The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 994, the richest

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Just when I was hot, Li Dong didn't care about it.

On July 5th, Li Dong once again left, and went to Shanghai.

The negotiations with Carrefour have ended, and the distance has sent people to take place to take over Carrefour.

However, this does not represent the agreement between the two sides has officially signed, involving mergers of mergers of mergers, Li Dong has not laoulary.

The time of the distant and Carrefour is officially signed at No. 6, but this time does not hold a conference.

Li Dong and Carrefour talked, and immediately announced the news in the supplier conference.

... Shanghai City.

As always, it is busy.

Shanghai, the Shanghai, the weather, the weather, despite this, the traces of tourists and pedestrians are not available on the street.

Sometimes Li Dong really admires these tourists, and a strong energy is over.

Such a hot day, there is time to blow air conditioner at home to see how good TV.

The bias is selected at this time, and I don't know what they think.

When coming to Shanghai, Li Dong is generally taking a car.

The Shanghai City is not far from Pingchuan, and it is not possible for five or six hours, and the car should be convenient.

Remote Shanghai Branch.

Li Dong's car stopped, Chen Lang smiled and refreshing: "Li, I thought you can arrive in the evening, very early.

When Li Dong, I just got off the bus, and the hot waves outside, so that he had just came out from the air conditioner.

I spit, Li Dongji Chen Ma is full of sweating, blaming: "Don't worry about me, so hot days, you still pay down to pick me up, are you not contemplating, let me not go?"

Chen Lang opened a joke: "Li always misunderstood, I just went downstairs to prepare to do something, just see your car, let go.

"You will pull it.

Li Dong shook his head, and didn't say more, directly to the building.

There is central air conditioning in the building, and the temperature dropped down.

The branch of the distance in Shanghai is not large, and he rented the building half of the building.

The rent of Shanghai is more expensive than the capital, and Chen Wen has not brought much funds. It has only one billion in the early stage. It is natural to save.

As for the current, although the scale is expanded, it can also be used again.

Waiting for the Agreement on the side of Carrefour, some executives have been withdrawn, and they can enter directly.

The distant branch is on the 26th floor of the building.

A group took the elevator on the floor, and the elevators were two companies, and the left is the headquarters of a chemical group. The right supermarket branch is.

Li Dong has been there once, and the front desk also knows him.

Of course, there are not a few people don't know him.

At first, Li Dong and Chen Lang came over, the front desk quickly went: "The chairman is good, Chen is always.

Li Dong nodded, this time, the front desk of the chemical group next to the chemical group can't help the probe.

They are naturally known to the remote branch, which is naturally known to the distance.

When you are fine, the front desk of the two companies is also chatting together.

Search "Chairman"

The front desk of the chemical group guess is Li Dong.

Li Dong is not a general person, and their chemical group is not large, or not, the headquarters is only as big as the distant supermarket branch.

For Li Dong, this kind of business tycoon, even their bosses have to be available.

Seeing the parties, the neck of the front desk is stretched, and it finally saw Li Dong's figure.

See Li Dongbei with a smile and the front desk exchange, and the front desk of the chemical group is somewhat envious, and some are somewhat.

The big boss is the big boss, which is like her, don't say the big boss, usually, a supervisor, the cow, seeing her, when the invisible person is like, don't laugh, it is like owes the face. He is a million.

When the distant side is quiet, Li Dongzhong entered the company.

The front desk swept a look at home, this is the distance from the distant, whispered: "Zhang Li, your boss is coming?"

The front desk of the distance, the age is not very old, is boasted by Li Dong, and it is still not slow.

As soon as I asked my peer, Zhang Li was proud: "Our chairman is coming, Liu Jie, just you have not, our chairman also praises me.

Liu Jie wondered and envied and did not have a lot of people: "Cut, this will fool you.

How to use a few words, will you increase the salary? Not the front desk ... "

"Hey, Liu Ji, don't envy, I have risen the salary.

After we acquired Carrefour, I would have to go to Carrefour.

We have moved, and the salary will rise. Chen always said that there are more people, I will rise to 3500 every month!

"real or fake?"

Liu Jie is really envious, 3,800 months, after ten years, even in Shanghai, the front desk will also have this wage.

In 2008, the front desk is generally about 2500, and the treatment is better, and 3000 can't afford it.

Although Shanghai, although the salary is high, it is not much related to them, and this level is generally unchanged.

Unexpectedly, this girl next door, not long, the salary is more than 1000.

Think about Liu Jie feels unfair, his experience is better than this girl, and it is not the same.

As a result, two people did the same job, this gap is too obvious.

When I determined this gimmick, Liu Jie hesitated him: "Zhang Li, are you recruiting people here?"

Zhang Li smiled: "Trick, I don't say it, our company acquired Carrefour this time, now people are not enough.

On the side of Carrefour, many people have to leave, Liu Jie, or you come to our company? "

Liu Jie has some confident that "can it?"

Zhang Li took a head: "Faster, Liu Jie, you have abundant than me, even Chen always said that you are very good.

Every time I am busy, you also help me look at it, look back, I am talking with the manager, definitely no problem.

"This ... then trouble you, help me ask.

Liu Jie is sorry, whisper: "Please eat at night.

"Hey, Liu Si is welcome, I have long thought to take a class with Liu Ji, and I can teach me.


...... The rumor of the outside is not very clear.

If you know, Li Dong will definitely say that the current in the distance is corrupt.

Who is learning, I think that I am excavated, but also dig people on the site of others, is it really suitable? Even the front desk knows that helping the company excuses, and has to say that the tradition of the distance has been promoted.

It turns a circle in the office area and chats with the employees.

Everyone is more accurate, after all, this time I acquired Carrefour, although it is the decision of the headquarters, the main thing is what their branch is made.

And next to the headquarters of Carrefour, it is also what they are, everyone is natural.

Now the big boss personally comes to condolences, and the employees have a better mood.

I chatted a few words, Li Dong and Chen Lang entered the office.

When I entered the door, Chen Wah said: "After 10 am tomorrow, after signing the contract, Luo Guowei and some Carrefour executives will leave.

Li, you should talk to Luo Guowei again ... "

Li Dong put his hand: "No, let's go, I don't like these French people too much."

What's more, we are not no hand now, you are not from China Run, Bailian dig many people, take over should be enough.

Chen Yan sighs: "In fact, Luo Guowei's ability is still nice, and he is familiar with Carrefour's operations.

"You didn't say that the assistant ability of the president of Carrefour is good, is it?"

"Talk, the other party will continue to stay.

"That is not.

Li Dong said and said: "Luo Guowei walked, there were many foreign executives on this side.

There are not many exogenous executives in the distance, and these people do not necessarily adapt to our management model.

I know that these foreign executives, the original system of Carrefour is more understanding, but also maintain stability.


Li Dong added a highlight: "I don't care if I have a country, in the distance, whether it is foreign or Huaxia, I've been taken by colleagues!

I don't allow the foreign supervisor to have special treatment, and the overtime will work overtime, which is expected to be expelled.

Don't tell me what high-end talents, I am not rare.

This is also our first time to receive so many foreign executives. I haven't much experience in this area, but I can guarantee that it is fair.

Ocean adults have long been in the past, don't engage me these messy things.

Once this happens, it causes dissatisfaction of Huaxia staff, I first take you!

Chen Yantun stared, Li Dong did not say, he is really likely to do.

In fact, at this time, foreign executives are still very fragrant. In order to draw these people, they are better than that of local employees.

Chen Zhen didn't take serious times before, I did not expect Li Dong actually made this.

Thinking of this, Chen Yonglian is busy: "Li is always worried, I will do it."

"That's good.

Li Dong also said more, it is enough to mention one sentence.

This matter is not his unprepared. At this time, many companies will introduce foreign talents. As for the end, no matter whether it is, anyway, it is foreigner.

Just because this is not a conflict of one or two companies.

In the end, the foreign executives introduced in the cost of spending the cost, not only the greater interests can not be created, but seriously dragged down the development of the company.

Before the distance, there were not a few foreign employees, not not, but very few, a slap can come over.

Come this time, take over Carrefour, too many foreign executives, will not take it for a while.

If they have a conflict because of them, it is not that Li Dong wants to see.

After saying this, Li Dong continued: "After picking up the Carrefour, we will increase the scale in Shanghai, and it is easy to cause the hostility of other retail groups.

During this time, I have to trouble you continue to take this.

The situation is stable, you will return to the headquarters. After this time, Sun will return to the group headquarters.

Chen Zhi smiled and said: "Don't worry, first put your Car Lefu and then say, or I have no face back to the headquarters.

Li Dong smiled: "You are confident, then follow you, in short, I am so stable, you find a suitable person to pick up, other no need to manage.

"it is good.


The two have said a while, determine the payment time and program for the change time and the first time M & A capital, and Li Dong will leave the branch.

No return hotel, Li Dong directly let Tan Yong have driven Yuan Xue's side.

... Lin'an Community.

It is just on Saturday today, Yuan Xue did not go to work.

Outside the sky is too hot, Yuan Xue and Liu Yue are too lazy to go out, and the two rely on the sofa.

Liu Yue eaten watermelon, while lazy Road: "Really enjoy, A Xue, this month's water electricity bill is still I pay.

White-lived your house, I also eat the watermelon you bought, I am embarrassed.

Yuan Xue smiled and said: "Do you still have money? Still not to find your parents, next time, don't spend the salary.

Liu Yue is somewhat helpless: "Can't help but, A Xue, I am different from you, you are beautiful to wear.

The stall can wear the brand's feeling, I am so fat, don't buy some good clothes, how to find a boyfriend.

Yuan Xue lost his smile: "Let's talk about boyfriend, not to say that he is going to wear ..."

"You don't know how to hungry.

Liu Yue sighed: "You have a boyfriend, even if there is no, there is also a big chase.

I have become an old girl, and no one is chasing me now, I am desperate.

Said Liu Yue shaking his head: "Forget it, don't say these sad topics.

A Xue, your family Li Yong didn't come to see you for a few months? Seriously, you are too unlikely that this boyfriend is talking about.

Is he busy? Look at your time? Still, is he really Li Dong? "

For this topic, Yuan Xue has already happened to often, he heard his head: "Don't guess, I said no.



Yuan Xue smiled, just prepared to continue, the doorbell rang.

Liu Yue hurriedly got up and walked over and looked at the cat's eyes, and quickly said: "A Xue, Li Yong is coming!

Yuan Xue went to get up and packed up: "Open the door.

...... The door opened, Liu Yue smiled and said: "Li Yong, come see A Xue?"

Li Dong stunned, then reacted and called me.

The last time he reported a fake name, he all forgot, did not expect her to remember.

Laughing, Li Dongtou said: "Well, you have not going out?"

"No, it's too hot.

Liu Yue said, while staring at Li Dongdao: "Li Yong entered the door, the family also opened air conditioners, and the hat took it.

"no, I'm fine.

"I still pick it up.

"I really don't have.

"Not hot ..."

Liu Yue is still trying to explore, Yuan Xue took the bag and shrewd it, while shifting the shoes and side: "Let's go, go out to turn.

Li Dongchao Liu Yu smiled, waiting Yuan Xue to change his shoes, two people got down together.

Liu Yue behind him stared at him for a while, some depressed, is it? It is important to say that it is not necessary to be so mysterious.

It is important to say that Liu Yue is still afraid to determine.

After all, Li Dong is now the richest, richest and friends, and always feel good.

And all is rich, don't you do this? Although Yuan Xue is still in the house, it is not bad, but it is in the middle, or the rent is too unconventional.

I thought about a while, Liu Yue didn't have a short, and finally lazy thought.

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