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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

In the blink of an eye, the time officially entered July.

On July 1st, Jingdong started the first gun of the e-commerce war!

Preheating begins!

Jingdong Laochong propaganda in the media, to do the largest B2C Mall in China, and the Jingdong implemented the pigherous strategy in the next three years.

This is a sign of opening a price war.

In the current e-commerce field, the price war is the fastest way, and it is also the best way to fight.

It is reported that Jingdong will be in 7.

18 Beginning a big promotion at this day for a month.

This is a promotional scheme that has long been e-commerce platforms.

Liuqiang East claims to invest 500 million yuan to subsidize Jingdong users.

The same product, Jingdong should do the lowest price in the whole industry.

When the news, the e-commerce market was greatly vibrated.

To do the largest B2C Mall in China, Jingdong this goal is clear, the sword refers to Amazon and Dangdang.

Taobao and telemarkets are not in this column, Taobao is authentic B2B mode, and the remote mall can also calculate B2C before introducing other retail groups, and now gradually be converted to B2B mode.

Liu Qiangdong Gao Ming is in this point.

He has recognized that the strength is still more than Taobao and the distant mall. Although in the company, he propaganda is the first e-commerce.

It can be announced, but it is the first B2C Mall.

In this way, there are too many enemies, and the slogan of the first B2C e-commerce platform can also increase the confidence of investors.

Shortly after the news came out, Dangdang took the lead in war.

At this time, in the B2C field.

In 2005, when I got the honor of B2C online shopping ... 06 was getting nearly $ 30 million in financing ... In April 2007, more than 300 well-known brands were officially settled in Dangdang, in May, covering 40,000 square meters. The logistics center is put into operation in Beijing ... is in the peak period, and it is full of anger for the sedation of Jingdong.

Jingdong Laocant's provocative remarks came out, when the response was carried out, 7.

18 out of the hand!

When it was selected, Amazon, which was named, was silent.

In fact, people in the field of e-commerce have guessed this result, and Amazon is still rectifying inside, ready to thus away from the traces of Excellence.

At this time, Amazon is not too concerned about the outside world, perhaps the abroad management system and the domestic difference, Amazon is not passionate about price war and advertising.

So the provocation of Jingdong, Amazon does not place the word.

Amazon does not speak, does not represent other e-commerce platforms.

After the development of these years, the domestic B2C website has long presented a gesture of all flowers.

Dangdang, Amazon, Jingdong, although the ranking is relying on, but it does not mean that no one can fight.

And Jingdong launched this e-commerce war, and many e-commerce platforms saw opportunities, famous opportunities!

This is the best marketing method. If it is just a few counsels, it can't cause too much attention, but if you have more e-commerce platforms, you can make a wave.

When the battle was in response, the red child immediately followed, immediately published the Battle Declaration, 7.

18 see!

Then, the new website established by the top of the front-end backbone member, I didn't have time to put the advertisement in seeing this hot atmosphere, I chose immediately on the line, and quickly met 7.


Then, such as McCawlin, Yi Xun ... These small sites have also taken the initiative to join the war.

Seeing that this war is more fierce, the attention is also getting bigger and bigger, and the Suning Mall, which has been silent, is also unlucky, and take the initiative to gain a battle.


18 See it, a common slogan of major e-commerce platforms for a while.

...... Remote Mall.

Middle of the meeting room.

All the above-storey leaders in the mall are all in place, and everyone is looking forward to Li Dong.

This is the first big-wide e-commerce battle in China. At this time, although it is not named, but you can't stop lonely, I want to participate in it.

Especially when their partners Suning chose to participate in the war, everyone hopes that Li Dongneng will enter the distant mall to enter 7.

18 Wars.

Although this matter is provoked by Jingdong, it is actually the opportunity of Jingdong, but also an opportunity for all e-commerce platforms.

In addition to Taobao high high, other websites are not too big.

This time, Jingdong provocation gave everyone a chance to develop and grow.

Regardless of this battle, the B2C website platform will definitely ushered in an outbreak period.

Seeing everyone looked at themselves, Li Dong did not see: "Since you want to participate, it will participate in it.

Inforation, the Jingdong slogan shouted, what is $ 500 million, even if he subsidized 10%, you think that the sales of Jingdong can reach 5 billion months? Whoever blows for a blow, it will be a month of tens of millions of results, this time, it can be more than two stes.

It is 230 million to die, why Liu Qiangdong dares to put it, it is not because we suffer than him.

He sells two tertiluds and tens of millions of subsidies.

We have to promote promotion, and one month sales will have to exceed 1 billion, and the loss is much more than him.

And let's join in, in fact, to help the other party to start a famous head, even the advertising fee is saved, this guy is really slipping.

Li Dong said something disdain, but he had to admit that Liu Qiangdong will make a wonderful.

Everyone is active, he will Liu Qiangdong blows a few cow, if you don't care, he can only brag.

Once you can't help but fight, then this big promotion gives Jingdong advocacy opportunities.

Originally, if you don't pay attention to it, let him play, he promoted, it is not good. In fact, there is no big effect, but some people can't sit, but give the other party development opportunities.

It's not used by things, and it is useless to say anything.

Despise a few, Li Dong continued: "If you don't do it, you should do it best!

We don't participate, if you participate in, if you participate in, you will suppress all B2C platforms in the top of the Taishan.

Are they not boiled? Is there a few companies supported by a venture ground agency? Mall this side immediately made a program, no other, price war, he Jingdong offers 10%, we offer 15%.

They are in place for a week, we are in place for three days.

They arrive for three days, we arrived for a day!

The distant logistics has now been layout over half of China, and I don't believe that it is not more than these outsourcing logistics companies.

The price is cheaper than they, logistics is fast than them, quality is better than them, what do they take to me? I will sell 3 billion yuan for a month, remove costs, and 15% discount will not lose, tens of millions, I can still lose.

Can they lose money? I really think that money is not a money, once there is no results, investors are not a charity, when you look at it.

After this e-commerce war, I am afraid that a small half of the participation platform has to be closed.

Li Dong said, others nodded.

In contrast, in the platform, in the platform, they also have rough in the air, not afraid of loss.

Suning as a listed company, actually the advantage is still big.

Once the performance is not ideal, those shareholders will not agree.

And in the distance, Li Dong said that he is not afraid of money, it is a loss of blood, they can continue to do it.

This is also one of the advantages of the distinction, and the domestic e-commerce platform is that the pursuit of financing, there is no platform for financing, or it is not enough, or it is ready to make a big refinan.

Compared to the ratio, the distant mall is also the strongest.

See everyone nod, Li Dong turned the topic: "Today's e-commerce war is just a small doing, playing, don't put it too much.

Taobao does not participate, actually we have no enemy!

Our real goals are not these platforms, the ultimate goal is still Taobao.

However, since it is involved, it can't lose, the boss is difficult, first grab the position of the old second.

Dangdang, pat network, Amazon these platforms have always thought that far is weaker than they, this time, let's show a little bit, and let everyone have a clear understanding, we are stronger than them!

do you understand? "


Everyone wretched, and the morale was full.

Li Dong saw the situation did not mention this, because the first e-commerce wars, but also the battle of the PC side, without Taobao's participation, he is really not very interested.

If you are not interested in everyone, he is not ready to participate.

After this, Li Dong's Wang Jun, who was attended by the special meeting: "Xiao Wang, you don't have to participate in this matter."

Your imitation is also the development of the distribution platform, and the speed is as fast as possible. When you contact how much software is connected, the platform must go online!

Manager Liu, you are the same here.

Things to give the following people to do it, your task is still doing a good job in Weibo's trial operation.

Before October, no matter whether there is an opportunity, Weibo must go online.

I really can't find the opportunity, so I will go online with the National Day ceremony. There is no news, we can create some.

Wang Junyi and Liu Hong have nodded.

After that, Li Dong asked: "How is the farm operation?"

Liu Hongma said: "Very good, compared to the beginning of the beginning, after two months of operation, the farm has been popular all over the country.

In June, the Average Avenous active users of PP have reached 8 million, and the registered users have reached 25 million huge.

Among them, the users who open the farm are nearly 20 million, only a farm, and the profit of June has reached more than 5 million.

The proportion of profitability in this regard will increase, I think the problem should be no problem before the end of the year.

"10 million ..."

Li Dong said a word, did not say satisfaction, did not say unsatisfactory.

This data is naturally superior to the Numbers of the past.

It can be better than the Tencent of the past.

Li Dong didn't remember which appearance was reported. The report showed that Tencent was only in the farm, and the monthly earnings exceeded 50 million.

Direct until now is one tenth of the other party, according to Liu Hong's estimation, the end of the year is the peak period, and is one-fifth of the other party.

This is still without other platforms, other than the income may be less.

Comprehensive comparison, can only say Tencent QQ is indeed crushed distant PP.

The biggest gap, nature is the user base, the number of people of people is dozens of times their own, and the gap between the income is also normal.

Li Dong is thinking about things, Liu Hong also said: "In addition, Tencent has contacted us, I hope we will be authorized for them, or the disposable copyright is bought off.

Tencent's quotation is not low, one-time bought, and the price will be 30 million ... "

Li Dongbai gave him a glance, did not have a good air: "This question also uses me? How is the farm situation? Do you have not seen it? Don't say 30 million, he is three billion, you want to buy copyright or wash!

"But ... but according to our judgment, even if we don't sell it, they will develop themselves.

At that time, we lose bigger, even the copyright income can't get!

Li Dong said: "As long as we don't authorize, he is developing, that is also piracy!

If they want to avoid the lawsuit, they can only improve, when they change, I don't like it, I see how they play.

There is no contrast, how can someone feel good?

Once Tencent has failed, that is, the active help us drainage.

How many users don't use me, even if they drag a 1%, we earn.

Let them develop, you have stared this, as long as we simplilate with us, I will tell him immediately.

Others are bigger than us, even if they don't win, they will give us a famous gas, remember to make things a little bigger.

Of course, if it is very big and our gap ... "

Li Dong considered a moment: "That also tells him!"

Anyway, let's order the idea, don't be afraid, it is to promote, the bigby, the better, the better!


There are a few people in the conference room, and I laughed at once.

Although other people are not laugh, it can be uncomfortable.

It's really enough for your own boss. In order to develop PP, it is unscrupulous.

How many QQ's creativity does not say, now I have to rely on chicken eggs, I am not afraid that Tencent will convert himself? But then I will come back, I may not be so much like Li Dongbi.

I really want Tencent to tell the distance, regardless of the last result, the name of the remote PP is thoroughly started.

Tencent Just tells you, then you have a threat to him.

Slightly interpretation, the status of the far PP is completely stable, and finally, the lawsuit is lost, and the money is not too much.

This is also a helplessness in China, and the cost of criminal is too low.

For the average person Li Dong, it will not be so doing, but Tencent even, the big brother does not say two brothers, you are also playing, I am more shameless.

Li Dong is waiting for their piracy farm. Of course, if they don't piracy, then Li Dong doesn't say anything.

But is this possible? I want to go, Li Dong feels that unless the pony brother has a fever, it is inevitable that theft of farm is inevitable.

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