The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 251, Face, Purple!

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Li Dong's words evacuated the pain in Feng Jinsong.

The grievances glanced at Li Dong, Feng Jinsong Yin Shen said: "Li Dong, now it is not a barbarian society!

Li Dong glanced at him, faint: "Roll!

Feng Jinsong face change, bite his teeth: "You are less with me!"

I will not go, do you dare to do it? Let me believe that I will let you enter the class!

You an ordinary family, the university is not easy, enter the bottom of the class, is expelled by the school, what is the consequence of you, you can consider it!

Feng Jinsong is also afraid that Li Dong has a true hand, and it has been shocked by words.

Li Dongyu smiled, this guy even if it is mixed in the university or so naive.

It's too lazy to talk to him, Li Dong is not born: "Let you get over? Where do you love, where you are swaying!

For Feng Jinsong, Li Dong is too lazy to retaliate, or if it is encountered today, Li Dong will forget this guy.

At the beginning, although Feng Jinsong has added a lot of trouble to Qin Yuhan, but later Li Dong has squeezed Feng Jia opened the supermarket, so that the other party lost hundreds of thousands, this account is considered.

As for now, Feng Jinsong is not a way to him.

Don't look at Fengjia has some small money in Dongping. It is actually dead and no more than one million, Feng Jinsong is a son of Dongping's rival, and it is too shallow.

Don't look small in Dongping, there is still no shortage of money, I really want to set out the exposure, there are 50,000 people in Dongping, there are 50, which round to Feng Jiayu.

However, this year's rich people are low-key, and most of the rich people in the 1970s don't be very clean.

Not necessary, ordinary people will not choose to lathe.

I heard Li Dong's words, Feng Jinsong's face was red.

I gave a glance, Feng Jinsong, angry: "I am coming with Yuan Xue, is it a host?"

Li Dong glanced at him and looked at Yuan Xueyao who watched the miles: "Do you bring it here?"

I heard Li Dong called him as "this". "

, Feng Jinsong vomiting blood.

However, he said that his truth, he made a little bit of Li Dongzhen, Li Dong did not say, he did not hear it.

See Li Dong asked himself, Yuan Xue looked at him, and looked at Feng Jinsong. This is only a little: "Don't know, I have encountered on the road.


A few people in the private room smiled, Yuan Xue was great.

Feng Jinsong is even anger, and his face has risen.

Yes, he followed Yuan Xue, but Yuan Xue did not say that he did not let him follow, and he also shouted his name on the road!

This is only a few minutes, turning directly, I don't know, Feng Jinsong feels that her face is swollen!

After a few people in the private room, Feng Jinsong has hated Yuan Xue, even more hated than Li Dong, today is not shackled, but the face is placed on the ground.

Didn't say anything, Feng Jinsong turned and went.

At this time, don't you stay? When he walked, the atmosphere in the private room was active.

Li Dong held a tea cup to Yuan Xue, "" With tea, you respect you, just enough.

Yuan Xue snorted, cold ice, "I didn't drink tea.

Li Dong is somewhat saying: "Get it, don't be confident, the cold face of the big winter is closed, and it is cold.

Yuan Xue angry: "You are very affection!

"I have to get, I am confident, come, let's play a cup.

Li Dong smiled and did not refute, and the tea cup touched the cup of Yuan Xue.

Yuan Xue failed, and he didn't take care of him.

Li Dong did not think about it, this expression is used to see it, I want to be cold for a few years during the high school period, and I will not still come over.

Next, Wang Jie recruited the waiter outside the door came in to order, and introduced Wu Mei to Yuan Xue.

Yuan Xue looked at the eyes of Wu Mei, and she was a good friend with Chen Yue. Now I have seen Wang Jie to find new girlfriends, Yuan Xue also does not know what attitude should be used.

But this is not a saying that Wang Jie is not right. After all, he and Chen Yue have been divided.

As for who they were wrong, Yuan Xue did not judge, but everyone has a far cloak, Yuan Xue's event is finally paired by Wu Mei.

If you don't have crime, you will not close, just when a stranger gets along.

Wu Mei didn't understand, plus Yuan Xue is also cold face to others, she didn't take serious things.

Wang Jie and Li Dong have seen a touch, but the two do not reveal.

After all, Wang Jie and Wu Mei have not affected the days, Yuan Xue and Wu Mei are not affected, as long as Yuan Xue is not evil, there is no problem.

After that, the private room is mainly Li Dong and Wang Jie chat.

Yuan Xue and Wu Mei are not much, Li Dong asked, the two will return to one sentence.

A few times, Li Dong and Wang Jie did not ask, chatting too tired.

Waiting for Wang Jie to open the Internet, Yuan Xue is inserted: "Internet cafe is not good.

Wang Jie has some foxes: "What is bad?"

"Just Feng Jinsong said.

Yuan Xue organized a speech: "On the way, Feng Jinsong said his dad and people, to develop your Internet cafe, build a commercial street.

Said another way: "I saw his dad, I was talking about the place.

Feng Jinsong has just come over with her, just because Feng Jinsong accompanied his dad to the Jiejie Internet cafe, just saw Yuan Xue, this is over.

Yuan Xue has already known Wang Jie to open the Internet. By the way, Feng Jinsong has a few words.

Otherwise, according to her character, Feng Jinsong set almost her is too lazy.

This news said that Li Dong said, Wang Jiexin is also available, but it has not exposed it.

Wu Mei is just known, Wen Yan suddenly said: "Internet cafe to remove it?"

Yuan Xue nodded.

"When is it demolished? Is there a compensation?"

Wu Mei is more anxious.

How much is Wang Jie spent on the Internet caf, how much thought, she knows.

Demolition is fine, as long as you can compensate, this money is nothing to take.

I am afraid that I haven't been compensated, I will drive it directly.

Yuan Snow shakes his head: "Demolition is about to wait for the year, as for compensation, the homeowner must have compensation, the merchant, I don't know.

Wu Merton is anxious, see Wang Jie Road: "Ajie, is it really demolished?"

Wang Jie does not move, "I know this, I have a few in my heart, don't worry.

"But ..."

"Nothing, you still believe me?"

Wu Mei saw Wang Jie's face, he had no longer questioning, but his heart was some.

This is to be lost, she and Wang Jie may not see it together.

It's not her city, others don't say, Wang Jie is to pay a chance, and her parents can't.

No room has no car, even the old home is gone, is there a daughter to follow Wang Jie to drink northwest wind? Li Dong didn't care about this, but it is so proud: "Feng Jinsong, his Laozi has money to develop commercial street?"

Although the outsider feel that Feng family has 10 million, it is not a small number, it is already the big paragraph of Dongping.

Thousands of people can do nothing to do with the real estate industry.

Although Dongping is a county town, it can be developed in a commercial street, nor tens of millions can go.

Li Dong simply calculated that the land is added, and there is more than 100 million, what is the money from Feng Family? Yuan Xue once again shakes his head: "Unclear, Feng Jinsong said it is a partnership, may account for some shares.

Li Dong thought about it, nodded and didn't ask anything.

However, he has guess that this time the development of Dongping's commercial street should be foreign households. Only foreign households will be admitted to the field, and they will generally find a local partner.

Looking at Fengjia, it is probably the influence of Fengjia in Dongping.

Feng Jinsong's Laozi is based in Dongping for many years. The government can still take the relationship, and the light can save a lot of effort and money.

Next, everyone didn't say the Internet cafe, and no longer discussed Feng family if there is money.

Waiting for the table, everyone should eat, drink, talk to high school life, talk about the future, imagine, a time atmosphere is also good.

The wine is full, and it is time.

Wang Jie looked at Yuan Xue, and looked at Li Dong. I crushed Li Dong. "Dongzi, you send Yuan Xue back, I sent the plum.

I don't wait Li Dong to talk, Yuan Xue is said: "No, my home is close, I will go for a while.

Wang Jie Piece said: "The big night, you have a more dangerous girl.

I heard that Dongping has a ** appearance in the evening, specializing in the night girl ... "

Yuan Xue faces, Li Dong saw the nose, and said to Wang Jie: "You roll your, scare people.

Wang Jie Wen Yan said: "Do not know good people!"

"What is ,, hurry!

"Well, cross the river, you are enough!"

Wang Jie smiled and waved his hand and pulled Wu Mei to leave.

When they walked, Li Dongbiu was left in the hotel.

Li Dongzheng is preparing, Zhou Haidong has gone from next to it.

Today, because of Chen Jing, Li Dong did not let Zhou Haidong waited for it. At night, two people came over, but just Zhou Haidong dinched downstairs.

See Zhou Haidong is ready, Li Dong breaks the road: "Old Week, you will find a place to rest for one night, I will go home at night."

Zhou Haidong looked at Yuan Xue, who was around Li Dong, nodded, and quickly disappeared in the night.

Yuan Xue looked at his back and asked: "Your friend?"

"For a few days, come to Dongping for a few days.

Li Dong smiled.

"How did you just call it together?"

"He doesn't like to eat with strangers.


After finishing these, the two were silent.

Li Dong lived his tone and said: "Let's go, send you back.

Yuan Xue did not speak, step forward.

After a while, Li Dong hesitated himself: "I went to my school last time, why didn't you call me?"

"Pass, you are not there."

Li Dong nodded and said: "How do you think of going abroad?"

"The school has this opportunity, the opportunity is rare, and the foreign countries are indeed more than domestic development, I will apply.

"Exchange for a few years?"

"Two years, the big four will come back.

However, as long as the results are excellent, you can stay, I am going to apply for a school.

"Really prepared to stay in foreign countries?"

Yuan Xue did not speak, silent.


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