wants to attack the flash, there is a good chance of success, and it is difficult for him to stop it.

Flicker was very reluctant, but Tang Feng’s decision could not be rejected by her, and in desperation, she had to leave obediently.

Tap lightly, separate.

“Promise me to be careful in everything and notify me immediately if there is any danger.”

The flicker unexpectedly appeared on Tang Feng’s face, leaving a separate “mouth don’t”, worried that after speaking, he held back and left with shame.

Tang Feng was stunned in place, touching his face with one hand, what a pity, what a good opportunity, the right time, the right place, people, all there, he can completely hug and flicker, ask for more.

However, even the saliva has a disaster erosion, he is not easy to start!

After thinking depressed, Tang Feng converged his thoughts, under the field of exploration, the hiding place of the vampire was obvious, and then looked carefully, and unexpectedly, he did not find the slightest trace of life that belonged to Dracula.

Even if he hadn’t seen Dracula, judging by his strength above level four, his life magnetic field was absolutely strong.

No, except for himself, there is a magnetic field in the distance that is the strongest, belonging to the third level, and it should be the countess of Danica Taros.

In addition, there are about a thousand life magnetic fields around her, including some walking beasts and birds in the wilderness, there is no other suspicious life magnetic field.

“Could it be that when Daogula is sleeping, he will also cover up the life magnetic field emanating from his body?”

Tang Feng touched his chin with one hand and guessed the reason.

It may be so, otherwise, if Dracula was so easy to find, he would have found it long ago during his deep sleep.

In this case, you can only wait patiently until the vampire finds the place where Dracula sleeps.

Tang Feng thought about it, looked around, and quickly chose a place that could block the sunlight and sat down. While waiting, I gathered disaster power in my hands, practiced control, and passed the time.

Practicing the control of disaster power, he is more serious than ever, and more assiduous, this is the only hope related to the future “surname” blessing, can he not be hard, serious?

When you do something seriously, time will pass quickly, and before you know it, the sun is setting in the west, the night is falling, the moon is quietly coming out, emitting a bright light, and the stars are one after another.

Tonight, it’s a good night, good weather.


Tang Feng retracted his calamity power, stretched out, and looked in the direction of the vampire.

I don’t know what secret method the vampire used, and soon on a small hillside, he confirmed the place where Dracula sleeps.

Under the leadership of Countess Danica Taros, the vampires were all excited and fanatical, and drew a magic array in place through the magic materials prepared.

Then, he poured the bag of blood that had been prepared long ago on the magic array. Then a thousand vampires, including Danica Taros, slit their wrists, let the blood drip down, gathered around the magic array, knelt on the ground, chanted magic words on their mouths, and performed the ritual of awakening Dracula.

Tang Feng approached cautiously, did not approach, while secretly seeing the red light flashing from the magic array, and also using the detection field, tightly locked the bottom of the magic array, always paying attention to the life magnetic field that Dracula would emit when he woke up from a deep sleep.

Ten minutes passed, still no movement, the vampires were not strange, still patiently chanting magic words, even if one after another vampires fell into shock due to excessive blood loss, they were still unmoved.

Tang Feng waited patiently.

It wasn’t until half an hour came that something finally changed. _

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