The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1017 National Tour

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Zhang Yuyu is gone, come, and go.


Footstere, the eyes are fascinating, maybe it is the true state of her at the moment.

Xu Sheng Zhe has been looking away, Zhang Yuyu walks, Xu Shengzhe came over and sighed: "Why will you hurt?

Li Dong shook his head, he was not hurt, but he didn't want Zhang Yu Yu mistaken.

Drag again, Zhang Yuyu will only fall deeper, maybe in the end, she is unclear what is true, what is illusion.

Xu Shengzhe held a cup and touched him, and drunk half a cup. "Zhang Yuyu changed in these two years. I also saw it. She was in Pingchuan, and she was a strong woman.

At that time, Di Lanxin, Hu Xiaomei, these people, not a level with Zhang Weiyu.

Even if I am Shen Hao, there is no name to Zhang Yusu.

Shen Wei and Hu Xiaomei, the beginning of the previous generation, and Zhang Yuyu is not.

She is probably the best in the official second generation, and the ability is also the strongest.

Everything in Chen Rui is, in fact, she is working behind.

Do you think Dongyu Real Estate is all of Zhang Yuxi? Do you think that Zhang Yuyu can have such a big reputation? Tell you the truth, when Chen Rui's father and son were not killed one-time, or Zhang Yuyu has vigorously.

She has mastered a lot of resources before her hand, and even some Longhua Shares, and finally took out to pit.

I have been admired her, nor I didn't think she would look at you, but I didn't expect it to be a completed ending.

Li Dongping said quietly: "This ending is the best, she is still young, can start again.

Xu Shengzhe lost his smile: "Say more old, but how to say, maybe you are right.

Jiangbei's official two generations, to say that I can enter my eyes, but she is, I hope that I can have a good result.

"You said this, isn't it afraid of being killed?"

Xu Shengzhe didn't think it was said: "I am afraid, this, I dare to say it when others' face.

I will not even say anything, I don't think anything ... "

His voice did not fall, Li Dong glared at him: "Don't force me now, my mood is not good."


Don't say it.

Xu Shengzhe joined his mouth and was originally a truth.

Shen Wei did relying on the distant famous name in the past few years, but on the one hand, it is the reason for the Du'an people. On the other hand, it is also the cause of Li Dong.

Can't say that Shen Yizhen is not a place, the ability is still there, otherwise the distant mall is not so big.

In a comparison, Xu Sheng Zhe feels that Zhang Yuxi is more like himself.

Yes, like himself.

They are actually struggling in order to break away from the world.

Xu Shengzhe did not dare to say it, at least for the current ending, he is still satisfied.

Zhang Yuxu is actually done, and her father is not very big, and finally Chen's father and son still played the relationship.

Maybe not all factors, can be one of the reasons for Zhang Yuyu.

If Zhang Yuyu doesn't go to Chen Jiafu, maybe she will make more beautiful and more powerful.


Xu Shengzhe is slightly sorry, and the woman is still a woman, which is always a shortcomings.

Feelings, this is the biggest shortage of Zhang Yuxi.

A heavy feelings, it is hiest, and then I want to go up again in Dongshan. It is too difficult.

I regret that Xu Sheng Zhe will not persuade Li Dong to do anything.

Zhang Yuyu really had to be with Li Dong, perhaps the last ending is even more miserable.

Have a hurt, then once again, for Zhang Yuyu, maybe desperate to the world.

At that time, it was not destroyed the world, it was destroying yourself, the latter is more likely.

... can't borrow wine, but just a drink, Li Dong is so easy.

Good mood, naturally have to do something.

Today, there are many distant things.

The Yuanyuan Industrial Company was established, Yu Bo is expanding the team, Li Dong is preparing to let the remote industrial company form a combat force before September.

For this, Li Dong personally urged the personnel to help solve this problem.

In addition, there is a war with Yonghui on the side of the mountain city, but things are not big, but it is not small.

To this end, Li Dong deliberately called Wu Yajun, I hope Wu Yajun will take a little more.

On the mountain city, Wu Yajun's energy is very large.

With Wu Yajun's power, Li Dong can throw away other influences, concentrate on packing the nephew, and no need to avoid too much.

On July 23, Shen Wei saw the supervisor leadership of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

When both parties met, the Ministry of Civil Affairs was rushing to Shen Wei.

However, on the situation of distant violations, the Ministry of Civil Affairs still gave criticism education.

Finally, the Ministry of Civil Affairs gives the method, first, the distant charity fund needs to rectify within a limited period, and it is assisted by the Charity Federation.

Second, the distant charitable fund, the internal financial situation needs to be reported, and the audit is carried out by the superiors.

Third, the amount raised by Dongxing Charity Night, temporarily needs to freeze.

This money in the Yuanyuan Charity Fund cannot be used until there is no specific scheme.

The charity always has a third-party account, and the savage of Dongxing charity is all in the third party account.

Of course, it is not to say that money is the charity club.

Because the funds are as high as more than 400 million, it is not to say that there is a fruitful fruit. This is not good, that is, it is a big trouble.

The people of the Ministry of Civil Affairs are not stupid, I really have to divide this money, and I am afraid it will not be small.

Preferred for a while, waiting for the heat of Dongxing Charity Night.

The specific treatment approach is given, and the effect can be minimized.

...... Yuanfang Building.

When Li Dong received a call from Shen Yizhen, I thought about asking: "When can I give a handling plan, is the other party say?"

"No, but the time should not be short.

"This is to drag.

Li Dong was defined, after a while: "You talk to them, you can't talk about it, you can't deal with the way, the good fortune of Dongxing charity is not.

This is afraid of being responsible, but also afraid of all the enthusiastic masses involved in charity.

This money, we used to rebuild after disaster.

At this time, the disaster area needs this money.

If the freeze time is too long, I will recommend those charity to conduct charity donations, as for how they decide, we will not interfere.

Li Dong is not afraid of the other party's punishment, and it is not unfair to define a false propaganda.

There is no more money from the distance from the distance, and most is the punishment of the charitable fund.

But now, the result is actually almost.

If the downgrade does not degrade, Li Dong doesn't matter.

Last year, I got the level of 4A, which is the highest in the country.

This year, because of the earthquake school, maybe you can take a 5A, this is the highest level of public charity.

However, the level is high, and it is finally in one sentence.

Li Dong is charity, the name is part in the past few years, and later because the earthquake wants to save people is also part of the reason.

Now these two purposes are reached, the downgrade is downgrade, and it doesn't matter.

As for the orphanage of the previous promise, the construction of the nursing home, donated by the private name, is not the regulation, spend more money, no tax policy.

If Li Dong doesn't care, he will be happy.

Others want to card from the charity fund, he will definitely not agree.

Shen Wei heard Li Dong so saying, couldn't help but said: "If you come, you can sin.

Li Dongyu smiled: "The guilty is sinful, I am afraid what he is.

What is the Ministry of Civil Affairs? Tube charity, management welfare treatment, tube retire cadres, management marriage registration, management funeral ... In addition to marriage registration, I can manage me. When I die, they will not give me a kind, I am afraid that he is a ball!

I have a little speechless opposite the phone, I don't have a good air: "Don't say, what kind of funeral is fired.

It is this reason, but we have certain violations, some things are still going to others.

Forget it, don't worry about this, I put your meaning simple to mention what you say there.

I really want to drag it, you promise me to not agree.

"Welvil, I am not tired, I am involvement.

Play this again, I will enter Beijing directly, tell them the royal, you guessed this time? "

Shen Wei did not speak: "What did you say, this is sure you will win, then you will not dare to deal with you later, you know what consequences.

"Daddy is not sold in the distance, I will take you around the world.

"I want to fall.

"How, don't believe me?"

"Letter, but you don't make someone."

"Know, make a joke.

Li Dong smiled and took a few words, this hangs up the phone.

One hang up the phone, Li Dong shouted: "Bai Su!

Bai Su hurried into the door, and quickly said: "Li, what is the command?"

"Arrange the itinerary, next time, I want to patrol the country's distant supermarket stores and logistics distribution points.

Let Zhou Minister ready, and bring the audit team and the security team.

More than four years, I have been in patrol, I can't take a time.

I can't see it anymore, people under the distance know I don't know if I don't know.

Bai Su listened to this, hurriedly said: "Total, national examination?"

"Yes, rushing back before the next month, just take advantage of the month, you can also see other situations.

Belt, you can also look at the promotion of O2O.

"Where did you start?"

Li Dong took a moment, I thought about it: "Before starting from Southern Southern Southern, then turn a circle in East China, then China, North China, and the other South China will not go.

Finally, go to the southwest, the mountain city is placed in the last stop.

Bai Su, I was busy, nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it right away, and I will notify Zhou Minister immediately, let him come over.

"Well, let's go."

You also went this time, and there were those students of Jiang Da, and the mission on the hand was brought together.

The headquarters stayed for so long, and it should go to see it.

Incidentally, stay in local development.

As for what is suitable, Bai Su is.

This time, Li Dong's major inspections, I am afraid there are many people to go down the horse.

At that time, there was a vacant. I have experienced a lot of students in the distance. I have experienced experience. I don't do it.

Opportunities are rare, some people may not like to go to the field, but they must have a great wish.

In these years, the distant headquarters has fewer and fewer vacancies.

The old man in the distance is actually a lot, except that Yuan Chengdao has killed a batch, others will not have a short time.

I want to rise at the headquarters, I have almost no hope.

Only have the opportunity.

People who trust Li Dong actually developed.

Qi Yunna in North China, Chen Yu went to the mountain city in the province, Wang Yue went to the mountain city, Chen Yan was in Shanghai ... I want to rise in the distance, this time it is in fact the opportunity.

Bai Su heard these, nodded, did not ask again, but the heart was secretly pondered, and the classmates who had to have a good relationship should talk in detail.

As for others, just them.

Some people don't want to suffer hard, want to enjoy in the headquarters, and then they will follow them.

I have been in Li Dong, Bai Su knows his character, you don't want, he will not be reluctant, the opportunity is in his hand, can you hold it, see your personal choice.

... Li Dong wants a national inspection, this is not a secret, and can't hit others.

Li Dong did not want to take over.

This time is not his own, but a large department of the supervisory department, dozens of security department, and each department elite has tens of thousands, which forms a audit team.

A total of more than 100 people!

Who can I have? More than four years, except for the beginning of the beginning, it is actually starting from 2005, the distance is not small.

Many places, Li Dong has never been there.

M & A Times store, Carrefourmen, Changke Bo Shop, Yong'anmen Store, Li Dong almost unknown.

The logistics is even more, the layout of thousands of express delivery points, many warehousing centers, Li Dong has never been to.

Top more on the map, then look at the photos, as for the situation, he doesn't know.

Repeatedly trust the following people, Li Dong can't completely let go.

At this time, in fact, Li Dongwei is still there, the distance is growing rapidly, many people have no chance to do.

It can be two years later, then it is not good.

Li Dong is so big, on the one hand, it is to shock, on the one hand, it is also to show his existence.

To say how many people don't want to kill, it is not what Li Dong wants to see.

Any company does not want to see this kind of thing.

It is not easy to cultivate these people, especially for the distant, and a short settlement, many people are with the veteran of the world.

Li Dong announced in advance and gave them a chance to save himself.

I have made a little thing. During this time, I can cover the past, but if I have made a big event, this time is not enough, it is not so easy to cover up.

Well, some people have handled some people, and the effect of killing chicken monkeys.

As a result, the distant industries across the country moved.

Some people are preparing to receive the task, some people are ready to cover evidence, and some people are even considering, do not run in advance.

Li Dong did not show up a few years, no one will forget his cold.

At the beginning of the Yuan Established, Li Dong sent a lot of people into the class, and the subsequent supervisory department was more frequently shot. At this time, Li Dong may not see the old feelings.

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