The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 801 Changpin IDG

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

And Sun Tao, Chen Yong Tao, Chen Lang, No. 18, secretly went to Soutan.

M & A Yongan and Changkelong, the best effect is the best.

At this time, China Run probably did not expect the distant to have this mind, after all, the distance between the distance is so powerful, China Resources does not think that the far has this strength.

As for Chen Ye, it can not complete this task, Li Dong is actually not grasped.

Despite the words of Chen Lang, Li Dong will not put hope on him.

While Chen Yan went to Sakan, Li Dong was not idle.

On the one hand, Li Dong stepped up the defense in the Jinling area, and on the other hand, it was dark contraction expansion scale.

The previous Shanghai has expanded, Li Dong chose to temporarily strand.

However, the province is there, but it can't stop. Once stopped, the outsiders will detect distant weakness.

In addition to these external factors, in essence, Li Dong is still because of the money.

In this case, Li Dong had to fight the idea of ​​financing.

...... Original Li Dong is not preparing to come to personally come and talk to major risk agencies.

However, at this time, at this time, I can develop smoothly in the supermarket, Li Dong can only choose to make a step.

If Chen Yong can take two two best, it is even better to have good luck.

Once you spend money, Li Dong must also top.

Of course, Li Dong is not willing to come to talk to it.

Picking out, Li Dong finally chose to talk to IDG.

On the one hand, IDG has the highest price, and on the other hand, it is the other party to invest in Tencent. Unfortunately, this investment has not been maximized.

In 1999, IDG invests $ 2.2 million in the early days of Tencent entrepreneurs, and I won the 20% of the stake in Tencent.

However, in 2001 and 2003 IDG sold two shares in his hands, a total of more than 20 million US dollars.

It is reasonable to say that the return rate will be nearly ten times.

Who can think that Tencent's development is getting faster, as of now, the total market value has exceeded 10 billion US dollars.

If the IDG did not let go, but always insisted that now, even if the subsequent shares diluted, the proportion should also exceed 10%.

In just three or four years, 20 million US dollars can become $ 1 billion, which is probably more investment in China before.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world to eat, even if the intestines that regret it there will be blue, the past has passed.

But now the opportunity is coming again, I missed Tencent, but the distant rises.

Today's distance is much thick than the original Tencent's foundation, the same paragraph instant chat software PP, users are also increasing.

After mall, happy farm, Weibo drainage sharing, registered users are approaching 50 million mark, even when they are just listed in Tencent.

On the one hand, PP is not the strongest in the remote Internet system, and the distant mall has exceeded Taobao.

This couldn't help but think of the original Tencent, maybe I have missed it, this time I can make up for it.

So when Li Dong promised to talk about it, IdG is also particularly valued.

On the morning of the 19th, the IDG went into the Yuanfang Building.

Lead is not foreigners, but a Chinese.

... When the two sides meet, Li Dong is passionate: "The bear is always, I am long!

Xiong Xiao pigeon has been fifty this year. As one of IDG founders, the President of Huaxia District, Xiong Xiaoda nowadays rarely come up with negotiations.

But distant distant, not smaller than other small Internet companies.

The scorpion of the distant itself has been solid, the scale is also very large, and the distant group is not a small group, so this negotiation Xiong Xiaoyan personally rushed.

Although Li Dong is young, even read Li Dong's photo.

When I saw myself, the bear's little pigeon was rising, and the people who had been old and the Jiangshan had talented people.

Li Dong, born in 85 years, is only 22 years old this year.

And he, 56 years of birth, nearly 30 years older than Li Dongfa.

Although Idg is strong, it is not that Idg is him, he is just one of the joint founders.

I have rarely have this kind of feelings. After all, in his age, people who make this achievements are not much.

However, with Li Dong compared, Xiong Xiaoda had to admit that this is the highest year of success in these years.

I feel a big in my heart, but my little pigeon face is full of smiles: "Li, I should say that I said long.

Li's big name, now it is to know, this negotiation heard that Li always came out, I was deliberate from Shanghai, I wanted to see Lee.

"The bear pointed to smile, before it is too busy, just this time far more other business, I really can't take a time ..."

Understanding understanding.

The distant and China Resources disputes are also concerned.

Li Dong is busy that is sure, but the bear's little pigeons are not a stupid man, knowing that the distance between the distance and Huaun will be better.

The more crisis, Li Dong Yue needs an external help.

Although this time they just talk about the block of financing the distant mall, but the money arrived in the remote hand, they used to take a while, IDG is also tolerated.

As long as Li Dongke is concession, Xiong Xiaoqi does not mind to help the other party.

The two have a cold, and the two sides are sitting down and preparing.

In fact, Yuan Chengdao has already talked a few times with the other party. When the first offer, the other party gave a 400 million US dollars in the distant mall, PP5 billion dollars, a quote of $ 100 million in Weibo.

This price, Li Dong is naturally unsatisfactory.

After several talks, IDG has made some steps and improved the price.

However, the capital institution is a vampire. You expect them how much unrealistic, talk about it, and finally the four major business in the Yuanyuan Mall, the other party also gives $ 1.8 billion quotes.

This time, Li Dong came out, and did not polite with them, talks at the beginning, Li Dong said: "Total, this time we don't talk about the overall business, disassemble.

Weibo and Wankong, I have no financing temporarily.

These two projects have been seriously underestimated and do not comply with my expectations.

And these two businesses are in a rapid development period. I believe that the value will rise ten times a hundred times more than one or two years.

And the distant farm mall and PP, now the business is approaching maturity, the value is also a vision, how is the two we talk about today? "

When I listened to Li Dong to dismantle, and I suddenly removed Weibo and Wanka. The bear's little pigeons wrinkled.

What is the distance from the distant Cartoon business, it is still not good now.

Can Weibo, don't look at the line time, but in the past half a month, fire all over the Internet.

Only half a month, Weibo registered users have broken through millions of protocols, and this speed is not slow, but in rapid growth.

Even Twitter just launched last year, no Weibo is so fire.

According to this trend, Weibo can quickly catch Twitter.

The TWITTER currently valuation has exceeded 300 million US dollars. Although Weibo is behind, but according to the estimation of Xiong Xiaobi, it will catch up with a few months.

They have given 100 million valuations before, in fact, it is not low.

After all, I gave it online at the time, they could give this price, which is already extremely optimistic about Weibo.

Who knows that Li Dong is still unsatisfactory, this time Xiong Xiaoda does not know that he is confident or arrogant, this guy is so optimistic about Weibo business? I suddenly removed two major business, and Xiong Xiaodao frowned: "Li, this, the remote mall and Wanka pass space, the business can miss a piece, the overall value will be low, you Do you have to do this? "

Li Dongtou said: "These I know, but even if the overall valuation declines, I don't want to sell.

The bear's little pigeons are considered for a moment, and the telemarkets and PPs are remote business, and they are not too big.

Plus Li Dong is determined, the bear's little pigeons have not said anything, but they simply send Li Dong you need time and team to communicate for a while.

Li Dong smiled and said that they were just talking, waiting for the opposite and low communication, the bear is a little: "Li Qi, since you have a decision, then we must re-give a program.

"Xiong always said.

"The second offer we give in the distant mall is $ 900 million, and now there is a value of 10,000 cartoon, we can only give 8 billion valuation.

And the PP is the same, and your payment business is supported by Wanda Carton. Now that the offer we give is still $ 500 million.

"In addition, there must be a certain change in our investment quota ..."

Xiong Xiaoda talked about it, according to his statement, IDG has funded $ 200 million, two sides of 100 million.

The valuation of the distant mall after the restructuring is 900 million US dollars, and the IDG is part of the premium, accounting for 10% of the shares.

After PP, after the restructuring, the total valuation is 600 million US dollars, and they occupy a 15% shares.

This requirement is not too high, after all, 200 million US dollars is 1.6 billion yuan or more, the investment is not low, the risk is not small.

After all, there is already a boss of Taobao and QQ, and the distance is the old two, it is just the second.

Once the post-development is not smooth, the business has a coincidence loss, which is likely that the distance will be rapidly collapsed.

1.6 billion investment is not a small number, and the bear's little pigeons have given this program, and Li Dong is hard to refuse.

It is still in the distant mall and PP in the development period, and the light of these two items give more than 10 billion valuation. There should be no several institutions at home and abroad to give this number.

When he finished, Li Dongmi Wei Wei said: "The bear is always, you know that Tencent is currently over 10 billion, and their main business is QQ, as for other comments.

So this till, QQ code occupies more than 80% ... In addition, when Ali, when he financing, Taobao is not low, the valuation given by Taobao is not low ... "

"Not the same, this is two concepts.

Xiong Xiao pigeons quickly broke: "Whether it is Tencent or Ali, they are leaders, and Li has also known that in the Internet industry, the most money is still creative.

To be honest, whether the distant mall is still PP, it is just the way of wind.

The reason why Idg is willing to give such a high valuation, because you have done this scale.

It can be the risk of risk, don't use I, Li, also understand.

Once you can't surpass each other in a short time, the weak people in the same product will soon be eliminated, which is often eventually there is something in the Internet industry.

We assume such a big risk, and more important to Li, I am.

Because you have created too much miracle ... "

The bear's little pigeon touted a few words, Li Dong was not moving.

200 million US dollars, accounting for 10% of the mall, PP15% shares, which is really unacceptable to him.

Mall, this side of him is investment, plus losses, close to more than 2 billion.

And it has also spent the most difficult incubation period, and now it has already been shown, this time is not double simple, and it is not a problem.

Even if you don't consider subsequent development, and the future beyond Taobao's possibility, the current mall is also seriously underestimated.

Don't think there are a lot of $ 800 million, and Internet enterprises are valuable.

Especially in a certain scale, the valuation will grow rapidly, and several times tens of times and even hundreds of times rose.

At present, 800 million US dollars are not low, and wind-proof investment is the future, and it is not now.

Bear Xiao Dao said more, Li Dong will not agree.

The two sides have confront, and Xiong Xiaobao is probably not moving. Finally, I asked: "What is the program of Li, can I talk to us? After all, since everyone is sitting, I hope to be able to Decorate a win-win situation.

If it is too much difference with Li's expectations, we are also difficult to accept this.

Li Dong did not hide, the track: "Mall is 2 billion US dollars, PP15 billion dollars!

The bear's little pigeon's mouth was touched, doubled, Li Dong thought about it crazy? The total price is 3.5 billion dollars, two projects, the RMB exceeds 28 billion, really do not cost money? So far, in addition to Ali and Tencent, which Internet companies have given such a high valuation before they are not listed? It is now financing, the first round of financing.

At this time, this price is given, and it is not a valuation of more than 100 billion yuan before going to the distance.

This is that the listing failed to achieve, and it must not die.

The wind tree is a high return, according to Li Dong's algorithm, after listed, if the two business can't reach hundreds of billion, the investment is not cost-effective.

Can this like this? With hundreds of billion, now Ali has not reached this value, Ali is currently preparing for listing, the industry also gives analysis, the market value of the listing should not exceed 100 billion.

Li Dong's meaning, isn't it to say that he can exceed Ali? Seeing the expression of Xiong Xiaoqi, Li Dong knows that this time should be disclosed.

In fact, he gave the mall of $ 2 billion, it is already restrained.

Of course, Li Dong also knows, this is related to himself.

If he doesn't know the future development, the offer before the IDG is actually good. He said that he will promise in the territory.

However, when you know that this thing is very worthless for a few years, others give current prices, will you be willing to sell? It is also because of this sense of fall, Li Dong has never been willing to finance.

But now the group has no money, and the other party is biased and no high price. Is it really not selling? Li Dong is still disappointed for a time, and it is really difficult to earn money this year.

Next, both parties have communicated a few words, and finally the bear's little pigeons are too satisfied with people who are too satisfied.

I didn't talk about both sides, just Li Dong gave it, they could not accept it, then they had to go back to study and analyze it.

Send them out of the Yuanfang Building, Li Dong also left straight.

Yuan Chengdao has some sighs, and the boss is too strong.

Even if the future mall is really hundreds of hundreds of billions, it is also the future, there is no such a strong support, there is no abundant capital development, it is likely to be caught up later.

The second is still better, if you fall to the third, then you have a big sum of you, the valuation will not go.

Many Internet companies don't know your own things? Everyone knows that the Internet is the fastest industry to update, you have no money to develop, one step behind, and the back will be ten steps behind, and finally it is worthless.

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