The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 285, you sing, I am debut.

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"Please come!

Li Dong took the lead in entered the door, and the left hand behind Zhou Hai's left hand took the fruit basket, and the flowers were holding flowers and followed.

I have a high-dry ward that I have never enrolled in the past and present, and Li Dong feels emotion, this is the class.

This is a ward, which is not bad compared to Li Dong's five-star business suit.

On a large bed, a young woman who looks at the age of twenty-four is plastering on the landscape, who is thinking about the two people in the bed.

On the side of the bed, a man and a woman also look at Li Dong.

The man looks for about 50 years old, the national character face, some bald, wearing a general, it seems to be a more low-key person.

And the middle-aged woman around the man is different, the hair is hot into a wave roll, dyed a golden yellow, winter and spring season, the weather is still cold, but the middle-aged woman is wearing a light red short skirt, and the mouth is also a bright Lipstick.

Looking at Li Dong, middle-aged woman is probably not knowing, slightly confused: "Are you?"

Li Dong smiled: "I am Li Dong, and I have visited Miss Week today.

One listened to the other party called Li Dong, a few people were familiar, followed by the middle-aged woman's face, sweeping, drinking: "You are Li Dong!

Li Dong nodded and nodded, and his face was laughed.

Middle-aged woman suddenly angered: "Is your daughter you hit?"

Li Dong smiled: "Aunt is afraid of misunderstanding, I and love should be a victim, why hit people?"

The middle-aged woman heard the incident and ashamed into anger: "What is wrong? Do you think you deny it? I tell you ..."



Middle-aged woman did not finish, Zhou Lele and Zhou Shi have interrupted her.

Li Dong's mouth is slightly rising slightly, and is it? The name is good, but unfortunately uses the wrong place.

Didn't know this kind of woman, Li Dong's line of sight is in turn to Zhou Shihong, Zhou Shihong spoke slightly, faintly: "Li, I am worried."

"Week is welcome.

Li Dong smiled and showed that Zhou Haidong put something down.

Zhou Shihong did not speak again, Wu Yanqing was frowning, waiting Zhou Haidong putting it down, Wu Yanqing couldn't help but ridicule: "Li Boss, I have broken it, but our family is not eating the fruit, you are building Bought on the floor? "

Li Dong didn't speak, Zhou Shi Hong said lightly, and said: "Eupo, Lele wants to change the medicine, you go to find the nurse."

Wu Yanqing was angry when he wedd from: "Pressing the bell!"

Zhou Lele horse on the bed: "Mom, I want to eat dumplings, do you help me buy a little better?"

Although I know that my daughter is to support myself, Wu Yanqing will eventually do not want to say: "Then I will buy, you are not hurt, less, people don't think about people.

It is said that I also read Li Dong.

Li Dong still keeps a smile, just have not heard the general, wait for Wu Yuqing to go to the road: "Auntie slowly, be careful.

Wu Yuqing's face is a bit white, and the push push is left.

Wu Yanqing walked, Zhou Shihong opened: "Li Qi, Lele mother is coming so, not deliberately for you, General Li and women are generally seen.

Li Dong smiled and said: "Zhou is always polite, and Mrs. Zhou loves her woman, understand.

Zhou Shihong smiled without receiving.

He and Li Dong have nothing to say, and the relationship between Qi Jia is naturally biased towards the side.

Although he knew the internal feelings, he also understood that this incompetent Li Dong, can Zhou Shihong is still dissatisfied.

After all, the most injured is his daughter. Li Dong now looks like it is similar, two-phase one, naturally let Zhou Shihong are uncomfortable.

Zhou Lele in the bed was silent, and the eyes were turned, and he looked to Li Dongdao: "Mr. Li, are you okay?"

Li Dong turned the line of sight and looked at Zhou Lele: "Nothing, how is Miss Zhou hurt?"

Zhou Lele smiled: "I am nothing, the doctor said that it will be in the ground, and the next three months will not exercise.

Li Dong was slightly breathed: "This is good, Miss Zhou has a good day, and the future is clear.

Zhou Lele listened to Li Dong so saying, couldn't help but laughed: "Mr. Li, are you talking about?"

Li Dong face reveals a wipe.

Zhou Lele smiled: "Just feel that you speak, it is interesting.

Li Dong lost his smile: "Is it? Maybe Miss Zhou is somewhat nervous, and I can't help but change it.

"Cough ..."

Zhou Shihong standing next to him, said, "Li Qi, Lele needs to change medicine, let's go out and talk?"

Li Dong took a nodded, Zhou Lele said: "Miss Zhou, then I will leave.

Zhou Lele smiled: "Well, I have a chance next time, I have a few sisters to worship you, I will introduce you to you later.

Li Dongguan, Zhou Lele's performance is different from his imagination.

Originally, he thought that people who smashed together with Qi Jia were definitely the kind of arrogant, and now she seems to be misunderstood.

And Zhou Lele waved, Li Dong came out of the ward with Zhou Shihong.

The high-dry ward is good, and the condition of the ward is also good, the corridor is at the end of the 450 square meters.

Zhou Shihong sat down on the sofa and greeted: "Li, sitting.

Li Dong sat opposite Zhou Shihong, Zhou Shihong took out the cigarette case and asked: "Is it?"

"Ring, the doctor recommended that the brain shock patients smoke less.

Zhou Shihong smiled and didn't speak, and I put a smoke from it.

After a while, Zhou Shihong came out: "How do you get it with Qijia? But don't involve my daughter.

Although Zhou Shihong is more bigger than your home, I can have some gates in Pingchuan. This time, we are suffering, if you are to go to my daughter, don't blame my surname Zhou's face!

Li Dong smiled and said: "Zhou always said in the reason, Miss Zhou lived cute, who would endure such a little girl?"

Despite the words of Li Dong's words, Zhou Shihong is not much care.

In his eyes, Li Dong is able to sit in flatness with him, whether it is the status or the ability, Li Dong is still a slightly, and the evaluation that his daughter is lively and cute.

After saying these, the two recovered again.

Zhou Shihong slammed a smoke and snorted to the cigarette butt: "Li, I have n'thing to do."

Li Dong also stood up and smiled: "Zhou Chi, Zhou Shu Ji has time recently? If there is time, I want to visit.

Zhou Shihong swept him, and he suddenly took a moment: "I don't know this, but I heard that he will go to Beijing next month, it is probably no time.

After saying this, Zhou Shihong no longer stopped and turned.

Li Dong did not stop, sat down, and looked back as Zhou Hai Dongdao: "Is it smog?"

"Li, I just didn't say ..."

"What did you just say?"

Zhou Hai Dong's face was speechless, and the cigarette case was handed out from the pocket and handed it to Li Dong.

Li Dong took an ignition and took a sip to cough. "" Next time, changed a taste, and the taste was heavy.

Zhou Haidong is crying, it is, I am smashing, I will make me taste, right? Li Dong did not think about what he wants, sitting down and thinking about it.

The two people got down, just returned to the ward, I saw two people in the ward.

One of the young people, Li Dongyin, some familiar, recalling, this should be the driver I saw that day, that is, Qi Chong.

Another middle-aged person, it looks like a little like a little like, it should be Qi Guanghe.

See Li Dong into the door, Qi Guanghe smiled and reached his hand: "Li, take the liberty visit, did not bother?"

Li Dong reached out and held his hand and smiled: "What is disturbed, I have a problem in the hospital, I'm always here, I am happy, I am happy.

Qi Guanghe smiled, and Li Dongke set a few words, this turned around: "Mixed, not to apologize Li Li!

I showed an angry on my face, and I would like a mosquito in a long time. "Sorry.

Li Dong took the ear, as if he didn't hear it, smiled in Qi Guanghe: "Qi, this is your son?"

Although Li Dong and Qi Guanghe have not seen it before, the two are not familiar, but the Qi Guanghe seems to know Li Dong's years, and he will be sorry: "It is my family that doesn't worry. Said, everyone is 30 people, not adjusting all day long.

"The previous thing I listened to this beast, Li, you don't know, this animal is still holding me now!

If I heard the news from others, I am now hidden in the drum now!

"Do you say how do I raise such a waste? In addition to giving me a disaster, what is not working?


The Qi Guanghe was smashed for a long time, and the face next to it was purple.

Li Dong is watching the jokes, and there is no evil.

Today, a big drama is a bit, it is a bit meant.

First, Hu Wanlin will help you pick up Qi Laogue, then Zhou Shihong's statement this week, the family will not be mixed, and then Qi Jiafang also came to play a father of the father.

Li Dong did not move, Qi Jia people came to the front, and they laughed.

For a while, Li Dongcai interrupted the Qi Guanghe's flow of the road: "Qi total, Xiao Qi is small, know if it is wrong, there is no need to go online.

Qi Guanghe face does not change the color: "You don't know if Li, this mix is ​​not to eat, do not teach a few words.

I will suffocate my body early in the side, and my eyes are full.

If you have been in your own, you will be able to make a lot of yourself.

He is twenty-seven years old this year, Li Dong 21, but Li Dong actually called him Xiao Qi!

Still small age? This is not a problem from others, saying from Li Dongkou, and it is murdering him.

Qi screwdly, and looked at Li Dong's eyes were malicious.


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