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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Green bamboo garden.

This time I came to Qinjia, Qin Hai and Yang Wei were not at home.

Close to the year, Li Dong can take time to take a break, Yang Yu and Qin Hai have no time to rest.

Qin Yuhan hurriedly he greet Li Dong situated down. As a result, Li Dong had wrapped her take off her shoes to roll on the sofa.

Qin Yuhan did not help but laugh: "You have seen your company, I am afraid that no one dares to believe.

Li Dong is not here: "What happened like this? This is called Tong Zhen, you can't understand your interest.

"Do you know your head!

Qin Yuhan laughed, put the suitcase in his room, and then went to the living room to open the TV, sit down next to Li Dong, asked: "Yesterday your company an annual meeting?"

Li Dong should have a vaguely, and the Qin Yuhan has heard the arms.

Qin Yuhan was shame, pushed him: "Don't move!

"Smell the taste, or the original taste, it seems that I didn't take a shower from my last time you.

Qin Yuli knocked on his head, and did not manage the hands of this tareered guy. Microvelite breathed: "Listen to my mother, have you sing yesterday?"

"Well, the sound is so good?"

Li Dong said a sentence.

Qin Yulin said: "How do I know that you didn't sing again.

My mother sent a lottery photo, too blurred, I couldn't see it.

Li Dong came back to God, this year, there is no WeChat and the like.

The small video is don't want to pass it, and you can send a lottery letter to the top.

Li Dong has a little deeds, WeChat this is very easy to use, do you want to mix it with one hand? However, I thought about it, Li Dong still gave up this idea.

WeChat is easy to use, but it is not that he will be able to develop for a while, let alone he is now in hand, and the e-commerce platform has not yet made it yet, and then WeChat is somewhat.

Of course, if you wait for his e-commerce, it has been cultivated, and it is not possible that WeChat has not appeared.

Anyway, it is still very early to launch WeChat, you are not anxious.

Thinking of WeChat, Li Dong couldn't help but think of Tencent.

This year he is ready to sell Baidu's stock, and the rise in Baidu stock will slow down in a short time.

And Tencent is just the contrary, since 2006, Tencent officially entered the stock price soared, and now Tencent's share price is not high.

Li Dong wants to think that he will take a look at Tencent's stock, which is much more than yourself now make money.

And Tencent is listed in Hong Kong. It is easy to buy stocks. In addition, Tencent's share price is rising, and many people are willing to make stocks in their hands, but also buy some, this is to remember it.

Li Dong is thinking about things, Qin Yuhan is not full: "What is your attitude!

I am talking to you, what do you think? "

Li Dong came back to God, and even quickly explained: "Things are thinking about stocks, gainting.

Listening to Li Dong said the stock, Qin Yuhan has a little odd: "Is Baidu share price rose?"

"No, I have been waiting for a ban. I am going to shoot, I just wanted to return to the stock of Tencent.

Tencent's share price is rising, this is not a secret, but few people think that there is so much in the next few years.

See Li Dong to talk to Tencent, Qin Yuhan has some satisfying: "Tencent stock price seems to have risen several times from the listing, but no hundreds of degrees, you can buy Tencent stocks, is it still what can I rise?"

For Li Dong's vision, Qin Yuhan is extremely trusted.

Whether it is a supermarket or a stock, Qin Yulan found that Li Dong did not look at it.

In just two years, Li Dong has grown from a one-piece poor student, which has grown into a leader in the eyes of the young generation. It is his human eye.

Li Dong nodded, is preparing to find an excuse to explain a few words, Qin Yuhan smiled: "Li Dong, you say that I have to buy some?"

Li Dong was blocked, some no words: "Just, you like it.

Things to bypass stocks, Li Dong asked: "How is your store now?"

Speaking of a dessert shop, Qin Yuhan is sad: "It is still a loss, I will turn the store when I walk, wait until next year.

If it is not ... "

Didn't finish it, Qin Yuhan suddenly snorted.

Reach your hand to take Li Dong's paw from the chest, shameful: "Big during the day, you have to face your face!

Li Dong smiled and smiled. "No way, who makes you don't live in your parents, don't you go home in the evening?"

"Don't go!

"Daughter-in-law, you are too worried.

In the past two days, I will return to Dongping, wait back to Pingchuan, you are afraid you have to go to school, you have to think about a strong man.

Qin Yuhan gave him a bit, his face was slightly red: "Don't go today, I will go tomorrow.

Li Dongtun laughed out, provoke Qin Yuhan aunt.

The two have a lot of people, see time, and go to a restaurant to have a meal.

In the afternoon, Li Dong was accompanied by Qin Yuhan to turn around Pingchuan.

...... Two days, Li Dong is busy.

If you are leisure, you will bring you the street, go to the temple meeting, and there is something to stay in the company to handle documents.

The distance is scheduled for twenty-seventh holiday in the twelfth lunar month. In addition to a few left-behind persons, others must go, waiting for the first eight next year.

In the end of the year, the handling thing has to be dealt with, the province is dragged next year.

As for the store, there are also arrangements, small employees overtime, and maintain the store continue to open, salary is three times the usual, this Lee is relieved.

This year, although the big cities have regulations, the double salary at the end of the year.

In Pingchuan, it can achieve this. In addition to a few state-owned enterprises, the private enterprises have not much double salary at the end of the year, let alone triple salary.

Three times in the distance, people who are willing to stay should not be too much.

I heard that in order to strive to work overtime, the employees under the bottom are open, do not say all, at least more than 60% of people want to stay overtime.

The distant wages are originally not low, triple wages do ten days, can be more than two months older than others.

However, these natural people are responsible, and they are not in the heart of Li Dong.

... The twins of the twins.

Distance, Li Dong also returned to Dongping for the New Year.

Wanyuan Community, No. 8 building.

Li Dong hugged Qin Yuhan, asked: "Don't you go back with me?"

Qin Yuhan has sent a hair and shakes his head: "No, next time.

"The ugly woman has always seen the in-laws, and then I have seen my parents, and I am embarrassed.

Qin Yuhan has a white eye, this is a embarrassed question? Now she is still a student, I will go to Li family for more than a year. If she is graduated now, Qin Yuhan does not say that the New Year must go to Li Jiacai.

Unfortunately, it is still too early, I have an impact.

Qin Yuhan did not care much, but she mentioned Yang Wei once, and the old couple did not agree.

Originally, Qin Jia was a low Li family. Now the daughter is catching up with the door, what is going on here.

Qin Yuhan saw that parents opposed, and finally thought about it or decided, and then she is now actually not prepared.

If Li Dong's parents ask the marriage, that is more embarrassing.

Li Dong saw her so firmly, no way, kiss her: "Then I will go back, you pay attention to safety in Pingchuan.

Remember to call me every day, and there is something to call me, or if you have an urgent matter, you will call the old week or Liu Qi, they are all in Pingchuan ... "

"Okay, I know, gain the house.

Qin Yuhan smiled.

Li Dong said, there are many times, she drove down.

Besides, Pingchuan's parents are there, and it is still the high level of the distance, really doing things, their parents can solve.

However, this is Li Dong's concern to her, Qin Yuhan is not ready to refute.

The two were not reluctantly stayed downstairs for a long time, and finally Qin Yuhan helpless: "Well, let's go, no longer go back to the sky.

"You rush me?"

Li Dong is not full.

Qin Yuli did not laugh, kissed his cheeks, helping him to sort out the collar, this way: "This is going down, the weather is not very good, you may want to snow, pay attention to safety on the road.

Li Dong nodded and turned to the car.

On the car, Cao Feng Cao Yu also has Lin Meng three people.

This year, Cao Feng and Cao Yu are not prepared to return to the hometown. After all, it will take a few days after coming back, it is a little far away.

In addition, Cao Feng has not ended yet, and it is not blocked by people in the Chinese New Year.

Don't return to my hometown, Li Dong naturally can't let them go in Pingchuan, plus Cao Fang also takes them back, and Li Dong is also called Cao Jia brothers and sisters.

As for Lin Meng, Lin Meng is not a local person.

Lin Meng's hometown is also very far from Pingchuan. This year, she was prepared to stay in Pingchuan and Cao Feng. However, Li Dong made Cao Jia brothers and sisters to Dongping. Cao Feng naturally can't let Lin Meng stay in Pingchuan.

This little two is now sweet, and Lin Meng himself moved to Cao Feng, has begun to live.

Li Dong naturally won't hit, invited Lin Meng to go to Dongping.

Lin Director is still sorry, and later Cao Feng and Cao Yu are advised, and finally decided to go to Dongping together.

Li Dong took the car, and Qin Yuhan waved, stop the car outward.

This time, Li Dong did not let Zhou Haidong will send him. He has always made Zhou Haidong and his family reunite, so this time Li Dong decided to drive back to Dongping.

After waiting for the community, Lin Mengcai low voice: "East Clays, your friend is friendly.

Li Dong smiled and said: "Just as soon as it is beautiful.

Lin Mengpei is bus shame: "East Shei brothers really love to kid, I have to have half your girlfriend is half beautiful.

Li Dong smiled and didn't be true.

Lin Mun is selling insurance. If the face is so thin, it can't make it, as for the shy and shy, it is only a dress.

People say a few clubs, but it is close to the relationship.

PS: I haven't pushed the book for a long time, I recommend a new book "House of Treatment", everyone has time to see.

Picking up the sister is a genuine girl, and the only one I know, the sister who can write a small H text, the kind of good pollution, the people who like the men are going.


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