The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 773 is not in the wine (Qianqi subscription)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

On July 19, major media finally found the news hotspot.


18 E-commerce wars, the influence is not small.

As Taobao joins, almost the entire e-commerce platform is involved.

Nowadays, although online shopping is not mainstream, it is a large year, and it is also huge in China. This year, it is amazing, and it is likely to exceed 100 billion yuan at the end of the year.

A market involving more than 100 billion yuan, there is always a concern.

In addition, there are also distant, Suning's entity industry tycoon, IT industry giant Ali also participated in, and the people pay attention to a lot.

Some people care, there is a market that reports.

These media and financial media are temporarily difficult to get accurate data, and it is not difficult to get roughly data from major network portals.

In the morning, Sohu took the lead in posting.

Yesterday, the first day of the promotion, the distant attack, force the Taobao!

According to Sohu data analysis, No. 18 all day, Taobao sales should be 2.

About 200 million.

And the remote side, but it is a large truncation, conservative estimates at 4.

Between 500 million.

In addition, Jingdong, Dangdang sales data is between 30 million to 40 million, Suning is followed, about 20 million.

And other large and small platforms, although there are not many, can be made together for a billion or there.

This is calculated, the light is yesterday, the sales of the entire e-commerce market will not be 1 billion, and it is almost almost.

This report is analyzed, and many people have some vibration.

In particular, the tycons in the traditional industry are more dignified, and the sales of 1 billion days, it seems that there is not much, and it has reached this number under the event, it feels more than a few retail big groups to add a day.

Don't forget, e-commerce has developed a few years? Now I have already shaited a $ 1 billion market, and I am not a few billion market share for a year.

The domestic market is so large, e-commerce is diverted, and naturally, the performance of the entity industry is weakened.

I haven't worry too much, but I feel threatened at this time.

Shortly after the report, Gome, China Resources, and Da Run, the retail giants held an emergency meeting.

Before each family did not have to have an e-commerce platform, I didn't cost it, I didn't cost it.

It can be waited for this e-commerce war to come out, everyone feels that he has ignored this market.

Of course, pay attention to pay attention to the extent to which it is particularly valued, but even if so, the retail groups have begun to study, is it for the online shopping mall.

...... The e-commerce market causes the other people, and Li Dong is actually not careful.

The tray is bigger, the market will be big.

If everyone has entered this market, it is good, and it will definitely attract more attention.

And whether Taobao or distant people, there is a good time to lead a few steps, nor is it afraid of others to make a cup.

...... Yuanfang Building.

In the morning, Li Dong came to the company.

Sitting on the chair and looking at the news report, Li Dong smiled.

I finally refreshing, the estimation of the search and the estimation data and the data of Li Dong are not large.

Yesterday, the total sales of the distant mall 4.

600 million, that is, the data on Taobao should be misunderstood.

Counting, the distance is twice the other party.

Always very unhappy, I haven't surrendered, and I can't do it when I doubled the other party.

Li Dong did not forget.

This time I can only say that the other side of the other side is not a problem, it is really true, and the distant mall is still obvious.

After this event, the distant mall should have an outbreak.

In the past, the sales of the farm markets were less than 20 million, and Li Dong was approximately estimated that after the event, the distant is probably more than 30 million sales.

The annual sales should be able to break 100 billion, maybe it can reach a third of Taobao.

One-third of the seems are not very good, I can know how difficult Li Dong knows this span.

In 2006, the average annual sales in the distance did not exceed 8 million, and the annual sales were about 1 billion.

This year, this year is growing with ten times, although the base is not large, it can actually have created a miracle.

Such an achievement that is naturally because the establishment of the remote logistics system this year and the outbreak of the entire market, of course, there are also auxiliary activities.

I thought about it for a while, and the office door was robbed, Li Dongcai hurriedly wiped his mouth.

The saliva is naturally no, Li Dong is just awareness.

Say a "please"

Yuan Chengdao pushed the door.

For Yuan Chengdao, Li Dong is now what is somewhat uncomfortable.

Not because of his ability, mainly Li Dong feels that this guy is definitely in the mind of Shen Wei.

Group's high-rise who didn't know that Shen Wei is his Li Dong's person, this bastard actually dares the corner of the wall.

Of course, it is the case, Li Dong is not sure, but this possibility is very big, so thinking, Li Dong naturally saw him not very cool.

Not cool, it is like Shen Hao, it must not kick Yuan Chengdao at this time.

Yuan Chengdao took office for half a year, and did not make anything wrong. At this time, he kicked him, and the group must have a mess.

When this is the key, the distant expansion is dilated. Once you go out, it is a big trouble.

Li Dong is not true, his eyes cannot be used at this time.

See Yuan Chengdao to enter the door, Li Dong face reveals a smile, get up and greece: "Sitting here.

Leading Yuan Chengdao sat down next to the rest area, Li Dong asked: "How is the morale of the mall?"

Yuan Chengdao smiles full: "Moray is high!

The mall has been founded for more than a year, and the first time defeated Taobao. Everyone is very happy.

"I am happy, I am also happy.

But the win is not arrogant, this time is just a special case, and I have to pick up everyone.

"Yes, I know.

Just talked a few malls, Li Dong did not continue this.

Summary: "What is the thing on the province?"

Speaking of Henan Province, Yuan Chengdao nodded: "Zhang has always went to the Yu Provincial Expedition, yesterday, he met with the Henan government, next we will enter the province.

After all, it is close to Jiangbei, and many things are very convenient, I am not worried here.

The key is Shanghai ... "

When I said this, Yuan Chengdao wants to think about it: "Li, is it early, is it early?"

The two topics have been discussed several times, Li Dongwen said: "Not too early, I know what you worry.

However, my current idea is to first lay the national channel.

The previous investment may be a big bit, and the group pressure is also heavy, but as long as we first set the general framework, we will do more.

Shanghai as a national economic center, open the market in Shanghai, and the meaning is different.

Yuan Chengdao did not deny this, nodded: "I understand this, but I am worried about it now, and the person problem.

The matter of money, Yuan Chengdao is too lazy to ask.

The distance is still not lacking in the distance, it is really lacking, and there is a land on the side of Dongyu Real Estate, and can be loan.

In the past, Yuan Chengdao did not expect Dongyu real estate land to sell so much money, now I have a little in the heart, he doesn't want to say more.

The key is to talents, Yuan Cheng has a face color, "" At present, the Group's high-level, most of them are several jobs.

Zhang Minghao, president, responsible for East China, Chen He Ming, is responsible for Hua, Qi, is responsible for North China, and Wang is responsible for the whole southwest ... In fact, this range is somewhat big, such as East China, a large field.

Whether it is Soutan, or in Shanghai, or Jiangsu, Zhejiang, it is concentrated together.

The total capacity is there, but he can't afford this booth alone.

In addition, in the first-in Shanghai, we can best separate the Shanghai, find a steady candidate to take the town.

This is to meet with Li Dong, Zhang Minghao's ability, must have, the other party is a large group of departments.

It is possible to drag Zhang Minghao's footsteps.

Now Zhang Minghao must not support it, or as Yuan Chengdao, Yuan Chengdao is not allowed to be able to hold power, and how can it be decentralized.

But if it does not deriviate, East China has a mess, Zhang Minghao is unlucky, Yuan Chengdao is also unlucky.

Li Dong lightly tapped the table, and he only said: "What do you mean?"


Li Dong originally thought that he had any good suggestions, and I heard the two words digging people, Li Dongtun turned over white.

Who doesn't know that digging people, the key digs have a lot of disadvantages, and people who dig all the people are useless.

The person who is sitting in the town is not so easy to find, and this kind of person is generally difficult to dig away.

See Li Dong not thinking about it, Yuan Chengdao is positive: "I know that the talents who cultivate their own talents are just right, but we haven't currently doing this.

The distant talents are cultivated, and it is difficult for three or five years. Therefore, our only way to dig people is excavating.

However, my people who want to dig this time are not general.

"Who do you look?"

"Two people!

Li Dong saw the solemn thing he said, smiled and laughed: "Which two?"

"Li always knows them, Chen Lang and Majialiang!


Li Dongzheng was drinking tea, he went to henited it, and Li Dongcai coughed: "You didn't say anything wrong?"

Who is Chen Lang and Majialiang? One is the general manager of China Resources, one is the head of Suguo.

These two people are indeed a great name in the industry.

And said that these two are still a family, both a group of people, and if they leave.

Suguo and China Resources Wanjia, although it is the industry of China Resources Group, two more like opponents, sometimes competition is not much better than the outsiders.

If you can dig, Li Dong is willing to be willing.

These two people are old, Ma Jialiang is a realistic, his wolves tactics Li Dong often studies, with this trick, he uses a short time to sweep the other opponents in Jiangbei.

As for Chen Lang, it is an college party.

He may not be very professional for specific business, but he can control the power of the big direction, including the development trend of the retail industry, it is clear.

China Resources Wanjia can make retail first, because he has a big hand in these years.

The industry called him for the king of M & A, this is not a derogatory term.

He has completed the national layout of China Resources Wanjia through mergers and acquisitions. It has always been blindly blind, and there is a wide range of losses.

Until the chalk, I won Suguo, and Hua Run hit a turn.

The previous China Resources Wanjia, the retail industry in China is not too strong, and the arrival of the Chen Yongcheng has changed this situation.

I have heard Yuan Chengdao to say that I have to dig these two people, Li Dong is sorry: "Yuan, people are the CEO of China Resources Wanjia, one is China Resources Wanjia Senior Vice President, Chairman of Suo, Digging these two people Is it too reliable? "

Yuan Chengdao eyes smashed the light: "If it is usually not very reliable, it can be based on my news, and now Majialiang and Chen Lang have a lot of differences.

China Resources wants to incorporate Suguo into the group, rather than separate Soviet fruit, this Majialiang will not agree.

However, because of our intervention, Suigu is difficult to expand in Suan, causing this contradiction to further deepen.

I said that these two people didn't say that two people were digging, but they dig away one.

The two continue to make it, and the China Resources Head will definitely make adjustments. Whether it is to transfer from Maji Liang or turn away from Chen Lang, it is a big trouble.

At this time, if we make some troubles in Southan, this contradiction will be more highlighted.

Then we are in danger, talk to both sides, I think the possibility of digging a person is still relatively large.

The biggest possibility is Chen Lang. He and you are alumni. You have been in contact before, and his hometown is also Jiangbei. I think he is very much likely.

Li Dong heard these, Shen Wei film: "If, if I do it, people have dug, what is your position?"

"He is now the CEO of China Resources Wanjia. If he is coming, the supervisor is only suitable for the entire supermarket, and it is also good for the vice president.

It can be like this, what about Sun? "

In fact, according to Yuan Chengdao's idea, Sun Tao can completely let this position, and serve as a vice president.

Compared to Chen Lang, Sun Tao's ability is obvious.

But this is what can't be said, Sun Tao is entrepreneurial veteran, only in the group qualifications second only to Li Dong.

At this time, Sun Tao gave Sun Tao, Chen Yaoyued, isn't it a cold?

However, since it told this, Yuan Chengdao has already prepared, and he weddy. "I naturally not this, my idea is that if I can dig Chen, Chen can serve as the group coo.

Is there a general manager of the Yuanfang Group C00? The light is in China, there is a chairman on top of his head, and the parent company is a big bunch of people ride on his head.

In contrast, if he entered the distance, the status was in three or five, and the development space was greater.

Li Dong touched the Pakistan, when he considered, Yuan Chengdao suddenly said: "In addition, if Chen Zheng is coming, we just can implement the shares!

Li Dong's eyebrows, and looked at him.

Before the distance, it has actually implemented a shares of shares, but it is only divided.

Yuan Chengdao is now mentioned, it is obviously not this.

The previous distant equity incentive plan, it is also equity incentives, in fact, everyone can only take dividends, take dividends according to the proportion of prescribed, and other rights are not.

That is, I have a lot of bonuses every year, which is very good for ordinary employees.

It can be used for these people who are in Yuan Chengdao.

What they need is the right to operate, and it is necessary for shareholders' equity.

Yuan Chengdao said in the plan, I hope to make everyone cash share.

That is, these high-level individuals have funded and buy the company's equity.

Of course, this equity is not to say unlimited.

Once they leave their time, the group can spend money.

To put it, this is no loss in Li Dong.

Not only can I raise a fund, but also motivate people.

The key is that in the current situation, Li Dong expanded is too powerful, and because he right is too big, others have no rebuttal rights to make him do these things.

However, once the person is put, even if it is a small shareholder, it also represents it.

Perhaps the distant or Li Dong's words, it is time to frequently appear, it is not good for the Group's stability.

Of course, cash shareholds are not good, at least, it is easy to recruit talents.

As Yuan Chengdao said, if you go to dig Chen Yong, you will use the cash share of this big trick, and you can take the other to dig each other.

The shares of private enterprises, and the different state-owned enterprises.

Chen Yong acts at China Run for a lifetime. In the end, it is not seen. Even if you get the Huarun Shares, the conditions must have restrictions, and the at least transferred to the outside.

Not the same distance, this is private enterprises.

After getting the shares, just complete the conditions, after several years, buying and selling freedom.

Plus the distant group is not a small group, and people who are auspeted.

Anyway, there is a pros and cons, Li Dong has not been anxious for a time.

Last year, Yuan Chengdao said this, he didn't think about it.

This year, the situation is not the same.

The distant default, lack of real top elites, and high annual salary, it is difficult to dig into some top elites.

These talents will be tempted only if they see hope, seeing and integrating the group.

Considering a few minutes, Li Dong Shen said: "How many shares are suitable in accordance with your plan?"


Yuan Chengdao saw Li Dong actually did not refuse, suddenly the eyes were bright, and hurried back.

His 5% shares is the Group's shares.

According to the current market value of the distance, I am afraid worth more than 1 billion.

It is definitely a lot of people who use 1 billion to cage people.

Of course, he is not a selfishness. He has not hidden in this kind of selfishness.

As the president of the group, if the privilege of this program, the equity he got will definitely be less.

At that time, he will become a million or even billionaire.

Although the cash share, it is relatively, they can't take so much money, naturally there will be other programs to offset.

Anyway, as long as the plan is truly, his family will definitely skyrocket.

Li Dong once again looked at him again, and Xiudao said: "I consider it, return to you.

Yuan Chengdao didn't dare to say, this matter Li Dong did not refuse to be a good thing. At this time, he said more, it was more than the reverse and anti-negative psychology of Li Dong.

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