The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 837 Yonghui Supermarket

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the next day.

Li Dong attended Hu Xiaomei's birthday banquet is revealed.

No, there is a gossip in the circle.

Li Dong was thought that Shen Wei will ask him, even gave him a few dragon claw hands, and the result is not.

When I saw Shen Xi, Shen Wei seems to not know this at all.

Li Dong sneaked her a few eyes, quite a little thief feeling.

Shen Wei noticed that she was got from her, I couldn't help but laughed: "Do a thief, what I do?"

"No, no."

"Okay, it is not Hu Xiao Rui's gimmick, I know this.

Shen Wei said to shake his head: "I always say this. You don't bother me.

"How to deal with Hu Xiaowui, you can do it yourself.

"I managed your person, can you manage your heart? If you have some mind, I said more and use it.

Li Dong said: "I don't have the thought, I said ..."

"Yes, people are children, don't repeat with me.

Shen Yizhen, I have been a little hesitant: "I am ..."

"What happened last night?"


Shen Hao originally wants to say that the blind date last night, but I thought I still didn't say it.

The disciples have been worried, and then they don't agree, this matter is almost over.

Shi Guanglin can go to this step, not the kind of dead-hidden person, not to mention the two sides are not familiar, who knows that it is self-satisfaction.

Good woman, Shi Guanglin can't find it, it is difficult to find a greasy life for her.

In this case, then don't say it.

Otherwise, Li Dong must have a worse impression of his mother. After all, it is his mother, Li Donghe Shen Xuehua relationship is too stiff, not the result of Shen Wei.

Throwing this, Shen Wei also said: "The last time didn't say it to find a language to recover experts, people I found, when do you see when you come over?"

Li Dongyi listened to the feelings of the feelings: "So fast, how is people?"

"The specific is not clear, friends introduced.

However, the other party is the provincial language rehabilitation center, and I heard that the level is good.

"Then you have a call to him, and if you are not busy, you can come over.

I have just rest in these days, what is needed, just prepared.

Shen Wei heard his head: "Then I will come over now.

... After half an hour, Li Dong ushered in "experts"

It can be seen that the first eye of the expert comrades, Li Dong frowned.

too young!

And still a woman!

In his imagination, this kind of expert in this kind of medical treatment should be the kind of white beard grandfather.

Although Li Dong doesn't like to take people, can I look at the little girl who has just graduated, can I treat small stones? It seems that Li Dong's fox is suspicious, Zhou Yawen slightly tight: "Mr. Li, Li Yusi's case I have seen, she is not because of the vocalization of vocal tape or other physiological reasons.

And Miss Shen said before, Li Yu can now make some blurred words.

This situation is not too complicated. I have had such a patient before, in general, three to five months, can enter the recovery period.

For more than a year, Li Yu can be like normal children ... "

Li Dong waited for her to say it quietly: "It is best, how to treat it, how to recover, these I don't understand, and will not intervene.

However, what do you have, or you need to say to me, I will solve it.

Now I will take you to see the small stone, oh, the little stone is Li Yu's little name.

In the next few times, I am afraid that Miss Zhou runs more, the child is too small, I don't want to send the rehabilitation center, usually the rehabilitation training is here, do you see it? "

"Yes, yes.

Zhou Yen Wen hurriedly nodded, before she came, she knew who the employer was.

Domestic well-known Haidu, Jiangbei's richest, come to this kind of person to help children do rehabilitation treatment, high pressure.

She is thinking about refusing, but on the one hand, she will not be rich, on the one hand, I want to contact the legendary figure in Jiangbei.

When Li Dong frowned, her heart mentioned his eyes.

Fortunately, Li Dong did not imagine the living, although there is no normal child parents, but it is also possible.

Because I know the experts, Li Dong deliberates the babysitter from the kindergarten.

At this time, the little stone is watching cartoon, see Li Dong with a strange big sister, and the little girl is blinking.

Li Dong took the fat girl and introduced Zhou Yai Wen: "This is a small stone, small stone, this aunt specializes in playing with you, like it?"

The small stone is scratched, apparently does not understand Li Dong's meaning.

But I don't understand, "play"

She still knows this word, and she smiled and nodded.

Zhou Yen Wen saw that again, she knew Li Dong just the purpose.

If the little girl in front of you said, I am afraid that my job can be over.

It seems that I am so good to laugh now.

I touched the face of the little girl, Zhou Yawen smiled and said: "Small stone, is a sister is good?"

Is this woman who is dissatisfied with Li Dong's mouth? Sister? I have introduced it is aunt, you say my sister, it's really ... Forget it, the woman is afraid that the people are old, my sister will be sister.

Li Dong didn't have a sound, and the small stone is now a lot of princes, nor is it too recognizable. He is ignorant, and the fat face is also a sweet smile.

Seeing the small stone does not exclude the other party. Li Dong put the little girl, and Zhou Yawen said: "Then you exchange, I should be at home in the past few days, what is needed, call me.

Zhou Yawen quickly said: "Mr. Li, you will be busy, I will say it if you need it.

"That's good, small stone, play with my sister for a while, my uncle goes out.

Leave this, Li Dong directly out of the house.

When he left, Zhou Yen Wen felt something wrong, sister? uncle? I should be bigger than Li Dong, this is shorter? ...... How do Zhou Yen wants Li Dong too lazy to consider.

A passenger, waiting for the small stone, the two sides should not have a collection.

After processing this, Li Dong has played a few calls.

These days have not arrived at the company, but they did not let go.

Zi Yunna, Mountain City, Wang Yue, Chen Yong in Shanghai, there is something to report to Li Dong.

In the three places, it is the best in the development of the mountain city.

There is Wu Yajun to help, Wang Yue quickly stabilizes the heel, and you should have a long time, the mountain city can have a distant supermarket store.

On the other side of Beijing, there is no big movement, and Qi Yunna keeps resting, and did not dare to take the initiative.

If you are not steady, then take the initiative to provoke.

As for the Shanghai, now I just inspect the market, Chen Lang has not started to move, and there is no big thing.

When Li Dong and Wang Yuechang said, he suddenly attracted attention by a name.


Listening to Wang Yue said that Yonghui Supermarket is now expanding in the mountain city, Li Dong can't hire eyebrows.

Yonghui Supermarket is now actually a small supermarket, even from the side of Minnan, it is not very attractive.

The only thing worth noting is that the business model of Yonghui Supermarket, the other party is not the main life supermarket, but fresh supermarket.

At this time, there are not many retailers in the domestic and supermarkets, or very few, everyone is accompanying to do some fresh trading, not the main.

Yonghui is not a lot of arrogance, but Li Dong knows that later Yonghui is anti-superior larger retail group.

When the traditional retail was hit hard, Yonghui seized the opportunity, the main foundation of the fresh, the development of adversity, successfully listed.

Before Li Dong was back, Yonghui's market value was not low, more than 50 billion.

This is the same as the identity of the show, and the scale is still increasing, and it has to be very beautiful.

At that time, the other party was also preparing to intervene in the financial field and opened its own bank.

When Li Dong took the god, Wang Yue in the phone was still a narrative, "Yonghui mainly founded this piece, and our competition is not too big.

However, Li, I am quite optimistic about this piece. I haven't pay more attention to it before.

Now just in the mountain city, the other party is also starting.

I found that the other party entered the local market in the name of the main nice, and the crowded and striking were much less.

Many local retail companies feel that Yonghui is not their competitive object, quietly saving the Yonghui into the local market.

Unlike us, everyone is more vigilant and hostile.

You see, is we doing to learn the other's business model? "

Li Dongqi Shen said: "Different, since we defeated Suichi, it is destined to be paying attention, it will be hostile.

However, you said that Yonghui is moderate, it is indeed worth learning.

The next far, you can also develop some main fresh stores. Of course, according to my thoughts, I acquired Yonghui.

The other party is not small in the market, and our goal next year is the block in Minnan and Guangdong Province. It has acquired a local company and helped us.

"Li, this is probably a little difficult.

"How to say?"

"Do you know who is back to Yonghui development? The second largest shareholder of Yonghui is the supermarket of people's livelihood, and the people's livelihood supermarket is actually HSBC's spokesperson.

HSBC has more optimistic about Yonghui and has been supporting funds.

Therefore, Yonghui is less short of money, because the competitiveness is small, the development is good, and it has not arrived in the bottleneck ... "

Wang Yue briefly introduced the situation, temporarily unlimited, market pressure is not large, in this case, it is not easy.

Of course, it is said that the last Wang Yue said: "But it is not hopeless. Recently I heard that HSBC is preparing to increase the shares two times, and Zhang's brother is actually not willing to let HSBC continue to make bigger.

Once HSBC continues to increase, the last Yonghui is likely to change the Lord.

Zhang's brother recently contacted some other capital agencies, hoping to introduce other agencies to resist HSBC.

But other institutions can enter, let's probably the difficulty is not small.

The capital institution entered, the Zhang's brother is willing to let the distant enter, then it is willing to be willing.

Changed to Ba Lian or several other big supermarkets, they may also agree.

Alliances alliance, help them, all kinds of channel resources, market planning, they can help.

Only two can't work is China Resources and far. These two things that have always been likely to do is to eat dry.

Entering, their purpose is holding, and even wholly-owned acquisitions.

In this case, introduce the distant, more dangerous than HSBC.

HSBC's purpose is to make money, and the purpose of the distance can be to annex.

Wang Yue said, Li Dong considered a film: "Try it, don't try anyone."

"That line, I will contact the other party.

Both did not say that re-register a company's entry, because the purpose of the distance is not for this, but to expand the influence and market of the distance.

Change a company, as long as you have no hold, there is no help to the distance.

In this case, it is not as good as Ming Daming, and it is not obvious.

As long as you don't ask for holding and cooperation, Yonghui will not agree.

At this time, the permanent scale is small, the famous arrogance is small, and the other party is too big, and the distant channels and resources will help them.

After the end of Yonghui, Li Dong hung up the phone.

However, Li Dong is still pondering some things, and the supermarket is diverse.

The era of e-commerce is coming soon, and the future traditional retail is in transformation and upgrading.

In this, Yonghui's fresh supermarket is a road, and Chen Yan said the high-end boutique supermarket is also a road.

Plus the remote mall in line offline, complete O2O construction.

In this way, e-commerce will not be too big for the impact of the distant supermarket.

One step by step is transformed, which is one of the advantages of the distance.

As for Yonghui, the mergers and acquisitions can be achieved, and the impact is not too big.

Yonghui can succeed, because no one is competing, no one is the main business.

Otherwise, a few chain supermarkets now have increased investment above, and there is no survival space of Yonghui.

The annual sales of billions of small supermarkets, even the previous era is more than, since Li Dong remembered this, it can merge it, and he re-invests.

Can't M & A, the far side focuses slightly slightly, Yonghui is definitely not a distant opponent.

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