The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 785 Li Dong's Arrangement (SUV)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

When Chen Jian said, Li Dongcai knows the internal feelings.

Longhua Square is not good, and the main reason is more.

The first is that when I started a contract, the shopping mall didn't expect this price that housing prices will rise so quickly.

Because many merchants have paved their long-term contracts, there are a lot of three years.

Although it is a value-added contract, it can be the degree of rents in the initial settlement or less than the rise in housing prices.

Of course, compare the investment in Longhua, in fact, this rent is not low.

According to the original investment amount of Longhua, it can still recover costs within ten years.

Li Dong is now compared with its own purchase price, which is natural and different.

Shop rents is low, the second point is the problem of office buildings.

Longhua Square is just a part of the commercial square, and the office area is not famous. In the early stage, these people in order to achieve performance, and the introduced companies are very messy.

This has caused low-end positioning of Longhua Plaza Office Building, and some small companies have settled, completely sorry to be such a big head of Longhua Square.

At the beginning, Li Dong's reasoning will not choose Longhua Square in the Global Building, and it is nothing wrong with this.

I didn't expect that the past has passed, and this is still the case, it is no wonder that Wang Yunqing wants to say.

This error should be said to be caused by many aspects, and they don't have to do this.

At the beginning of the operation, these people for the performance, for the sake of data, I thought about the rental rate, and didn't consider these, it has caused this situation.

In addition to these two points, the last cause theater problem.

Two points are important for shopping plazas.

The first is the department store, the second is theater, this is the two points are the largest households who attract passengers in the shopping plaza, but also large consumers.

The department stores here from Longhua Square don't have to say that the drainage of the remote market is still very powerful.

The cinema has a small problem. So far, the five floors of Longhua Square is still vacant!

This connection is very incredible, Chen Jianyi said, Li Dong is stupid: "Is the 5th floor vacation? I remember that when we were here, the 5th floor seems to have aatery station?"

Chen Jianchen laughed: "When you are here, there is indeed the theater.

"But later the Group introduced Warner Studios, Warner Studios is the joint venture established by the Shenzhen Brothers International Theater, the famous arrogance is very good.

Just started to introduce Warner Studios, it will certainly drive people again, further expand the people and famous arrivals of the mall.

It can be hidden in the middle, and in the end, we have to distinguish it, which also caused the five floors to be vacant.

"What went wrong?"

"When the introduction was introduced, the Group and Warner Studios were tangled, and the other party would hold this stock of the cinema.

Generally, the cinema will do this, after all, if you don't share the stock, the mall may cross the bridge.

This group has no opinion, after all, most of the country is in this form.

Who knows that radio is suddenly stopped, and final Warner has quit this investment.

"What is the relationship with radio and electricity?"

Li Dong is named, how can I listen to it.

He didn't understand it, and the Wu Sheng male in next to: "According to the relevant provisions of radio and television, foreign investment cannot have controlling rights in the domestic cinema.

I think it should be Warner wants to control the holding, touches the bottom line, so I finally didn't talk.

But I am very strange, even if I have no Warner, the domestic studio is also a lot, can't I re-investment? "

At this time, I don't have to answer, Wang Yunqing, said helpless: "Our later periods are of course re-investment, but because of Warner talked, Xu Zhu is very unhappy.

Finally, Xu said that he should maintain the total management rights of the mall, which means that other theaters will not be held or holding.

This condition is exported, the big theater naturally does not agree.

The small theater does not have such capital and courage, but also can't drive the name of the mall, so it is vacant.

A layer is vacant, and it is still a layer of entertainment project, it is no wonder that it will be affected.

If the far-sorry market continues to drive people, I am probably more affected.

Li Dong, this is a little bit, I don't understand Xu Shengzhe, this guy is dry.

If you replace it is him, I am afraid I would rather give up the control of this layer. Anyway, the mall is taken to make money, sometimes it is not necessary to maintain intact business rights.

Li Dong also wanted too much, Xu Sheng Zhe was afraid that there was no need to sell a day.

This guy has always been very strong. I am afraid I have always feel that the shopping mall will continue to grow, and I will not be prepared for sale in a short time.

But now I will pick up my hand, I naturally can't continue to vacate.

The whole layer of the site is a lot of rents, it is much more, it seems that Longhua Square is more than the profit point in which you expect.

Didn't ask, Li Dong took down and followed everyone.

From the commercial floor, I have been seeing the office floor.

When I saw those messy small companies, I divided the first floor of the office building into a dozen small businesses. Li Dong couldn't help but frown.

After reading the office building, Li Dong asked: "When is the contract deadline of these companies?"

"There is a short contract period, and the longest recently signed contracts, around three years.

Short time, the first batch of investment companies have expired, and now they have not rented.

"How many companies expired?"

"There are quite a lot, about half of it.

"Newly-renewal companies can't find a way to get away?"

Some of Wang Yunqing is: "If you want to drive them, the price of the pay is not small.

In addition, these companies were driven away. It is also a blow to Longhua's famous voice. In addition, now the square office building is supported by these small businesses. If they have, our next office building is afraid ... "

"This doesn't have to worry, I will find ways later.

Now the existence of these companies, completely lowered the level of the square, and then say that I don't care.

After 90,000 square meters of office buildings, the results were less than 25oO million, which was a cabbage price.

Li Dong's first idea is to drive away these people, and invest some big companies.

Even if the investment can't, he would rather use it.

He has always considered that the distant building is not enough, and it is necessary to move the real estate company and logistics company.

In fact, as far, the distant exhibition is getting faster, even if the two move out, the place is still not enough.

And Longhua Plaza is so big, and then moving the city.

90,000 square meters of office area, such a large place, don't say that the Yuanshi Headquarters, the group headquarters is enough.

Otherwise, according to his thoughts, it will rebuild a new building in the future, and it cost is not small. Now there is a ready-made place, and the outside world has always regarded Longhua Square as a remote city headquarters.

I heard Li Dong said that Wang Yunqing considers the film: "Even if you don't care, you can, it is our destruction.

If you want to destroy, the payment amount may be up to 10 million.

"Ten million, this money I am willing to pay.

Mainly, you have determined that there will be no disputes? "

"It should not be, after all, Longhua is some small businesses.

They come to Longhua is cheap, now there is money to earn, and they are not difficult to relocate.

"That's good.

Li Dong Shen smelted: "Then you have a recent hard work, and talk about the renewed business.

Don't talk together, a family go to talk, try to handle this matter.

Don't cause too much change, quietly let these companies stay better.

Wang Yunqing is a face, others are still crying.

Boss, now the mall is not yours!

Which one of you now let us rush now? Which one is? I don't talk about everyone, Li Dong smiles: "Reassure, listen to me is.

The distant square will soon change the face, you have to do this, and I will receive it later.

Otherwise I will leave a rotten stall, you can't explain me.

Li Dong's meaning is a bit more, and even the name will be changed directly.

The other is what he is in his words. It is obviously that everyone is doing it. It will receive them in the distance. Otherwise, where else is going back.

At this time, they returned to Longhua, but I didn't see the gardens waiting for them.

Wang Yunqing thought of this, and Chen Jian's eyesight, then he bite his teeth: "Good, Li Dong is rest assured, we will handle it as soon as possible!

"That's good, look back, let Dongyu send people to help you.

After saying these, Li Dong event took a look: "Okay, it will be here today.

Now everyone is still not relieved, it seems that I will take the way in the morning.

... from Longhua Square, Wu Shengnan is can't wait to say: "Li, what is the matter?"


"After moving away after the small businesses ..."

"90,000 square meters is still a little big, the investment part, and I am going to separate the distant market.

Now there are some crowds in the remote building, according to my thoughts, the remote building will only stay in the business city.

"The mall is used in such a big place?"

Wu Sheng male is screaming, the distant park is not small, and now the mall does not seem to be the size.

"Mall and headquarters are all over the remote building, the headquarters is almost.

The city relocated to Longhua Square, Dongyu moved to the green land, the logistics ... Waiting for the remote logistics park, I am going to move the logistics to the other side, so that everyone is convenient, but the command is conveyed, the operation is also Can improve.

Wu Sheng men thought about it, it feels good.

Now everyone is piled up, sometimes it is very troublesome, the key is still functions.

And headquarters, sometimes they are somewhat at a much somewhat, the top head is too much, and everyone can manage them, and they don't know who is gone.

Move it now, after they are boss.

When I think that Dongyu Real Estate moves to the green land, Wu Shengni is still very satisfied, and the real estate is the right to be full, others are also coming, it should be better than now.

In addition, you can also play Dongyu's banner, and don't use it like a group of the group.

I have a dark music, Wu Shengni said again: "Is the investment in theater to be reopened as soon as possible?"

"No, this is arranged.

Lee thoughtfully thought of Wanda's business model. The cinema is also a big head of making money in the future. Of course, can't argger.

Of course, Li Dong did not want to do this, he is now really no energy.

But he doesn't do, someone can do it.

Hu Xiaomei's Dongxing Entertainment can be used to be theater, and the two parties complement each other, how good industrial chain layout.

Dongxing Entertainment has Li Dong's shares, the key Hu Xiaomei is rich.

Nanrui and Tengxiang have more money to have more money, and it is necessary to support your daughter.

Li Donghe Hu Xiaomei has a good relationship, and the theater can rely on its own commercial real estate exhibition, and it is also complementary things.

In addition, the most important thing is that theater is based on commercial real estate exhibitions, which will not pose a threat to Li Dong.

Without the Dongxing Cinema, a big domestic cinema, if there is a day, Li Dong is not afraid of anything.

Calculate, this is also the best choice.

Although Wu Shengan didn't know how he arranged, Li Dong said so, she has no comments.

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