The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 775 Cash Award Program

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!


The room is still full of love after love.

Shen Hao's face is lazy, leaning on Li Dong chest, his face is shameless: "You are getting more shameless!"

Li Dong's spirit shakes, gently stroked her smooth ridge and smiled: "How can I call shameless, I am this is the intrinsicity.

The ancients, food color is also ... "

The voice did not fall, Shen Wei took him with him: "Less to this set, it is clear that it is coming to talk to you, and now I am delayed now!"

Li Dongpu said: "There is something more important than this.

"Your face is thick, but you can't say you!

Shen Yizhen, got up: "Get up, stay in your office for so long, Chen Wei knows bad.

"I am afraid.

Li Dong once again pulled her into his arms, lazily said: "Let's lie for a while, you don't go to me these days, I don't dare to go, I am so dead.


Shen Wei was light, then he said: "Are you not moving to Jinhuyuan? I thought you didn't think it.

Li Dong is a face, can I say that I was caught up? He didn't dare to say this, saying that Shen Wei should be angry, dry cough, Li Dong smiled: "Can I move back to Wanyuan.

I am really love for you, not only thinking about the lower body ... "

This is not finished, Li Dong screamed: "It is too embarrassing, just gentle and generous.

Shen Wei did not have a good air: "Ghost is gentle to you!

I will tell 'you're in front of me, will you talk? Is it really feeling that I will not mind? "

"No, my mouth is big, I don't say it next time.

Shen Wei snorted him and ignored him, and took his hand to wear clothes from themselves.

After all, in the company, Li Dong did not continue to block, and he also got up and started clothes.

Wear clothes and simply washed it, and the two came out together.

At this time, the office door was once again sounded, Shen Wei hurriedly opened Li Dong's hand and sat in Li Dong opposite.

Li Dong saw laughed and opened his mouth: "come in.

Chen Wei pushed the door, etc. I saw that the two had come out, and the heart could not help but breathe.

Carefully aiming at a glance, seeing her face on her face, the face is not a red.

Li Dongjun Chen Yu stands in that, could not help but frown: "What happened?"

Chen Yuton came back to God, and quickly said: "Manager Liu came to find you a few times, I see him seems to have an urgent matter, do you see if you want him?"

"Liu Hong?"


"Let him come in.


When Chen Yu got out of the office, Shen Wei suddenly stared at him: "It is definitely she knew!"

Li Donggan cougic road: "There should be no ..."

"I blame!

You look at the girl just look at my expression!

Shen Wei was so annoyed, then he said: "Forget it, it is understood that she does not dare to chew the tongue.

Liu Hongla is definitely a promotion, then I will not tell you, I will go first.

"Listen together.

"Listen to you!

Shen Wei, one sentence, get up and go out.

Li Dong smiled: "I went to the provincial party court in the evening. Have you ever had dinner?"

"I want to be beautiful!

Shen Xi didn't return, and the path out of the office.

When I went out, Liu Hong just touched her, and quickly said: "Shen, you finished it?"

He is a smooth, but he doesn't want Shen Wei frown: "The next time I report to me, I will report to Li Tong!

Leave this, Shen Wei leaves a proudly.

Liu Hong face changed, and he was very annoyed in his heart. How did you be so confused!

I know that Shen Yichang is, I still rush to report, this is not to give yourself trouble.

But this can't blame him, before he and Shen Xi report, Shen Hao often is: "Go to Li, this matter, Li, I:

When I went, Liu Hong ignored the side of Shen Wei.

And Shen Xi has not worry about it recently. Liu Hong has forgotten this. Who knows that Shen Hao suddenly broke out today.

See Liu Hongqi lost, Chen Wei knows Shen Wei should not seize his sect, Chen Yu is secretly thinking, don't because Liu Hong bother her and Li's good things ... I didn't dare to think, Chen Yu urgently said: "Liu Manager, go in, Li is still waiting.

Liu Hong did not have any other way at this time, I had to have a hard work into the office.

...... in the office.

Liu Hongxian reported the progress of Weibo and the distribution platform, and then he said: "When did you start when the data is in the data center?"

Before this, Shen Wei said that she had to bring the team to investigate, Li Dong thought about it: "Go back, ask you to ask, when it is going.

"Okay, it is about promotional things ..."

Liu Hong also said for a long time, Li Dong briefly told a few words.

At this time, the e-commerce war is actually almost the same, as long as there is no big movement of other platforms, it can't shake Li Dong.

The battle of e-commerce is actually the battle of burning money.

Not willing to burn money, saying is empty, let alone Li Dong is still going on.

East Star Entertainment has emergency contacts to make publicity advertisements. At that time, it is a wave of publicity, unless Taobao has a big move, Li Dong is not too attempted.

I just said that Liu Hong is throwing a problem: "There is also Suning, Li, Sun Ning has its own e-commerce platform, and we have cooperation with us.

Now Sun Ning is dead and reducing prices, this way, the same product, our price is the same.

If you don't want to destroy, you can only subsidize yourself, but this ... "

I have subsidized competitors, I feel too stupid.

Li Dongwen said: "What is the sales of Suning, Yesterday?"

"More than 20 million.

"What is their own platform?"

"Almost more than 20 million.

Li Dong said: "They play so much advertisement, put it so much, there is a spendant underline online, and I am still not satisfied now!

You tell them, you must cut the price!

If you don't cut prices, the distant residents will revoke Suning's residents, we introduce national US into the station!


Liu Hong is shocked, this is their opponent.

Li Dong saw him shocked, dissatisfied: "Is it very strange? We have cooperated with Suning, and Gome also competes, but it does not mean that we are enemy.

Old yellow is not a fool, this kind of thing is not to find us.

Yesterday's effect he should also see that Gome has no own e-commerce platform, and now there is a period of time.

At this time, we look for them to cooperate, he guarantees the willingness, and concessions will only be more than Suining.

You don't have to consider the interests of others, you need to consider the distant interests.

Let me spend money to subsidize Suning, I also give them free to advertise, is I am so stupid? Notify me, show me what I mean, or their platforms increase price, or cut prices here, if we don't do it, you will go down to Suning!

At the beginning, it is willing to work online with Suning, mainly for increasing influence.

But now the two have conflicts, and the far-rectification has already launched the foundation, Suning is not so important.

It seems that Li Dong has a river to remove the bridge, and the mall is like this.

Suning is not lost. If it is not a distant mall, they are not so easy to open online, and now the Suning Mall is quite a larger than the distance.

See Li Dong's crucifix, Liu Honglian busy: "Well, then I will arrange it right away.

"Well, there are other merchants are the same!"

Try not to make us subsidize, let them reduce the cost price.

This is a mutual benefit, we are enough to enter the logistics.

The cost of logistics is not low, plus star publicity, at least the funds we can't get to hundreds of millions of funds.

In addition, there is also a cost of the mall, all of which we are paying, if this, then I would rather only promoting our own products without overlying other merchants.

I am not afraid of a loss, it doesn't mean that I am willing to lose money.

Yesterday, sales performance have also seen it, the mall will only do more, and all their own hearts are also available.

I want to expand the famous gifted, increase market share, I still want to have this money, and even want to pick up a stroke, there is such a good thing in the world.

Liu Hongni is busy: "I know, I will go back to schedule it."

In addition, the market department has recently contacted a lot of brands, especially today, our sales performance came out, many branders took the initiative to contact us to enable the mall.

If other merchants are not willing to compromise, do you see if you can kill chicken monkeys, withdraw a few groups, introduce several same industry brands? "

"If you don't want to do this, after all, we are now unstable.

Of course, if someone thinks we can't leave them, let them look!

At the beginning, they didn't have them, and our self-calling is not bigger.

A few merchants have not much impact us. After several years, it is not that we seek them to enter the mall, but they ask us.

The current e-commerce market share is still not big, and it can be a few years, and the e-commerce market explosives growth.

At that time, the supply and demand relationship reversed.

Nowadays, I am actively contacting the brands, giving a series of preferential measures, not used for two or three years, it should be crying and seeking them to settle.

Although Liu Hong felt that this day was still very far, but also nodded: "I believe there will be one day.

The two said, waiting for Liu Hong to go out, Chen Hao came in, Li Dong said: "I will go to Director Liu, contact CCB, let them prepare 200 million cash for us.

200 million cash is not a small number, I am afraid that there are so many groups really take so much cash.

And the bank is here, not preparing for five or six days in advance, I can't get so much money.

Bank cash flow is much, but the entire Pingchuan CCB reserves do not necessarily have.

Prepare for 200 million cash at once, this is not a small thing.

Chen Hao heard the words, and it will be emboned: "Cash?"

"Yes, cash.

"Li, this ..."

Li Dong smiled: "It is cash, I am preparing to hold a reward conference on the 25th.

"Of course, the news that is now preparing for cash should not be leaked, and this is a low-key.

Now that the news will pass out, Li Dong may not guarantee that there is anyone who will be joined.

With hundreds of millions of cash, even if the bank can't grab so much money.

If it is not a suggestion that Li Dong feels effect, Li Dong will not do this.

200 million cash, think about Li Dong can experience the kind of shock.

In 2005, the supplier, Li Dong prepared 30 million cash.

The supplier who came at the time had a lot, and there were many major manufacturers. As a result, 30 million cash shocked a large number of people.

Now 200 million, and faced or distant employees, Li Donggong guarantees that it will cause a sensation that day.

The money on the literal, and the money posing in front is not a concept.

I listened to Li Dong to prepare for the reward meeting, Chen Yu suddenly, then I couldn't help but said: "Fall in cash?"

"Well, how do you feel?"

Chen Yu said: "This ... think about it is excited, Li, is this too big?"

"Nothing, I will let the security there are all on the side, and the bank also has an armed police. I don't believe who eats the leopard, in front of so many people.

Of course, be careful, you don't reveal the wind.

Chen Yu hurriedly nodded until now, there will be some big hand on Li Dong.

In fact, the 200 million incentive plan, everyone knows last year.

At the critical time, I said that hundreds of millions, everyone stayed on the literal understanding, I feel not too deep.

Now, Chen Wei can not even have to open the meeting, the reward meeting will definitely cause a sensation.

This year, which company has done this, there are millions of tens of millions, two hundred million, at least she has never heard of it.

...... Shortly after Chen Wei, Li Dong shouted Tan Yong and Zheng Long.

After the supervisory department of Zhou Haidong, the Ministry of Security was responsible for Zheng Long and Cao Hongbing.

Li Dong briefly said a few words, and recently did not say more.

Some things have not been too large in advance, but people feel panicked.

After saying this, Li Dong gave Zheng Long, waiting for Tan Yong one, Li Dong asked: "Is there a clear thing about the day of the real estate conference?"

Now I have passed a few days from the real estate conference, and Li Dong has always checked who is dry.

This matter does not find out that Li Dong is not worried.

If Jia Wenhao does not express, Li Dong doesn't matter, he does not think who is worthy of himself.

It can be guided by Jia Wenhao's statement, a statement and attitude, which caused Li Dong's attention.

It is absolutely not average person who can make Jia Wenhao people.

At this time, Du'anmin is about to enter Beijing, and the distant scales are expanding.

Li Dong is not afraid, to tell the truth, now I want to put him in Jiangbei, the possibility is not big.

Otherwise, he is not afraid unless there is a more late person.

Mainly, I am afraid to delay the expansion speed, and the financial crisis is coming soon. At this time, it is the best opportunity for the development of the distance. I have no second time.

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