The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 793 Chen Lang's answer

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I heard the sound inside, Li Dong was preparing to go in, suddenly being stopped.

The people who have a student meeting outside the big auditorium are guarded.

See Li Dong and Tan Yong unlike a student dress, a male boy who wears glasses is suspected: "Are you not a new job?"

Li Dong smiled: "It is indeed, I am a big student.

When I listened to a big four, the glasses men were polite, smiled and said: "It turned out to be a senior, but today is a new student opening ceremony, and now there is a meeting.

The academic is now in, I am afraid some is not very convenient ... "

He is talking, and one of him standing next to him is a little longer: "Li Dear?"

Li Dong huddled his eyes, waiting to see the other side's appearance, suddenly smiled: "Clever, I didn't expect to meet Su Xuemei."

It turned out that Li Dong, who was standing next to the glasses, also known, Su Rui's sister Su Yu.

Li Dong and she didn't play a few times, but he remembered that he would help others, shortness of the half-dead.

From then on, Li Dong began to exercise.

Of course, he is not deeply impressed by Su Yu's imprint. It is still her sister.

After the woman fell down in Yao Hong, there was a taste of nitracy, and Li Dong had touched once again.

Seeing Li Dong and hello hello, Su Yu has some desperation: "It's Li Xuejun!

She didn't expect to come to Li Dong!

You know, now Li Dong's wind is big, and outsiders have been difficult to get in contact with Li Dong.

I didn't expect to go to the Great Gift Today, Li Dong took a person suddenly appeared.

Su Yu was shocked, and the glasses of her side were embarrassed.

For Su Yu, students will be a large number of admirers, usually Su Yu is also very arrogant.

This time, it is not Chen Zhi, and the students will pay attention to it. The vice chairman of Su Yu's student meeting will not personally go to the door.

The previous few people were defended here, Su Yu almost did not speak.

I didn't expect to suddenly bleed out a school leader, Su Yu actually greeted himself, and his face was still so excited, I can't do it.

Seeing two people and neglecting themselves, the glasses men have some taste: "Chairman of Su, the teacher said, the opening ceremony begins other people can't go in, can't disturb the order ..."

Su Yugi Wei Wei Yu: "Li Xue is not the same ..."

"Is there something different.

Glasses men whispered.

However, if Su Yu is really a real person, he can't stop it.

Seeing that the two directly ignored themselves, Li Dong is a bit helpless, you can count a person, can you pay attention to me? I have a relative, interrupted the discussion of the two, Li Dong smiled: "Su Xuemei, can I go in and see?"

At this time, Su Yu also reacted, hurriedly said: "I will go to the teacher, Li Dynasty, you will wait for a while, the principal is also inside, knowing you, the principal is definitely happy.

"No need, I am here to do a private matter, don't bother everyone.

I will go in and see it, I will come out for a while.

Li Dong mainly wants to go in to see the speech of Chen Lang, and don't want to make a lot of boiling.

Listening to Li Dong said, Su Yu is somewhat entangled, but it is very soon: "That line, I will take you in."

"Thank you.

Li Dongdao has a thank you, and I have entered the auditorium with Su Yu.

After the glasses behind, the male jealousy, whispering: "Woman is the situation!

The performance of Judu's performance has subverted his impression. In his eyes, Su Yu is not so polite, and it is unworthy.

However, the other party is his own leader, he does not dare to say something.

As for Li Dong, wear a hat, he really did not recognize it.

... Su Yu is walking in Li Dong, while he is said: "Secretary, don't you notify the principal?"

Now Li Dong is not a average person, and if the return of the school will definitely cause a sensation.

When Chen Zhi came in the morning, the principal was delivered personally.

Now Li Dong is coming, the status is higher than Chen Yong, and the principal will receive a little more abroad.

Li Dong shook his head: "No, Su Xuemei will not take me, busy your own.

"Which line ..."

Su Yur's voice did not fall, and there was a low voice: "Su Yu, how to bring people, Chen Xuezhang is speaking.

"Fang teacher, is ..."

Su Yu is hesitant, I don't know if I should expose Li Dong's identity.

But I didn't want Li Dong himself to laugh: "I didn't recognize it."

Fang Qingfei stunned, then changed his face. "How come you?"

Li Dong has no voice: "I will not see it? Do you have this expression, yes, what are you doing?"

Fang Qingfei is crying: "I am a teacher of the school, and another member of the school group committee. This new school opening ceremony is the responsibility of our school group committee. How do you say how I am here?"

Fang Qingfei explained a sentence, and hurriedly said: "How did you come to say a greet in advance? I know that you have to come, the school will definitely give you a speech, but now I am not late, I will report it with the Dean, immediately Arrange you.

Li Dong put his hand: "I got it, I am not interested in speaking.

I am coming to see Chen Gong, and I will go after Chen Gong, I will go.

"Chen Xuezhang?"

Fang Qingfei looked at Chen Lang, who was speaking on the stage, and couldn't help but think of Chen Lang's identity.

General Manager of China Resources Wanjia!

And Li Dong, the chairman of the distant group.

The distant city and China Resources Wanjia can be the giant of the city industry. Is Li Dong to find Chen Lang? See Su Yu standing on the side, Fang Qingfei didn't dare to ask, for Li Dongdao: "Then I will arrange a seat for you, you don't want to show, then you can sit back, can you?"

Seeing her somewhat, Li Dong Wei Wei Yu Shi: "So tight, I don't eat people.

Just sit back, you feel very uncomfortable.

Fang Qingfei drums, I am not tense? Your guy is now mixing so good, the famous arrogance is like the day, not to entertain, look back, you are still not being died.

However, I saw Li Dong's attitude. Fang Qingfei was slightly tone, and Li Dong was sitting down in the last row.

Li Dong saw she had to go, whispered: "You also sit, I have something to tell you.

After saying Li Dong, Su Yudao stood behind: "Su Xuemei, thank you this time, you are busy with you, there are some side of the teacher.

Although Su Yu also wants to stay for a while, Li Dong said so, she is not so embarrassed to stay, soft: "Then I will go first.

When she left, Li Dong asked: "How is Wang Jia?"

"Jia Jia is still good, the doctor said that the effect of rehabilitation is good, this is much more thanks to you.

Speaking of Wang Jia, Fang Qingfei is really grateful, or Li Dong, counting Wang Jia himself and her, Wang Jia is afraid that there is no surgery.

Not to mention rehabilitation, I thought that rehabilitation treatment didn't have a few money, the big head is the operating fee.

After the operation was completed, she had a few next to the side of the doctor, and she knew that it was the big head of the original surgery!

Wang Jia recovered after the hospital, it took 560,000 for half a year, plus surgery, spent millions!

Every time I think of this number, Fang Qingfei is empty.

Millions of concepts, several houses are spent, she and Wang Jia and Li Dong are not relatives, say friends, I am afraid it is a bit wrong.

If Li Dong is generous, Wang Jia will not have such a good rehabilitation condition.

Listening Ganta is not bad, Li Dong is also slightly tight: "Yes, it is good, it is afraid of what sequelae.

Acute liver failure, the probability of this sequelae appearance is still very large.

Li Dong has been worried, and I also asked the hospital several times. However, this sequelae generally can't see it in a short time, and the hospital can't give accurate replies.

But now I have passed in the past half a year, Wang Jia's rehabilitation, Li Dong felt that the dangerous period was almost the past.

As for later, it can only look at the effect.

"Sequelae ..."

Li Dong mentioned this, Fang Qingfei also revealed a spings, but he said: "It should not be, Jia Jia is now very well, and it hasn't been different before, rejection is almost no ..."

"There is not the best, I also hope.

After the words were finished, there was no discourse between the two.

Li Dong looked at the air of the air in the Taiwan, and this guy did not differ from the surface.

Li Dong is aware that he should also have a headache for Ma Jia's head.

Just when he thought, Fang Qingfei Xiaohe said: "Li Dong, Jiajia's medical expenses ..."

"I said, we are friends, do not count more than this.

Fang Qingfei nodded and biting his mouth: "Although it is said to say, I still thank you.

I have never dared to tell her, but she may also guess some.

After all, in hospital for so many days, there is an operation fee, she knows that I can't afford this money.

"Guess, you guessed, you don't say it.

Woman, so you have to do it, you are her friend, and I will guide her, don't think of these, thinking about it.

"Well, I will."

Then two did not talk, but heard Chen Zhi's speech.

Chen Zhi's speech, in Li Dong's taste of a little old man, but it is quite a stomach of these students.

The applause on the field is a wave, and it seems that everyone should be very satisfied.

The speech has been a question time.

Many students raised their hands. Chen Zhen was free to point. I saw a petite girl standing and gotting some excitement: "Chen Xuezhang, hello, I am the student of O7 international trade major, and you are the same profession.

Also, Li Dongxue is a idol in my mind.

However, there is a problem in my heart, and you are the CEO of China Resources Wanjia, and Li Dongxue is the chairman of the Yuanyuan Group.

At this point you should be a competitor, how do you think of Li Dongxue? Do you have any evaluation? In addition, it is now expanding in the distance, which is likely to challenge the status of China Rongwan, and face the challenge of Li Dong, how do you deal with it? "

This question came out, many people had vertical ear.

Even Li Dong is a little interested, and smiles and waits.

As they are interested, Jiang Da's school leaders are all discolored.

This is said that they are proud and helpless, and the domestic leading retail groups, the Jiang University students took the two.

By reasonable, this kind of thing is worthy of.

It can be distant and China Resources, and it is a competitor.

Especially in the near future, the East China layout has been completed, and the two sides have turned to face the face-to-face competition.

At this time, Jiang Dadi didn't know what the two did something thought. Is it a pherking, or hurt each other? Before I don't know how they think in my heart, Jiang Da has always tried to avoid leaving Li Dong before Chen Ma.

I didn't expect it to be asked by the students now, and they don't know what idea in Chen Yan.

Chen Yong did not have an accident, and the face still hangs.

When the girls have been asked, Chen Zong smiled and smiled: "This question is really asking me, the primary school girl is giving me a problem.

Said that this is said that Chen Zhenwang is still a way to reply: "For Li Dong, in fact, I am still very admired.

Don't say anything else, from the other party is the chairman, I am just a professional manager, I can see the gap.

Of course, this does not mean that I will accept it.

In terms of personal capabilities, maybe I am not as good as Li Xue.

But China Resources Wanjia foundation is deep than the distant foundation, and the distant city wants to catch up with China Run and have a big step to cross.

In fact, you said that we are competitors, this is not agreeable.

In my opinion, whether China Run or the distance is actually the athletes on the track, and the end point is still far away.

Today, domestic retail markets are not just our two, our biggest opponents are not perime, but foreign retail giants.

If we all think that both parties are opponents, they are enemies, then our eyes will become small.

Wal-Mart, Carrefour, these foreign-funded enterprises, now you will transfer your heart to China, in this case, our opponents have only them.

The domestic retail company has actually started, still in a high extension ... "

Chen Lang did not answer this question, say that it is still use foreign retail enterprises as a block arrow, playing a flower gun.

There are a lot of people listening to it, and the students who are not hidden, wait for him to say a while, someone immediately asked: "Chen Xuezhang, how do you think of Li Xuezhang? You think he can Is it harmonious? "

Chen Zhi smiled: "In fact, I have said before, I am very admired by Li Xuejin.

Admire is a little, and the other is like a thin ice and , Li Xueyi is in the business, it does achieve goodness.

However, you said that the Yuanfang City Yue China Run Wanjia, I think it is still not realistic.

Regardless of the scale, channels, architecture, and corporate culture, the distance from China Resources Wanjia has a long way to go.

"That is to say, the distant market is impossible to Yun Wanjia?"

"This is ..."

Chen Lang did not expect that these students would ask such a direct, considering that I spit it: "I don't think it is within ten years.

His answer is actually enough to give Li Dong facay, and did not say that the distance will never go to China, but it is only 10 years.

Li Dong under the top is an uncertain, good guy, can't you see a distance? Although China Resources Wanjia is good, it is actually the gap between the far-reaching market.

If you do not count Suizu, the strength of both parties is similar.

Old Chen dare to say, it is impossible to pass China Run in ten years, this is not worthwhile? When Li Dong shouted, Chen Ma did not ask questions. He was also scared by these primary school students, and then asked if it would be striking.

China Resources is currently not producing severe conflicts in the distance, don't cause a major conflict between the two sides, it is not what he wants.

He hit a table, the opening ceremony is similar to the end.

Huang Zhijigao continued in a few words, but he didn't expect Chen Zhen.

Li Dongjun, from the background, also stood up the opponent Qingfei: "I will talk to him a few words, you have time to talk again, and the other Wang Jia is still in trouble."

"I will, the other you ... you won't be to fight?"

Fang Qingfei hesitatedly asked.

Li Dongyi face black line, did not have a good air: "What is it!

Didn't take care of her again, Li Dongjun Chen Wah is going out, step by step.

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