The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 282 puts a harrow

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Li Dongzhao has a CT, re-washing the wound, feeling that the problem is not big, ready to go home to rest.

At this time, Sun Tao also rushed over.

Sun Tao led, Zhou Haidong followed it, and the leaders of the four or five director levels were all over.

When I saw the gauze on Li Dongtou, Sun Tao hurriedly said: "How is Li, which is hurt? Is the problem serious? How do you say?"

If you don't wait Li Dong, others will greet it.

The nurses who gave Li Dongbao wounds were a little surprised to look at Li Dong, and did not expect this long and boy as young people who were still old.

Didn't wait until she thought, the medical room suddenly sounded ""

A crisp sound.

When everyone suddenly attracted their attention, Li Dong also gently eyebrows, looked at Zhou Haidong, and Li Dongyou showed a dissatisfaction.

Cao Hongbing looked down his face, and there was no sound of red face.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while, and several other director have closed their mouths, but it was a bit surprised to see Zhou Haidong's eyes.

Zhou Haidong gave Cao Hongbing a big slap, and then no longer watched Cao Hongbing, but to Li Dongdao: "Li, this time is my loss, I shouldn't let you drive alone.

Li Dong frowed: "What is the relationship with you, my own car accident, who makes you playing?"

Zhou Haidong did not speak.

Cao Hongbing is in turn to help Zhou Haidong explained: "Li, this time I should hit, don't worry.

Li Dong did not pick up, stared in Zhou Hai Dongdao: "Next time, it will not move the fan, believe I will give you a big slap!

The voice just fell, Zhou Haidong suddenly ""

Gave yourself a few big slaps.

Li Dong did not come and stop, Zhou Hai's face is already red, and the light is listening to the sound.

At this moment, Sun Tao also reacted, and quickly grabbed Zhou Haidong's hand: "Week manager, public case you are!

Zhou Haidong didn't care about him, looked at Li Dong, and there was some red road in the eyes: "Li, you have a grace of me!"

You don't know, I heard you, my first idea is to kill Cao Hongbing's bastard, then kill the bastard hit your king, then I ... "


Li Donggong coughed with a sprint of this guy, didn't have a good air: "Close your mouth!


After said, I laughed again: "He just opened a joke, Miss of the nurse, I am fine here, you will go first.

Young female nurses did not dare to look at Li Donghe Zhou Haidong, and he hurriedd out.

Waiting for a nurses, Li Dongcai said: "In addition to killing, can you say something reliable? Let you look at the book, the brain grows into the muscles!

Zhou Haidong is not awkward.

Li Dong felt a little bit of his head, and his heart was a good luck and a funny. He took a breath: "Stapless less, first apologize to Red soldiers!

Zhou Haidong glanced at Cao Hong Bing, so half of it. "Big Duel let him hit, apologize, no door!"

Cao Hongbing also watched his hand: "Li, I don't have to apologize Zhou Ge, this blame I didn't protect you, Zhou Ge called me.

Li Dong looked at Cao Hongbing. This rough man is obviously not a person who will lying. It has not exposed any grievances in his eyes. Li Dong is like this. I will play myself in front of me, all give me a glow!

Zhou Haidong and Cao Hongbing should have a sound.

I have done these two guys, Li Dongcai has a work of Mu to answer Sun Tao.

"The doctor said that the problem is not big, there may be some slight brain oscillate, and it will take a few days. You don't have to worry.

Sun Tao has a long time, and he suddenly heard Li Dong's car accident, a few people were really frightened.

Don't look at Li Dongti, when the company feels no responsibility, Li Dong is the soul of the distance.

If Li Dong is going out, they don't dare to think about how far in the distance.

It's good to be shocked, see Li Dong's clarity, the spirit is not too slight, and several people put down.

With a few words, Li Dong said again: "Don't be squeezed here, you go to you, I will go back.

Sun Tao said that he said: "Li, still hospitalized, it is a few days.

Although there is no problem now, it can be insured, or it is observed for a few days.

Next to Cao Hong soldiers heard the words immediately: "Li, you listen to Sun, the doctor just said that the hospital for staying, we have to listen to the doctor.

Li Dong saw a few people, helpless: "My own body can not be clear? Doctors like to exaggerate their words, hate you for ten years in the hospital ..."

"Li, the body is heavy!

Sun Tao broke the way.

Li Dong shook his head, I feel that the head seems to have some heavy, I have to go out: "Then, I have a break in this two days, I will give me my own holiday.

Sun Tao revealed a smile, Liu Hongmei, behind him: "Director Liu, you will go to the Cao Director to do a hospitalization.

Liu Hongmei took a sound, accompanying Cao Hongbing, together with Cao Hongbing.

...... Li Dong's car accident does not propagate, Sun Tao has not disclosed it in order to stabilize the company.

In the next two days, Li Dong was spent in the hospital.

On the third day, Li Dong had already scarred, and the scars of tiger mouth were also long.

Sun Tao thought about it: "What is the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that it didn't have a chance, and the time to cooperate with a check.

Sun Tao slightly tone, see Li Dong's impatient, nodded: "That line, will let Zhou Manager help you have a procedure.

These days, Zhou Haidong is guarded in the hospital because of their own blame, and it will not go back in the evening.

Li Dong persuaded twice, see Zhou Haidong did not listen, and later lazy to take care of him.

The two are talking about, and Cao Hongbing entered the ward.

Li Dong saw him back and asked: "Is it finished?"

The matter of the car accident, Li Dong naturally didn't have to personally go to the police team to handle, just in the air team to inform Li Dong, send people in the past, Li Dong let Cao Hong soldiers went to a trip.

I heard Li Dong asked, Cao Hongbing's face was a little ugly, shakes his head: "I haven't dealt.

Li Dong's eyes showed a doubts and asked: "What is going on?"

"The traffic police said that because this accident, you account for the main responsibility, it is recommended that we are best private, compensate each other's medical expenses!

Li Dongnan is a bit of hair, Cao Hongbing did not say a reflection? Does he have the main responsibility? Yes, he is speeding, this Lee does not deny it, there is no need to deny it.

His speed is not caused by the cause of the accident, and the reason for the accident is that the other party speeds and red lights. How can I become my responsible? This is still not counted, his victim did not talk about compensation, the other party reversed him to compensate medical expenses!

Don't say Li Dongfa, Sun Tao also frowed: "Is this said that the traffic police said, or the other party said?"

"The traffic police said.

Cao Hong soldiers have some indignation: "I told them that the responsibility is not in our side, but the traffic police say that the accident responsibility is like this, you speedy and red light ..."

"Wait, who is red light?"


"Go to his uncle!

When Li Dongtun fired, when did you turn to someone else to fall? The traffic police teams have kicked, Li Dong took a breath and asked: "Is there no monitoring?"

"The traffic police said that the monitoring is just a few days ago, and the other person has a certificate, it proves that you speedy and red light ..."

When Cao Hong soldiers finished, Li Dong was calm, and asked: "What do the other person think? Since there is no evidence, it is also a medical fee?"

Now this is obvious, the other party of the car accident is not looking for a background.

But the other party is private, that is, for the money, there is a background to destroy evidence over the side of the traffic police team, and a little medical expenses? Just in Li Dong, Cao Hongbing said: "I have said a few words with the man, I listen to him, it seems to be a car who will pay him.

Li Dong was laughing, Sun Tao also coldly said: "Don't the insurance company are dealing with the insurance company? Do you pay?"

Li Dong said: "Don't you understand this? The other side wants me to pay for him, pay a new car.

"Right, what car is he?"

Audi A6.

"I hit me, I don't say, I have to pay for hundreds of thousands of car money, I dare to think!

Li Dongki smiled and smiled and looked at Cao Hongdeng: "Do we be a distant person?"

"Say, people say that distant cars are not bad.

"Oh, this is a bit meant.

Li Dong smiled, it is not a big event.

After all, there is no big problem for the family's cultivation, and Li Dong is still thinking that the other party is more important than himself. It doesn't matter what medical expenses, if it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter.

I didn't expect that he didn't think about it, and the other party had to put a hike, and he was coming.

Such a car, hundreds of thousands of cars, also listened to their identity, it seems that it is still a disaster, the other person sees yourself and wants to bite.

Li Dong spitted his tone, for Sun Tao Road: "Inquire about the other party, and contact the city bureau, how many million cars I donated?"

Listening to Li Dong, Sun Tao did not dissuade it.

It is really that the other party is too bullying, and Sun Tao is also a sigh of relief.

In particular, when the traffic police team, I remember that the traffic police brigade also divided into the car. As a result, I took a distant car, and now I also help others, and there is no store professional ethics.

Take a short man, it's too ugly when you have the police team!

After saying these, Li Dong did not rush to discharge, to Sun Tao: "You can check it first, find it to tell me, I don't believe it, and some people dare to be so unscrupulous!"

The other party knows that he is a boss in the distance, but also dare to blame him, and the courage is not a general.

Even Chen Rui said that the business did not dare to take the potential. The company also had a Shen Wei. In Jiangbei, who is brain, who is kicked for a car? Undespeed.

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