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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

At the end of March, Sun Tao ended the investigation and return to Pingchuan.

On the afternoon, Li Dong saw Sun Tao with a circle.

This time, Li Dong didn't say anything, patted Sun Tao's shoulder, personally poured a cup of tea for him.

Sun Tao was a little stunned, and he quickly said: "Li is always too polite.

Li Dong smiled and didn't speak. The two sat down and smoke the fire. After a meeting, Sun Tao said: "There are 6 counties, 2 municipal districts, and my opinion is temporarily opening the seven stores. It is enough to open a store in the city.

"Is there fierce over there?"

Li Dong did not follow, but asked.

Sun Tao Road: "Yucheng is bigger than Qingyang, the economy is also fast than Qingyang, and the competition is naturally fierce in Qingyang.

However, the county town is okay, except for several small supermarkets, there is almost no big supermarket into the station.

Li Dong silent did not speak, it seems that competition is more fierce.

In 2004, there was almost no supermarket in the county in Qingyang, and the county town of Yucheng has already had supermarkets.

I meditate on a moment, Li Dong said: "Since Sun Gich is well inspected, then start.

The speed of decoration is also accelerated, and it is necessary to open before July.

Sun Tao calculates a moment, and immediately entered April, and only three months preparation will be held in July.

Three months, if the speed is fast, it is almost enough.

I want to think that Sun Tao said again: "That personnel?"

"Let Qi Yunna went to Yucheng.

"The store manager of the city store?"

Sun Tao tested.

Li Dong shook his head and said: "Regional Manager.

Sun Tao suddenly frowned, from the county-level branch store, directly to the regional manager, this span is a bit big.

And the city is about to start working in seven branches, can Qierna bears such a heavy responsibility? If Sun Tao, Sun Tao feels that Li Dong is probably not only to value Qi Yunna's ability. More importantly, Qi Yunna is Li Dong's .

To be honest, sometimes Sun Tao is worried.

Nowadays, there are almost all of the Dongping and South Rivers, other stores are almost his people. Longhua is even his own straight tube. Li Dong wants to mind if there is a ghost.

Thinking of this, Sun Tao did not propose against opinions, nodded: "That line, I will notify it.

Li Dong nodded and said: "Let Guo Mingzhi go to the city of Yucheng as a store.

Sun Tao did not understand Li Dong's meaning. Guo Mingzhi is his old relationship.

Tong Guo Mingzhi as the city's store manager, is a constraint, or to appease himself? Li Dong also didn't care what he thought. He said Guo Mingzhi no longer said that people arranged, but asked: "Is the budget made?"

"It is about 12 million to 13 million.

Sun Tao thoughtfully thought about the cranky, and quickly replied.

Li Dong took a lot of ambiguity, some were irritated: "It is much higher than the previous estimation, and the average of more than 1.7 million per store.

Sun Tao did not speak, the cost is affirmed, and the rent is much higher than last year.

And today's artificial is more expensive than last year, the money is getting more and more worthless.

In 2004, I opened a store of 1.5 million in the same size. It was enough. Now I have more than ten percent.

Li Dong sighed, now it is still good.

Waiting for a few years, rent will become a big head. At that time, the supermarket is probably going to make money for the landlord.

Why not so many small supermarkets have been supported, the most important thing is that the cost is too high, one side is a rent, on the other hand is artificial.

Manual is okay, everyone is the same standard.

You can rent this thing is different. Many large supermarkets are actually bought by the store.

For example, Soviet, Suichi except some franchise stores, many direct stores are all their own industries.

Li Dong is also thinking about it, but he doesn't have this capital.

It is said that the 12 million budget of Yucheng, if you buy a store, I am afraid I can only open three stores, this is not what Li Dong wants.

Forget it, the road will go step by step, and now I don't use it.

Throw away these thoughts, Li Dong chatted with Sun Tao for the preparation of a branch.

When the two were almost the same, Hu Yong knocked in.

See Li Donghe Sun Tao, Hu Yong said: "Miss Li, Miss Li, Miss Li Today, is Li Tong's arrangement?"

"I will not be mixed this, you are responsible for the guests.

Li Dong said.

Hu Yongtun was difficult to show, and asked again: "Is there a time in the evening?"

Sun Tao has not spoken, and Li Dongtun has angered: "Don't you come out of this distant market manager?"

"A draft playing player, is not an international big name, isn't it to welcome?"

"Li, I ..."

Hu Yong was shocked, and he quickly explained.

Li Dong waved his words, and he said: "I don't have money, the equation is exchanged, why do you want to put your own worth!

She dares me 100,000, or if you claim, I am a fart!

It is said that Li Dong is a belly.

Hu Yong, this guy did not tell him to sign the contract directly and Li Wei, come to the distance to do a businesspening, 100,000 appearances!

I heard this price Li Dongfu is crazy. In 2005, 100,000 yuan can be invited to the second line, he uses this Li Wei!

If Hu Yong explained later, Li Wei was in Pingchuan than those second-line stars, and Li Dong opened his heart.

Even if this month, the bonus of Hu Yong also buckled, and did not expect this guy today!

Although the distance is not a big company, it can also be used to meet a small star.

See Li Dong's anger, Hu Yong's face is pale, and the eyes of the help of the help of Sun Tao.

Sun Tao sighed, got up and persuaded: "Li, or I still go to a trip, how to say people are also invited.

Li Dong is still anger, and it is born because of the trouble of money.

As a result, Hu Yong came to this set, Li Dongzhen wanted to open him directly.

But thinking about it, Hu Yong is still a bit powerful, the market department is very beautiful in his leader, this month's distant performance is not finished, but there is also a sign of improvement.

This is also the reason for the last Li Dong only buckled him a bonus. Otherwise, Li Dong will kicked directly, and he will listen to him.

Drink saliva and press the fire in your heart.

Silenced for a moment, Li Dongcai waved: "You should first receive Li Wei, and Sun will have time to pass.

Hu Yongru, Xiang Dan, hurriedly took office.

When he went, Sun Tao smiled: "Hu Yi is still nice.

Li Dong snorted, "If he is not bad, I have opened him early!

Self-proposition, when the business performance is not good, 100,000 yuan can not make it back, you see how I pack him!

In addition to this 100,000, there are hundreds of thousands of schools over there.

180,000 investment, Li Dong is very suspected that this Li Wei has no ability to make him back.

Although Hu Yong repeatedly guarantees what is worthwhile, Li Dong is still full of trust.

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