The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 263 Announcement (Medium)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Sun Tao stepped down, but the scream was endless.

When Sun Tao returned to the seat, Li Dong hit the fun: "Sun, it's time to find a wife, our distant employees are quite good, do you want to pick one?"

Sun Tao smiled and said: "Li, do this, you have to take the lead, if you take the lead, our old bachelors follow you.

The next few single leaders also laughed: "Yes, Li, Yong, fat water does not flow out of the field, we have many beautiful women, don't you see it?"

Li Dong smiled and pointed to the people: "You are less, our goal is the summary.

Sun Tao quickly laughed: "I surrendered, and I don't have anything to find my wife.

Everyone is also a joke, and all the hosts shouted to make the stage quiet, everyone converges.

The noise of the stage gradually saved, and then the host invited guests to speak to the stage.

This farewell guest, most of them are suppliers, and some other partners, and each is the kind of strength.

The speech on behalf of the guests is the greatest supplier in the distance.

It is a little old man who looks unexpectedly. In fact, Li Dong knows that this home is not inferior to himself.

This time, the other party can personally come over and participate in the distant annual meeting, Li Dong is still surprising.

The little old man did not win the owner, Sun Tao took four or five minutes, and the other party brought everyone to the stage.

It is also some sets of talks, and there is no other congratulations to the development of the distant, and cooperate with a win-win situation. It is expected to continue working in the future.

Leaders and guests finish, the year will enter the second process.

Commending outstanding employees!

The outstanding employees selected, there are 36 people.

There are a lot of people, and Wang Yue, deputy general manager.

For these hundreds of elites, Li Dongsto spends money, everyone rewards 18888 yuan of cash, and the year-end award will be counted.

If you add a year-end award, every outstanding employee takes more than 30,000 bonuses this year.

Coupled with usual wages, there is no difficulty in 50,000 yuan a year.

The average monthly salary is 5,000, and Pingchuan in 2005 is higher than what white-collar gold collar is high, but in the distance, they are just one of ordinary employees.

The bonus is sent to the scene. Looking at the outstanding employees who took Qian Le blossom, then look at the next one and the unique employees, and Li Dong faces with satisfactory smile.

I know that envy is good, so there is power.

Otherwise, one by one, how often, how to develop, how to break through.

Waiting for the excellent staff, next is the award of excellent store director.

The distant store is now with the reserve store, and there is about one hundred people.

This excellent store manager has eight places.

Among them, Li Dong's understanding, but I only see it is impressive, and I am not familiar with it.

However, these people have made great contributions to the distance last year.

These people, everyone last year's performance is far from the universal store.

Li Dong saw Fang Hao also ranked out of the excellent store, for Fang Hao, Li Dong is still very satisfied.

Fang Hao is a distant fellow character. When the East Ping Store opened, Fang Hao was the operator at the time.

But just start, Li Dong's impression of Hao Hao is not very good.

On the first day of the Dongping Store opened, Fang Hao falsified to make his mother award, then Li Dong's opponent Hao Can not be very satisfied.

However, when he came to Dongping, Dongping store, the performance of Dongping store was listed.

Afterwards, it was transferred to the Tongshan City Store, and the results were more than the performance of the two urban stores in Yucheng and Qingyang. This allowed Li Dong to see him.

Li Dong has an idea. If you open up two cities from Nanhu and Mingcheng next year, Fanghao should be alone.

The awards of the excellent shop captain were first awarded by Sun Tao.

Compared to excellent employees, excellent store director's bonus is more.

Everyone rewards 38888 yuan, and the light bonus is much more than one year in Pingchuan.

For the storemen who can get commission, the bonus is not the most important. The most important thing is that Sun Tao's face is written "Elite Store".


This banner is a unique honor unique to excellent storeiers, but it is not only such a great honor, but also a benefit.

With this banner, these outstanding storeiers will have priority rights, and the company will give priority to them, if they meet the standards, the promotion of ten nine stable.

The storeman is happy to step down, and the first program will begin.

The host on the stage shouted: "Next, there are colleagues who ask Dongping store to bring us a chorus show -" Grateful Heart "!

The voice falls, the stage light is over.

When the lights are lit again, there have been more than a dozen Dongping shops on the stage.

There is a male woman, the lead is the current shopman of Dongping Store.

Li Dong, a slight shot down, Sun Tao smiled and said: "Li, don't like it?"

Although the traces of the Tung Ping shop are slightly heavy, Sun Tao is still very satisfied.

Different from Dongping Store, Sun Tao's feelings.

That is the beginning of the distance, a banner of the distance, whether it is the surface, or really thanks to the heart, Dongping this arrogant is a taste of Sun Tao.

Li Dong smiled: "OK, right, how is the last time you check it?"

Sun Tao stunned, I remembered what Li Dong asked, whispered: "Lin Shi General although the business is not strong, but people can, the car is bought.

Li Dong did not say anything, since the other party did not greed, it didn't matter.

This is the temperament of people, and it is not easy for the next life. It is not necessary to haleout.

Both people talk, there is a soft music on the stage, and the songs are slow.

"Grateful heart, thank you ..."

"Grateful heart, thank you for your destiny ..."

..., a chorus ended, the original Li Dong didn't care, but the moment, Li Dong, was stunned.

Wu Mei!

Wang Jie's girlfriend Wu Mei, Li Dong did not expect her to see her in the Choir of Dongping Store.

It is important to know that Wu Mei is still a intern. The opportunity of the distant annual meeting is rare, and the Dongping Store has come to more than a dozen people. I didn't expect Wu Mei to be in it.

Although some accidents, Li Dong did not greet it.

He is now old, and he is in the eyes of everyone.

Now, I will call a distant branch intern, I can't get any trouble, Li Dong doesn't matter, I am afraid that Wu Mei can't bear such a big pressure.

Li Dong saw Wu Mei, Wu Mei naturally saw Li Dong.

Compared to Li Dong's waves, Wu Mei is shocked by the first eyes of Li Dong.

She can come to the annual meeting this time, mainly two reasons, first, singing, second, people are still good.

It is natural to perform the show, but when the company's leadership, the toned trub is naturally not.

Therefore, Wu Mei's intern is just catching up, and the first annual meeting of the distant people came over with the interns.

What I didn't think of it is that she is highly mighty, it is omnipotent, talking, laughing, smuting, it is a good brother of her boyfriend!

It is no wonder that Wang Jie let him take care of himself, think of this Wu Mei is nervous again.

When I came with the first stage, I took a few times, it was a chorus, but even if so, the storeman didn't give her a good look.

However, Wu Mei did not think about the expression of the store, but secretly turned to look at Li Dong.

Who knows that Li Dong is just watching her, this is scared to Wu Mei.

Li Dong under the stage is like a rabbit with the shocked rabbit, hurriedly turned, and some funny, but did not say anything.

It's next to Shen Xi and I'm: "How, Lee lives in the heart?"

Li Dong glanced at her, didn't have a good air: "Friends' girlfriends, don't think so.

"You are just!"

Shen Wei bites his teeth, who thought, the hateful guy!

Li Dong did not take care of her, the female host on the stage has begun the next process.


Tonight's lottery is expecting, don't say legendary cars, bonuses, and the prizes that are piled together is enough to let everyone be tempted.

Just taking a mobile phone computer is also good, it is not good, it's good to come to a bicycle.

Of course, if you are not lucky, you can go back to the bag.

Distinguished a lot of lottery activities in the distance, nature is very familiar.

The host on the stage has begun to comment: "This lucky draw is carried out in batches, and once the show will be a lottery.

Do you see the big screen behind me? A series of numbers will be scrolled on the big screen. When Sun always stops, the owner of this number is a winner.

"Of course, Sun will only decide who is winning, as for the prize, then look at Li.

When the winner appears, the big screen behind me will carry out the second scrolling, that is the prize, have a car, there are 100,000 bonuses, and the Maldives double ten days tour ... When Li is shouting, what is the screen? What is your prize!

The host said, there is a big voice under the stage: "Digital, I don't know how much I do?"

The female host is ""

One, I was sad: "I blame me, forgot to tell you, this number is the last three digits just given to the previous card.

You all have an entry certificate, just haven't, we have no chance, we have no chance, so pitiful!

Sun Tao under the stage smiled and said: "Xiao Xie is sad, I am with Li's business, pumping it up, prizes are you.

Pumping on the second, the prize is a small week.

When the two hosts he wondered, I quickly said: "Then, Thank you, Mr. Li.

It is not a good prize. The key is that the two old holds remember them, this is enough.

And the first and second, these two numbers are more than just numbers, but also representative.

No matter whether there is no winning, today they value.


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