The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 771, 150 million

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This night is particularly long.

Many people have more sleepy night, including Li Dong.

Li Dongxin is not so big. Although he did not personally sit in the company, he still pays attention to the situation.

While Li Dong, Li Dong logged in with the computer, and communicated over the company.

On the 18th, Li Dong hurriedly arrived in the company.

Didn't go to my own office, Li Dong trail straight into the distant shopping mall, just prepared to enter Shenyu office, horn, Qi Fangfang, said: "Yuan always entered.

"Yuan Chengdao?"

Li Dong squad, looked suspiciously, looked at Qi Fangfang, what does this stinky mean? Because I have to look at the e-commerce wars, Qi Fangfang and Zhang Meng Meng have also come to the mall yesterday.

See Li Dong stared at yourself, Qi Fangfang was set up: "Look at me, Yuan always coming very early, just as if you have taken it early, it should be to give sink.

Li Dong glanced at her, frown: "I don't know so much in the company, I have to ask me to call me, there is no rule!

Qi Fangfang is very annoying, half-talence is biting his teeth: "Li Bi early!

Li Dong didn't care about her, but the heart was like a grass.

His mother!

Yuan Chengdao This kid will not be ready to smash your corner? It's like this, this guy and Shen Wei are a brother and sister, and it is also a friend.

Thirty people, I am not married now, it is difficult to really? Also, when he came to the distance, he also introduced it. Li Dong did not doubt it, but I feel that Yuan Chengdao is left in the distance, and may not be Shen Wei.

The more I want Li Dong, the more speechless, and I sett it again.

Don't guess, this stinky girl is absolutely deliberately deliberately, and the high-quality woman is not good.

Didn't care about her, Li Dong trails up to push the door.

...... in the office.

Yuan Chengdao chatted with Shen Yizheng, heard the opening of the door, and the two watched it.

I saw Li Dong, Yuan Chengdao hurriedly gotting to ask: "Li, early morning, this is half-o'clock, Li Zhong today is this?"

Li Dongxiao huh: "This is not worried about the promotion of e-commerce. I didn't expect that Yuan always came so early.

"I also worry about this situation, so come on in advance.

"Oh, that's this, trouble Yuan always convene the supervisor of the mall, and you will open a meeting together, simply talk about the situation.

Yuan Chengdao did not have him, he heard the title: "Okay, then I will go first.

I am talking about, Shen Wei is open: "Let the small hole to notify it.

Yuan Chengdao smiled: "Nothing, just by the way, right, breakfast is going to eat, wait for it."

"Well, thank you Yuan.

The two simply said a few, Yuan Chengdao and Li Dong have greeted the door.

When Yuan Chengdao went, Li Dong smiled and sat up to Shen Yizhen chair. Shen Wei somewhat blamed: "Why do you have seen it!

"What is afraid of, come, sit on my leg.


Li Dong didn't care about her, forcibly hugged Shen Yizhen to sit down, then stared at the earbelming: "Yuan always is really careful, actually remember you didn't have breakfast.

Shen Yizheng started to have a certain performance of this guy, waiting for him to eat vinegar, I don't understand his mind.

Strongly, the impulse of smile, Shen Wei did not know: "Yuan Shi brother is very careful, but more than someone.

Li Dong said: "Hu said, I am also very careful.

"Is it? Busy for a night, it is really hungry, don't tell you, eat.

"Don't eat!

Li Dong said the work, biting a buns and biting: "I just let the old Tan have bought it, I will send it up, just I haven't eaten in the morning, Yuan's breakfast I laughed.


Shen Wei finally didn't endure, and glare contained: "Hey, I know that you are jealous, you also know what is jealous?"

"No, I am jealous."

"You don't have your mouth.

Shen Wei smiled for a while, did not continue to tease him, explain: "I and Yuan brother are ordinary friends, don't be so be careful, what ages, I can't even have a different friend.

"Others can, Yuan Chengdao can't!

Li Dong scored: "This guy is not good at a glance, no, now you are too close, and I will stir up him.

Shen Wei smiled and said: "Don't say that it is not good to hear.

Li Dong is holding his face: "You also maintain him, when you maintain another man in your face, do you think about my feelings?

Shen Wei squatted him, didn't have a good air: "Don't send a nerve is good, the group is now stable, and Yuan's brother is not fully implemented.

At this time, the group is still expanding, and at this time, you have stirred him, and the group can't make a game.

"The chaos are chaos, anyway, this guy is not allowed to hit your mind.

Shen Wei saw him seems to be jealous, the face is slightly red Road: "What is your horse? If you have this kind of person, don't I know this kind of person? I have a few people with Yuan Shi, I have to have this idea. It is also possible to get you.

"You a big man, broaden your heart.

Li Dong scorpion half a day: "The group is stable, I fry him again.

"Be careful.

Shen Wei squirled, but he didn't persuade.

Seeing her expression, Li Dong was proud: "My wife really follows me, come, Zhangkou, I feed you."

"Don't take it, don't you say, do you just say that you don't want to eat his breakfast?"

"Just just just, now I feed you, that is, I am, when Yuan Chengdao is filled with me."


"I am so shameless.


The two played a game, waiting for the sound of the door, Li Dongcai sorted out the clothes and sat opposite.

Tan Yong entered the door early, and did not look at it, and put it down early and hurried out.

I saw the figure of the door to explore the brain, Li Dongyui: "Don't play, look back, arrange Qi Fangfang to other places.

Shen Wei said: "It's not, I just let them be here!

If you are afraid, you don't come to me.

"Not afraid, the key you are so embarrassed.

Li Dong is somewhat helpless: "The company is going to work, let go of the door, no more, don't let the company take a joke.

When I heard this, I hesitated for a moment, I didn't want to say: "It's almost, I am still ready to have a stimulus to let them look, let them inform the little Nizi, so angry. It is better.

However, you are also right, the business is a business, don't let others look joke.

Li Dong is a black line, a woman is really enough.

Shen Wei actually held this, he didn't think about it at all, so she did this idea.

Otherwise, I really want to do this, I am not good to see it.

After all, in the company, Li Dong took down and didn't make trouble, waiting Shen Wei to finish breakfast, two people went to the meeting room together.

…… meeting room.

Li Dong and Shen Xi just sat down, Liu Honghui reported: "Li, always started from last night, Taobao also joined the promotion.

"Temporarily join in?"


Liu Hong returned a sentence to continue: "In fact, some merchants have taken the initiative before, but the officialness has not released an announcement. Now the official releases the announcement, and also gives the joining the activities, more and more. Merchants take the initiative to join.

Li Dong did tapped the desk: "They have not been prepared in the previous period, even if they join, the impact should not be large.

Liu Hong shakes his head: "There is still a small impact, Taobao user base is more than us, loyal customers.

And their price reduction is larger than us, all the merchants independently price cut, Taobao conduct partial subsidies, even non-subsidized, giving some web promotions.

The cost they pay is smaller than us, but the effect is not better than us.

Alternatively, they are more merchants, and there are also a variety of goods, and you also know that some commodity prices are really cheap and attracted many buyers.

Li Dong frowned, this words are not fake.

The user base is on the one hand, the type of goods is also on the one hand, Taobao's biggest advantage is cheap.

Although the distance is not expensive, the brand product is also higher than that of the three informats.

Taobao's personal merchants, three unique products should not be too much, this is a number.

Considering a moment, Li Dong said: "Contact and see the major companies to see if you can fall again.

The cost price they given is definitely a moisture, and everyone knows all.

Tell them, if this time you can defeat Taobao, then they will make a lot of money.

Can not be lossed by us, or if there is too much loss, the result is also promoted for them, this is not cost-effective.

Of course, this is only one aspect, and the price is probabilized to compare it to the great advantage.

Since the price is not good, then take another way.

Contact East Star Entertainment, let them help us do a propaganda plan as soon as possible, fully put the advertising promotion, see how the star effect is.

Contact some first-line stars, please help out the best after the day, I have to put a full-time mall platform advertisement.

The promotion continues for a month, and it is best not to more than ten days. The advertisement is simple. I want a star effect.

In addition, logistics ... "

Speaking of logistics, Li Dong swept away, did not see Qin Hai, I saw a logistics company.

Li Dong did not mind, he didn't inform Qin Hai in advance, and the Mall will also pay enough attention.

Qin Hai is not there, Li Dong is not so polite, and the deputy general of the logistics company: "The Vice President of the Yellow, the logistics is going to do everything auxiliary work!

Speed ​​speed, now our logistics is spread all over China, no matter how much you are too tired, I will give me the fastest!

Within 24 hours, as long as it is not in the northwest, you must send us!

Listening to the vice of the logistics company, suddenly crying and losing his face: "Li, this ..."

He didn't expect himself to receive this task at a time, 24 hours, it is not generally difficult to today's logistics system.

It is still good, you can be far from the distribution point. This is really not so easy.

And this time, logistics costs must be increased, obviously a mall, but their logistics companies are great, this is too potholes.

Li Dong did not give him a chance to refute, seriously: "Must do it!

Employees can add bonus, processing, if the delivery vehicle is not enough, can temporarily borrow other logistics companies and channels, add money.

Anyway, no matter what, do we have to know more than others? "

Li Dong said so, how do others dare to refute, and the deputy chief of the yellow bite said: "Understand, to ensure the task!"

Li Dongtou said: "The fastest logistics, the price is not expensive or the brand, and there is a star propaganda, so so many blood thiss, how much more than Taobao is better in a short time?"

Li Dong did not expect to live an event, the distant mall can hang Taobao.

That is not realistic, but in a month, he will hit the other party. Li Dong felt still it.

Spend such a big price, if you don't have a month, Li Dongzhen has to vomit blood.

Shen Wei listened to him, nodded: "It should be possible, after all, we are ready for this time.

From the sales of last night, we are stronger than they ... "

Speaking of sales, Li Dong thinks that he forgot to ask.

If you don't wait for Shen Wei, Li Dong asked: "How much is sales?"

It's talking, someone knock on the door outside the meeting room.

Liu Hong saw it: "I let them report me for half an hour, and now I have eight o'clock, it should be the data as of 8 o'clock.

Li Dongtou said: "Take a look.

Liu Hongwen's words have been out of the door. After a while, I went to the door and smiled: "Li, you look at it.

Li Dong took a document to open a look, then he looked at him: "1.


In the conference room, there was a breathing, and many people were shocked.

There have been many supervisors and breaks last night, and they have never been able to ask.

However, the first hour of sales last night was 30 million. According to the middle of the night, this data must be lowered.

8 hours, everyone should not exceed 100 million.

Who knows that it is far more than expected, reaching 1.


Seeing everyone shocked, Liu Hong also smiled without his mouth: "I didn't expect to be this result, and it seems that our users like to shop at night.

Everyone laughed, Li Dong was also satisfied: "This result is also unexpected, very good!"

I don't have much to say it. I immediately put the things I just said. There is also a announcement of the logistics day to play on the web page. I want to see, SF is three ways to get it can do. One day!

Serving so many platforms, I don't believe it can do this.

Others have nod, other logistics companies are not ready in advance, plus a company, communication also takes time.

Even if you can really do, I am afraid that the agreement is reached, and the remote is the effect.

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