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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

On November 6, it didn't just happen to Sushu.

The retail industry is concerned about Suizu and the distant dispute, while others are concerned with the market!

On November 6, 2007, Alibaba went to Hong Kong!

Just opened, Ali stock price reached HK $ 30 per share.

When the time is not long, when the news of Suifei Shop has passed to the distance, Ali stock price has exceeded HK $ 40 Hong Kong.

According to the current stock price, Ali City value reached HK $ 200 billion.

Among them, the old horse's personal body of more than HK $ 7.5 billion, the other people in the 18th Rhan, there are more than 100 million people, and it has reached billions.

In addition, Ali has created the biggest rich gangs in the domestic Internet industry, millions of rich people, thousands of people, hundreds of millions of people dozens.

Another point, Ali has become a largest Internet enterprise with the highest domestic market.

...... These news, Li Dong himself did not pay much attention.

He knows these, or he said to him.

Shen Wei is the president of the distant mall, and it is also more concerned about Ali.

After waiting for Shen Wei, Li Dong shook his head: "At this time, it is not good to choose the listing, and the other 200 billion is some empty. Ali is playing.

Sometimes, the higher the market value, the higher the market value, the higher the stock price, and only those capital institutions of true profit.

Ali this stock price is so high, the market value is so high, the traces of the capital push hands are too obvious.

At this time, it is not a few years later, Taobao and Alipay business have not reached that level.

HK $ 200 billion? Tencent has been launched for so many years, but also around HK $ 80 billion.

At this time, the Ali can more than Tencent? Don't say a few times, I really compare it, the two sides can play a hand.

Every time I exceed Tencent, my reputation is so good, I feel that I have made money, but it is virtually virtual.

The old horse is not a number of 200 billion unless it is sold now.

Only those investors at this time, I am afraid that the total share price is, the better.

Later, Ali stocks fell, and eventually had to retreat from Hong Kong stocks and proved this.

Don't look at the future of Ali, I will go to the United States to go to the United States to get greater achievements.

It can be actually, or the Taobao and Alipay business have achieved breakthrough development, and even the B2B business of Ali, which will reach that.

Moreover, because Hong Kong stocks are returned, causing a large number of investors suffering heavy losses, Ali Na is actually difficult.

Li Dong did not put it in his heart, but Shen Wei was reminded: "We naturally understand these things, but it does not mean that others understand.

Because of the survival of Ali, there are current Internet companies in China, I am afraid we have not yet listed.

This time Ali has achieved this glory, I see that there are still many people who will be in the distance.

"The distant mall is going to be listed, and now it does not meet the conditions. How long we have founded, I didn't learn to fly, I took care of them.

Li Dong is somewhat impatient, frowning: "Again, how much contribution to the distant mall? There is no corresponding contribution, do you think I will give them a big benefit? Ali this time has created thousands Wanfoxa, it is what they deserve.

These people are the veteran employees, almost from Ali's entrepreneurship, and how many years have been followed.

How many new employees can share this result? Nowadays, the remote mall is only more than a year. The longest, such as Liu Hong, has taken more than a year, and short is recently recruited.

And Liu Hong, the annual salary is not low, and the red plus bonus is more than 100,000 per year.

Lucky, look back, you are tapped.

Li Dong is not a good boy, he will not give someone else.

Seeing Ali listed, Ali's staff made money, and these people actually moved millions of dreams. Li Dong can only say that they think more.

People have worked for seven or eight years old, and they have more than ten years, and now I can have this result is nothing.

Can you think about it? I just wanted to make a big profit in a few months, and there is such a good thing to give them in the world.

Shen Wei heard the words: "It is necessary to beat it, but it can't be very dry, or give them some big cakes.

Looking back, I have discussed Yuan, and make a reward plan.

It can take advantage of the options such as work more than three years, we can use it.

After waiting for three years, who knows what is going on.

Anyway, don't have to have a penny, what do you think? "

Li Dongtou said: "This can, the option plan can be used.

The option reward is white, only listed can take the money, no listing is a waste paper.

The distant mall is really going to market. At that time, Li Dong did not mind giving them a sweetness. If it is not available, then I can't hold it, continue.

Of course, these can only confuse those low-level employees.

Like Yuan Chengdao, these people who know Li Dong did not have a short time to listen to it. Now that the reward now reward is actually not used.

And look at Li Dong, it is hard to say it.

Getting now, Yuan Chengdao does not pay the stake in the stock, and it is also mentioned.

After finishing these, Shen Wei also said: "After the other Ali is listed, our mall is afraid to have trouble.

The other Taobao Mall will soon be online, I heard that I am almost in our model, when I ... "

"Don't worry about them for the time being, keep current in the current situation.

Li Dong didn't think about surpassing Ali or Tencent at this time, and the development of PC is still a step.

At this time, Li Dong should do it too far, he really counts or is the intelligent era.

At that time, the main battlefield was on the mobile.

Li Dong is currently preparing for this, but the smart machine really comes to the time, it is not too urgent.

"Also, you said to Shao Yibao last time, didn't you act? I am afraid that I can't wait for a long time in the distance.

Before Shen Wei said that he had to leave, Du'an people also specially mentioned it once, until now, Shen Wei is already determined.

However, she is walking, the mall must always take hands.

Liu Hong can't work, the big concept is still a little bit, the gallbling is not enough, he is not a problem when he is a deputy, and it will be troublesome.

Listening to this, Li Dong also had some heads: "I find someone to inquire, Shao Yi Boy should be in Beijing.

However, I didn't have any intersection with him. Rank to find it, I don't say hell to answer, this is too awkward.

If Shao Yiwang is still good, it is good.

The key is that the other party is now the boss, letting him put down the business in his hand to help Li Dong, but the trouble is still not small.

Even if you are defeating Taobao, people are not satisfied.

If the door is rejected, it will not look good.

Li Dong is not Liu Bei, there is no determination to Mao, and modern is not ancient, it is really a truth, maybe it will be low.

See Li Dong so saying, Shen Wei is also helpless: "If you don't look for Shao Yi Bo, you have to find someone to go.

If you don't work, you can only let Liu Hongding.

It is relatively regarded that he is the most suitable candidate and is also the most understandable of the distant mall business.

"Let's take a look, I will find someone to ask for a while, I have said that Du Shu Ji also said that you have no problem in the distance.


... November 7th.

Sugu is once again closed 3 stores in Wuxi and Changshu.

This time, the size of the store is more.

These three are Suichi Direct Store, different from the distance, and Suichi also has a large number of franchise stores.

Even the direct stores can't support it, let alone franchise store.

In fact, these days, the franchise store of Suichi has chosen to withdraw.

The franchise store is not a highly competitive store. Their suppliers are generally three or even four dealers. The cost is higher than the Suo Direct store.

In addition, there is a lot of money, and the cost is higher.

And from this side, it is a direct store.

In this case, even the Suigu direct store can't hold, let alone them.

These small bosses also see that they are completely innocent.

Li Dong stared at Suichi, not them, they didn't be placed in the eyes at all.

In this case, then what is it.

At the beginning, it was to increase competitiveness. Now it does not have a competitive advantage, but by distinguishing it, who is willing to sell for Susu.

The size of the large store of Suguo is actually a franchisee.

Now the franchise store has been withdrawn, and Suichi will be hit again.

At this moment, Jinling's Majialiang has no hope.

Intention to the policy of the Southeast market, he went to the Soutan Government asking for help, and the result of the Southern Government of the Southern Bin, in addition to playing a few flowers, did not give any promises at all.

Majialiang knows why.

In the past, he was the helm man of Suichi, the unique helm, even if Hua Run did not dare to fall.

It can be different now, China Resources has obvious attitude, this Majialiang is responsible.

Plus this time is indeed herself and the distant battle, causing Suigu to bear huge losses, this responsibility Majialiang is also willing to bear.

However, once there is no Suich, what are he? Suguo is China Run, even Hua Run himself did not look for the government to ask for help, even Hua Run is preparing to be in distant interest, the government is full, this time is Suguo pays? Although the distance is not a company in Soutan, is it? Now this situation, there is no worse.

Su Agui closed several stores, and there was no large number of employees to be unemployed, or the economy declined. At this time, the Political Bureau did not stabilize, and Southern Southern San, there was no idle manager to help the horse.

The moment from the Southern Government Building came out, Ma Jia Liang stood upright waist rod suddenly.

There is no longer saving the rest.

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