The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 830, 07, the distant assets

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

Wang Hongyun has a hurry and hurried.

The governor arrived, in addition to making the distant revealed over the news, ordinary employees did not feel too much in addition to pride.

However, for these people in Li Dong, although Wang Hongyun has not been long, the benefits have been given a lot.

First, the distant white has a few low-priced gerskin.

Although it is in the suburbs, close to the logistics park, but the cheap is not white.

Second, the official microblogging, completely launched a reputation of Weibo.

Since ancient times, there have been official support, that is, orthodox.

Sina these later, it is still dealing with star artists, and falls from levels.

Third, the talent assistance program.

With the Jiangbei Provincial Government, it is necessary to pick up a lot of elite talents.

Fourth, Li Dong entered the provincial government situation next year should be ten nine stable.

This is not just the honor of Li Dong, and it is also the honor and the heritage of the distance.

Provincial Political Consultative Conference, do not look at the real power, and the light can shout a provincial level.

In addition to these, Li Dong finally raised the small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, although Wang Hongyun did not agree, Li Dong was not disappointing.

He is just ambush, and the financial crisis is swept in China.

Ten of these companies have five people to resist this storm. At that time Wang Hongyun, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am afraid.

At that time, Li Dong could not ask for people, but to debut with the Savior, for the government.

... On December 7th, the snow in twenty-four winds.


On this day, Li Dong held a high-rise meeting before New Year's Day.

This month ended, in 2007, it has passed.

It was established from the second half of 2004, and now, it has gone for more than three years.

From the original high school students, one of the top ten people in China, but all, but it has been spent more than three years.

Middle of the meeting room.

Yuan Chengdao is reporting the achievements of this year.

Since the beginning of the year, the New Year's Day doesn't have a green space in the distance.

In terms of supermarkets, the distant entered the Euchi, Yama, Beijing-Tianjin, Yu province, , Shanghai ... connected to the guests, Changke Lilong, Yongan, Suichi Branch.

In terms of logistics, entering Sichuan Airlines, take over the remote logistics park, laying thousands of express delivery points, builds 6 large storage centers, new or acquired 3 large supermarket distribution centers ... Real Estate, starting from M & A green space, late late after the door Some industries, M & A, Pengfei Real Estate and Beichuan Real Estate, won the previously famous Longhua Square.

In addition to these three, the fastest development is also a distant mall.

Mall, PP, Weibo have achieved remarkable achievements, and there are also thousands of carton, and the distribution platform is also booming.

The four major industries, the distance has achieved brilliant success.

Yuan Chengdao is still reporting: "From October, the Beijing-Tianjin Supermarket store has begun to open, as of now 100 stores, in addition to self-construction store, a total of 48 opens.

In addition, the mountain city, E province, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Lu Zi Lu continued to have a store in business, plus before, this year, the supermarket has a total of 320 new investment operations.

Last year, the number of remote stores has exceeded 200.

In 2007, there were more than 500 in the Yuanfang Yingxian Bank of the Yuanfang Supermarket.

In addition, nearly 100 stores will soon be able to invest in operations, provinces and Shanghai, and now they are ready to prepare.

Among the stored stores, 12 of the first-class stores, 42 second-class stores, 128 three-level stores, 4-level store ... Distance logistics, the year is planned to shop express delivery points, now the task is close to complete, yesterday Qin always gave me the statistics that the delivery point that has already started to operate reached 860.

In the next few more than 20 days, the remaining more than 100 distribution points are also close to completion.

...... "

The big and small business is reported over again, Yuan Chengdao finally summed up: "In 2007, it is a year of success, and it is also a year!

In 2006, the distant achievements have achieved brilliant achievements.

At that time, we all felt that it is difficult to surpass the last year this year, and now, it has proved that this year's achievements are more fruitful than last year.

Everyone in the conference room was full of spring breeze and appeared and honored.

The distant achievement, although Li Dongju is the power, but if there is no them, can Li Dong people support such a large company? Therefore, the distant fruit is tired, and it will not have their credits.

Yuan Chengdao reported the results, others like Qin Hai, and Shen Husi also briefly introduced the situation of the company.

Finally, Liu Hongmei is reported.

Liu Hongmei is in charge of the financial power for many years. Although it has not yet entered the board, it is not the company's vice president, actual power is not small.

I nodded toward Li Dong, Liu Hongmei said financial status.

The far situation of the distance is actually very simple, not complicated at all.

In addition to the billion funds of last loans, the distant distant is already evacuated, although the profit is a lot of profits, it can also be put into the supermarket expansion and operations.

A few months, it is comparable to the balance of payments.

In other words, in addition to the 5 billion touched by Li Dong, almost a penny on the distant books.

In addition, because of M & A Changke, Yong'an, and the acquisition of Suizu Bai stores and Maqun distribution centers, the Group has an additional more than 3 billion liabilities.

Before the start of the Southan War, Li Dong took a balance sheet to find Du'an people.

At that time, the distant group liabilities were 80 million, and the later loans were 10.2 billion, then M & A owned more than 3 billion external debts, as of now, the distant total liabilities were nearly 220 billion.

Of course, the liabilities have risen, and the total assets of the distance have risen a lot.

With the opening of the stores, the value of several supermarkets, the value of the remote supermarket, from the time of 16 billion, and there are about 5 billion.

Now the supermarket is valuable, the total value should not be less than 220 billion.

In addition to the supermarket value, the value of the distant brand is also a big cut.

The benefits of defeating Suguo, the most obvious experience in this.

When the professional institution was valued last year, there was no distinctive part. If this year, if it comes again, the value of the country is at least 300 million.

Such a calculated, intangible assets and tangible assets, the current value of the distant supermarkets has reached 25 billion, and even more than half a year ago.

In addition to the supermarket, it is another shopping city.

With the influence of microblogging, PP, mall has complementary effect, and registered users have much higher than before, and the influence has also expanded a lot.

Nowadays, the value of the Internet industry is now, it is probably higher than the previous $ 2 billion.

As for the logistics, real estate company, because the express store increases, the value is more than the previous point, will not be less than 6 billion.

This piece is affected by the financial crisis. Recently, it has not been high, but the distance from Longhua Square is in the distance, and there is also a commercial street project of Xi'an.

And the 5 billion cash of Li Dong, the overall estimation, the total assets of the distant group may be as high as 60 billion.

Net assets are approaching about 38 billion.

If you account, Li Dong's body will be higher than before.

There are still many stocks, Tencent, Baidu, Apple.

In addition, the 500 million bond certificate from Han Yu's winning, and he added a personal asset to reach 40 billion.

Of course, this is the result of Li Dong's own calculation.

Others only care about the company's accounting situation, and the gap between the company's and Li Dong is not big.

Only Sun Tao, the family will once again.

The rising rose, Sun Tao, who is sitting in Li Dong, is a bit helpless.

Li Dong once again invested in the supermarket, and he simply calculated it, according to the current profit, he didn't want to take a penny in ten years.

At the beginning, Li Dong said, 3% is fixed, after which he invested, Sun Tao will not reduce the shares, just take the red boring.

If Li Dong gives him 100 million cash, now Sun Tao is crying.

If you want to cry, it is a little, and Sun Tao is not excited.

According to the current valuation, his 3% shares, the total value exceeded 700 million, plus him more than 100 million to get his hand before, and after a while, he could have a billion big rich.

Everyone is in mind, but most of them are happy.

Although the total assets of the group are not net assets, the total assets have soared to 60 billion, and the next 100 billion group goals seem not far.

At the beginning, Li Dong said to create a millions of groups within three years, and now they have been in the past year.

If this speed is followed, the distant group may reach 100 billion months next year.

Nowadays, the domestic billion-scale levels of companies are not too much. In addition to national batts, private enterprises are even less.

If the distant can reach 100 billion, then in the domestic private enterprises are also presented in the existence.

The meeting opened for a long time.

Until final, Li Dongcai opened: "Everyone is doing very well this year, and it is almost over 2007. Everyone is looking forward to the future, and the group will achieve greater success.

On the day of New Year's Day, the group preparations a New Year's Day celebration, celebrate this year.

In addition, the annual event will also put a schedule, set the time as soon as possible.

In 2008, things may not be less than this year, even more or not, everyone must prepare.

I listened to Li Dong, many people have some headaches.

In 2007, there have been many things that have made them scallions. Is Li's still ready to come once? Everyone is tired of all the year, but I should have a good rest for a while.

The key is to develop to now, everyone feels that they should stop for a while.

In 2007, it is too powerful. The group is lacking, lack of money, lack of people, lack of system, lack of management ... The sedimentation will continue to expand again, maybe it is better to say it.

Seeing this expression, Li Dong smiled: "Everyone is not nervous, although things in 2008 are a lot, but most of them are my business, you should not be more than this year.

There is a financial crisis next year, and there is a big earthquake next year. These other people can't intervene.

I really want to move or Li Dong himself, as for the group, do a good job in the end.

To talk tired, Li Dong shouted tired.

However, in 2008 is also the last year of Li Dong, I have been waiting for 2008, and the downstream channels in the supermarket can be completed.

And the supermarket expansion, once in 2008, the rest is the water workman, and he does not have to spend too much energy.

In the next few years, Li Dong drunk tea and pointed to Jiangshan, and the days should be more comfortable than now.

Returning from 2004, it has been hard for more than three years, he hardly stays.

Desperately make money, desperately expanding, and the iron man is also tired.

If you still have to remember the financial crisis and earthquake next year, Li Dongzhen wants to take a good day or two.

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