The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1006 Life is a good bump (Wan Qi Subscription)

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Qin Jia.

When Li Dong arrived, he was at home.

Yang Wei didn't come back, Qin Hai recently busy the layout of the warehousing center, talking about business, now Li Dong does not know what he has fly.

Entered the door, Qin Yuhan gave Li Dong to put the slippers.

Just washed the hair wet, Qin Yuhan said while rubbing his hair: "Just finished, you take a while, I blow your hair.

"I'll help you.

Li Dong took the hair dryer from one side, helping Qin Yuhan blowing hair.

The sound of the heater, let the two entered a quiet state.

After a while, Qin Yuhan didn't have anything: "Dongxing charity night, recently very hot, this time are you very busy?"

"OK, mainly the side of Dongxing Entertainment and the Charity Foundation, I mainly receive guests.

"Is Dongxing a small parcel?"

"Well, Xiaurui has recently been very powerful, and charity is also her idea.

Qin Yuhan laughed and said: "It is very powerful. I didn't think she would open a company.

At that time, I and Xiauru opened a dessert house in the pedestrian street, and she knew it.

I didn't expect, a blink of a way, she has become a queen.

I took a few big fire TV dramas. I heard that I started to be a variety show. I immediately took a movie. Now I have done this kind of charity, I admire the militan.

Li Dong smiled and said: "You are the same, Xia Rui also has parents support, you have a chain of the dessert house.

"Who says me alone? You don't often give me an idea, my mother is also helping, and there is Fang Fang, and the sister is also gave me a lot of busy.

Li Dong is thinking, Qin Yuhan said: "Right, do you have any other thing in the afternoon? At night, you have said a lot of guests, if you are busy, you will pass, I am nothing, I am fine. Waiting for this, our time is long.

Li Dong shook his head and smiled: "Nothing, others can solve.

Said that Li Dong did not wait for Qin Yuhan to continue to open, and then said: "Night in the evening, you will go with me, last time I made people order a set of clothes, which already sent it, I will come.


Qin Yuhan was slightly , after a while, "I am going right?"

"How is it inappropriate, you are my girlfriend, I thought you were can't come back today, I think about the same opportunity next time.

Now you are back, of course, you have to accompany me.

Qin Yuhan did not see the sound, I originally wanted to take the initiative and Li Dong Tei, try his thoughts.

As a result, she hasn't said that Li Dong took the initiative.

You know, now Li Dong is in the tip of the wind, and it is very eye-catching.

He took himself in the past, even if he didn't say anything, it will also become the focus of the light.

Thinking of these, Qin Yuhan did not know what taste.

Silenced for a moment, Qin Yuhan sighed: "I will not go, I don't like to expose myself under the spotlight, I only hope that peace is quiet, and safely enjoy life.

Li Dongnhen said, and the opening: "You are with me, I can't stand calm."

"At least this time, you can calmly a day.

Qin Yuhan smiled and turned to look to Li Dongdao: "I have been trying to catch up with your pace, but I finally discovered that I can't catch up.

Now I suddenly want to pass, since I can't catch up, then I will not be chased, why bother yourself so tired ... "

Li Dong's face is somewhat depressed, depressed: "Yuhan, you listen to me ..."

Qin Yuhan has touched his hand and touched his mouth and smiled: "Don't think more, you are a man of Qin Yuhan, I didn't say let go, no one wants to take away!

I just don't want to use this way to locate my existence. Isn't you exposed with you in the public's eyelids? You really have to change your heart, you can take a red carpet with me today, you can also walk with others tomorrow.

Everyone thinks, I only have this, in order to win, and bind you.

Can you feel the feelings? I don't want this kind of feelings, I don't like this.

Before you come back, I am thinking every day, how to overcome Shen Wei, how to drive away, how to let you pay attention? I am really waiting for me to come back, I suddenly discovered, I didn't make much more meaning.

Maybe one day, I am tired of you, tired of this kind of life, I will leave, I don't need to bind you, and are defined as Li Dong's girlfriend.

I am Qin Yuhan, what do you say? "


Li Dong did not expect that Qin Yuhan will say these, some dumbs have been speechless for a while.

Qin Yuhan gathered the hair and smiled: "Do you feel unexpected? Is it a disappointment or happy? Forget it, no matter what you think, I will do back myself.

You are still unhappy, maybe I will change my heart ... "

Li Dong said without saying, did not say anything, gently grabbed her into his arms.

Qin Yuhan did not resist, leaning on his shoulders: "Li Dong, will you have a heartbeat?"


"But I think, you seem to have changed.

"No, I have always been me, never changed, you don't know."

"But your heart is divided into a few petals, perhaps more, until the end, maybe only one place, do you think I should stay?"

"No, it will not be divided.

Qin Yuhan suddenly became a face, and the bobbap said: "So, are you already divided?"

Li Dong's face is embarrassed, this girl is awkward.

Today, he is completely taken, there is no resistance to the resistance.

Qin Yuhan stared at him: "The man is reliable, I will say a few words, you will dare to climb in the rod.

Do you really think that I am default? I want to fall down!

Qin Yuhan has been suppressed, and she is always the ghostless girl.

As for tenderness, grief, large degrees, it is all disguise.

Now she is tired, just as she said, I will return myself.

Talking about a love, a good job, this man is really, she is tired, she chooses to leave.

Now she has not let go yet.

See Li Dongmu stunned, Qin Yuhan smiled: "Balt, I used to be in Pingchuan, the high emperor, I can't manage you."

But there are now I am back, unless you are going down now, or what I said, you have to listen to the old man!

The first is great!

The richest is also so much, do you understand? "


"Ah, I just said that I will not go, are you happy to die? Is you thinking of you can breathe? Is it possible to fly with Shen Yizhen? Do you dream!

Qin Yuhan despised a few words, a queen is sitting on the sofa, snoring the nasal audience: "Some things, I have already listened to it.

In addition to Shen Wei, Hu Xiaowui's stinky girl also came to dig my corner? Don't deny it, listen to me.

I am ready at night, I went to the dinner with Hu Xiaomei, and I went with my girlfriend.

Xiaurui has also promised, she is guilty, this girl is still fighting with me, too tender!

As for Shen Wei, I saw her mother came, and they tonight, don't think about it.

I don't have to be with you, that is, I am not happy, choose the right to be in me.

But you have no choice, you are old in the old man, even your secretary is not allowed, the male secretary is ok.

Ok, just say so much.

Just worried about what to wear at night, your order is not there? "

Li Dong is already awkward, what is the situation? This moment seems to have returned to the past, he was turned by the group of this girl.

Born in the past, blocked this girl once again, there is no cheap.

Just when he worked, Qin Yin frowed: "Balt, talk to you."

"Bald ..."

Li Dong faces green, do you call me? I have the outside, how many years is no one, I am the richest, you still call me like this!

I just called him for the first time, I haven't heard it yet, and I haven't responded.

Now I am named again, Li Dongnual is ashamed to anger: "Qin Yuhan, my bald hair is not bald, you still don't know!"

Qin Yuhan smiled: "Yeah, I am clear, the junior high school is clear, not just me, the junior high school students are clear, do you want me to ask?"


Li Dong laughed, I touched her forehead: "What is this is, Huihan, you will not be stimulated? I blame me, I didn't take care of you, I will go to the hospital with you.

"Walk away!

Qin Yuhan turned over a big white eye, whispered: "Less raw set, for me.

All in all, the leadership of things in my hand.

I smashed you, then this feeling is over, I don't smash you, if you dare to smash me, or go out to spend the food, you have to consider the consequences.

As for Shen Wei and Hu Xiaomei, I will pack them, so so so so so so so so so ~on, so so so so so so get n't youllically give you to your stay away.

Yes, Yuan Xue, have you gone? "

Li Dongpuist is snoring quickly, Di Babao: "No.

Qin Yuhan was skeptical to see him at a glance, and he said: "Let me first, don't let me catch the handle, or ... hey!

Li Dong is crying, want to cry without tears: "Yuhan, you really have been stimulated? How do I feel that you are stimulated? Do you not intimidate me? How to have a girlfriend ..."

"Wrong, my girlfriend is like this.

Qin Yuhan is a transit: "According to my research, there is only such a girlfriend to control the man's heart.

Soft and weak women are most prone to bullying, men are gathered.

Also, don't install a large scale, I opened a mouth today, the man dared to turn this mouth into a door.

Today, I brought it back, I dare to bring it back tomorrow, and I maybe more days later.

I was not in Pingchuan a few years ago, it is no way.

The high emperor is far away, and the tube is very powerful. You will have an anti-counterpart, and then I can't manage it, you don't know.

I am different now, I am back!

Qin Yin said: "I will check your situation regularly, SMS, PP, QQ, you have to do it.

Of course, I am not a particularly stringent person, proper free you still have.

Temporarily said so much, some things I haven't thought about it, I want to understand you.

You can now prepare to participate in the evening, come on so many guests today, you don't give it, don't make outsiders ... "

... When Li Dong came out of Qin, it was still in a state of being.

No, it is very unrestrained!

How can I become this ending? He has to regularly report the situation and Qin Yuhan reported that it has to accept her at any time.

Is this gimmick not to be a lady? Since the university, Li Dong saw the lady Qin Yuhan, how to become a small witch.

And she is also preparing to personally go to deal with Shen Wei and Hu Xiaomei, Li Dong suddenly worried about Shen Wei.

Although Shen Wei is more than her, the experience is rich, but you can grow up in the environment of the smooth and smooth, really can resist Qin Yuhan? When you junior high school, you can have a big face in the whole school.

In the high school, I turned my group to the group, and now I have been tempered after four years, I am afraid that the rivers and lakes are probably more.

Li Dong is worried, full of abdomen.

Life is so bumpy, I originally thought that I saw the dawn, I originally thought that the beauty of Qi people was near to your eyes, as long as I went a little bit.

At the end, I found out that I have always thought it was the Qin Yuhan of the small sheep, and suddenly became a big wolf.

... After Li Dong is deprecated, Qin Yuhan is calling at home and Hu Xiaomei.

"Xiaolui, just Li Dongfei wants me to participate in the party with him, but I said that I have to be with you, what should I do?"

The Hu Xiaoyui on the phone bite the lips, some are not willing, and some are annoyed. Drums drums are reluctant to smile: "Rain Han Sister said it, let's together, Li Dong this guy is too annoying!"

"Who said no, I haven't met you for a long time, I miss you.

Forget it, regardless of this guy, I will stay with you today, I don't want to go with him!

Hu Xiaomeng has tone, don't understand why you have this feeling of losing weight.

Just when she was pine, Qin Yuhan smiled again: "Li Dong doesn't care about him here, let's go, right, Xiaolui, shouting on Shen Wei, you are the organizer, I am ready to make you Tell me about the big star.

"Shen Bingshan ..."

Hu Xiao Rui smashed slightly, hesitated, "Ok, then I call her try."

"Well, then I will pack it first, see it at night."

"See you tonight.

...... Didn't you, Shen Wei wrinkled his brow and put down your phone.

I thought about it, Shen Hao is in Shen Xuehua Road: "Mom, we don't wait Li Dong, first go to the venue."

Shen Xuehua is somewhat surprised: "Isn't it good?"

"Hu Xiaomei said that today we are the organizers, leading to guests ..."

"Sun Yuehua's daughter?"

Shen Xuehua also knew Sun Yuehua, and it was not too dedicated when you were young, listened to Hu Xiaowui, Shen Xuehua slightly eyebrows, after a while: "What about Li Dong?"

"He ..."

Shen Wei did not know that Li Dong's situation, before, Li Dong and them, and Hu Xiaomei a few people.

But now Qin Yuhan came back, she didn't have time to ask.

I was talking, the phone rang, Li Dong was played.

After saying a few words, Shen Wei hangs up the phone: "Li Dong said that he can pass his later, and the people of the same mission will go, let us go first.

Shen Xuehua didn't think much, nodded: "That's it.

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