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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

The Changan Club is known as the most luxurious private club in Beijing.

From the appearance, I am afraid who will not believe that this simple indifferent building is the club.

And opposite the majestic Beijing Hotel, both parties are not an equal order.

But I really want to go in, I can understand why the Changan Club is known as the most luxurious.


The brilliant dragon chair, the screen of the rosewood carving, colorful chandeliers ... plus the entrance, beautiful women welcome the guests.

If you don't have some explore, you don't believe it, there will be no holes in the old building.

In the hall, there are not many people.

Although the renovation is luxurious, the guests come and go is not impetuous.

Someone sat quietly with elegant classical music, and some people loudly negotiated business.

In the hall, businessmen are mostly, but they are not lack of political people.

Here, they don't have much avoidance.

Club, outsiders can't access unless there is a member leaders.

Even if it is a member, the people brought to the audit can be reviewed.

Since you entered the club, everyone's mind is the same, nature doesn't have to avoid others.

And it is generally talking about the hall, which is generally not a matter of people, even if it is really heard, the relationship is not big.

There is government officials being investing in investment, and there are merchants are talking about cooperation, and there are individual youth men and women, which are low.

When everyone in this atmosphere in the lobby, the club manager hurriedly went upstairs.

Many people have the side!

The manager of the Changan Club, although not a celebrity, can be in the club, she represents many people's face.

Usually, unless you come to a few guests, she will go to the building, others are leading the waiter.

However, at this moment, the club manager is a hurry, obviously there is an important guest.

Just guess everyone, when you come, don't let everyone wait.

Under a young woman led, Li Dongyou appeared in front of everyone.

Look at the face of Li Dong, and the lobby gradually bought.

Some people have low channels: "Li Dong is coming, he is also a member of the club?"

"Not very clear, maybe.

In addition to Li Dong, Sun Yuehua has also arrived.

"There is also a thousand gold for Du Mayor.

Sun Manman came.

"I said, how did the land manager come from personally, Li Dong is now in the wind, and everyone gives him three-sided.

"I heard that the Beijing Club personally sent Li Dong to the lifelong membership card, the Beijing Club has been represented by the first rich club in Huaxia, and even Changan is on the foot.

I thought that Li Dong was definitely pulled away, I didn't expect that people in our clubs were not idle.

"People in the Huaxia Same Society and the Corporate Furniture Tailor have always been more arrogant, don't look at us.

We invited a few times in our club and truly becoming a member.

Now Li Dong enters the meeting, those people do not come? "

"It's not clear, it's hard to say.

Don't look at our name, those people are not necessarily placed in their eyes.


Everyone talked about it.

Although the Changan Club is luxurious, the famous gas is like the day.

To be honest, and the professional business people in the company's furniture, there are still some differences.

The company's furniture tower, a large group of millions of groups, and 10 billion groups have everywhere.

Just take someone, it is the big giants ranking in the rich list, even if it is not, the company is in the company is also a hundred China.

And the Changan Club, the circle is quite advanced, which can be stained with a private club, it is weak.

The people of the people of the people are sitting, and the government teachers will go to the side, hoping to learn from some development philosophy.

This kind of thing does not happen in private clubs.

Others discuss that they are not familiar with Li Dong, no one goes up for a time.

...... The manager of the club surname.

It is a woman, the age of 30, can only be said to be able to watch, it is not the kind of beautiful woman.

In this top private club, it is not so easy.

There is no real material, and there are no dare to put her separately in the town club behind the scene.

Land manager is not exposed, of course, will not be conserved.

A very temperament, a career loaded on the body, more diverted.

Short hair, short hair, slightly yellow, do not seem to be too eye-catching.

The people have not yet, the laughter of the land has been passed: "Li Chi, Sun General, Shen Miss, Manman, it is a few of you, no wonder the morning magpie will start calling, I still say, today How is the magpie so happy.

Although Li Dong and Shen Wei are the first time, the land manager seems to be unfamiliar.

I passionately finished greeting, and Luke Manager took the initiative to give Li Dong and Shen Qi on a black card.

See Li Dong played with cards, and the land was laughed: "Sun Shou and Manman have our club membership card, I don't have more introduced.

Miss Li, Miss Li, for the first time, please pay more later.

The club will also be able to provide some help to members ... "

The land manager will speak very much, and the three words will finalize the facts, and the average person cannot refuse.

Li Dong didn't matter, just laughed: "That's more than Lin Manager, look back, I will let people play the membership fee to the club account.

"Li is not polite, each new member, our club will send a little gift ..."

"No, I am not used to collecting someone else's gift.

Li Dong put his hand and smiled and broke: "Just this, thank you Lu Manager.

When I listened to this, I'm busy: "Li is too polite, then I will return the account to your secretary.

Li Dong, this kind of person, since it is not willing to accounted for this cheap, then don't force it.

The land manager receives so many people, I have long understood their minds.

Some people, you send cards, he will accept, some people are unwilling, this is normal.

It is also necessary to ask for instructions, or it will be sinned.

I have a few words, and the land manager smiled: "How many is the first look? Still have a goal, if you look at it, I ..."

She just want to say that she can serve everyone, Sun Yuehua is a light road: "Yurt is not polite, let's come here to say a few words, will go.

When I listened to this, I was busy smiling: "Please ask yourself.

To finish, she didn't walk, but stopped on one side.

The first rich came, Sun Lao's daughter and granddaughter came, Du Mayor's Qianjin, no matter whether people do not ask for services, they can't leave guests.

Just when she was waiting, Sun Yuehua patted her hand, Lang said: "Everyone, disturb everyone!

Originalary people have not continued to talk, and they have disclosed a few people.

Now I see Sun Yuehua, saying happening, and knowing Sun Yuehua's businessman smiled: "Sun, do you want to please?"

Sun Yuehua laughed: "Please visit the guest, but put it first. Today, I will talk about a private matter, I am distressed.

"What are you bother, anyway, we are all idle, Sun always has something to tell.

"Yeah, Sun is always, drink a cup together?"


Everyone said, some people said that Sun Yuehua had a drink, but she looked at Li Dong, and she was obviously played with an idea.

However, the people here, and Li Dong is not too familiar, and it is not good to take the initiative.

Sun Yuehua smiled and had a few words, then a low head of the head: "Manman, you!

When you say this, Sun Yuehua is very clear.

Not only for Sun Manman, but also for Sun Wenhua, even Li Dong.

Li Dong and Sun Jia's negotiations, Sun Yuehua came out.

Li Dong opened the conditions, Sun Yuehua didn't even ask his father to agree.

However, Sun Wenhua came to watch, Sun Yuehua refused.

She can't see the brother, and she will not let Sun Wenhua appear in this occasion.

He is the second generation of Sun's family, and it is also a facada, or the people in the officialdom.

Sun Wenhua came out, the sunny face was really lost.

She is not too much, she is a businessman, Sun Manman is not her daughter, and it is not a problem.

But this time, Sun's family did lose his face.

Like Sun Yuehua, she is always a person who is Sun Jia.

Li Dong took the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to hit someone else with Sun Jia's encounter, Sun Yuehua is naturally dissatisfied.

But she didn't want to go to Li Dong at this time, and Sun Jia didn't want it.

With Sun Maman's face, in exchange for Li Dong's residual, Sun's family is willing to pay this price.

As for the report, I don't retaliate, then I will say.

If Li Dong is weak, don't blame the sunrise.

If Sun Jia is, it is weak than Li Dong, then when this is not happening today, the big family will be able to endure, I can't bear it.

Sun Maman has been low, his face is full of humiliation, not sweet, grievances ... she wants to give Li Dong? In the hall of Chang'an Club, when the face of so many people apologized to a man who played her slap!

Not long ago, Han Yu also humiliated her in another club.

Now, she was humiliated again, and she was abandoned when she was a discard.

These people have her grandfather, have her father, and her aunt.

As for Li Dong, now she has not hated it.

She hates these families!

These people have asked their opinions? These people think about how they see people in the future? Today, in the face of so many people, I will give Li Dong, how can someone will see her Sun Manman.

It is a shame, and she is no exception.

Sun Yuehua's words, Sun Maman is late.

Sun Yuehua brows slightly, cold and cold. "Manman, this is your grandfather's opinion!

"Big ... I ..."

Sun Manoman bites his lips, with tears in his eyes, full of humiliation: "I ... I don't want it.

"you sure?"

Sun Yuehua is cold and indifferent: "Since you are not willing, I don't bare you, and you will bear yourself!

As a Sun family, Ronghua is rich, you have to bear the responsibility.

Unless ... "

After her, I didn't say that Sun Maman did what she understood.

Unless? Unless she leaves Sun Jia!

Otherwise, the order of the father, she can't resist, and I can't resist it.

Can you get from Sun a family, is her still Sun Man? Even Sun's family is now thin, and it is not a general family.

She can give up all this, just for the poor self-respect? Sun Manimen is not a firm person. At this moment, I just started to shake.

... Li Dong and Shen Wei on the side are like passers-by.

Their talks, they did not mix.

Li Dong even found a seat to sit down, and Xiao Wei whispered.

"You said, is Sun Manman to resist?"

Shen Wei whispered: "Not saying.

Li Dong smiled: "There is nothing wrong with it, I don't think it will.

It is someone else, I am uncertain, she will definitely compromise.

People, not their own things, how much is you enjoying, and you have to bear it.

She earned a million family wealth, and she didn't get away from the family. Or, she really wants to be like Sun Yuehua, Mr. Sun did not dare to force her.

Everyone has their own value and positioning, and her value is obviously not high.

The big family, cold blood is ruthless.

Shen Wei did not think about it: "It is likely to happen with ordinary families. For the sake of interest, this society, what happens.

"This is also.

Li Dong laughed.

Shen Wei also said: "In addition, when you say this, don't think about me.

Our Du Jia, countless family, the most is a new entrance to people.

And my family relationship is not complicated, my father is very small, my mother, I don't dare to come to my dad.

My parents' feelings are also very good, I have a daughter at home, and there is nothing else, so everything you imagine, you don't exist in our home.

Li Dongjun: "I didn't imagine, you said it yourself.

Shen Yizhen is white, and did not say more.

At this time, the struggle on the side also has the final result.

Sun Maman biting his teeth, then closed his eyes on his eyes: "Today I am here to give Li Dong.


It is too much to be too taught, I don't understand, causing trouble to Li Dong.

I apologize, I am wrong, I hope Li Dong can forgive me!


The hall is hidden when you are up!

Many people are shocked, what is the situation? How did Sun Manman suddenly gave Li Dong? Still in the face of Sun Yuehua, what does it mean? Some people have low channels: "Sun Maman is not before I have taken the slap in Lit, how can I say I am wrong now?"

"Unclear, things are not so simple.

Solemn, when everyone is facing Li Dong, what is Sun a family? "

"Sun Yuehua is also, it seems that Sun Jia is clear, strange, too strange!

"It is very strange, this is a face of Sun's family, but Sun Jia is biased, is it ..."

"Du ..."

"Hey, the disaster will come out!

"It shouldn't, the face is big, and you will not let Sunjia bow down.

"Certainly don't have internal feelings!


The hall has been noisy in the hall, and the club manager who is not far is also surprised.

Before she was still suspicious, Li Dong was explained with Sun's family? Otherwise, how can Li Dong will come to the club with Sun Maman, and did not expect that the result is unexpected.

The two sides are not reconciled, but Sun Manman is completely low.

Like everyone guess, land managers have deeply read a few people, this is certainly not so simple!

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