The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 255 Equity Exchange (1500 partial subscriptions)

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(Book more than 1700, but also owed two more, it is finished tomorrow.

In Dongping, Li Chengyuan is just a small person.

Whether it is into a subsidiary or a bureau, there are not a few people care, and there are not a few people who care.

Even Feng Jinsong himself unclear that Li Chengyuan has already come out. If he said that he did not forget, he could not go to the policeman every day.

In Feng Jinsong, Li Jia is broken.

Li Dong did not have a good fight, and there is no matter what this affairs, this time, it is also a lesson of Li Dong.

As for Li Chenghong, it will not come out, then he is not closed, at least in his opinion, even if Li Cheng is coming, then he has a lot of money.

The light is a fine of money, it is enough for Li family to hurt for half a year.

And Chen Li warned by the cattle, plus Li family is not so provoyed, naturally will not be good to remind Feng Jinsong.

When I went, Feng Jiafu son didn't know that someone stared at them.

Feng Bin is more unique, Feng Jinsong cleaned a trafficking of selling fish, naturally, I will not tell my own Laozi because there is no need.

... On the afternoon of No. 3, Li Dong took the car to send Li Lan to Chen Jiawan.

Since Chen Jing and Wang Li mother reached an agreement, I moved back from Qingyang to Chenjiawan.

Li Dong did not enter the village and stopped the car in the village.

After Li Lan got off, Li Dong took out the big bag in the trunk and did a dozen a dozen hands to Li Lan Road: "When you leave, you can go to me, Dongping and Pingchuan, take you again to play.

Li Lan nodded.

Li Dong said again: "I don't go in the village. Do you go back?"

"Well, yes.

"Do I write down?"


"That's good, there is something to call me.

Li Dongmi nodded, he couldn't see Chen Jing, and he couldn't see Li Nanming and Li Qing. However, Li Lan is not bad.

Whether because of sympathy or family, he can help, he doesn't mind.

Waiting for Li Lan's shadow and gradually, Li Dongcai has opened to Dongping.

Going back to Dongping, Li Dong did not go home, but went to a building opposite his house.

On the upper floor, knock on the door, Zhou Haiwen door.

Here is the stronghold of Wang Chengzhi, and these three months have lived this.

See Li Dong to enter the door, Wang Cheng has ran down, and Li Dong put his hand and greet them, he also found a place, this way: "How is it?"

Wang Cheng looked at Zhou Haidong, Zhou Haiwu frowed: "Do you report, look at me?"

Wang Cheng smiled, and he said: "Check out, Feng Jia is now there is two restaurants in Dongping, two hotels, a hotel, KTV and Internet cafes, and a cinema.

"This is all kinds of industries, in fact, Feng family has other industries.

"According to our investigation, Dongping's wind furniture city is Feng family, and there is also a large market, Feng family, also accounts for shares, and counts money.

"Also, Feng Jia has two game halls in Dongping, mainly what gambling machines, I heard that business is very good.

"In addition, Feng Jia also controls two buildings, a lot of people, adding almost two hundred people.


When Wang Cheng said, Li Dong touched the Pakistan.

Feng Bin, this old fox is really not underestimated, don't look at him, the industries are very scattered, and actually doing money in Dongping is these business.

This guy's three-school business is doing, and almost all in the monopoly position, I am afraid that the number of people still don't have to guess.

Li Dong has some scratches, and the business is so scattered, and it is not a good thing for him.

If the business is concentrated, you think about the way, spend some money, maybe you can mix him.

Can be so scattered, it is powerless, not so much energy is put on him, and he will really take him in a time.

Even if you fall, you can't hurt the bones for Feng Bin.

Instead, play the snake, the snake is not dead, this truth is the same.

I want to ask Li Dong asked: "Huang, gambling, poison, gambling he is, the other is two?"

Wang Cheng nodded: "There should be, his KTV is not clean, but the other party is very careful, or if it is not particularly observed, the average person can't find it.

And his hotel also has that kind of service, but there is no relationship with him on the surface.

Li Dong wanted up, this matter has to go from the official.

If the government can make the government, it will be said, it is contaminated with these three, as long as the evidence, Feng Bin can't run.

Feng Bin can be in Dongping for so many years, it is necessary to say that the police and the government are no one, and they will not believe in Li Dong.

In addition, the recent guy is also involved in real estate, more indicated that he is not shallow in the government.

Li Dong has self-knowledge, don't look at him more money than Feng Bin, and before, Take the head of Takega, in fact, he is really like Feng Bin, and Lu County is still said to say.

If you can't get it, you will have a water in Feng Bin, or Feng Bin is not so beautiful.

Dongping can't, then you have to rely on Qingyang.

If you can pull a relationship from Qingyang, you will send people from the municipal bureau, I want to get evidence.

How can the key to let the Qingyang do it? Although he has branches in Qingyang, there are also some relationships, but people do not take risks for him.

A Feng Bin is not terrible. If Feng Bin's relationship network has penetrated into Qingyang, or Feng Bin involves the Dongping government, and some people in Dongping have involved Qingyang, then there are some troubles.

See Li Dong into Pens, Wang Chengyue Baba: "Do you want me to call dozens of brothers, do it directly?"

Li Dong came back to God, and he glanced at him without a good air: "What is your idea!

In addition to fighting, will you still do anything else? "

Feng Bin was not a good thing, and he was black, who did not necessarily.

It's not good to take yourself into it, it is really stealing chicken, don't erode, Li Dong will not do this.

For a long time, Li Dong thought of a person, this person said it would be allowed to help himself.

I thought that this Li Dong took out the phone and played a call.

... Hu Wanlin is very fast, and I arrived in Dongping on the morning.

See Li Dong, Hu Wanlin smile like a flower: "Li, I thought you can't see my small household, I didn't expect Li, I was invited by Li, honored to come!"

Li Dong, laughed: "Hu is in love, you want to be small households, what am I do?"

Hu Wanlin lifted his mouth: "Li Shi really loves to joke.

Li Dong did not pick up, sit down and poured a cup of tea, and then asked: "Hu Zheng is really ready to go?"

"Hey, business is hard to do, don't go."

Hu Wanlin sighed.

The old man behind him quickly retreat, and also as usury, although there is a lot of money, it can be planted sooner or later.

It's not as good as it is now, change your legitimate industry, and it is better than entering the class.

Li Dong drank the tea and opened the door: "The greening project of the Huafu and the distribution center is more than 8 million together, can Hu Can eat?"

Hu Wenlin's eyes shore, and quickly said: "Of course, there is no problem, as long as Li always has to win me!"

Li Dong smiled and said: "It is a lot of people who are staring at my two places. It is a big bigger than Hu's strength. What do I think I will give you the project?"

Hu Wanlin has a smile: "Li, I have something to say.

If you don't have this mind, you don't have to find me.

She is not stupid, Li Dong is looking for her, and directly said that the greening project is, and it must be seeking.

Otherwise, you will definitely not find yourself with the real person of Li Dong.

Eight million projects, the profit rate is about 30%, one project, is more than two million profits.

Who is giving this money, why do you want to give her Hu Wanlin?

Seeing Hu Wanlin understood that Li Dong is not vague, laugh, smile: "Then I don't go around the bend, I have a diagonal, yellow, gambling, poison, but he is not shallow in Dongping, you can Think about the way to let him go in a few years, the project is yours.

Hu Wanlin did not hurry, she understood Li Dong's meaning.

This matter is looking for her Hu Wanlin, of course, the key is to find it behind her.

That time in the Pingchuan Political and Legal System has been operating for more than ten years. In the political and legal system is not a general strong, even the fathers of the beef fathers are fighting him, and the gray face of the pit is lost in Mai City.

Pingchuan is the capital of the provincial capital, and the influence of other cities around the surrounding cities is very large.

If the place can help, the seat of the Dongping is not counted.

Even if it is no one in Qingyang, there is absolutely his relationship between the provincial hall, the provincial hall is directly shot, more powerful than Qingyang, there is no chance to intervene in Dongping.

However, Hu Wanlin, which will not be decided, 800 million projects, is worth shooting? If the level is low, that is simple, two million profits are worth a hand.

But if it is involved in Qingyang, some people in the city will come out, then trouble is not small.

Originally, the man behind him quickly retired, and there was trouble when she retired. It is not a good thing.

Li Dong saw her hesitated and said: "Do not involve other people, clean him alone, want evidence, and I want to get it.

As far as the seat of the East, I want to say that Huar is not difficult.

Hu Wanlin is still a bit hesitant, and the meditation film is followed: "I think about it again, this way, you give me the other party, look back, I will reply to you."

Li Dong knows that she should have to discuss, nodded: "OK, this is not anxious.

After saying this, Hu Wanlin gave him a look: "Li is still really not eagle, I know not that is not so easy, I don't expect my expect.

Li Dong, smiled: "If you pay, there is a return, equivalent exchange, Hu Yong said that this can be seen.

Hu Wanlin laughed and shook his head and didn't say anything.

Li Dong opens the conditions, this is an expected thing, even more simple than her imagination.

It is necessary to do not involve the official person. This is really not not least, and even Hu Wanlin also knows that the Qingyang Political Law Committee, and the old man behind her is the party school.

It is really not difficult to solve the seat of a county town.

I am terrible, I am afraid, pull out the radish to bring out the mud, don't come, my ass is not clean, then trouble.


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