The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 487, one yuan spike

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Lushan Manor, Li Dong has a day.

Just entering the yard, Li Dong saw Wu Mei's stomach and lying in the hospital.

When I saw Li Dong, Wu Mei hurriedly got up.

Li Dong quickly waved: "You are sitting on you, don't move, I am afraid." I am afraid.

Wu Mei smiled because of the laughing, then open: "Li, the body, Wang Jie not let me go upstairs, I am in the yard, let you laugh."

"It's not going to go upstairs, it's alive, I will climb the next unsafe.

Wu Mei smiled: "It's already early, the expected date of delivery is at the end of November.

"It's just two months, this time I pay attention.

Li Dong said a sentence, asked: "The two gimmicks didn't add trouble to you?"

"No, light rain and small stones can be embarrassed, I want to have a daughter as good as they are as sensible.

Li Dongxiao huh: "Don't, you still have a son, Wang Jiena, my son, I want to be crazy.

Li Dongzheng said, Wang Jie, just out of the door, said: "I don't like it, my son daughter likes, you talk less, who said I want my son to be crazy?"

After saying Wang Jie: "What are you going to do this time, haven't come?"

Li Dong spitted the mouth: "Don't mention it, there are still more things in the past, busy and dizzy, is it okay?"

"OK, you make a big hair anyway.

Wang Jie is envious: "If you don't have two months, your profit is more than 20%.

"Two billions?"

"Almost, the specific is not counted, anyway, two billion should have, even if it is almost worse."

Li Dong smiled at the satisfaction. In August, it is now a few days from October, and the profit is almost two billion, which is really good.

It seems that Jobi doubles should not be difficult, there is still a big wave of climax next year.

The two are talking about it, and the Tang Guan people in it have heard the voice.

Li Dong didn't enter the door, just sat down and talked a few words together.

In the second half of the stock market, the market is better than in the first half of the year, the market has recently risen fast, but Tang Guan is still a little worry: "Li, the big market index is too fast, recently said that the Big Bear City may come, you Look……"

Li Dong put his hand: "Don't listen to those experts, you are also doing this, what do you still don't understand?"

For these experts, Li Dong is now a word.

These experts in Pingchuan real estate industry are still in the saliva. Which of these people take the money?

I really have to believe them, I don't know how to die.

Tang Guan has some embarrassment: "Experts, we naturally don't be true, the stock market is now too fast, I really have a sense.

"Heart is placed back to your belly, when will you take it, you listen to me.

Tang Guan people heard the words and nodded, and his heart was slightly tone.

Li Dong himself said this is good, or it really encounters a big bear market, they can't afford this responsibility.

Now that the stock market has more than 100 billion funds, it is tens of millions million, who dares to be cautious.

After a few people chatted, Tang Guan had to stare at the stock market, and there is no time and Li Dong.

Waiting for them to go back and continue, Wang Jie said: "Eastern, the stock market is really no problem? Earn two billions, if you don't see it."

"Nothing, I have a few in my heart.

Seeing Li Dong said that Wang Jie did not persuade, turned his top: "Right, there is no way to do it, I have got on your mall.

I am so eleven, and your mall does not engage in activities? "


"Yes, people Taobao do activities, your mall is now no family, no activity, who is buying things in your mall.

Li Dong touched the tale: "This is also, I have forgot this.

Speaking of activities, Li Dong's first thing I think is "Double Eleven"

But "Double Eleven"

The reason is so fire, mainly Taobao fried hot, the pre-promotion cost can be small.

And it is not practical to the current distant mall, after all, the Mall has not opened the national channel, even if it did this, it is not so good to do it.

If the distant is not successful, let Taobao do it in advance, isn't it a capital enemy?

People Ali's talents are much more than far, and Taobao's scale is much larger than far, the same activity, and the two do two have completely different.

Li Dong is now not preparing to grab the customer and the Taobao to grab the customer, not a level, in this case, then some activities will say that the province has helped people to increase the influence.

"double eleven"

It is not anxious, after all, Taobao has not launched, after a year, waiting for the mall, there is a certain scale and better.

I want to think about Li Dongdao: "Do you say that I am doing a 'one yuan spike?"

Wang Jie full fog: "What spike?"

"It's a dollar, but you can buy some very high things, such as computers, mobile phones, home appliances ..."

"Then you still die!"

"You listen to me, this is limited, and it is not a limited one yuan spike.

I mean, for example, ten computers, at 12 o'clock in the morning, kill, single spell speed and network speed and luck, who grabs who you said? "

Wang Jie imagined the scene: "It feels very good, but the number is too small.

I have to prepare more things, there is no need to be so price, get some daily necessities that usually use, one yuan for spike, the quantity makes a lot, the advertising effect will be better.

Li Dongtou said: "I think so too.

Wang Jie made a glance, didn't have a good air: "The horse can be used, with my idea, I have to give me a reward.

"I'm talking, I really think so!"

Li Dong said: "You grabbed my words, now I am still looking for it, do you want to face?"

Two people smiled a few words, Li Dong said again: "Do you say this is not a little bit?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said that I will add some heavy weights to the things, will not attract more people.

After all, some people don't pay attention to it now, how do you see if you add a car? "


Wang Jie shakes his head: "This is advertising for your company, what is the use of your car, you don't sell the car.

"Don't sell the car ..."

Li Dong's eyes gaven down: "Our company is not selling a car, can sell a house, how do you say that I add a house covering Dongyu Real Estate?"

Wang Jie is a tongue: "No, play so big?"

"A house is only a few money, and it is 500,000. The key is the advertising effect!

Other places don't dare to say, the houses here, the people who want people in Jiangbei don't want too much. Do you say that advertisements are still enough, give me tens of thousands of registered users, the problem is not big? "

"Tens of thousands, I have a few hundred thousands, you are, you said this, I have some heart.

Wang Jie said: "In the provincial capital of the city, it is not excited to think about a dollar.

Wang Jie said, Li Dong suddenly said: "Is a set of too few? After all, the previous propaganda is not necessarily true, don't we come to Golden Week, get a seven sets of houses, the first day of the house snapped up, Let's come to a big propaganda, what are you talking about? "

"Seven sets!

Wang Jie Shen took a breath: "Well, I don't sleep in seven days. Is it right in the morning? I don't believe it, take the villa's network speed and configuration, a house can't grab!

Li Dong's face is speechless, there is no airway: "I don't give you a grabbing, give you how I advocate.

Wang Jie and his relationship couldn't hold someone, don't get finally questioned, it is not worth it.

Wang Jie's face is awarded: "Why don't you give me?"

"Go to you, you grab it again, don't fight, I ask you how much?"

"it is good!

I am the first support!

Wang Jie hit a sentence, then it was positive: "Very good, but your house has not been built yet, now take this when it is, I am afraid that the dispute will be caused.

"This is also.

Li Dong nodded and thought about it: "If I don't want me, I can't wait, can you disclose, 300,000 sets, lower than the price of the house?"

Wang Jie did not oppose this time, just said: "Then you have a small cost, seven houses, plus other things, this is several million.

Coupled with promotion costs, tens of millions of rhythm, you can make sure you can earn back? "

"What is much, if you can register a user, I will make it.

Even if the conversion rate is one percent, this kind of money can earn it back soon, and the e-commerce, the name is still the key.

I am actually mainly to open the East China market.

Mall has made several promotions in the East China market, and the money has spent a lot, but it can be done.

Now launched this activity, I hope to open the situation so that I spent tens of millions.

Li Dong said this strategic issue, Wang Jie is no longer inserted.

The two discussed the details, Li Dongxin sat said: "Yes, your kid is not a place, if you remind, I didn't think of this.

Wang Jie is speechless, too lazy to say more.

Li Dong looked at time: "The rain and stone have not eradicated?"

"The time is almost, or if you pick up one? When you start school, you say that you have sent them, the result is not coming, the last parent will, you haven't come, the two girls are sad, this time you pick it up. Two girls are sure.

Li Dong has a little apology: "The two are just hit by things, I can't open it, then I will pick them.

"Do you know the road?"

"Strap, I am not angry.

Li Dong was a sentence, and the Mushan Kindergarten and Primary School were in the central location of the community, so obvious place, how can he not know.

Wang Jie said: "If you know, you will go to the kindergarten.

"I can't miss it.

Li Dong put his hand and stepped out the house.

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