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Small courtyard.

The sky is getting docked, Xu Sheng Zhe is still not open.

Li Dong is a bit impatient, frown: "Don't give you a sentence, no one is forcing you.

Are you not always going to be big? When it is critical, it is awkward.

"Don't act, you will open the conditions first.

Xu Shengzhe did not drive the way: "Don't say those who are imaginary, the trick is not the first day.

"I know you don't see the rabbit.

Li Dong spit his mouth: "If the financial crisis is coming, the first thing that is the first thing is the financial market, then it is the manufacturing and foreign trade industry, and then the real estate industry ..."

"These are more clear than you, don't have to give me this.

Xu Shengzhe broke: "I have to ask, I said to be specific.

For example, where to do, or which companies do it.

Specifically, it is M & A they or put them, let our competitors die in this financial crisis.

In addition, it is the problem of money. Since you look for me, you have a lot of ambition, definitely want to do big actions.

The key is money, how much do you have? At that time, we have to be self-policy on the one hand, and I still want to fish on the one hand, I can't do anything.

How much is you in the bank loan? Even if you don't move this money, it's just more than $ 100 billion, what can this money affect? So, I went, I didn't hurt too much in your fire.

And Longhua has no money ... "

Xu Shengzhe said that the head is Tao, Li Dong is not refuted, waiting for him to say it and smiled: "I have no money, the key you have money."

"What do you mean?"

"Your Longhua has so much, even if you don't let go, the loan can be loan.

In addition, you have channels. You have cooperated with many private equity funds. It should not be large in a short time.

Last time I am here, you will help me raise 2 billion, indicating that you and the other partners are very deep.

This opportunity is rare, what is interest? Taking advantage of the financial crisis has not affected domestic, all major private equity funds have money in their hands, and the conditions are not difficult, let's talk about it.

As for which you are going to deal with? Now I can't give an answer, but as long as we wait, look for opportunities, I am afraid that there is no chance to get started? You think that the stock market crashed, the housing market collapsed, the manufacturing collapse, we have more opportunities!

At this time, you lend to 35 billion, and the financial crisis has passed, it is very likely to be 100 billion, we have made big ... "

"Ha ha!

Xu Shengzhe leather smile did not laugh: "Get it, don't make a beautiful dream.

35 billion, you dare to say.

I am going to raise money, then what do I want you? I am full, you have a meat behind it, it is not a half-point, what you are playing is this idea? Key, do you see me like a fool? If the gambling financial crisis is coming, it is a gambling. As a result, the gambling chips are all mine. You will have an idea later, then you have nothing to do with you, winning you, there is such a good thing in the world. Can turn to you.

And once the financial crisis did not reach the expected effect, if the impact is not big, I am likely to pay all the way.

At that time, it is not a problem with bankruptcy. If you don't know, I have to go in to eat.

Li Dong, can you find a fool to go to the pit, I look like a fool? "

Li Dong frowed: "The heart of the small people!

I didn't put you as a fool, and I won't take someone as a fool.

Interests, risk nature is also shared.

I really have to go out, how much it is lost, you and me are flat.

Third and five billions will be lost, and we are hurting the bones, and it is impossible to completely plant.

Once the gambling wins, then we will come.

You can say that according to this trend, can you become a national real estate giant? I am almost, I have China Run and Bailian above, and the major foreign group is.

Don't take this opportunity, accumulate capital, how to exceed these industry giants.

We are still young, gambling, what is afraid, and I have an eighth else.

I am not crazy, if I am not sure, I will not pull you to die.

Xu Shengshi shook his head: "The gambling is too big, I don't dare to gamble, the key is that the bet is too big, but I don't have this, I will fight for one more, let's gamble!

"What is the use of more than 35 billion!

Li Dong is not full: "If it is 35 billion, I will use you!"

I am going to shoot!

"And this is not betting, you can't understand the money, how to be a little in mind.

I am not afraid, what are you afraid of? "

"Of course, you are not afraid, you have lost it, Longhua capital is not over from afar, I have lost it.

Xu Shengzhe shook his head, this is not Li Dong said that he felt it.

If he felt, then he followed, stupid is almost.

Thinking of this Xu Shengzhe said: "There is another point, do you think the financial crisis will come, how long is it? How long does it last? Do you have some grasp?"

"Once you are really, you can't calmly, huh, huh, you will go to the meal together, you can't have a problem.

"So pessimistic?"

Li Dong sighed: "Forget it, since you don't believe me, the melon that is strong is not sweet.

Otherwise, when you are going to quit every day, don't give me a water.

Today, this matter didn't say, but as a friend, I still want to say, you don't plant it this time.

"Thank you for reminding, I will pay attention.

Xu Shengzhe said that he did not believe it, and it was actually some believed.

Li Dong's sense of smell is very keen, and the current subprime crisis has affected Japan and South Korea, perhaps in China really has to explode the financial crisis.

But he just worried that it is not unreasonable, the first, how big is the scale, how long does it last? Second, so much money, Li Dong said the risk shares, but he means that he will come out, he is in the dark.

At that time, the biggest trouble is or yourself, Li Dong is likely to take the opportunity to abandon yourself, preserve itself.

After all, the private equity fund is definitely going to come to come, and private equity is not so easy to take, and the cost of paying is not small.

All in all, Xu Shengzhe can't afford it.

Don't say that two friends, the business venue can turn their face for hundreds of thousands of millions of millions, such a big capital, it is too normal to face it.

The topic is broken, and the two people have nothing to say.

I was waiting for Saint Zhe, and Li Dong sighed.

He is also anxious, otherwise it will not take risks to find a collaboration in Hunzheto this time.

The faster the distant development, the more money needs.

Available for expenditures forever thanks, this is the fastest when it is in development.

Li Dong was thinking about fishing a few billion when he took the opportunity to complete the overall industrial layout, but he did not come without himself.

There are many things that are lacking in the distance, others don't say, the downstream industry of supermarkets is nearly.

East China, North China channel has been mastered by Tengxiang, and the channels in other regions are also in the hands of outsiders.

Without your own channel, the cost is a little, and the competitiveness is also weak.

This financial crisis, these manufacturing industries will be greatly hit, and that time is the best time.

Maybe you can't spend much, he can complete the entire channel construction.

Money is a little, and it is the time problem.

If you let the distant buildings slowly build channels, this time may be three or five years, maybe seven or eight years, even more.

And this time, perhaps it can be completed one year, the province has a lot of time.

Xu Shengzhe's eyes are good, the big concept is also good, plus the capital on hand, find him cooperation, in Li Dong's view, both parties are good.

However, Xu Shengzhe did not agree to be rational, his eyes are better, but also the rebirth of Li Dong.

Li Dong is a peaceful to win. Xu Shengzhe feels that the loss will be half open, this kind of gaming, in general, he is unwilling to participate, especially the consequences of losing are serious.

... and Xu Shengzhe didn't talk about it, Li Dong didn't want to find someone else.

In the people he met, the biggest courage is the biggest, and the dare to play is Xu Shengzhe.

Even the santar did not dare, others did not have this capital, and there was no such courage, and the three were Li Dongxin.

Plus, Soutan is imminent, Li Dong will not go to the financial crisis.

Let's go, you should take care of yourself.

When the financial crisis really broke out, he looks at the situation. If you have a chance to make money, you will not have the opportunity to follow the previous plans, and you can earn a few more.

... Time passed every day.

The distant and Suigu appeared in the Southern Battlefield, and both sides thought about the rapid ending war, but there was no way to defeat the opponent in a short time.

This long bloody battle is a suffering of both sides.

The loss is still not the most important, the key is that with the stronger the battle between the two sides, some people can't sit.

The country is not only two retail groups, Bailian, Da Run, Wal-Mart, Carrefour ... These chain supermarkets are not eating dry rice. You fight, you die, and the palm of other places is naturally weak.

The entire East China market is not two of you.

All major enterprises, who don't want the East China Market, a small half-half market in East China.

The far from the rise of Jiangbei, Suichi rose from Suan, two of the two markets a half, then with the landlord advantage, gradually expand the market to the whole East China.

But now, the two fights are, obviously, no effort, others.

At this time, two difficulties have been withdrawn from the Southern Southern Blood, and they didn't have them.

At this time, I didn't enter the East China market to grab the ground. When I had to wait.

Just when Sunan was still deadlocked, on October 18, Bailian took the lead in entering the footsteps of East China.

Bailian Group issued an announcement. Within three years, Bailian Group will invest in East China, UNION and Hualian, in the provinces and cities in East China.

Followed by, I have just acquired a lot of Wal-Mart, and I also opened the steps of expansion.

Wal-Mart did not release an announcement, but his good mergers and acquisitions, and also tried to expand in East China.

Other agricultural and industrial and commercial companies have also moved.

Jiangbei, because the distant control is still strict, everyone did not choose here as the main expansion zone, the cerebrospinal paste to play in Su Nan quickly came out, others didn't want to join this time, the province was pulled up by two.

Remove these two provinces, other provinces, Lu Province, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, have enterprises into the army.

Especially in the province, Hong Kelong's strength is not too strong, China Resources has no influence here, and the telemarket shop has just opened, and several large groups in a time will be this side as the main attack direction.

In addition to the province, Jiangsu, Zhejiang is also the case.

The original Jiangsu, Zhejiang, the strongest strength, the size of the local enterprises is not large, and the influence is also China Resources and far away.

Now China Resources and distant are no wishes, plus Jiangsu, Zhejiang economy is in the top, this market is not smaller than Su Nang, and there are many companies to enter the Jiangsu Zhejiang.

...... Because Suguo and the distant battle, the entire domestic department store market has become a group.

And the governments of all localities are also happy to see these companies competition, and competition is active.

As for a higher layer, it also chose to look at it at this time.

Food refining real gold!

This major retail group has a chaotic battle, perhaps an opportunity is not necessarily.

Melon is divided into small and medium-sized enterprises, integrated resources, and sets larger retail groups.

In the end, there is a first-class group in China.

And these ten groups, and finally the possibility of national hegens.

Domestic chain supermarket department stores until now, there is no national hegemony, has been placed by foreign investment, this time is a chance to be a crisis.

Perhaps the chance of domestic chain department is flying in the sky is this, and next time I want to have this large-scale merger integration.

... October 20th, another foreign capital entered the country.

Lotte announced the 49% stake in the client, and it is planning to complete the mergers and acquisitions of all equity.

In addition, Lotte has announced that the future development center will transfer to China. In the next ten years, 300 major stores will be opened in Huaxia.

On October 22nd, the agricultural industry released the news, and took the market in Shanghai to open the group of home profit supermarkets 45.

67% of the equity, from the local retail market in Shanghai, the situation of agricultural industry and Bailian two.

On October 25, the capital of Beijing is beautiful, and in the case of failure in the acquisition, it has finally completed another mergers.

According to the price of 200 million, it is acquired 54% of the stake in the province of Jiangsu, Zhejiang Province. It officially entered the East China Market.

... The most frequent merger integration is finally started.

The small and medium supermarket disappeared more than a month.

At this time, although there has not been a mixed situation, on the one hand, because everyone just entered the market, it is still in progress.

On the other hand, everyone is waiting, waiting for the distance and China Resources to divide the winner.

In their view, this time will be very long.

After a long consumption, the two sides will probably be weak.

At that time, their chance came, I merged some small supermarkets, and directly killed Suichi and distant, the result can expand ten times.

Everyone is waiting, and at this moment Li Dong is also waiting, when Chen Zhi integrated Changantong and Yongan's resources, strive to defeat Suguo.

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