The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 844, Lilai, (seeking a monthly ticket)

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From the office of Du'an people, it is still a door to Zhao Nan.

Before compared, Zhao Nan is about to be some.

If you are welcome, you will listen to Du'an people just tone, this relationship is obviously not general.

Zhao Nan is polite, Li Dong is also polite.

The two are gathering, and some people are surprised: "Li Dong?"

Li Dong turned his head and suddenly smiled: "Ren Big Brother.

It is not someone else, and it is a classmate in the business school Ren Hong Bing.

Ren Hong Bing is not a general old, but the big man of the National Machine Group, soon he just raised as the chairman.

As a large-scale state-owned enterprise in Beijing, it is not surprising that Ren Hongbing in the municipal government.

If you count the level, Ren Hong Bing is now the main hall, or the depth, the negative level is not low, and the prestige in the capital of the capital is not low.

Li Dong's response, Ren Hongbing knew that he didn't see the wrong person.

After reading Li Dong, Ren Hongbing saw Zhao Nan.

Soon after Zhao Nan, if it is replaced with unfamiliar people, it may not know, but Hong Bing has recently come to the Municipal Government, which is not familiar with Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan people sent Li Dong downstairs? That isn't Li Dong just going to see Du'an people? I also thought of the previous students' gatherings, everyone opened Li Dong to joke, and Ren Hong Bing suddenly.

Previously, Li Dong was afraid of the relationship with Du'an people, and Ren Hongbing did not care very much.

After all, Du'an people can't fight in Jiangbei.

It can be different now, and the national machine group does not return to the Beijing government, but is governed by the central government.

However, in fact, such a large company is in the city of the capital, the Beijing-city government can? At the chairman of the Hong Bing, the city government agreed, if the municipal government did not agree, the State-owned Assembly Committee did not dare to be a state-owned enterprise and the city.

I thought for a while, but I didn't pause it.

Laughing and Li Dong said a sentence, Ren Hong Bing also looked at Zhao Nan: "Director Zhao, what are you with Li?"

Zhao Nan also met Ren Hunding. For a few days, Du'anmin also saw Ren Hong Bing several times because of the reform of national machine.

Listen to Ren Hong Bing's question, Zhao Nanfang smiled: "All Hello, I am preparing to send Li Poing, you and Li know?"

"Hahaha, you don't know, I and Li Dong is a classmate.


Zhao Nan saw two people, the gap is relatively large, I don't know what classmates.

However, he is not a person who is talking, and he won his laugh: "This is really clever.

At this time, Li Dong also laughed: "Ren Big Brother, are you doing this?"

"It's all over, I am also preparing to go out.

Director Zhao, don't send it, don't send it, I will go out with Li's brother ... "

Ren Hong Bing's brother's brother shouted intimate, the smile on his face was more enthusiastic than before.

Even if Li Dong opened, two people are students' relationships.

These in fact, Li Dong understands, and it is close.

In the past, although Hong Bing was enthusiastic, it was absolutely not so enthusiastic.

The reason why manifestation is now this, but it is a look at Zhao Nan. You see, I and Li Dong relations can be very good.

Li Dong and Du'an people are also good, which is simply a natural teammate relationship.

For Ren Hong Bing, it is necessary to make a good relationship with the Mayor of Beijing.

However, because Du'an people came to see you, everyone is not familiar with his work style, and I don't know what kind of person he is.

Even if you want to set it, it is not so easy.

He and Du'an people have been exposed to several times, and I feel that Du'an people are not so easy to close.

Originally he still had some headaches, I didn't expect to sleep, Li Dong sent a pillow.

These Li Dong also saw it, but he didn't mind.

Ren Hong Bing's status is not low, in the capital of the capital, plus two people are learning relationships, and help each other will benefit from both sides.

Furthermore, Du'an people did not accept Ren Hong Bingnan is Du'an people. In fact, Li Dong did not play in the middle.

Li Dong did not feel that he could affect Du'an people's decision. Lao Du's people were just just. What is going to say, don't say Li Dong, Shen Wei can't change.

I heard Ren Hong Bing, Li Dong turned his head smiled and said to Zhao Nan: "Director Zhao, then I will leave with Ren Big Brother, I will have the opportunity for the next time I invite Zhao Director to eat.

"Then I will wait Li Yichang.

Zhao Nan was laughed and said: "Li always knows my number, the next time Li will call me.

The speech, Zhao Nan took out the mobile phone and called Li Dong.

Li Dong's number he knows, just called in the morning.

Li Dong did not care too much, wait for him to save the phone and save the number.

It is the easiest to see from the secretary.

Li Dong did not detect, but he knows why Zhao Nan is more.

According to the reason, Li Dong has contacted the city to do this, calling should be able to find Zhao Nanfang.

But Zhao Nan is only a number, and it is not to say that it is a private mobile phone, and even Zhao Nan is just saying that Li Dong is something to find him, this is not a guest.

Li Dong wants to have any trouble, and Zhao Nan will definitely come to solve it.

Sometimes, the secretary is more tuned than leaders.

Du'an people's high level of weight, it is impossible to do everything, Li Dong will not find what Du'an people.

In Jiangbei for a few years, Li Dong also quickly opened to Du'an people.

Sometimes some small things, find the most suitable for Zhao Nan.

After completing the number, the two sides have passed a few words, Li Dong is following Ren Hong Bing to go out.

... out of the city government.

Ren Hongbing asked: "Li's brother, the graduation ceremony after the day will you pass?"

"Go, it is this."

Wu Jie has spoken, I don't want to kill my house, I don't dare to be pair and Wu Si.

"Hahaha, it is also."

Ren Hong Bing smiled and said: "There is no dinner at noon, there is no other old brother, we will get together in advance.

A few words of work, Li Dong became Li's brother, and Li's brother became a brother.

The changes in these styles, sounds naturally, actually test the skill.

Li Dong is not a stupid man, he said: "There is no country, I am now idle, my old brother, how can I get a tale.

Next, the old brother of the old brother, called extraordinary intimate.

Although I haven't come to the meal, I can't care, and I have gone throughout the car, Ren Hong Bing is in front of the front, Li Dong follows behind.

After half an hour, Ren Hongbing took Li Dong to a private dish.

This small restaurant is hidden in an alley, and people who are unfamiliar with the capital will not find someone. However, it is not less coming to see Ren Hong Bing's familiarity.

... Have to say, master in the people.

Previously, Li Dong didn't really like the food of Beijing, the north and south differences, the northern meals were not very good at his taste.

Today, Li Dong is the appetite.

At noon dishes, Li Dong did not know what the cuisine is, even the name does not know.

The dish is Ren Huner, Li Dong tastes a few mouthfuls, and it feels good.

The dishes are worthy, plus the homage of the master is the master in the master.

A meal, the relationship between the two is true.

In the past, although it is a classmate relationship, it can actually have some differences in the circle.

In the class, Li Donghe Wu Yajun, Yang Shapeng, Lan Xinggang, more relations, Ren Hongbing is better than the total relationship between several state-owned enterprises.

Today, a meal, the two are in the same circle.

Eating is naturally less chatting, talking, Li Dong will talk about it.

This is not a secret, just asked Hong Bing asked a sentence, Li Dong said a word.

Anyway, the leather auction has time, plus Li Dong believes that Hong Bing will not mess, there is no concealment.

When he finished, Ren Hong Bing couldn't help but surprise: "Brother, are you really ready to take this place?"

Li Dongwen feels that he is very different, his face is right: "There is this plan, what happened, this place has problems?"

"The land is not a problem, but when I have eaten in front of people, I will mention a mouth and stare at this place.

SOHO, Vanke, Poly Poly is interested, this time you want to catch the tiger, I am afraid it is not easy.

"This is affirmative, after all, is the core area of ​​the business district.

Li Dong is not too big, and the person stared in this golden area is certain.

Ren Hong Ting saw his chest to have Chengzhu. He didn't think of Du'an people. He said that Li Dong got the promise of Du'an people? No matter whether it is, he will not ask.

And his purpose is not this, Li Dong said, Ren Hongbing's calls: "The brother, I want to say that you build a division building, in fact, you don't see it in CBD.

The land price is not low there, the influence is big, and it is actually the matter.

In fact, the Haidian District can also, close to Zhongguancun, there are many companies on the larger groups, and the headquarters of large groups.

Always, some of the domestic machines have a factory building to be restructure, the factory is the old factory in the last century, the machine is aging.

The meaning of the country is to migrate the factory. Once the migration, the place is empty ... "

Significant sound, Li Dong listened to his eyes and said: "Ren Big Brother, where is your site?"

Ren Hong Bing said a place, Li Dong is not very familiar with the capital, it is unclear.

However, according to the statement of Hong Bing, Zhongguancun is very close, and it can even be said that it belongs to Zhongguancun.

At the beginning, Zhongguancun is not worth money, and the factory is covered for decades, and it is also a state-owned enterprise. It covers a lot, and the land does not spend money, the country is delivered.

The original factory of such a company is generally dealing with enterprises. It is also the same as the company.

As long as you don't have too much, how much is sold, it is all about the enterprise.

Of course, the final government is still to be reviewed.

Ren Hongbing did not even send Li Dong, but everyone is a friend, and it is still no problem.

As for the government audit, this is simpler.

Just say Du'an people's existence, there is no Du'an people, as long as the money from the distance is not too low, the government will not say anything.

Li Dong listened to him, smiled and smiled: "Ren Big Brother, then I look back, this matter, I can't make it, I remember the human feelings.

"I said this, I just said, even if I don't say, you can find it, say anything.

Ren Hong Bing haunted a smile, and the two did not talk about the land of the land, but the push cup was drunk.

After a meal for two hours, two people, drink two pounds of liquor.

Li Dong did not drink alcohol during his time, and even if you returned home, it was not very clear.

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