The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 987 does not die without death (Wan Qi Subscription)

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On the afternoon of June 25, Li Dong was exhausted from the airport.

A few days, I went to a few provinces to negotiate cooperation, and the test was not general.

In the middle of the road, the journey will not hate a lot of sleep.

Now Li Dong goes out, no longer a few people, especially when talking about it.

With a lot of executives and staff, there are still many executives and staff, and everyone is tired.

When I came out of the airport, Chen He Ming, President of Huazhong District, joked: "Chairman, always go back to return to the floor, is not an emotion, do you want to buy a private plane for the next time?"

"No money."

"Cough ..."

Many people can't help but come up, their own bosses are really direct enough.

Of course, more people think about it.

Are the richest, what happened to the private plane.

Run back in the country, Li Dong, if there is a private plane, they can enjoy it, the province is tired of the dog every day.

Li Dong saw a smile: "Don't look at me, I said serious, really no money.

Chen He Ming smiled, and he didn't say it.

When I went to the car, Li Dong gave other people: "Go back to take a day, then organize the gains of these days.

In the Chinese area, there are three large pieces, provinces, E-provincial, and south.

Now we have obtained the dominant position in the East China region, all the supermarkets and logistics business are launched, and it is a well-deserved hegemony.

South China has just developed, North China is a little far away, and only in China is closest to East China, penetrates.

The next goal of the group is to get the dominance in the Chinese area, this requires you to work hard and struggle.

I can provide much, this time and the Eucha, Xiangnan reached a rough direction, it is already the limit I did, and next relying on yourself.

Chen He Ming quickly busy: "Chairman is relieved, we will never live up to your expectations!"

"I believe that you can do it, everyone is tired in these days, go back early.

Li Dong said, all the people were separated.

...... car.

Bai Su and Tan Yong arrived, see Li Dong's car, Bai Su is busy: "Li, Tomorrow Jiang University graduation ceremony is 10 o'clock in the morning, you agreed before ..."

"I know, this time I came back in advance for this matter, or I was also prepared to go to the province.

Li Dong took the head and closed his eyes: "I am hurting now, tomorrow you say what I said?"

Bai Su laughed: "You said anything, anyway, everyone will be the Jinke Yuqi.

"The arrogance of the arrogant is not ying, yes, will you go tomorrow?"

"Well, I am also a good graduate of Jiang Da ..."

Bai Su said some bought: "I still speech at the graduation ceremony.

Li Dong's face is speechless, Jiang Da is really dry this time.

However, the words come back, Bai Su as the assistant of the chairman of the Yuanfang Group, also known as a good.

Her achievements have been excellent, or the students will be cadres, and become a graduate spokesperson.

Li Dong did not have this title this time, after all, his position is different, and then impose a student representative.

This time, the river, completely tied him as the most important guest.

Li Dong thought and asked again: "If the fat people are all fake?"


When I said this, Li Dong suddenly remembered a meaningful thing, smiled: "Bai Su, I don't seem to go back to school to participate in graduation design and defense, how did you live? Now Jiang Da's rules are released Have you been? Don't do your graduation thesis? "

Bai Su is a little bit: "Li, I am relieved, I haven't left the door.

My graduation thesis topic is the 'distant group expansion mode dialysis', the understanding of the distant group, our school, in addition to you, no one is clear.

I have checked a lot of one-handed information and spent a small half a year to get the papers.

At the time of the defense, I went to the school to pay for the school. The dean also had a few professors, and I was very satisfied with my papers.

After a while, my paper probably published in the relevant journal, I have been doing school.

Li Dong glanced at her, smiring: "Do not involve core commercial confidentiality.

"Will not.

Bai Su is busy: "This is certain, before publishing the paper, I will give Qi Qi's review.

Qi Qi sister in her mouth is Liu Qi, Bai Su is now in her management, it is a member of the director.

Li Dongtou said: "That is good, and also congratulate, more than I have a strong behind."

Bai Su laughed: "You don't count the back door, belong to the practice."

Li Dong is like laughing, saying: "The work of the horsel is getting rising, Bai Su, I haven't seen it, you have the future of the business community.


Bai Su is helpless, I said it is good.

Li Dong didn't hit her, I thought about it: "I don't have to come to work tomorrow, don't worry about me, why do you do it?

As for me, I will pass.

"Well, I know.

I talked a few more words, Li Dong put her down from Baissa's home.

It is already almost 7 o'clock now, or I will report these things with myself. Bai Su will get off work.

At the end of June, it was very long during the day.

Although it is 7 o'clock, the sky is not completely black.

When I returned to the Provincial Committee of the Court, the sky was gradually dark, and the Hua light was in the beginning, the garden filled with the laughter.

Li Dong took the car at the door of the court, and went to the house.

I just gone away, I suddenly shouted: "Li Dong!

Li Dong huddled his eyes, then smiled and went up and said: "Old senior, you have no dinner at night, not scientific!"

Wu Changguo is cold and face: "I have any food, you don't have a dinner.

The old man will actually speak cold jokes, Li Dong has a little fun.

As for the cold face of Wu Changguo, Li Dong didn't care.

The old senior is such a person, supervisoring the political and legal work of the province, and I have long practiced the problems that are cold faces.

Li Dongxiao huh: "Old senior, tomorrow, you can't go?"

"Don't go."

"Is the governor not going?"

"He is looking for you, I have doped, isn't you ready to let me send you?"

"I said the old school leader, you don't care, I have not sinned you recently?"

Li Dong has some helplessness. For Wu Changguo, to tell the truth, he is still very respectful.

At the beginning, he and Wu Changguo were not familiar. When I met, I met when I was celebrated by Jiang University. At that time, Wu Changguo told him - it is right!

After that, Wu Changguo also helped him too busy.

The old man may have a selfishness, but the selfishness is not big, more is still from the heart, and the care of him this young school brother.

Unlike other people's simple interest relationship, Li Donghe Wu Changguo also a little forgetting the meaning of the year.

Listening to Li Dong said, Wu Changguo is slightly eased, and it is said: "I have something to do tomorrow, but the river is over, you will do your own business.

Li Dong listened to this, suddenly knew that this is something wrong.

Can you remind Wu Changguo, who else? The leaders of Jiang Dafu are certainly not counted, and in addition to them, I can make the current Li Dong don't blend, Li Dongtun understands who he is talking about.

Stergar, Li Dongtou: "I understand, I don't blend these things.

Besides, I am going back to participate in the graduation ceremony, and there is no idea.

I thought about Li Dong's low voice: "Who is the old king fight?"

Wu Changguo ignored him, Li Dong continued: "Qin Secretary is still the leader?"

Wu Changguo glanced at him, ambition: "You do your business, what to do.

"Old Secretary, you said that I am in Jiangbei now, can you not care? If the fight is too powerful, I have to think about it, and the province affects my layout.

"No, the bottom line is here, the distant group will not have people, and they don't dare."

The last one "does not dare"

It is the focus, two heads of No. 1, have been awarded the distant group, and the distant people is a private giant. Li Dong is the company's richest ... This column is enough to let others avoid him and the distance.

Washing may have, fighting now in Jiangbei will not happen.

Seeing Wu Changguo said so, Li Dong will no longer ask.

The two got a trip, to the intersection, Wu Changguo suddenly said: "Your security company applies for a gun, and the provincial hall is generally agreed.

But I am reminding you that security company is an security company, you will give me less!

It's not easy to go now, one step is wrong, step by step.

Now in China, walking forward, no one can move you, but you want ... "

Wu Changguo didn't say anything, and the tone appeared serious.

Li Dong is a face. "Old senior, I don't know this, the security company applies for guns?"

He really don't know this, the remote security company is actually a training base.

Mainly training security and Li Dong and some important executives.

He didn't think about applying for a gun. After all, the domestic review was very strict, and I didn't expect Wu Changguo agreed.

Seeing Li Dong as if it didn't know, Wu Chang Guo's voice remained again, nodded: "I just applied it before, you took the bank escort business, so I gave a batch.

But only this, your bodyguards are not included, and there are fewer way to pick up the road.

Li Dongjieng said: "Affirm, I am not stupid, how can I do this.

If you don't say, I don't know this, I will look back.

In short, I am relieved, I am going to have now, I know it myself.

I am at this time, can you tell me? "

"I am afraid that you are young and happy, and since you know, I believe that you will not be so unhappy.

Go, I have time to read more books. Others say that you are graduating from Jiang University, I will be red for you.

If you leave this hard Bangbit, Wu Changguo will walk.

Li Dong laughed, the old man is very interesting.

Just I have specially remind yourself, or you have to drive directly to the doorstep, where you encounter yourself at the door.

Seeing him, Li Dongdao said: "Old Secretary, you have to smile, get it like a military school, which is like Jiang Da's student.


Under the night, Wu Changguo said, Li Dong did not hear it.

Anyway, no more than "mixed beam"

Words and the like.

... Say goodbye to Wu Changguo, Li Dong returned his home.

Two children were sitting on the table, waiting for themselves back.

Li Dong saw a busy way: "Don't wait for me, hurry to eat, watch the small stone is fast.

When I heard this, I wiped my mouth with a fatty little hand, and I laughed in Li Dong.

Waiting for two children to eat, Li Dong's Shen Yizheng on the side: "I just met Wu Shuji outside, saying that there is no peace in the province, what is going on?"

Now I am eating in Li Dong, and she does not open.

After listening to Li Dong, Shen Wei did not see: "Don't take them, it doesn't matter.

Now as long as you don't die, the general struggle does not affect us.

"This is reasonable.

Li Dong took a dish, and drunk the wine glass and drunk his mouth. He shouted: "Go back to beer, do not like this place, the big summer is a more appetite.

"I know, there are quite a lot.

Shen Hao smiled and said: "Is it ready to speech on the river?"

"If you don't need it, you can play it instantly.

"Jiang Da graduated, Jing Da should be fast?"

If you unintentionally say it.

Li Dong did not avoid evading, should be said: "Well, July 8 graduation ceremony, Huihan will stay there for a few days, handling the dessert shop, will come back in the month.

Shen Wei looked at him in a somewhat, this guy is so busy today? I used to talk about this, Li Dong did not transfer the topic, it is a vague.

Today, I fell, she opened her head, Li Dong himself said.

It is preparing to say a few words, Li Dong is interrupted: "Don't ask, people have not come back, and ask.

When Huihan came back, I said again.

Shen Xi said: "How can I say?"

Li Dong looked up her for a while, a blind man: "I think it is good, ready to immigrate, how do you think?"

"Let you blame!

Shen Wei does not believe that he will immigrate, and it is not allowed.

Li Dong arrived in this point, it can be said that the upper layer has given a lot of boost.

At this time, Li Dong immigrated, and I didn't know who's face.

If you want to continue the development of benign in the distance, Li Dong is best not to move this idea.

The average person does not matter, or if Li Dong is not a river, this is not big.

But now I am a richest, you immigrate, that is still the richest richest.

The distant owners play the national industry, you are not the Chinese people, is it still a national industry? This series of issues need to be considered, so this is currently the possibility of Li Dong immigrants does not exist.

However, Shen Wei is no longer asking, is a way to say: "Just eat, eat, eat it early, you have to go to Jiang Da tomorrow."

Li Dong laughed, and low heads continued to eat.

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