The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1033, I am a joke! (Wan Qi Subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!


Liu Qiangdong strongly pressed the excitement in his heart: "Wal-Mart is really prepared to cooperate with us?"

His standing opposite is a middle-aged man in her thirties. I heard the words: "There is this plan, otherwise, the other party will not come to our Jingdong inspection.

Since the rise of e-commerce, the major supermarkets want to carry out their online supermarkets.

However, they are not professional doing these, and they don't understand the domestic e-commerce market.

Wal-Mart has also tried some of them in 2007, but the result is final.

This time I find our Jingdong cooperation, it can actually understand.

Shortly, we have just launched the No. 1 shop, which is the main online supermarket business.

On the other side of Taobao, there is their own plan, Tmall Mall also operates well.

Cooperate with distant, that is unrealistic.

Just, our logistics system is now good, Wal-Mart doesn't look for us, who can you find? "

Liu Qiangdong still can't help but feel excited: "No matter what to say, Wal-Mart is the hegemony in the world's retail field.

Unexpectedly, Wal-Mart would actually select us this time.

We just completed the layout of the 3C field, I am preparing to expand the business, I didn't expect Wal-Mart to find the door.

This is a good thing!

Now domestic e-commerce, only know Taobao and remote mall, Jingdong is quiet!

This year is the 10th anniversary of our establishment, this year is also a new starting point!

In the future, I want to let Jingdong, become Taobao, far-reaching existence!

Liu Qiangdong did not dare to say that they surpass them, now they are not realistic, and they can't blow them too much.

Distance and Taobao, this e-commerce promotion is in tens of millions of units.

And what about Jingdong? It is now 20 days in the past, and the sales will be 500 million.

In fact, 5 billion is really not low, Liu Qiangdong is originally satisfied, last year, their performance is too much.

Just this, it still has a light of the farm to promote the game last year.

20 days this year, the transaction amount is 500 million, can you be unsatisfactory? You can take a look at Taobao and distant, the two brain plans now come out.

Distance to yesterday, the transaction volume exceeded 18 billion.

Taobao as of yesterday, the transaction volume exceeded 13 billion.

Seeing these two data, many people will despair.

Although Liu Qiangdong is not desperate, it is not good to go.

However, now he is very good.

Wal-Mart takes the initiative to find a door, is this not worthy? There is Wal-Mart to work together, that the effect is very different.

The far is a cow, but the distant supermarket can also play the wind in China, people Wal-Mart, but the world giant.

This may be a breakthrough, open the breakthrough in the world market.

If you can cooperate with Wal-Mart world ... Of course, just think about it.

Wal-Mart has been online in 96 years, but it is nothing more than doing.

Wal-Mart's management, as if he is born, there is no tax talent to the Internet, or Wal-Mart is too much attention to entity retail.

Although there is e-commerce, it is generally not much attention.

This reason why it is necessary to connect in China, and even find Beijing-East cooperation, it is also forced to help.

Huaxia here, the distance is too strong.

His entity retail is still not strong to make people despair, Wal-Mart will not despair.

His network e-commerce, but Wal-Mart saw the shadow of Amazon.

Amazon, for Wal-Mart, is an extremely annoying, but there is no way to kill in the e-commerce field.

Now, Huaxia also has a similar company, Wal-Mart thinks it is necessary to work hard.

But they do this, really can't do it, I tried it last year, and the result is no one.

I want to want to go, or find a partner in China.

Looking for Taobao? Ali's guy is too big, Wal-Mart is a retail hegemony, but Ma said is not seen.

After all, Taobao's system is different, and now the main C2C, B2C is just auxiliary.

Find a distance? Forget it, Wal-Mart is still not safe to this point.

The first second is not, the third, the third, and Jingdong.

Jingdong is expanding its business scope in these years, and starting to do a self-operated logistics. After a period of time, everyone is not optimistic.

I have to see the success of the distance, and the people who are optimistic.

In China, the final may be able to turn over, it is Jingdong.

Therefore, Wal-Mart will have this decision.

Anyway, Liu Qiangdong is very mood at this time.

Positive and business deputy chances, talking about Wal-Mart, how to touch them, how to make them invest in investment ... At this time, the secretary hurriedly entered the door.

I didn't take care of the deputy summons, the female secretary panicked Zhang Zhang said: "Liu Chi, Li is outside, suddenly coming!

Liu Qiangdong treats employees. It is generally more serious. When he wesks: "Panic!

Total Li, which is Li? Speaking is not clear, how do you do something!

Secretary is crying, it is really scared.

Li Dong suddenly appeared on the front desk, playing them a handleman.

The shadow of the human name, Li Dong is now the giant of the e-commerce community, the boss sees Li Dong, which is also a unknown tipped person.

They saw the front desk of these secretarys, of course they would be nervous.

After all, Li Dong did not say hello, and did not make an appointment in advance, and suddenly came.

This guy heard that I like to find it, the secretary worried, he is coming to find it.

Wal-Mart people want to come to Jingdong to inspect, the average person does not know, but the secretary knows that even Wal-Mart is in contact with Jingdong, all through her mouth.

Just when Wal-Mart and Jingdong have to carry out business cooperation, Li Dong suddenly kills, even if there is no ghost in his heart, then the secretary also felt that his heart was emptive.

After being screamed by the boss, the lost heart is wronged, and it is poor. "Yuan Li is always.


Liu Qiangdong suddenly stood up, and he was tongue: "Do you say Li Dong?"


"He is outside?"

"There is the living room ..."

"Who is receiving?"

"I ... I forgot ..."

The secretary is somewhat nervous, just she is too anxious, and settled Li Dong, and rushed into the office.

As for who receives Li Dong, the king of the front desk should be here? As everyone knows, the king of people will be scared, and now Li Dong is leisurely wandering.

Liu Qiangdong glanced at her, and then he looked at the deputy director of the business: "Lao Ginger, take a look, Li Dong is doing this?"

The deputy generals of the business are also unclear, and they shake their heads: "Not very clear, let's take a look, don't let him pick.

"Well, go!

Liu Qiangdong put on the coat and hurried out the office.

...... The office is outside.

Because the economy is tight, Jingdong is now not very enough, and the office area is not so rich. Everyone is squeezing together.

When Li Dong suddenly appeared in the office area, many people were shocked.

Compared with the general enterprises, the employees of Internet companies are more admired.

Who is better than yourself, who is an idol.

Li Dong, now it is a giant motor in the e-commerce community.

Just is still talking about it, this time Li Dong does not hang Taobao 10 billion.

They even hope that Li Dong will win.

After all, the business philosophy of the distant mall, and Jingdong is very similar, and there is also a reference.

If the distance wins, Jingdong can also see the dawn.

The legendary figure in the present is now in front of you, no one is surprised.

There are several female employees, they are not much more, take this child and the pen to Li Dong, a face of worship: "Is Li, give us a name? We are all your worshipers, I have long I want to see you.

Li Dongchi took a book and pen, and he waved his hand and gave the other party.

Then Li Dong also laughed: "I don't want to see it, now the traffic is so developed, the capital is not far from Pingchuan, there is time to see, maybe there is a new opportunity.

Among the office, there are several supervisors listening to this, and suddenly the black line.

Don't say this uncle how to come to Jingdong, don't say why no other people are accompanying, the key key, you don't dig the tone of people, right? Although the distant behavior of distraught people is early, you can't dig it.

Our company can see the past, even if it is not strong, and raise your eyes, it's good to be dried by you. How do we do these single Han?

The highest level of the office area stood up and walked to Li Dong and laughed with the front: "Li, is you coming to investigate business?"

Li Dong smiled and nodded: "Come to see, by the way and will pay a few words.

"That ..."

The doubts of the director, since the willingness is always good, will Liu Zhu? Put Li Dong alone, some are too much.

Others have also suspiciously, and the boss is too high.

No matter how you say it, Li Dong is young, but it is also an industry giant. People come, just like this, it is not a matter of big entrepreneurs.

Just when they were suspicious, Li Dong smiled: "You don't have to take me, I just take a look.

By the way, this e-commerce promotion, how much Jingdong transaction volume? "

This is not a big secret. The average person will ask, they don't see it, but Li Dong asked, the supervisor just talking is still the mouth: "200 million. 8 million.

"Is 5 billion?"

Li Dong is a bit surprised: "Yes."

The supervisor did not know that he was a prince or despise, laughed: "It is not far away, the remote shopping mall has exceeded 18 billion, under Lee's leadership, the remote mall created another miracle.

Li Dong put his hand: "This is not my credit, you also know, I haven't stayed in the company recently.

They are all spelled in the distant malls, but the distant creating a miracle is also true.

Work in the distance, others don't say, enough stimulation, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with the opportunity ... "


At this time, Liu Qiangdong finally arrived.

Just heard Li Dong's words, let Liu Qiangdong vigilant, this guy is really cold.

I have long heard that the head of Yangcheng, Tencent, who was taken away by Li Dong as Ma Huatai.

Unexpectedly, the small industry of this guy did not let go, come to this.

Of course, there is nothing to say, it is, anyway, everyone listens.

Moreover, there is really a heart!

Liu Qiangdong is dark, but it is a laughter: "Li Qi, how can you say hello, but let me be prepared to be prepared, now you can see, the company is messy, even a person Didn't, I'm slow!

Li Dong laughed huh: "Nothing, just pass by.

Last charity night, Liu always I have a deep impression.

At the beginning of my sign down, I think that Liu is always, we are in the e-commerce community, but there is the name of Northern East East, and I don't want to see Liu.

"North and South East?"

Liu Qiangdong is some of them, what ghosts, why didn't I heard? Others are also a face, when is our boss, can you have a bullish? As for the name of this temporary patchwork, everyone didn't think too much.

I really want to know Li Dong's people, and I must know that he is completely in the past, what is the north-south second east, name is as good as it is.

Li Dong doesn't care about them, and smiled: "I will understand why Jingdong can make it bigger.

There is such a group of cute colleagues comrades, the conditions are so hard, they can play 500 million good records, I don't want to do it.

Which is like a far, a whole building, there are so many employees, all have their own office.

Hiding in the office, nourishing flowers, variety of grass, don't know what they are doing.

Every month, there are more than eight thousand places, I regret it now, should not give such a high treatment to ... "

The front Liu Zongdong is still awkward, waiting for Li Dong to say it, Liu Qiang is green.

Your uncle!

Are you envious of me? You are a pit, I am!

The industry said that you are not blind, you are still in the pit, I'm more pitiful now, you are still a good idea to think, do you want it? Liu Qiangdong did not dare to let him say, and quickly said: "Li, I am in my office, I have gone, I also want to listen to Li's recommendations.

Li Dong has also opened a joke, although it is nothing to bully, but you can also bull it.

See Liu Qiangdong can't stop standing, Li Dong smiled: "Okay, then I will not be grateful, let's talk about a few words.

Liu Qiangdong is long and relieved, and this pit is coming again. He is coming soon.

Did you dare to delay, Liu Qiangdong and Vice President rushed to Li Dong to the office.

Waiting for them, some people whispering in the office: "Li always said that everyone has independent office?"

"No, but the environment should be possible, after all, he has money."

"Snake the grass, my pot is not placed, I'm throwing, I want to go ..."

"That is Pingchuan, the third line is not enough."

Someone whisper reminds.

"What happened to Pingchuan, I can't see it for a long time, I can go back to Jingcheng, don't forget, the capital of the Beijing CBD should create the distant North China Headquarters, and it is not a single-finger supermarket.

"It's also, can you get the salary of the wages in Pingchuan? Hey, so envious.


Several supervisors saw faces to face each other, and someone else had a long cough: "I work, what to talk, I want to know what, I will go back to the Internet, don't gossip in the company!"

Office area, instant sound.

However, everyone still hit the eye, looked back!

As for what to talk, it is of course a chat.

Liu Qiangdong obviously did not expect that Li Dong had a few words, and it will have such a big impact.

In fact, Li Dong did not realize this.

He just opened a joke, some habits.

These people in the office area are ordinary employees, and quite part is the veteran employees of Jingdong.

He is talking about it, and he didn't think that these people will live away.

He obviously underestimate himself.

E-commerce giants, physical supermarket giants, logistics giants, Huaxia's richest ... This series of famous names are hanging on him, he is joking, you can't think so.

It is a Jingdong, which is the rise of the past, will not have this effect.

Just like Ma Yu went to Jingdong, say these words, not necessarily someone.

But now, in 2008, Jingdong was sold less than 5 billion.

The annual transaction volume of the distant mall is expected to exceed 100 billion, and the supermarket is expected to exceed 100 billion, and the two sides are not a level.

At this time, it affects the expected expectation of everyone.

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