The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 261, Black Heart Businessman Li Dong

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Participating in e-commerce, not Rising Li Dong.

In 2005, Li Dong was ready to do e-commerce supermarkets, but at that time, he did not have a lot of capital, so press it and dragged it now.

Now in 2006, Li Dong also had a small capital.

Although the money in his hand is not much, it can be over the year, the monthly profit of the distance should be 50 million.

Hundreds of thousands of monthly profits, the conversion is the annual profit six billion.

Even if you will open the fifty stores next year, you can't get so much money. The rest of the money will not put the bank's interest, and it will take it.

In the next few years, the Internet industry and real estate are also truly profitable.

There are too many things involved in real estate, and Li Dong has not interested in doping.

As for the Internet, whether it is a search engine or not, Li Dong has no experience, and there is no strength.

Only the e-commerce platform is different. This thing is not difficult, and it is also an industrial industry that he is doing in the supermarket industry in the supermarket industry. It is easy for e-commerce, and it is not easy.

Of course, it is not difficult to return, this platform is not so good.

Give you to Shen Wei, it doesn't mean that Shen Yizhen can get it.

Want to build a good, excellent e-commerce platform, no huge technical team support is impossible.

The preparatory team takes a lot of time, Li Dong does not expect Shen Wei to complete it.

However, compared to previous, the IT elite is better than before, and there is also a mature e-commerce platform in China as a reference, but it is much easier than before.

Shen Wei took the task, and his face was looked like, and it was a bit forced to stay.

Li Dong saw her, I was excited, I couldn't help but spurt: "You first get a good year, if you are not good, you don't expect me to give you the e-commerce.

Shen Hao held his fist, vowed: "Do yourself!"

I haven't been difficult to fill me!

Li Dong shook his head and did not know his decision.

But than Sun Tao and Wang Yue, Shen Wei is indeed better than they, because Shen Wei is more than they young, than they can adapt to the network, Sun Tao and Wang Yue are not bigger, but it can be too small for the network.

Li Dong took the idea of ​​building an e-commerce platform, saying that it is not a big relationship.

But if you tell Sun Tao and Wang Yue, these two will definitely have different opinions.

In their opinion, with it to spend so much money, get a virtual network platform that can't see it, it is better to build some branches.

Today, the largest e-commerce platform - Taobao, although the wind that has already been made, most of the physical business is not very concerned, because the market share of e-commerce is too small, not enough to pay everyone .

To say this era, who is the most confident in e-commerce, non-Li Dongmo.

Even if you create Taobao's Horses, this time is not more grasped than Li Dong.

... January 15th.

The remote ten stores resumed the original price. The turnover of the day has dropped from the previous 15 million to 8 million.

Although the turnover is nearly half, the profit can not be sympathetic.

The ten stores in the distance, the loss of nearly 1 million per day, but the day on the 15th, the profit can reach 1 million.

Repeated, a day, the net income of the distance has increased by about 2 million.

At the same time, the performance of other household stores has also grow trends, and everyone is happy in the distance.

Li Donghe Sun Tao's high-level company is slightly tone, not because of making money, but Carrefour and Tesco still do not distribute new goods.

It can be seen that the two supermarkets really have to withdraw from the Jiangbei market.

Three competitors have been one-time, and I have to be happy to earn more than 10 million for Li Dong.

As for the rest of the three, Li Dong is not ready to provoke, frequent attacks, nothing to eat in the distance, and it is easy to be ill.

Monopoly business is to make money, but Li Dong has not yet been able to eat the whole Jiangbei.

In this case, then let a part, wait for strength, then swallow them.

...... Xinxi milk tea shop.

Looking at the opposite Meng Qiping and Cheng Nan show, you fed me, I feed you, Li Dong could not shook his head.

The two days ago, the two were still unknown. Li Dong thought that the two were eight or nine scores.

It is too difficult to understand the current young people, this long, the two will be returned to it, sweet with honey.

Seeing that the two are more and more, Li Dong can't stand the knock on the table: "I said two, pay attention to the impact!"

Cheng Nan heard his face and reddish and converged some.

The fat man is a hippie smile: "East brother, said, this store has an adult, there is no impact.

Li Dong turned over white eyes and lazy to take care of him.

The fat man continues to be hip That: "East brother, I said that you are too business.

I said that I went to the sea to play a few days ago, I went back to the instant noodles, a box of 28 yuan.

At that time, I still think that you are the most business in Jiangbei, boasting you for a long time.

"You can wait for it yesterday, I will buy, good guy, 40 pieces of boxes, potholes!

"I know that you have to rise, you will give me a call in advance.

I bought a dozen box instant noodles. Now I will sell it, I can make a small ear, miss the opportunity!

The fat man said the first foot foot, the annoyed.

Don't say Li Dong, Cheng Nan can't see it, and he is squatted, and he won't stop him.

Li Dong did not have a good air: "Strap, I am waiting for death.

"Can you lose money?"

Meng Qiping did not believe in his face.

Li Dong snorted, not so much: "You said, I have to lose millions for a few days ago. At that time, you also think about it. Now it is necessary to restore the original price. At this time, you will patronize my business.


Meng Qiping and Cheng Nan are so angry, good guys, now Li Dong and their levels have too much.

When they still worried about hundreds of dollars, this guy said that he did not blink in a loss.

Fortunately, Li Dong is not to say money today, bypass this topic, Mumbai Ping smiles: "East brother, I heard that your company has to start recently?"

Li Dong glanced at him, nodded: "There is such a thing, do you know?"

"Listening to people, our school is not a lot of people in your company, listening to them back.


Li Dong did not carefully, doubtful: "Do you care about this? I am looking for me today. I don't have tired of turning the angle.

The fat man smiled and laughed on his face: "East brother, is it fun?"

Li Dong did not speak at him.

The fat man doesn't care, and smiled. "East brother, I have heard that the New Year will, but I have no chance to see it. You said your company annual meeting, I will go see how?"

Li Dong is somewhat speechless, and this guy is looking for him today.

However, at this time, the company's annual meeting is indeed, and there is a high feeling, and the fat man wants to see the knowledge.

Who let him know the boss of the distance, and the relationship is not bad, with the thick face of the fat man, maybe Li Dong does not invite him to go.

Li Dong saw him look forward, did not laugh: "Okay, less installation.

Go, in fact, there is nothing to see, and there is no difference with the school party. You don't don't don't doze off.

The latter half of the fat man didn't care, heard the first half of Li Dong, the fat man was surprised: "East brother, you promised!"

"Well, at the afternoon of the 22nd, the Ballroom of Dongping Hotel, when you go to the site, you will go to the site.

"Cough, that, Dong Ge, when I took a few people, didn't you do?"

The fat man is sinking.

Li Dong looked at Cheng Nan, thinking that the fat man said Cheng Nan, pointing at the head: "Okay, I have no time to entertain you."

"No need, you are busy with you, I will go to the glory.

The fat man is busy with the phone.

Li Dong smiled and said more.


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