The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 782 acquires Longhua Square (Wen Qi Subscription)

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Xu Shengzhe said not to bond, nature is empty.

Li Dong is still two years to return this 500 million, and it is still more than two years.

I have a few jokes, Li Dong returns to the top: "Now I am looking for me, is it troublesome?"


Xu Sheng Zhe spit his mouth and shakes his head: "There is no longer, but he guess it, the bank began to zoom in silver roots, and now the loan is difficult.

Longhua's cash flow is not much, the new city must continue to invest in, otherwise it will be planted in the previous investment.

He and Li Dong did not say that fake, Longhua's situation couldn't open Li Dong.

Listening to him, Li Dong drank his mouth coffee slowly: "What is your purpose?"

Borrowing money.

"You know, there is almost no possibility.

Li Dong shake his head: "Don't say that I have no money, even if there is money, I will not borrow.

The far away is now expanding, and those who sell the land are full of flowers. I am big, I have money to lend you.

According to what I mean, now the real estate market is still hot, the land of your hoard is made, and the funds are naturally mitigated.

In the past two years, Longhua has a lot of good, and if you want to sell, you will definitely pay more than Dongyu.

However, Xu Shengzhe is obviously not this intention, shaking his head: "I don't want to do this, now I haven't come yet.

And I am optimistic about the real estate market, the country will not have been put on.

Although the submissive crisis has spread in the European and American markets, they have not been affected by the country.

Even the inner rivers in this way did not affect, the mainland will not, now just a short wind, crane, even if the regulation will not last.

For up to one or two years, the real estate market will be hot, and I don't want to give up.

Li Dong sometimes admires this guy, and the eyes are still a poisonous spicy.

Admire, Li Dong will not help him because of this, shook his head: "I really have no money, you want me to help you spend the current difficulties. I can understand.

How can you, you should have a few things in your heart.

Sichuan Airlines and Beijing-Tianjin also have three businesses in the Yuanfang Garden, which has spent a big capital.

In addition, logistics is also expanding, the mall is still burning, I am now using there. ""

"I know!

Xu Shengzhe broke: "But there is a big reserve and quality quilt on the aftertaste, this money is not a small number, you have not used it.

According to my estimate, at least 300 million!

So much money, you stay in your hand, is there any interest? I should take me first, I can take the land mortgage and interest.

Li Dong, you can don't finish the face, I have a few crises, I am helping you, now I have a little bit of trouble, you talk to me Dong's west, so I hope? "

"Of course I mean.

Li Dong did not face red, smiled: "You let me use the reserve and payment to help you, you are very daring.

If the news reveals, do you know what consequences? "

"The past is among the expansion, our partners are ignorant.

But far from the distance, it has always been constructed, everyone is reluctant to be relieved.

At this time, you let me lend these money to you, if you can't do it, what should I do? Don't say the land, it's hard to say when you can't sell it, you can't sell it out, you Longhua didn't end, don't take me down.

Xu Shengzhe is a bit angry: "I don't borrow too much, 1 billion, 10 in, the new city is almost enough!"

As long as the new city is put into use, Longhua will have a big capital back, regardless of the policy of regulating, we will definitely make money on the new city.

In the early stage, we invest more than 5 billion in the new city. As long as you return, the least lottery is sure.

So industry in this, can I still lie to you? "

"Do not borrow.

"Li Dong, you are a white wolf!

Are you worthy of me? You also don't want to think, how can I help you at the beginning, you are now developed, just forget the brother, my friendship, one ... "

Xu Shengzhe scored a half-day, Li Dong was a good place to drink coffee.

For a while, Li Dongcai smiled: "Get it, don't be all useless.

I know that you still have killers, let's take a look, maybe I promised.

Xu Shengzhe's face recovered calm, he knew that this guy was not so fooled.

If you can use your love, you will be 1 billion, he is not Li Dong.

Now Xu Sheng Zhe is really a bit regret, I know that I didn't buy a bond in the beginning, this bastard has been difficult to get off.

I am too lazy to think about this, Xu Shengzhe helpless: "Longhua Square is mortgage to you, this is always?"

Li Dongyu Longhua Square is not a day and two, as the largest shopping plaza in Pingchuan, the famous Launda Plaza is famous.

Previously, Li Dong made a few times, and the industry will replace Longhua Square.

However, Xu Sheng Zhe has not agreed, this is the golden egg of the golden egg, they will not change.

At this time, Xu Sheng Zhe didn't want to sell the land, and wanted to take the money, he had to mortgage Longhua Square.

Li Dong moved a suddenly stagnant, then smiled and said: "Mortgage can't, if you sell, I will buy 1 billion to buy.

"Don't sell!

Xu Shengzhe didn't have a good air: "If you think about it, if I want to sell, I still use it to find you? Longhua Square is our logo, when I opened, I started the group is ready to sell 30% shop, I am hard Go, because I know that it is not cost-effective at that time.

Therefore, all the ownership of Longhua Square is all in us, and how much is it a year? How many of your second floor rent you know, thousands of people in Longhua Square, more than one year.

In addition to the following layers, the above business building rents are not low, and almost 60 million rental income is over the year.

This is also the second, the key is the crowd effect and advertising effect.

As the biggest shopping plaza in Pingchuan ... "

Li Dong did not interrupted, waiting for him to say that he didn't say it: "Since you don't sell, you still have nothing to do.

1 billion can sell, do not sell.

At this time, do you think who will buy your Longhua Square? I can't open the flagship store at the beginning. At this time, everyone used Longhua Square as a distant headquarters. I was not forced to take over.

Does other people willing to take over? Once our distant supermarket moves out, the people on your side strees more than 30%, and the value of additional value will lose hundreds of millions.

So Longhua Square is famous, and there is a lot of credits.

Your Longhua does not do an entity, but it is for a reputation. Now the reputation earned, and you should make money.

1 billion acquisition of Longhua Square, you absolutely make bigger.

At the time of investment, you spent more than 45 million. This only won 100% return in three or four years, plus the rent of these years, you make a big hair.

Otherwise, you have to expect rentals, you have to get so much money for 20 years, you have determined that Longhua Square still has the present scene after 20 years? If you don't sell, as a big camp, Pingchuan, we must invest in its own shopping center flagship store, and Longhua store will revoke, among which you are ignorant.

Now selling Longhua Square, your fund crisis solves do not say, we also save a lot of expenses here.

Mutual benefits are king, always think of yourself.

Xu Shengzhe said: "I know you are this, don't tell you what you said.

It is not Longhua Square. Can you get up so far? So, you can rise in the distance, it is our Longhua to help you.

Now, it will also become you helped us to name, you dare to say.

"I don't dare to say, I first saw that Zhonglonghua Square was because of your cheap, otherwise I can't see this.

It's not the city center, I really took it.

"Anyway, 1 billion must be underestimated by the value of Longhua Square.

In these years, commercial real estate continues to appreciate, at this time, even if you invest in a shopping center like Longhua Square, it is probably 78 billion.

This is still not calculating the cost of labor and other aspects, and you don't necessarily reach this effect of Longhua Square ... "

Li Dong smiled, in fact, Xu Shengzhe is planning to sell.

If he doesn't want to sell, it will not have so much analysis with Li Dong.

The reason why it is so much, but it is necessary to raise the price.

Why did I prefer to sell Longhua Square, and Li Dong knows their psychology.

In the past few years, the ground gains are amazing, and although commercial real estate has increased, they can gradually slow down.

Now there is tens of thousands of square meters on the first floor, and in Xu Shengzhe, they seem to have rising.

In 2007, Pingchuan is mostly a three-tier city. Longhua Square is still not a city center. At this time, the unit price exceeds 10,000 per square meter, how much can it still rise? They feel that the increase is not big, and Li Dong knows that there will continue to rise.

The Longhua Square of the later generation, a layer of gold is more than 30,000, and the peak period is even higher.

At that time, Longhua Plaza was scared. The annual rental income was probably exceeding 100 million, which was much more than now.

Xu Shengzhe said that these one aspect is to raise the price. On the other hand, he is actually hesitating. After all, Longhua Square has played out, and the Longhua Group is helpless.

If the price is low, he really doesn't want to sell.

The two said that Li Dong said 1 billion, and finally Xu Shengzhe is a bit impatient. "If you don't buy, I will morting Longhua Square to the bank!"

Rent on rent, I think banks are also willing.

This is not so bigger than the ground, even if it is tightening the silver root, Longhua Square is also a fragrant.

Li Dong knows that this is not fake, consider the film: "How much do you want?"

"1.5 billion!


Li Dongyi shocked: "You are really dare!"

According to your price, I have to recover the cost for more than 25 years. Which commercial square have you seen it for so many years to recover costs? It is more than 25 years, and there is still a big operation fee and maintenance costs every year. I can't set it for 30 years. I am crazy!

Xu Shengzhe didn't have a good air: "When I am idiot, do you not rose? For up to 20 years, you will definitely recover the cost, Pingchuan is not more than other first-tier cities, 20 years can be collected, it is good, it is high.

And after the land price continues to float, you can't set it for less than 20 years.

1.5 billion is the price I and the company finally determined, this price is definitely not high, you think about it yourself.

"Don't think about it, don't do it!"

You are almost almost idiot, a sudden increase of 500 million, have you seen such a price increase? 1.1 billion, my psychological bottom line, I don't want to count.

In fact, I really don't want to use such a big capital on this, 1.1 billion investment, I can double your belief in three years? "

"The reason is willing to talk to you, on the one hand, you have a good relationship with me, on the other hand, I also said that a large shopping center will increase the bottom gas.

If you don't agree, I didn't say it. Anyway, Su'an New Town we were also preparing to start.

If it is completed, some conflicts with Longhua Square.

"Conflict a fart!

When you are a fool, Su'an is not a Jiangbei market, but the four provinces, Longhua Square is definitely the best for you, you do less with me.

Xu Shengzhe scored a sentence, and finally: "14 billion, friendship.

If I go to Longhua Square to mortgage, the loan will be 1 billion definitely no problem.

In the next 20 years, we don't have any investment in itself. After 20 years, we can also have a few billion shopping plazas ... "

"Get it, then you will try it.

Really thought that your home is open, you can learn from five or six billion, and then, you are now so high, you can't afford it, you can't afford it, you have been empty.

Don't tell you, 1.2 billion, my limit.

The reason why this price is also rounded, I have a dream.

In the first first time I went to Longhua Square, I thought that one day I could bought it. At this time, I bought this price, amazed you, you know yourself.

Now 1.2 billion, maybe it is equivalent to billions of days later.

Li Dong said this, it is not enough.

In fact, this time I acquired Longhua Square, it is really not cost-effective, so many cash flows, great role.

His reasonable this, improve the image of the distance is a little, helping Shengzhe is a little, and finally is a dream.

Whether it is the first birthday, Li Dong went to Longhua Square for the first time, it is good to be, it is good to return this building.

When I went to Longhua Square in this life, he also asked how much it was in the second floor. At that time, the other party opened a price of 70 million, and Li Dong is an astronomical figure.

Now, Li Dong has some capital on his hand, naturally moving.

Of course, he is not stupid, and he will definitely not use so many cash in Longhua Square, some of them, part of the loan, and the rent is loan.

Xu Shengzhe didn't do this. On the one hand, Longhua liabilities were high. It was difficult to review. On the one hand, Xu Shengzhe did not have Li Dong so confident.

He said in the mouth, Longhua Square is agglomerated, in fact, even himself is uncertain.

To gamble with uncertain things, this is naturally not what he wants.

Moreover, Li Dong also understood, this time is 1.2 billion, and the will be 14 billion in the future. The result of inflation in these years, Xu Sheng Zhen can experience.

Seeing Li Sheng Zhe is still hesitating, Li Dong is not bothered: "If this is the price, if you don't agree, go to the loan yourself.

After three or five months, you look at it, don't say 1.2 billion, when you give me 1 billion, I don't want to give me.

I have been watching the market for the housing market, or it will not sell the land.

This time, I really want to help you, don't want to see you, the buddies are all sent, you still take it with me.

Xu Shengzhe is speechless, I believe you have a ghost!

Considering a while, Xu Sheng Zhen spit his mouth: "This, I will negotiate it.

Longhua is not a distant side, I can't get down.

"Just, drag it anymore, you lose a day, etc., etc., you will not fall, and I don't want to be 1.2 billion.

"I will decide as soon as possible.

Xu Shengzhe said some helpless: "I didn't expect to have you have to have you have to have you, Li Dong, sometimes I really think that you have any specific features, are you forever?"

Li Dongxin fell in the heart, but his mouth was laughing: "Roll, I have this thing, and I will talk to you.

Xu Shengzhe also said that he is that Li Dong this guy is very lucky.

I didn't say it in the New Town, and I rarely made a mistake in Li Dongli in these years. The business of business is making big money.

Some time ago is the hottest time, but the guy can be taken back, selling all the land.

At that time, the land price was almost peak, which didn't rise in this two months.

Look at this situation, although the price is high, Misu Homes have a hunch, I am afraid that the market will go through a wave of hits.

Now, the reason is not big, everyone is playing or drumming the game.

In fact, now the major groups have been vigilant, Xu Shengzhe wants to shoot the land in his hand, it is difficult to find this major household for a while.

Li Dong denied that Xu Shengzhe didn't take a moment, shaking his head: "If you want to predict the future, you must be your family's grave.

You this bastard, luck is really good.

It is cheaper to take you, I have your luck, Longhua is now afraid in China.

"Rolling, I am an eye, I don't understand the eyes!"

On the big concept, I am more than you.

You will count some small things of some chicken fry, have you so powerful? "

"You can blow, anyway, you don't have to pay taxes.

"Who blows?"

Li Dong attacked his eyes: "You see now, who is Jiangbei private boss, I know, if you brag, what do you Long Hua?"


Xu Shengshi suddenly said that it was right, and it was a long time. "Don't pull with you, first go, look back.

When he leaves, Li Dong wiped his head.

Is it so obvious? This guy actually rises this idea, it is terrible.

But fortunately, this is not to happen to others, no one believes.

In addition, Li Dong has also converges in these years. In addition to being a bit abnormal in the stock market, everything else is normal, you should not be too doubtful.

However, I still have to pay attention to it. In fact, what he is doing now, it is not difficult for some people.

Everyone can see how Li Dong succeeded, it is difficult to copy.

At this time, Li Dong is not fortunate, fortunately, you don't like to install, or you have a few future songs.

Creative conflicts, once, it is a few times, it is doubtful.

In this past few years, he only creative plagiarism, probably a happy farm, as for Weibo, abroad and China, in fact, it is not a creative conflict, this is not much trouble.

Sitting in the original place for a while, Li Dong said he warned himself, and it could not be chaotic.

It is not easy now that it is not easy now. Next, as long as you do it in the class, you will be successful.

I have a few billions of myself, and there is no need to be too highlighted for some minority.

I want to pass these, Li Dong is only relaxed.

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