The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 1047 Li Dong's poisonous tongue (Wen Qi Subscription)

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Jialete Hotel.

Suite guests.

Wang Yun went to arrange dinner, but Chen Wei left.

Li Dong wiped his face with a towel, asked: "How is this time?"

After all, Chen Wei did not see it with Li Dong. He heard a little detention: "There are still many shortcomings, I have been studying this time.

"Learning to use it, look more, listen, less.

Although I am not too concern here, I have asked several times, it is indeed the same as you said, and there is a lot of deficiency.

Chen Yu face has a little red, I am polite, the boss is really true.

She felt that she didn't do it, I didn't expect to be polite, Li Dong began criticism.

Yes, criticism.

It is reasonable that Li Dong should encourage her to do it.

Bai sixue on the side poured a cup of tea, and didn't dare to plus the words, and be careful to play a eye.

Chen Hao is not too understanding, but probably understands her meaning, at this time, I will take Li.

Waiting for Bai Su to finish the tea at the side, Chen Yu is open: "Li, you said, I remember these, I will correct it next time."

When Li Dong wiped his face at this time, throw the towel on the side, and drunk the tea cup and spit the tea. "When it's good, I didn't use it.

Don't think I am playing, replacing the average person, I am too lazy to say this.

You are so long, I will say a few words.

When is Hong Kelong, when is we know? "


"When did China Run began to negotiate with Hongkelong?"


"I received the news in three months. He is still the first retailer of the province. Is this not concerned? I will not say that Wang Yun is there. You come to the province, and it is also a secretary of the secrets. Do you have a four way, listen to the eight parties, this is not coming, you are also a man's assistant career.

Let you come to the province, not really letting you enjoy, really want to enjoy, simply let you stay in Jiangbei.

Li Dong said is flat, but Chen Hao is a shammed red, and the ear is also scared.

Li Dong glanced at her, while drinking tea one side: "Sit, stand what? I really put my own primary school students, and the deputy manager of the provincial branch, how is it? Qi Yunna is now in North China, press The beauty can't lift your head.

Does the power of the distance in North China? In the province, back to the big camp, according to the reason, you will be the strong overbearing, now, it's okay, twist, and the little daughter.

"Li Zhong ..."

Chen Wei has some buning: "I am a secretary, it is to serve people.

Li Dong was quickly laughed, didn't have a good air: "Who is telling you? Who is telling you that the secretary is serving people? That is your own positioning, I didn't see Liu Qi!

In the case of Bai Su, I know that the fox hollow is too, how can you not? "

Bai's white red ear, what do I feel fox, how do I fox? Chen Hao couldn't help but laughed, rising red face: "Li, I don't mean this.

"Force, give you half a year, after half a year, go to Jiangbei as a branch administrative manager, you will do it.

Chen Hao is silent, is I say today? No!

I started to be modest, then with your set of relationship, tell some grievances, how can I do it? The administrative manager of the branch ... Chen Wei has some depressed, from the secretary of the chairman, to the deputy manager of the provincial branch, to the department manager of the branch department ... this is really mixed than once!

This will then, I am afraid I really want to return to the Yangtze River.

Can Chen Wei indeed inexplicably, she really felt that she was ok, and she didn't lag behind the intelligence.

The information is not her mission, and the entire provincial branch does not know, can not blame her? Li Dong saw her face wrote wronged, whispered: "What do you want to be my secretary? If you are not good for tea, I often think about it, simply let you go!

Stupid, don't get up!

I first made you come to the province, what is it? When I am leaving, what are you talking to you? "

Chen Wei recalls what Li Dong said, half of the impression.

I remember that when she was walking, Li Dong said that he can trust, the president of all local branch is so fast, and the headquarters is not good.

In this year, there are not many people in the headquarters in these years, let Chen Wei goes more.

Chen Yu did not care too much before, I feel that Li always trusts himself, isn't there such a thing? Seeing that she hasn't returned to God, Li Dong is a little disappointed: "Thanks to you, I have worked back later, you this IQ, obviously make people doubt my IQ.

In the beginning, the layout of is the first to lay out.

At that time, the passenger will not be a distant industry, but Yaohong.

Wait until later, we took over.

Later, we expanded too much place, and the business is not alive, we are not too strong.

I haven't worry so much before, after all, Hongkelong has an impact on this, and the market is compressed.

Can you now? "

Chen Yu has a little comprehend, if you think about it: "Hong Kelong did not think so strong, in Minzhou, they did not dare to be pair.

When I came to the province, Hong Kelong can't set it back, or it will not negotiate with China Run.

"What is this explanation?"

"Our distance is the hegemonic enterprise in the province.

"Then why have a bad performance in the past few years, the profit is extremely low, waiting for you to come, the performance is eased, you are so cattle, lend the distant to defeat Hongke?"

Chen Wei has some embarrassment, I haven't worry, how can I be me.

I am not really stupid, I am busy: "Li, what do you mean, have a greasy with the previous performance and profit?"

"The cat is greasy, and it is not a general cat.

Li Dong looked at his eyes: "I suspect that the whole province stall is corroded, this will let you see.

You fell, come here, I have been blown by a few words, I forgot what I did.

So long, in addition to the performance of the performance, what is the construction tree.

In fact, the performance should be true, I am not so confused.

During this time, the performance has risen, it is from you, can I think too much? "

After saying a few, Li Dong contrary to Baixi: "Let Zhou Minister come to a trip.

Bai Su rushed to the room, waiting for her to go, Li Dong continued: "Respect you, I see it is not expected.

This time, I will take people in the old Week to check it out, you can work with you.

I intience that there must be problems in the province, can't find a problem, that is, you can't work, you have to be responsible.

Chen Hao is crying, this is also responsible? Zhou Minister took so many people, they couldn't find out, isn't it nothing to prove? As a result, you have an intuition, I am going to unlucky, too much.

Li Dong was too lazy to manage her, waiting for a while, Zhou Haiwei arrived.

Zhou Haidong arrived, Li Dong said: "You and Chen Yan chat, she is probably the cleanst people in the province, after all, people are stupid, people don't worry about her.


Tens of tons of crit!

The reason why I am clean, let the boss rest assured, not because I am his secretary, because I am stupid? Stupid to others, don't you dare to pull me? Chen Wei wrote to die, Zhou Haidong smiled, whispered: "Li always opened a joke.

Li Dong ear's pointed: "I am joke? What jokes do I have? People are stupid, I have already known, thank you I still think she can cultivate and look at it.

"Li Zhong ..."

Chen Hao watched Li Dong, you will don't take me.

A woman is easy for me? You didn't talk about it, and he also said that it was a way, simply said that there is a problem in the province, let me see it.

Do not say, then blame me stupid, who is I say? Seeing her expression, Li Dong is too lazy to fight her, look at the old Baixi Road: "Bai Su, and your predecessor is well connected, talk about the situation of the province.

I don't listen to you, I will call me again.

A few people hurriedly nodded, waiting for Li Dong into the bedroom, the people were long.

When the door is closed, Chen Yuton is bold, and I look at Bai Su. "Su Su, you said, I really have Li Zheng as stupid?"

Bai Su Tak Baba smiled and comforted: "Li is said to say, sister else think more.

"It seems that you feel so much.

Chen Hao's face lost, this gimmick film, Ming put agreed with Li's words.

On the side of Zhou Haidong laughed, after a while, he only said: "In fact, Li Tong Knife is tumored, it is really dissatisfied, and it will not tell you.

Just, this time you have made Li Pei's disappointment.

In fact, before you came, we found some problems in the province.

However, when the previous inspections, the direct evidence was not found, and it was not a large scale.

At that time, our things were more, coupled with Carrefour, should not be a big move, disturbing the military.

When you leave, you forgot, I will let you take a small sheet.

Xiao Zhang is the old man of the supervisory department. You have a deputy man who is blocked in front, and he is also convenient.

The result came in the province ... "

Zhou Haidong said too lazy, Chen Yu is also awkward.

Zhou Haidong did indeed let her take people, she thought Zhou Haidong cares himself, afraid that she is a person who is bullied.

The relationship between the two is, which is a good thing. After all, Zhou Yidong used to be Li Dong's driver and bodyguard. Later, it was a hand of Li Dong Monitoring Group, and her secretary often had contact.

Chen Wei really didn't think much, with Xiao Zhang to come to the right, and the result is that Zhou Haidong takes care of himself, specially arranged.

I can't let others be tired too much, almost haven't let Xiaoyan live.

Don't work, naturally don't understand the situation.

Xiao Zhang said a few times and said that I want to do something, I will share it for Chen Wei. Chen Yu refuses. Now it seems that I am really stupid.

At that time, she thought that Xiao Zhang said that the passerssion.

I think so, Chen Yu is desperate, bitter: "Is I really stupid? Do you talk about it, I am more sad, Zhou Big brother, I am talking about it, I am wrapped around it. .

Zhou Haidong hugged: "Li always said that you, I didn't talk.

"I will die it.

Chen Yu helpless, not really IQ is not enough, mainly from experience.

She didn't think about those things, naturally, there is no way to this.

In addition to the place, see the high level, and the two hands of a province, she is also a little lost.

Plus the person is blown, the people underneath do their best, hardly use her trouble.

Time is long, she wants to get so much.

It's really going to be pressed, it is squeezed, she may be vigilant.

It is possible to boil the frog, and she didn't feel it.

Zhou Haidong did not hit her, transferring the topic: "Do not say this, talk to me, see if you can find a breakthrough.

The performance of the province is actually good, the profit margin has been low, although there is not much low, don't forget the base.

Last year, the annual transaction volume reached 35 billion, and the low thousandth, that is, 200 million losses.

This year, the performance is higher, and Li always feels 5 billion yuan in the province.

The result is low, so many profits, that is, 25 million.

The turnover of Soutan is about 8 million, so many people, most of them are actually used to reimburse all kinds of expenditures.

The addition of the province, there is not much expensive on the book, and the tourism, training of employees is not much.

Results The results were only one-third of Soutan, but the gap was as high as it.

Although there is no problem, it can be problematic in accordance with our experience.

The biggest problem now is that it is not good to find a breakthrough, this matter will see you can provide some useful messages.

Chen Yu face has already changed!

20 million gap!

There is a gap in a province, what is the concept, she has done two years in Li Dong, of course, to understand the meaning.

This is not a small number, although it is not too much relative to the far profile.

But 20 million, for a company, this is also unbearable loss.

Chen Wei finally reacted at this time, Li Zong just was so angry, I am afraid it is not only for yourself, there are others.

...... in the room.

Li Dong is calling with Sun Tao.

"Wang Yun is also an old man. At the beginning, I went out from Longhua Store. I dare to be sure, he is informed.

By participation, it is difficult to say, but he participated in the possibility of eight or nine.

Sun Tao is a little sighful: "Wang Yula was talented in 07 years.

"At the end of 2007, the situation did not see it, and it is still the case.

I generally don't want to think about the worst, this is probably the worst, thinking about it.

Li Dongyu is in the air: "Incomplete, I can accept, mediocrity, I can accept it."

The old man should enjoy the blessing, I usually not do too much.

But this time, I have to kill the chicken monkeys.

This big inspection, I look at him is typical, the provincial company president, the component is sufficient.

"Li Zhong ..."

Sun Tao did not say, he didn't know what to say.

"Just this, I have returned to Pingchuan in a few days.

Li Dong hangs up the phone, leaning on the bed and watching the ceiling, but the heart is much more ideas.

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