The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 839 and the gap between the world giants (Dragon Boat Festival)

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CC, the fastest update of rebirth is rolling!

December 23rd.


From the airport, Li Dong couldn't hit a chilly.

The winter in the north is really cold and dry.

Pingchuan, on the end of December, the pedestrians wearing single clothes can also be seen on the street.

In the capital, at this moment, the pedestrians of the roadside are all wrapped in bloated down jackets.

Chen Yu, behind Li Dong, is a bit cold, and hurriedly, the body is ready to open the suitcase.

Li Dong saw a smile: "No, it will be good for a while.

"Li, still add clothes, Jingcheng is too cold.


"If the cold is not good ..."

Two years have passed, Chen Hao at this moment has become a suitable housekeeper.

The tube is not just business, more or Li Dong's life problems.

Li Dong listened and smiled.

Tan Yong did not laugh.

Li Dong exercise is exercised, as for the effect, Tan Yong did not dare to compliment.

In this year, Li Dongchang passed Tai Chi, practiced military boxing, and practiced the broadcast gymnastics, and even yoga had tried.

However, finally, Li Dongcai found a truth, and the routine is not suitable for him.

He has made a set of Wang Ba, claiming to integrate health and skills, free playing to suit him, three five strong people can't close.

Blowing people will, anyway, Tan Yong did not dare to be true.

Of course, until now, there is no chance to come to the morning, the higher the status, don't say fight, and the chances of swearing are less.

In the first two years, Li Dong also personally went out, now some wind blowing, hidden security personnel in the back, will rush it together, and there is a chance of Li Dong.

Tan Yong did not accept the phone, this is automatically passed.

Three people just stayed in the airport for a while, not far from Qi Yunna, I rushed to run.

I saw Li Dong, Qi Yunna quickly apologized: "Li, I am sorry, there is some traffic jam on the road, I have come out for one and a half hours ..."

Li Dong put his hand without a look: "Nothing, we have just come out.

Besides, I will let you send a driver to come over, how come you personally? "

"You came to Beijing, of course, you have to pick it up.

Qi Yunnan saw Li Dong or the sex of the past, and the heart could not help but tone.

A few people have a few words, the cold wind is whistling, Qi Yunna hurriedly greeted Li Dong on the bus.

This time, Qi Yunna didn't bring a driver, and he opened his car directly.

Li Dong let Tan Yong drive, and Qi Yunna is sitting behind.

Since March this year, the distant and Suning have reached a cooperation, and the two sides have expanded in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

In the present, the time is almost 9 months.

9 months, Beijing-Tianjin is almost half of the store to start business.

Before Li Dong came over, the opening of the store is also responsible for Qunna, although there is a report in the telephone and the official documents, but after all, it is more than a layer of Li Dong.

For nearly a year, Qi Yunna is more practiced in Jiangbei than before.

Li Dong asked questions, Qi Yunnan answered is simply destroyed, and it does not slump water.

Said, Qi Yunnan suddenly stopped, see Li Dong stared at himself, and Qi Yunnan is full of red.

At this time, Li Dong also went back, some laughed: "Continue to say, when you just listen to you, you can't think of the original in Qingyang, then you didn't learn.

This is only a few years, I finally have a sense of temperament.

Listening to Li Dong said Qingyang, Qi Yunnan also revealed the color of memories.

Three years, I have entered the distance three years ago.

Starting from the store manager of the county-level store, step by step, until now, she is already the President of North China.

At the end of the year, I took the 355th person, I feel that I have reached the peak of life.

Who can think of it, after three years, the employees of their own tube have exceeded 3.

I remembered a while, Qi Yunna is really sincerity: "Li, all this is you giving me, if you are not you, I am afraid I am still in Nanping as my salesman.

Li Dong smiled: "Everyone has the circumstances of each person, you can go now, it is not entirely my credit.

These years, I have given a lot of people, some people have caught it, but some people have not grasped.

I still remember at that time in Qingyang, we have a total of several stores. You are the Nanping store, Xie Hong is Qingyang store, Dongping, the main reason is Yang Manager and Fang Hao as a store manager ... now three years have passed, You still look back, can there be a few people with us? Xie Hong went, Fang Hao walked, and Yu Shao was also left.

In the present, there are not many people who can go with me.

This is said, and the car is silent.

The two are some sentiment, and the colleagues comrades in that year are now left, and hundreds of thousands of employees in the distance are not a few people.

For example, most of them work in the middle and lower layers.

There are not many people who can go to the group's executive, the status is higher than Qierna, except for a Sun Tao, and Liu Hongmei is reluctant.

However, Liu Hongmei added the distant in Pingchuan, and it was not the batch of the most older.

The old people can't keep up with Li Dong's footsteps, and the elimination is inevitable.

After all, it was just a few stores, and the management personnel were not from the county town. There were no high degree, there is no rich management experience.

Three years, people who can keep up with it.

Recalling, Li Dong is not immersed in this atmosphere, soon laughing: "But I am still very happy, at least you will do it.

In this year, you can't work alone in Beijing, facing various problems, all kinds of difficulties, and ultimately you still have.

The situation in Beijing and Tianjin is a bit complicated, and these I have a number.

In this case, you can successfully open the store, this is successful.

Qi Yunna has been busy: "This is not my credit, all of Li, you are taught.

"With me, I don't have to use the guest, and I am bought, it is your credit is yours.

After finishing Li Dong and said: "What is this month?"

Qi Yunna immediately returned to positive, "starting from November, now, the total opening store reached 64.

Among the remaining 36, there are 20 self-construction shops. This speed is slower, and it is about to open in March next year.

In addition, 16 are in the later selection plan, and some are not completed, and some is not open.

Like the five shopping malls, there is no opening now, so I will wait until the end of the month.

"Yes, the speed is not slow.

How do these open stores? "

"22 stores opened last month, the total turnover reached 1.


And it is the lake and continue to open, not the full month.

This month is also almost. According to our estimation, the 100 stores are all open, according to the full month, the turnover per month is about 600 million.

This is the average, because it is now a sales season, so it is high, the total sales should not be less than 7 billion words all year round.

"What about profits?"

"The profit of hair is about 20%, but the various expenses of Beijingjin are relatively large, and the net profit after tax is probably only 8%.

8% net profit, in fact, it is not low.

Some retail companies in the later generation, net profit is very low, generally around 5%.

However, before 2008, the net profit of retail companies is still relatively high, and 10% is universal.

After experiencing the financial crisis and inflation, the profits of major retail companies have fallen a lot.

Then I was hit by e-commerce, the profits did not fall sharply, or there would be no such retail enterprises in the past few years.

Where is the money come from, of course, it is earned.

Now that the distance is just entering Beijingjin, 8% of net profit is not high, but it is not low.

According to Qi Yunna, next year, the Yuanyuan's income in Beijing can reach more than 500 million.

And the remote investment in Beijing is about 300 million, the cost and income are compared, and it is still possible.

Li Dong's nodded, Beijing Tianjin's annual sales can exceed 7 billion, more than two places in Jiangbei and Southern Southern, and at least 20 billion.

Coupled with Luxi, Minzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Euzhou, such a few store stores, but four provinces add together, breaking through 15 billion difficulties.

There is also the mountain city under construction, and Shanghai has begun to build a store of the store ... These places are added together, wait until next year, even if they no longer expand, the annual sales can reach more than 50 billion, or more Nothing is not necessarily.

It sounds that 50 billion turnover is not low, and it is actually not low.

When the list of 500 strong in Huaxia Enterprise in 2007 was announced, the 100th place was about 38 billion.

And there are more than retail enterprises in the distance, including real estate, logistics, mall, all added together, I am afraid that I can reach 80 billion next year.

Can revenue with RMB 80 billion or revenue with $ 10 billion.

The world's top 500 list announced in 2007, Wal-Mart ranked first, annual income of $ 351 billion, this year, will only be higher next year.

More than 40 times more than 4,000 times, alone is only more than retail, and the distal heads of the other side are not available.

The gap is too great, and the biggest makes people see hope.

Nearly 3 trillion yuan revenue, how horror, Li Dong's ambition is in front of this gap, it seems extraordinarily, it is weak and not ban.

I have a little heavy in my heart, but Li Dong has rumored.

For three years, three years, far from scratch, from scratch, from zero to 50 billion, this speed is so fast, maybe the revenue from afar next year will exceed 100 million.

The gap is gradually shrinking, even if the little is found to see.

However, Li Dong said long, set a goal, it is not dead, and the target is a little bit, who knows that it will be able to complete the goal.

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