The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 762 reducing shares (two chapters of the two)

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Found a familiar hotel, just a few dishes.

Just sat down, Li Dong said: "Looking back, the company's cafeteria must start.

Nowadays, the distant group is also a big group, and even the internal cafeteria is not, joke.

Sun Tao took a head: "I have long wanted it to say this, but the other things have too many things, I didn't care about it for a while.

However, Li is in love, the company has a meal, although there is no canteen, everyone is not too care.

"If you say this, what should I do to do it, it is related to the company's image.

Although this matter is not returning to Sun Tao, Sun Tao still nod: "Then I will arrange it back.

The things in the cafeteria are just a little thing, simply putting a sentence, no longer continues this topic.

Waiting for the waiter to go to the food, Li Dong got to help Sun Tao poured the cup of ice beer, laughed: "The weather is hot, drink some little in the afternoon.

Sun Tao was not too popular. He and Li Dong have been recognized more than three years. When the two were often eating a box under the roof.

I touched the cup, the cold beer into the belly, the two exposed a lot of pain.

Drink a few mouthfuls, Li Dong said: "Recently habited?"

Today, Sun Tao is tune back to Jiangbei, and the supervisor is operated throughout the supermarket.

"OK, it is some can't keep up.

Sun Tao smiled and said: "The distant development is too fast, leaving Jiangbei one year, it feels that everything has changed.

I remember that when I was walking last year, the supermarket store did not reach 100, and now it is nearly 500 homes to build.

Others don't say, these days are familiar with management, and they haven't come yet.

"First clarify the personality problem, and the problem of personnel solve, other problems are good.

Slowly, no need to worry.

Li Dong said with a beer in the cup.

Sun Tao saw a fullness, clipped the vegetables: "Li, I heard that you and Yuan Purchase will continue to expand the supermarket size?"

"There is this idea.

Li Dong did not hide, Sun Tao is the head of the supermarket, and this matter will always consult his opinion.

Said Li Dong explained: "Nowadays, the far supermarket store is distributed in Jiangbei, Southern Lu, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ganzhou, Euchain, Mountain City, Beijingjin.

However, in the province of the occupation, we haven't taken it yet, causing the overall layout of not coordinated.

I mean, first take the province and Shanghai.

This is not difficult here, and there are many branches here in the previous era, and it will continue to expand the scale.

In addition, the Headquarters impact can radiate.

It is a bit of trouble in Shanghai. As the domestic economic center, investment is afraid that it will not be low.

In the second half of this year, my goal is these two places. After more than this year, my goal next year is the five places in Minnan, Guangdong Province, Xiangnan, Wings, and Jinxi Province.

Once the layout is completed next year, in 2008, the Chinese economy developed area is all incorporated into the sac!

Room Li Dong, Sun Tao's brain has already outlined a map.

If you really follow the idea of ​​Li Dong, I have passed next year, the eastern part of Huaxia, and the south is almost all.

And the Eastern China and southern parties with the Beijing-Tianjin region, almost 80% of the national general manager and population, although there is still not to take the northeast and the west, but can actually be completed in the national layout.

Pensive moment, Sun Tao is some hesitant: "Is it too fast?"

Since the end of last year, the distant supermarket will continue to expand.

This is only half a year, and the distant supermarket has almost expanded three times more than three times.

Now expand, whether it is human or financial, it will be overwhelmed.

Yushu is still good, Sun Tao is mainly worried about Shanghai.

Once Shanghai is also expanding, in just six months, the distance has been all layout in the four major municipalities.

Although there is no province of municipalities directly under the Central Government, it can be operated in these places, and in fact, invest more than the province.

Looking at Beijing, I will know that these two places have expanded, and the total investment in the distance exceeds 25 billion.

In Shanghai, it is still difficult to enter, I am afraid that investing is not less than Beijing-Tianjin, plus simultaneous expansion of Henan Province, this sudden is a billion expenditure.

Li Dongwen said: "It is a bit fast, but it is not for me.

When I was in Dongping, would you like today? At that time, Dongping Store has just opened, don't say the whole Jiangbei, I have never thought about the opening of Qingyang.

It's all made, when you haven't worry, our time I won the Qingyang for half a year.

Now, we have this capital, is the courage? "

Sun Tao shook his head: "It's not a small child, it is more cautious than before.

I haven't worn before, so we dare to fight.

To be honest, now the company is so big, I really dare to fight.

After saying that Sun Tao said again: "But if you want to do, I still support.

As the international economic metropolis, in Shanghai, we really entered, and stand firm, and even influenced the layout of Beijingjin.

I am worried about funding and humanity ... "

"I am not worried."

Li Dong smiled: "Sold Dongyu's place, our total revenue is nearly 7 billion.

"Sichuan Airlines spent 2.5 billion, and 10 billion in Beijing, the front of the front, the remaining relics of the store should be able to support the completion, no need to spend money on the account.

The logistics garden, the first phase said that it is more than 2 billion investment. It is not so fast in the actual implementation period. It is enough to prepare a $ 1 billion at the end of the year.

The expansion of zero scattered scattering elsewhere, 5 billion should be enough.

We can still have nearly 20 billion, this money is used to lay out in Shanghai and the province, which will not miss less.

"What about the mall and logistics?"

Li Dong lived his mouth: "If there is no big action on both sides, the current profit can be maintained.

If there is a big action ... The loan is loan, anyway, we are now not high.

Sun Tao nodded, so it is not very compact that the fund is indeed.

Li Dong saw the shape and said: "In fact, I am worried about human problems. Today, the extension of the expansion is actually hollowed out our talent reserves.

A large number of new employees, new executives, and even many people don't know.

Now continue, I am afraid of chaos.

The management is a newcomer, even if it is the executive of other companies, it can be tested and cooperated after all.

For a long time, the management system must have problems.

The distant development is too fast, and the elite who can sit in the town is not a Chinese cabbage. Which high-managed executives are waiting for you to dig.

Now, this is almost three people in the top three people.

There is no recent talent echelon, once the executive leaves, people are still good, once the scope is left, it will be affected throughout the distance.

This may not be no, so many opponents stare at the tiger, Li Dong digs them, will they not dig Li Dong's person? Digging company executives, people are actually not too much, these companies have a long time, and some are people waiting for.

Not far from the distance, if the management of a certain area is running, the whole system is collapsed.

In contrast, if this happens, Li Dong's loss is definitely heavy.

He can see that others can naturally see that in order to suppress Li Dong, spend more money, it is far away, and people have a bigger profit.

Listening to Li Dong said, Sun Tao smashed the eyebrows: "This is a problem, after all, we have settled too short.

From 2006, it began to carry out talent reserves. In just one year, these people also failed to live in a big usage. Li Zong worried about the problem.

Li Dong took a glass of wine and sighed: "So it is precisely because of this problem, Yuan is always resolutely opposed.

In fact, I know that he is right, but if it is in accordance with his plan, 10 years can complete the planning I just said, completely complete the national layout approximately 12 years.

Five years said that the length is not long, but it is not short, who knows what is five years.

Li Dong is a headache, Sun Tao is not a good way.

Lack of talents, no more than a few ways, cultivate, go out to dig, social recruitment ... It takes time to cultivate, far from now.

Excavation is also the mainstream in the distance, and Li Dong himself said, management is a person who digs, so, so soon, so soon, sooner.

And social recruitment, in fact, and excavation is not big, all newcomers.

The best way is to cultivate themselves, the key Li Dong wants to develop rapidly, and the far-reaching in the past three years is not cultivated.

The two have no good way, and finally Li Dong shakes his head: "Whether it is, it is!"

Try to remove some old employees, like the city manager, there is a store manager, these middle and lateral management use the elderly, even if there is a problem, the medium and low-level can be stable.

"It is something too dangerous.

The old man, Sun Tao is agreed.

But this, there is still a potential crisis.

"No way, will come."

These troublesome, Li Dong, is too lazy to say that in Sun Tao, Li Dong said some truth.

The two touched a few cups. When Sun Tao listened to himself, Li Dong smiled: "Is Sun Gich to say?"

If there is fine, Sun Tao will not be specially called Li Dong to go out to eat.

Since it shouted, it must be something.

Li Dongyi asked, Sun Tao did not hide, nodded: "It is a few small things, I want to consult your opinion.

"what's up?"

"Waiting for the work on the hand, I want to go to Queu University to read the two years of EMBA courses.

Li Dong heard this laughed: "This problem is not big, we need to add a theoretical knowledge.

Tolls and tuition companies reimburse, you registered with me, don't arrange you overtime.

Sun Tao listens to him so embarrassment, not the problem of money.

Instead, when the company is in the lack of people, I just said this question.

As a result, his highest leadership of this competent supermarket business should go to study, even if it is in the position, it will take five or six days to return to and from each month.

I was busy, he still didn't play, it would be sure that it is not happy in others.

However, Sun Tao also couldn't help. He said that he had some could not keep the situation is not a lie.

As far as the distance is big, especially he is toned to the palm of the palm, Sun Tao is really bigger.

I want to go, Sun Tao feels that I will still fill it myself, or if you don't have this, he can't support it.

If this is a general time, it is really not a matter of reading a manager, but it is not very good now.

Li Dong saw him this expression, knowing what he wants, laughing and laughing: "Don't feel embarrassed, knowing is a good thing.

The delays must be a bit, but they learn knowledge to play a bigger role.

Now, I am so strong that I don't want to learn when I don't want to learn.

Sun Tao smoked slightly, nodded: "Li is always with confident, I will not delay the company.

"Don't be too reluctant to give yourself a little time.

Li Dong said again and hitting: "Another personal thing must solve it, all rush four.

People from the company can't see it, this is just, what women there are on the green emba, see it as soon as possible.

If you don't like it, you don't like it. The girls in the green college also, you are the easiest girl who is easier for girls.

Sun Tao is crying, and I am busy singing: "I will hit it, I try to be as possible, you don't urge it.

My parents are now reminded, I don't dare to go home.

"You are looking for it, 37 it seems like? People have all junior high school.

Sun Tao is somewhat depressed: "Li, how do you have this kiss? How is your parents? Men forty-one flowers ..."

"Get it, don't be disgusting me.

Also a flower, wait for you to say this again.

Li Dong smiled a few words, and didn't say too much.

Others' marriage, as a leader, a little care about it.

I really want to say more, he is impatient.

The whole company can make Li Dong care about private life, and the vetement of these follows from the distance from afar, the feelings are always different.

The guy like Yuan Chengdao is also a few, Li Dong never cares about his marriage.

What is the proud of the guy, Li Dong is too lazy to mention this.

After finishing the reading, Sun Tao said again: "There is another thing I want to talk to you.



See Li Dong's eyebrows, Sun Tao is somewhat helpless: "This is a period of time in my heart, and we agreed, I got 5% of the shares of supermarkets.

Just start, I didn't think anything wrong.

It can be so fast in the supermarket expansion, you will continue to invest in the inside, and you will not reduce the shares in my hand.

According to the dividends you said, I haven't bid, I am afraid that I can't get dividends in the next decade.

This is still now, you just said that you will continue to expand, according to the profitability of the supermarket, definitely can't meet the demand for expansion, but you have to continue to invest.

This will then, I am afraid that I will not be divided into this life.

Said Sun Tao's hardship: "I have said that I have more than five hundreds of billions, I can take some wages every year, and this day is too miserable, I am not in line with my home.

I want to go, I think it is still rediscoved.

5% of the shares, a little less than a little more, but also not too big, the money to get the hand is the money, what is the money? and so……"

Li Dong knew that he said that these words were not suspects, but feel that these shares were now hot.

The supermarket 5% of the shares, the time to give Sun Tao, less than two billion.

But now, after several expansion, nearly 500 stores, the total assets of the supermarket are absolutely more than 10 billion.

In fact, 100 billion is negotiable, and Li Dong has not been considered.

However, when I first set up a group, the net assets of supermarkets have more than 3.6 billion.

Later, there were more than three times, and now it is 12 billion, Li Dong will also expand, it is necessary to follow his plan, the total value of the supermarket in 2008 is absolutely more than 20 billion.

In other words, it will be more than 1 billion in the total assets of Sun Tao next year.

Once you are listed in the distance, this money is probably doubled.

Tenship is still not so hot, dozens of billion, it is really hot.

Money this thing, everyone likes, not to do the best.

However, I have to see how much money. For more than a year, Sun Tao feels that he is not so big about the distance, and it is entirely Li Dong's credit.

Love this thing, Li Dong must have.

It can continue to be dumb, and the biggest feelings are also flushed by money. It is really important to this day. Is this 5% of the shares really important? Li Dong lightly knocked on the table, and drunk a glass of wine and took a drink: "5% of the shares, it is not much.

At the beginning, I gave you two choices, or the group 3% shares, or the supermarket 8% shares.

At that time, you have a loss, and now you have to continue, how do you see me Li Dong? "

Sun Tao hurriedly said: "I will explain it.

Li Dong glanced at him and sink: "How much do you have to reduce?"

"Leave 3% is enough.

3%, seems to have only 2%, actually with billions of RMB.

Have to say, sometimes Li Dongxin can't help but admire Sun Tao, this guy is not a general person, and it is available.

Tens of millions of RMB, how much can the billionaire? Sun Tao said that it will give up, and several people can do so.

Gently vomited, Li Dong said again: "The supermarket in the next year continues to expand, do you still have to continue?"

Sun Tao hesitated, and finally nodded: "My psychological bottom line is 1%, I think these money is enough for me for a lifetime.

Li Dong smiled: "I have only seen the money to my family, I have never seen a few pushing money.

Sun Tao smiled and said: "What is the content of people who are often happy, even if the distant supermarket can do 100 billion yuan, it is 1 billion, and the professional manager does 1 billionaire, I think there is still a few Bar.

"100 billion, you dare to think about me."

Li Dong smiled, and finally: "This, 3% I agree.

However, this time, I can't get unconditional, I spent 100 million to buy your 2% of the shares, in fact, I accounted for you not very cheap.

From 10% of the beginning, I understand what you are concerned.

However, after this time, you don't have to mention this, 3% is the final shareholding ratio.

Even if you expand, these shares will not change, I think 100 million cash should be enough for ten years.

I don't want to take a dividend for ten years, I am not hungry, you have no opinion? "

Sun Tao didn't hesitate, smiled and nodded: "Then I listen to you, with this 100 billion, don't say that I don't have to take a dividend for ten years, I will live enough for a lifetime.

After saying this, the two continued to start drinking.

Originally, the two were only ready to drink a little to solve the summer, but I don't know how much I still have a little thought, the more you drink, the more you drink.

After the meal, the table is a bottle under the table.

Three or four bottles of beer are not drunk, seven or eight bottles, Li Donghe Sun Tao is a bit drunk.

From the hotel, Li Dong did not say anything, took the shoulders of Sun Tao, and took the car.

Until his car left, Sun Tao sighed and turned around to the company.

On the car, Li Dong also somewhat in peace.

The partner of the initial work is now afraid that I have, or I started to avoid myself.

Don't like this thing, who doesn't want to have more.

Sun Tao is not a saint, don't he don't like money? But he still chose to reduce the shares, I am afraid that Sun Tao thinks that he thinks, will there be one day, Li Dong is uncomfortable, want to take these things.

As an absolute controller of the distance, Li Dong wants to take these money, the method should not be too much.

Sun Tao without a big background, I haven't considered these.

I took the initiative to reduce the shares, and the passive passiveness, the impact is absolutely different.

After two active reduction, holding a 3% supermarket shares, there is no impact on Li Dong.

Even if I have a little sake of my old feelings, Li Dong will no longer have any ideas.

Sometimes it is refunded, it is only for self-protection.

The key is that Li Dong really didn't think about this, but in order to dismine Sun Tao, for both parties to be good, Li Dong finally gave him a fixed pill.

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