The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 787, different kinds of celebrations

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Li Dong thought that this birthday was in a busy middle.

However, I have been returning to the provincial party court. Li Dong knows that there is still different in this life and last life.

After the death of my parents last life, few people remember Li Dong's birthday.

Even Li Dong himself, often forgetting the birthday.

However, standing at the entrance of the small courtyard, looking at a black lacquered paint inside, Li Dong knows the family.

Usually, even if he is back, the light in the yard is bright.

Today is a little light, there is no lighting in the house.

Li Dong did not hurry to enter the door, but thinking at the door, who is in the house at the moment? Shen Wei should be impossible, she is still in the field, the phone, who has just passed in the afternoon, did not come back anniversary.

In addition to Shen Wei, you can quietly enter into your own home is not your parents are Qin Yuhan.

However, my mother called myself in the morning, I also said that I didn't go back to eat, and the number will also go to Qin Wenhan.

When you think of the evening, Qi Fangfang and Zhang Mengmeng are not, Li Dong is guessing who is.

Just prepared to step into the door, Tan Yong behind him is a great way to say: "Li is always, I will go in first.

Guess the guess, as Li Dong's driver and personal bodyguard, Tan Yong may not dare.

Nowadays, Li Dong is not general, and it is also a great hatred with Tang Long Group, and it is troublesome when the enemy is in the end.

Plus the billion billion cash events before, not too much people staring at Li Dong.

Listening to Tan Yong said that Li Dong is a little longer.

I think that Qin Yuhan doesn't seem to have been here, the babysitter doesn't know her, and it really doesn't necessarily let it come in.

Thinking of this, Li Dong low voice: "Then you are careful, the situation is not retreating immediately.


Tan Yong came to him, and Li Dongdao: "Li, you are far away, I will come out.

Talking work, Tan Yong has pushed to the gate.

Wooden door has no anti-lock, and it will pass a low slightest sound.

Tan Yong saw a little slightly, slowly pushing the wooden door ... "Hey!

In silence, a crisp is very clear.

Tan Yong felt a wet in his chest, and thought it was a gun, and suddenly woven: "Li, go, other people protect Li total retreat!"

The few bodyguards hidden outside in the dark rushed out, and they should be retransmitted before Li Dong.

At this time, Li Dong was shocked, hurriedly said: "Go to Hao Tan, fast!

Everyone made a group, at this time, the small courtyard flashed a neon light.

Hu Xiaomei also held champagne in his hand, and his face was full of question marks.

Not only her, Qi Fangfang people are also stunned, and I looked at Li Dongzhi in a mess, what is the situation? By neon light, Li Dong has paused at this time.

Several bodyguards and Li Dong looked at everyone in the small courtyard. Every time everyone was red.

The most embarrassing is that Tan Yong, this time, Tan Yong, I don't know how to go out.

Just a gun, obviously Hu Xiaomei opened the sound of champagne.

As for the humidity of the chest, it is not blood, but the champagne is sprayed.

Tan Yong's face is red, the old face is thoroughly lost, and he is still self-proclaimed, and even the gun is actually actually heard.

I didn't dare to stay for a long time, Tan Yong hurriedly took out the small courtyard, went to Li Dong to follow the front: "Li, I ..."

Li Dong is crying and laughing, swinging the hand: "Nothing, you go back first, the sky is not early.

"That ... then I will go back first.

Tan Yong lost this, quite a wolf and flee away.

A few bodyguards in front of Li Dong are also unfamiliar, and the blink of the work disappears in the dark.

At this time, several women in the courtyard were also awake.

Hu Xiaoyui slammed into the eyes: "Just happened, scare me, what about you?"

Li Dong smiled: "It is what you scare me, let's open any champagne.

If you don't have the voice of champagne too much, they don't have this oolong.

It is in a state of mental nervousness, sudden ""

It's not nervous.

I don't want to say that Tan Yong didn't listen, black paint, who also had a trick to listen to the sound.

Hu Xiaomei has some kind of ambition: "This is not your birthday, I know in Yuhan Sister, so come over to give you a celebration ..."

Li Dong called: "Don't blame, no blame, that is ... Just inform me next time.

"Notice is not surprised.

The two are talking about it. At this time, Qin Yuhan also took two children to come over.

The just light is her open, the roar in the dark also scared her, but fortunately she opened the lights, otherwise it would be a big event.

Several full-time bodyguards in Li Dong, whether Tan Yong is still other people, can be seen.

If the light does not open, in order to protect Li Dong, these people can be referred to in the darkness, thinking that this Li Dong is afraid.

Although Qin Yuli did not know this, he also knew that he had disaster, poor Baba lowered: "I just want to give you a surprise, I didn't expect it.

Li Donglian is busy: "Don't blame you, it is too timid.

I guess it is that you will give me a celebration. I am so happy. I blame the old Tan, I almost ruined my birthday celebration.

But fortunately, I am not chaotic, and the champagne is there, I will take a few bottles.

I heard Li Dong said that Tan Yong was small, Qin Yuhan couldn't help but smile: "Don't weird Tan big brother, they are all we have not considered week.

After saying this, Qin Yuli suddenly looked at some angrily behind him: "We don't remember this, why don't you remind us?"

Li Dong is strange to talk to who, I also said that I walked out my arm in the field. "This can't blame me, I said it doesn't turn off the light, you don't have to turn off the lights, Yuhan sister, out It is not a good boy.

Qin Yuhan drums her mouth, but it is no longer awkward.

At this point, Li Dong has some Sibaba, seeing the ghost this is!

Is Shen Wei not in the field? How is she in this!

It is not a big problem here, how is the key to Qin Yuhan? It seems that Li Dong's doubts, Shen Wei smiled like a flower: "I just came back in the afternoon, I saw that Yuhan sister was blocked at the door. This is not kind, and I will come to Hui Han sister to prove the identity.

Perhaps it is an afternoon, so that the two are a few shortly polite.

Shen Qi has just finished, Qin Yuhan bites his teeth: "Yes, if you are Shen Sister to help me prove, I really can't come.

But then come back, Shen Jien actually has the key of Li Dong, it seems that there is not less than.

Shen Wei did not think it is here: "I will live this, I usually have fewer Li Dong back, I am helping to take it right?"

Seeing the two people, Li Dong quickly called: "Shen Wei, don't you say that you are still in the market? How did you come back to the Group Anniversary?"

"Some late came back, plus too tired.

Shen Wei knows that he is transferring the topic, nor does it continue to fight Qin Yuhan, saying again and smiled: "Huihan sister is ready for an afternoon, or enjoy your birthday banquet.

At this time, Qin Yuhan also responded, now I am not fighting with Shen Wei.

I finished, Qin Yuhan, said: "Li Dong, don't talk about it, I will give you a birthday hat.

Help Li Dong Dai's birthday hat, Qin Yuhan hurriedly passed the cake.

When the cake end came, everyone sang a birthday song.

When Li Dong, he didn't have a festive festive festival, and there was some .

Will this woman will be gone? With concerns, Li Dong is a wish in Qi Fang and Hu Xiaomei.

I just wish to volunteer, Hu Xiaofu is so proud: "Li Dong, what is your wish?"

"Cough ... It's not good.

Li Donggan did not dare to say exports, he was afraid that he said, and there will be a big mix.

Don't be big and big, then it is really traged.

Didn't ask the answer, Hu Xiaomei is disappointed, the little girl is the eyeball, trying to test: "Will it be related to Hui Hanyu?"

"Cough ..."

"Is it related to Shen Bingshan?"


Li Dong glanced at her, the dead gang film, I am afraid that it is not chaos? Hu Xiaomei suddenly smiled, and Shen Wei and Qin Yuhan next to him glanced, and the two did not communicate, and they were sitting down on the stone bench.

Li Dong did not dare to look at them, hurriedly hugged the field and small stones, transfer the topic: "I haven't slept so late, tired?"

"Don't be tired, uncle, I will prepare birthday gifts for you, you wait for me.

Tian Xiaoyu said to finish, hurriedly jumped from Li Dong Huai, and ran into the house.

Speaking of gifts, finally remind everyone.

At this time, everyone will not fash, Qi Fangfang and Zhang Mengmeng first sent their gifts.

Two women are school students, and they can't send any valuables.

Qi Fangfang sent a pen, Zhang Mengmei sent a pair of red glasses, and it should be a brand, it is probably not cheap.

When Hu Xiaomei, Hu Xiaomei smiled: "My gift is too big, I haven't brought it, I will give it back.

Li Dong did not mind, smiled: "The gift is a heart, no too strong, then it is just a small birthday.

"Don't worry, wait for you to see you.

Hu Xiaoyui did not reveal too much, but it was very confident.

Next, only two people were left, Shen Wei looked at Qin Yuli, seeing her not moving, suddenly understands her meaning.

Didn't come at this time, Shen Hao will throw a box to Li Dongdao: "When the business is traveling, just choose, see if you don't like it.

Li Dong urgently said: "I like it, I like it.

Said Li Donggang to get a gift box, Qin Yuhan laughed: "Li Dong, disassemble and see, Shen Sister is famous, and the elective thing should be higher than our eyes.

Li Dong is a bit embarrassed, Shen Wei does not have a look: "Remove it, I like it, I don't like it, I will return to the next birthday."

Seeing her all said that Li Dong had to open the gift box.

Open the box, not something especially very precious, is a belt.

It can be because it is a belt, and Qin Yulin has a little difficult to look.

Belt this thing is not anyone can send, this kind of personal product is generally a girlfriend.

Shen Wei sent a belt, it is better to send a valuable gift to make Qin Yuhan pine.

When the atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Qi Fangfang saw it. "Yuhan, do you give Li Dong what gift? Take it out.

Qin Yuhan took a deep breath and took out a gift box to Li Dong.

Li Dong looked at an eye, Qin Yuhan softly said: "Take a look.

Li Dongnan said some scratches, but still disassembled.

Opened, Li Dongxin slammed his tone, just watched Qin Yulian's expression, he thought that the two people were brought together.

Fortunately, in the box is a wallet, fortunately it is not a belt.

After the gift, the atmosphere was stalemate.

At this time, Tian Xiao Yu, who came into the house, ran out of his gift, a happy man: "Uncle, uncle, see if I give you a gift, like it?"

When Li Dong didn't like it, he can't wait to hold the little girl in his arms.

The little girl is too late!

I hurriedly took the things in Tian Xiaoyu. Li Dong didn't see clearly. "Like, I like it too!"

Little rain, uncle especially likes.

Until, Li Dongcai saw something in his hand.

A painting, there are three people in the painting, one big two small.

It's not to say, naturally Li Dong, small is two small, a little bigger, a small point, should be Tian Xiao Yu and small stones.

At this time, Li Donghuai's small stone was also awkward. Tian Xiaoyu smiled and said: "The stone sister said that the little stone in the painting is painted by her own, ask Uncle, do you like it?"

"I like it, I didn't expect the little stone to paint, it's amazing!

I watched the two gimmicks, Li Dong, he looked at the people: "Cut the cake, thank you for everyone today, give me a very memorable birthday.

... If the birthday is only a few Li Dong, although warm, it should not be too lively.

However, when I have more Qi Fangfang and Hu Xiao Rui, the birthday is not lively.

After the cake was just finished, Li Dong face was smashed into a large piece of cream.

It's still not waiting for him to go back, the cake began.

Even I usually don't love the lively, I will join the cake war. It is not that she takes the initiative to dig others. The key is Hu Xiaomei to make the face of her face.

There are not many people who dare to provoke Shen Yizhen in the field. This woman naturally has a standing scene. Qi Fangfang does not see her.

However, the big holdings are useless in front of Hu Xiaomei, and this girl is not afraid.

A battle, and the entire small courtyard is messy.

Plus two children in it, in the middle, the small courtyard came out of the laughter.

Directly over 12 o'clock, Li Dong mobile phone suddenly rang.

I didn't care, Li Dong glanced at it, and there were only four words on it - happy birthday.

I want to go back a few words, Li Dong does not know what to return, and finally put the phone into the pocket and joined the chaos.

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