The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 274 Mushan Manor

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

In 2006, Li Dong had a comfortable, of course, if you don't have to sleep all day, you will be better.

After the Spring Festival, I went out to go out, and I prepared to go to school.

At the beginning of the first month, Cao Feng has rushed to Pingchuan in advance.

Li Dong is preparing for a few days, or simply waiting for the parents.

However, he is also busy now, time is not free to arrange itself, the first six afternoon, Li Dong returned to Pingchuan alone.

When you go to Wanyuan, it has been five o'clock.

Li Dong rushed a bath, changed his clothes, and went downstairs to participate in a party.

The location of the party is not a restaurant restaurant, but the Mountain Manor.

If you don't need to navigate, if you don't know the Mountain Manor in Pingchuan for so many years, Li Dongbai mixed for so many years.

Mountain Manor, the top villa area in Pingchuan.

There is Near Lushan Park, Bai Cui Park, Wildlife Park, Bai Cuihu, Lushan Scenic Area, Jiangbei Museum ... This series of scenic spots, let Mountain Manor become a veritable scenery manor.

In addition to the beautiful environment, other supporting facilities near the Mountain Manor are also first class.

There is Jiangbei Second People's Hospital, Pingchuan Lushan Hospital, Jiangbei Maternal and Children's Hospital, and a famous private middle school in Pingchuan.

Whether it is medical or education, the supporting facilities near the Mountain Manor are among the best in Jiangbei.

The advantages of this series have also created the high price of the Mountain Manor.

The entire Mountain Manor covers an area of ​​180,000 square meters, which is mainly in townhouse, supplemented with a single-family villa, and the tall villa is 300 square meters or more. The single-family villa is even more than 500 square meters.

The price is also the highest level of Jiangbei, and the single-family villa will be averaged for one hundred and one level. Casual Buy a house is less than 6 million.

In 2006, the house price reached 10,000, and the house price of the country has been flat.

Pingchuan is really necessary, but it is a second-third-tier city. This price can not bear it.

Until Li Dong was born, more than two hundred villas in the Mountain Manor were not completely sold. Of course, the price of the Mountain Manor was also a high price, which is not cheap compared to the housing price of a first-tier city.

However, according to Li Dong, the developers who have investing in the Mountain Manor have been bankrupt.

It should be the Longhua Group to take over, Longhua Group's wealth is rough, and the villa can not sell it. This is the rest of the Mushan Manor's villa to stay after seven or eight.

... When Li Dong went to the Mountain Manor, the sky was dark.

The security guard of the manor stopped Li Dong's car, Li Dong newspaper the name of the invitation, and the security guard took the intercom to check it for a while, let Li Dong enter the door.

Because the sky is gradually black, Li Dong has not mood to watch the scenery inside the manor.

Driving around the townhouse, Li Dong entered a single-family villa.

Single-family villa, interval between each villa is very large, the number is not much, and the signage on the road is also very clear.

After a while, Li Dong's car stopped in front of the 16th villa.

Zhang Yuyu, who has already received the news, personally come out, and wait for Li Dong to get off the bus, Zhang Yuyu smiles like a flower: "Li Gong is coming, Peng Yisheng!

Li Dong smiled and said: "It is not good to use it, borrow Miss's light, or this hometown can not see such a good place.

Zhang Yuyu smiled, and the guest has two sentences to lead Li Dong to go to the villa.

Li Dong did not panic all over around, and many luxury cars were parked outside the hospital.

More than ten luxury cars parked together, his S350 is something uncomfortable.

Especially when I see there in several super run, Li Dong's car is more stunned.

Li Dong saw the eyes and lined up, tested: "Miss Zhang, this party is very much.

Zhang Wei smiled: "Today, Chen Ruisheng, is not outstanding, it is a few acquaintances together.

They are friends in the circle, don't let it come.

However, Li is also don't worry, today I have come today, I have come to friends, I believe and Li will have a common language.

Li Dongwen said slightly, and did not say anything.

Today is Chen Ruisheng, according to reason, I don't need to ask Li Dong, but since Chen Rui invited, Li Dong can't come.

It is not a big contradiction between Li Dong and Chen Rui, and he doesn't have to die.

Of course, even if it is coming, Li Dong is not preparing to make Zhang Yang.

I am old, I'm still in the audience, the other uses him to worry, Chen Rui is looking for himself, the biggest purpose is not an endlope, no matter what the talker can't believe that Chen Rui will not take him.

All the way to Zhang Yuyu entered the villa.

Many people have come in the hall, most of them are young, and the red hair is not in a small number.

Li Dong glanced at all, did not pay much attention, put the sight to a group of people gathered next to the lobby.

This group of people is not much, about five or six, the age is also too large, there is a suits, and there is also a casual clothes. It should be the business people in Zhang Yucou.

Although Li Dong's remote supermarket is very big, but it is really not much about the business elite in Pingchuan.

Five or six people, no one is Lee know.

Li Dong was playing the people, and everyone naturally saw Li Dong from Zhang Yuxi.

I don't know much about Li Dong, but Zhang Yuxi is half a master today, and she naturally didn't know her.

Just Zhang Yuxi went out and greeted the guests, everyone knows, knowing that today's personality is not low, but before Zhang Yuyu did not personally welcome anyone.

Now Zhang Yuyu went to the door to pick up people, and some people naturally look in their eyes.

However, when I saw Li Dong so young, most people thought that the second generation of husband came, only a few people recognized Li Dong, knowing that this young man is a far-rectimal manner last year.

Chen Rui, who had been talking with a few young people, see Li Dong into the door, and said with a few people around him, stepped over.

After a few steps, Chen Rui opened his hands and laughed: "Li is always, it is hoped!"

Li Dong did not stand his enthusiasm, and quickly reached out and prepared to shake his hand, but didn't want Chen Rui directly to ignore him, and gave Li Dong hugged.

Then I took the back of Li Dong, Chen Rui smiled, Haid: "Li, Happy New Year!"

Li Dong did not have traces to move the body, and smiled: "It should be that I wish you a happy birthday.

Said the gift box on the hand of Chen Rui, laughed: "Little gift, does not pay tribute.

"Hahaha, Li is always polite, come to eat a meal, why bother to waste.

Chen Rui smiled and took the gift box to Zhang Wei, who handed it to the side of the gift box, and then took the clapping to attract everyone's attention, and the hall is quiet, Chen Rui Talent said: "I am young Junjie, I am afraid that many people don't I know, I will introduce it to you today, this is the long company of the remote company!


It's not a warm applause, it is whispering.

Most people on the field don't know Li Dong, and even people don't know far, naturally don't know Li Dong.

When I listened to the people, I became a billionaire last year, I became a billionaire, even more than one billion, which made everyone attached to it.

The billionaire in 2006 is not a big road, that is, the price of the price is really high.

Especially Li Dong is so young, let everyone pay attention.

Li Dong may not be interested to give people a monkey to watch, head toweling Chen Rui nod, and smiling at everyone, I have found a remote corner to sit down.

Chen Rui's eyes turned to turn, whispered to Zhang Yuyu said a few times.

Zhang Wei nodded and nodded, and then went to Li Dong to sit down, and Chen Rui is to receive other guests.

When Zhang Yuyu sat down, I laughed: "Li, how? I am not used to?"

Li Dong shrugged: "It is a bit, everyone is not familiar, my humanity is a little lonely, not acquaintances rarely talk.

Zhang Yuxi smiled and laughed: "It is also a stranger to be a stranger. A few guests are very interested in Today.

Li Dongbi wrinkled, listened to Zhang Yuyu, and today I didn't talk about the project today? Feeling this attitude towards the jade, it seems to be a man, who is looking for himself with Zhang Wei Yu? Li Dong can't guess, too lazy to guess, directly: "It's still a good time. Today, I will win the Birthday, I will not win the Lord.

Zhang Yuyu smiled and barely, this guy is really difficult to wait!

As for the character of Li Dong, I don't like to communicate with strangers, Zhang Weiyu is not true.

It is so lonely, what business is still doing.

Don't communicate with strangers, don't communicate with strangers, your company has long closed.

However, today, Li Dong may not be an enemy with him, Zhang Yuxi see Li Dong confusing, and no longer says the topic just, but replaced a daily greeting.

Talk to the weather, talk about the economy, talk about the officialdom.

More than ten minutes, Chen Rui asked guests.

Chen Rui took the microphone: "Everyone can come to participate in my birthday party, I am very honored.

"Today, I have my friends, have my brothers and sisters, and have a successful person ..."

Don't look at Chen Ruiping, a foreign man is like a person, but also a white hair, saying that the guest's pointer is not better than the general old oil.

After saying five or six minutes, Chen Rui word did not repeat.

Li Dong looked at Zhang Yuyu around him, I couldn't help but ask a question: "How old is Chen?"


Li Dongpu is smoked, he just felt something wrong, and it was guessed by him.


Chen Rui actually only twenty-eight, this guy is much old, Li Dong has always thought that he at least thirty-four.

And Zhang Qingping is also called Chen Rui Chen Ge, I didn't expect Zhang Qingbi, is still bigger than Chen Rui.

Li Dong's expression is rich, Zhang Yuyu naturally looked in his eyes, whispered smiled: "Chen Rui is actually white, it is mature, he is dyed back, people are young.

Li Dong smiled and did not speak, continued to listen to Chen Rui's speech.


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