The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1038 Old Li He's Wildout

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The tramp is old Li Tie, and it will go out early in the morning.

Today is Tanabata, there are more small lovers that go shopping, these little couples are generous, sometimes it is more than the past months.

Old Li He is searching for the goal at this moment.

His mixed gang for many years, know which people speak, which people are difficult to talk.

Some people, you are called broken throat, and you can also have a penny. Maybe sometimes I will harvest a bunch of eyes.

At this time, Lao Li was a goal.

That is a pair of little couples, the woman is soft and weak, and it is certainly better to talk.

Men At this time, in order to show your own atmosphere, it will not be too small.

Just when the old Li He was ready to beg to be begging, he suddenly rushed one person, and the head was pitiful. "Girl, good, good people!

This is attracted to the attention of the couple.

Old Li He is so embarrassed, this line is getting more and more difficult.

In the past, everyone came out of mixed rice to eat, and didn't say anything.

The key is that this person rushed out now, but it is not a mixed meal. It is a career.

Lao Li knows this helper, yes, a part of people, they are not active.

I saw a circle in the twist, and there was, the gang of Jiangcheng Square was dispatched.

Today is Tanabata, Jiangcheng Square is also a business circle center, there are many pedestrians who come and go.

Old Li Tou has a little helpless, shrinking the neck and did not dare to take the head, but these people are very over, they have been seen, can't get people.

When I returned to the old Li Tie, some people had noticed him.

Not far from a thirty-year-old legs, the man came over, kneeling down the body and smashing the voice: "The old guy, we have a package here!"

Old Li He is a bit uncomfortable: "I have been in this for more than ten years. Three brothers, you want you, I am not suitable for my family?"

Although he is old, but it is still called this three brothers, it can be seen that the fist is the truth.

Three brothers glared at the eye: "What is appropriate, not suitable, you can't have a meal at night!

The old guy, I don't want to know, or I haven't looked at all in the evening!

Old Li He has some embarrassment: "I can take me again.

"Some eat is not bad!"

Three brothers snorted, and said: "Right, the guy with you?"

Old Li Headed: "Why, do you find him?"

Three brothers will say: "The guy looked like a good person, don't come to grab our business.

Old guy, I can warn you, Jiangcheng Square is our site.

Usually let you eat you in this mixed rice, you have to give you a business, don't blame me for giving you.

Old Li Tui Baba said: "This is that kind of person? I really don't know him, sometimes sometimes sleep in the park.

In the past few days, he nine nights, I didn't know where he had.

I nodded, I saw it all over, I passed the way: "Don't grab the ground, right, old guy, recently pay attention to strangers, maybe I can send a pen.


Old Li He said helpless: "There are more strangers here, how should I pay attention to it, three brothers have a business?"

Three brothers have been ignorant: "Of course, but the three brothers make a fortune, they will not have the one.

You have been in Jiangcheng for more than ten years, I know more people, and I don't tell him this news.

Lao Li is also idle, gossip: "What news, three brothers talk?"

"What kind of news you are tube, in short, you pay attention to it, don't say it in Jiangcheng.

Said that the third brother touched a mobile phone from the pocket, pointing to the screen: "Just this person, I saw the notice.

Old Li He is speechless, now the mobile phone, actually can also look at the picture.

The key is that the resolution is too bad, it is not clear at all.

The photos on the phone are very vague, only the contour can be seen.

Third brothers have a mobile phone, this guy is probably better than the general white-collar workers, I heard that there is a small villa in the country.

Old Li He didn't care too much about the mobile phone, staring at the mobile phone for a while, only showing the teeth of the yellow, smile: "Three brothers, how much?"

"100 pieces!

The appearance of the third brother, biting his teeth: "Just find someone, give you 100 pieces!

"100 pieces ..."

Old Li Hegan laughed: "Do you want to add some people? I am looking for someone in Jiangcheng. You also know that I have been waiting for more than ten years, and everyone knows ..."



Old Li Tou suddenly smiled, nodded: "This is gave it to me, I found it definitely inform you.

Yes, three brothers, this is a? Do you relative? "

"If my relative is good ..."

The third brother feels in a sentence, people are the relatives of the richest, 5 million to find people.

If there is a message saying, people may be in Jiangcheng, he will not rise at all.

Now he is also touched your luck. If it is really discovered by yourself? As for Liu Qing, Lao Li He and San Ge have not thought much.

After all, the photos and I still have differences, plus too vague, although the two have seen Liu Qing, the old Li He is even talking to the other side, but I have not recognized it in a short time.

I heard the relatives of the three brothers, and the old Li Tui Dao said: "Not your relative, you still spend 200 people?"

"This is your tube, anyway, I found it to notify me.

"Learn about it, 200 pieces are enough for me for a month, rest assured, I found out that I definitely inform you.

The old Li He smiled and should be a sound, then got up and took a broken bowl to leave.

This guy is staring here, I still don't want to stay here, and the same place.

As for someone to find someone, he talks about his mouth, it is really not too kind.

Just when he went to the edge of the square, someone suddenly took his shoulder.

When Lao Li turned, he saw Liu Qing wearing a dirty sun hat, smashing the hat, sulking: "The old man, borrow me 10 yuan!

Old Li He was scorned, laughed: "Then, I haven't opened it in the morning ..."

"Less waste, borrow 10 yuan, I have a hundred times!

Liu Qing's face is wronged, he, when you fall to find a borrowing money.

It can be spent on the money, and he didn't eat more every day.

Take money, don't say that he has no money, and there is no money now.

Grab, that is too dangerous, and it is exposed.

Begging, he can't pull the face.

I want to go, I can only find the only one who knows, and in Jiangcheng, the only thing he knows is this old.

Old Li Tou has some entanglement, 10 yuan, this guy is delicious, I can't go out, I don't work, and I have money to return me.

Besides, can he believe? But this guy, very fierce, old Li He is really afraid that he is ourselves.

He hesitated for a while, the old Li He cried, "5 pieces are not, I am not so much."

"5 ..."

Liu Qing bite his teeth, just a while: "Okay, you will buy 10 buns!"

"I go?"

"Well, you go, I am waiting for you in the park.

"You go yourself, I have to go to other places to open ..."

Liu Qing glared at the eye: "I am not comfortable, let you go, which much.

You can rest assured, wait until the old man is getting rich ... "

At this time, he didn't pay attention, the old Li Xiaoye god slightly changed.

Liu Qing blinded like this, he always feels some faces.

It is not the previous Liu Qing's eyes, but the old Li Tou consciously feels some familiar.

Although I just gave him a picture of him, I was blurred, but I was looking at it, I saw some fierce.

Liu Qing wants to blink, he didn't think of this.

Now I blinked, and the old Li He felt a little familiar.

If the three brothers told him, this is Li Dong's relatives, and the old Li Tou will not necessarily think. After all, Li Dong's famous head he has heard, his relatives can still be so fierce? But the three brothers are unclear, and the old Li He wants to be more.

Is the third brother pick up the list of the police? This is not impossible, sometimes this happens.

Is this guy who is looking for it? Strangers, I don't dare to buy things, but also wear a hat ... I think about thinking, and the old Li Tou is a little god.

Liu Qing said a few words, seeing the old Li He didn't scream, suddenly frown: "Have you heard it?"

"I heard it.

Old Li He quickly came to him, and looked at Liu Qing's eyes again, then he went to see his waist.

Liu Qing has something to do, he knows.

I didn't think much before. Now I think, the old Li He is not hit by a thrilling, don't you have a favor? He is not too sure, it is not too sure that Liu Qing is a person who is looking for.

To be true, for 200 yuan, it seems that it is not very cost-effective, this is best not to manage it.

Old Li He dismissed the thoughts and thought of reporting, if he was known by Liu Qing, his old bone could not afford to retaliate.

Waiting for Liu Qing, and the old Li He dragged his legs to the buns.

He usually often came to buy buns, and the boss met him, although the old Li Tou was dirty, the boss did not disappear.

Seeing Lao Li headed 10 buns, the boss smiled: "Lao Li He, today, how much?"

"Which is getting a fortune, buy it for others.

Lao Li smiled and didn't say much.

The boss said: "I thought you made a fortune, yes, Lao Li, are you Sichuan?"

"Dry, I am not Sichuan, I am from Jiangcheng native ..."

Old Li Tou vetoed, anyway, he was in Jiangcheng for so many years, and he used to Jiangcheng accent.

The boss didn't even laughed: "Your old thing, I will come with me.

I just asked, I didn't say you, if you are young twenty years old, it is Sichuan people, then I am really upstairs, the key, you are old, this is this ... "

"What happened old, I can also mix meals.

Old Li He refuted a sentence and said: "Who do you want to do?"

The boss didn't look at it, Gossip: "Li Dong knows?"

"Li Dong?"


"Oh, I know, I have heard of 100 elementary schools in Chuan, I have heard.

"I also said that I am not a Sichuan!

The boss has turned a white eye, just now there is no guest, the boss continues to talk to the old Li Wei: "Li Dong relative lost, spend 5 million to find people.

I heard that I may be in this piece, now many people go find it.

His relative is Sichuan people.

Old Li He, if we find it, you don't have to eat, I don't have to stick to this bun.

5 million, buy a 5 sets of houses, the rest, buy two sets of shops, and eat and drink in a lifetime.

If you have money, it's true ... "

Old Li He made a blink of blinking, and looking for someone? How do you find someone today? When the boss said, the old Li Talent is dry Baba: "Looking for someone, is there a photo?"

The boss shook his head: "I have a photo, my daughter told me, I know that it is Sichuan people, around 40 years old, why, are you really awkward?"

"40 years old, Sichuan people, men?"


"do you have anything else?"

"Nothing, you ask so much, I just opened a joke, you are still true.

Old Li He didn't care about him, continue: "5 million?"

"It is 5 million, and I don't talk to you, the guest is on the door.

The boss didn't take care of him and started to entertain other guests.

The old Li Head took the buns, but the mind is far away.


According to the current price, where to buy 5 sets of houses, put in the countryside, and the 30 small buildings are enough.

Even in Jiangcheng, buy a 10 sets of houses, I can buy a big shop to rent.

The three brothers are looking for someone, Li Dong is looking for someone, is these two people looking for the same person? Sichuan people, around 40 years old, male ... The photos of the three brothers, it seems to be like that small hometown, especially when fierce.

Can the people looking for three brothers like Li Donghu? At this time, the old Li Tou especially wanted to see who Li Dong is looking for.

Is it that small fellow? With doubts, the old Li Tou took the buns back to the park.

Liu Qing did not dare to stay on the lounge during the day, usually in the park, and the old Li He also knew him this habit.

I walked out with a buns, and I saw Liu Qing.

When Lao Li arrived, Liu Qing turned and walked to see him, then frown: "How to get it now.

"I don't know if I am,"

Old Li He was applied, and then handed the buns to Liu Qing.

When he saved the trepidation, the old Li He suddenly said: "I said that the little fellow, I heard that our hometown, I have been engaged in the rebuilt, who is used, is it true?"

"Probably it.

"Then you said, if I go back, can I find it?"

Liu Qing is somewhat strange, looking up, he glanced at him: "You go back? Don't you say it?"

"People are old, I want home."

Old Li He said, said: "Are you, do you want home?"

"Don't want!

"You are so young, there is no relative friend?"

"none of your business!

"This, I will ask, you have been coming so long, the family doesn't look for you?"

Liu Qing is not resistant to you: "Shut up, eat a few buns, which more nonsense!

Old Li Hegan laughed, after a while, he lowered: "Little fellow, your family has been with money?"

Liu Qing suddenly went to vigorously, appeared: "What do you mean?"

Old Li He quickly waved: "I just talk about it, see you, I should have money before the family, is the lake in the house?"


Liu Qing said this sentence, no longer take care of him.

The old Li He is a happy heart, and the family is very rich. Is it true that Li Dong's relatives? Can you go back? Still, he made things, did not dare to go back? Now Li Dong finds him, should it be flattened? In the eyes of Lao Li, the rich people are large, especially Li Dong.

It is definitely that this guy is committed to running. Later, Li Dong helped him patch, and found someone else, will spend money to find someone.

At this time, he has already determined that Liu Qing is a person in Li Dong.

However, the old Li Tou worried, if he told him, he ran back, this bonus can still get it? Do you want to find Li Dong first, give the money first, bring them to find someone? Old Li He hesitated, but thought of the initial commitment, think of his wife and children, maybe I am in a hurry now, if I have 5 million, I also used the dead? As for Liu Qing, the old Li Tou secretly sorry, anyway, you said that I will borrow 5 yuan, and I will return me later.

I will take a bonus now, anyway, your family has money, you don't care.

How can I contact Li Dong? Old Li He is again difficult, he doesn't contact Li Dong's method, or ask someone else? But if it is cut, it is not a big loss.

The sadness of the old Li Tou, Liu Qing also finished the buns at this time, seeing him staying next to it, not help: "Do you do it?"

"Want to find a phone number ..."

"telephone number?"

Old Li Tui said: "I want to see if there is any contact information on my hometown, I don't want to go back.

Liu Qing didn't think much, with the mouth: "Go to the street to find someone to inquire, do not check online, now there are more ways.

"Internet? Internet cafe?"

"Well, oh, you really want to go back?"

"It's hard to say, I turned back to find the contact information and hit my hometown.

Lao Li said, please ask: "Go online, can I go in?"

"There is money.

"How do you find a phone number?"

"You won't help you check it.

"If you are not you ..."

"I can't do it, I'm going to sleep, don't bother me, I will go, let the Net management help you!

"Net management?"

Liu Qing has not taken him, and lying down in the grass and sleeps.

At this time, the old Li He also figured out the process.

After watching Liu Qing, the old Li He is starting to glow, this guy is really Li Dong relatives.

5 million!

In this life, don't say 5 million, 50,000 he has never seen.

No, 5000 have never seen it, even if you have seen others, he hasn't arrived at 5000.

No matter whether it is, let's take a look at it again.

If it is true, you can also get ridiculous.

Think of this, the old boss of the old Li head mouth.

As for the police station to find someone to help, he didn't think that this kid aspirable to bring something, but I didn't be seen, it would be good.

At this time, Lao Li wants to report, but to let Liu Qing Tibet.

Don't get the money I haven't got it, he was arrested, and the money is still the police? If there is a rich man, it is normally it with things. Anyway, he thinks so, this also makes him more identifying Liu Qing's identity.

5 million, house, shop, car ... old Li has a swallow, his mother, this life can not turn over this time.

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