The re-birth money is rolling in

Chapter 846 Daxie Gathering

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Night fall.

Beijing International Hotel.

Changjiang Business School is back to the mountains, and the places where the graduates will naturally not be lowered.

For this banquet, the business school wrapped the largest banquet hall.

Li Dong's suit is a suit, and holding a dress together.

Qin Yuhan is a bit nervous, this is the first time she is attending this grand occasion together.

The graduation banquet is actually nothing, the key is that people are different.

People who participated in the banquet tonight are almost all commercial giants from all over the country. Some people have even have received legendary admire before.

If Li Dong is holding her arms, then Qin Yuhan really wants to turn his head.

Seeing her nervousness, Li Dong low comfort: "Nothing, it is a mouth of a nose, and then said, your man, I am not a general person, you still don't say it, most of them are not as good as me, have a good Afraid.

If you want to see who is not cool, go to the two slaps, this is not something ... "


Qin Yulian suddenly laughed out, then he turned over the eyes: "You think I am like you, people have no hatred with me, I don't want to be playing with my ear."

"I am not comforting you."

Li Donggan laughed, and Qin Yuhan didn't be so nervous at this time.

Also, her boyfriend is a domestic man, what is much worried.

Again is just a banquet, you will not eat people, you are afraid of what.

I just comforted myself, Qin Yuhan suddenly had some excitement: "Li Dong, isn't it ... Is Lu Yu?"

Li Dong looked up at the eye, nodded: "Is her, want to know?"

"May I?"

Qin Yuhan is expected.

She usually hobs all in hobbies, but I like Lu Yu hosted the program, and I often look at it when you are free.

Now people can only see people see from TV, suddenly appear in front of them, and Qin Yuhan has some excitement.

Li Dong smiled and did not say, and he took Qin Yuhan to go to Lu Yu.

He and Lu Yu have had a side of the year. I have encountered it once before the business school, and Lu Yu is also a student of business schools.

Tonight, although Li Dong's graduation banquet, can be more than the banquet of thirty people, the banquet is to make more people, as long as the status is enough, no one can come.

Lu Yu may not be rich in wealth, but it is a red host in the literary world.

Plus or women, can come to participate in the banquet is not surprising.

Not just Lu Yu, in fact, many star big coffee will come, but almost all women.

From the business woman, how to say, not there is no beauty.

The key is that when the career is successful, these women are also fanghua.

At this time, a few beautiful women appeared, everyone is also happy to appreciate.

Of course, Lu Yu is not a beautiful woman, she is not having a few distinct things in her own.

... There are many businessmen who participate in the banquet tonight.

The reason why Lu Yu appeared in this is also hoping to know some big entrepreneurs.

In the past few years, the show of the conversation of her hosted, smarts less and less.

Some big entrepreneurs and politicians have been invited to interview, which is very high.

As people are exhausted, now she can come to many stars.

From the high-end conversation program, it becomes an entertainment program, which is not the positioning of Lu Yu.

I heard that the second phase of the president of the college held a graduation party. Some of the students will return. Lu Yu is not easy to put an invitation from the military.

The banquet started at eight o'clock, but Lu Yu arrived at the scene early.

At this moment, Lu Yu is chatting with Wu Yajun, and suddenly he saw that Li Dongchao came from here.

Originally Lu Yu also thought that Li Dong was looking for Wu Yajun. I didn't expect Li Dongguan, I laughed and reached out: "Miss Chen, we met again.

Lu Yu rushed to hold his hand and smiled and smiled: "I didn't expect Li, I remember me, honored.

"This is said, Miss Chen is not hitting my face?"

Li Dong haha ​​laughed, this is a saying: "This is my girlfriend Qin Yuhan, she is your faithful fan, Miss Chen does not mind, can we sign a name?"

"Of course, no problem, thank you for your love of Miss Qin ..."

Lu Yu smiled and his heart was even more dark.

I still think about it to Li Dong once again, I was rejected by Li Dong, she was disappointed for a while.

Now, Li Dong is not good, and the girlfriend is the same.

Sometimes a woman's pillow is a powerful, plus just an interview, not to fall in Li Dong, I will be able to say that the little girl in front of my skills should be said.

It is the same name to sign Qin Yuhan, and then Lu Yu and Qin Yuhan have exchanged numbers.

Seeing their happiness, ignoring others, Li Dong has to break the film: "Huihan, this is the Wu Jie, Wu Jie, the business woman, the business woman.

This is not an exaggeration, and the female strong people in the Enthers, the single sticks have laid a big family in Longhu Real Estate.

Since you want to be merchants, you will have to learn a few hands with Wu Jie.

At this time, Wu Yajun, who has been smiling, told: "I said, I will introduce my girlfriend to Li Dong before, and this guy pushes three blocks.

Feelings are a small fairy at home, replace it into me, I can't see others.

Qin Yulin's face is red, and I am busy: "Wu Jie, I am sorry, I just ..."


Wu Yajun knew what she said, laughing and laughed: "Miss Chen is mostly more than me, replace it into me, my first note is also Miss Chen.

When Lu Yu suddenly said: "Wu is always, you can fold me this.

"There is no thing, I am telling the truth, and then, we don't use it for business."

I am not Li Dong, I can have a meal, I have to grab the rice bowl.

Li Dong lost his smile: "Wu Jie, is this?"

"Calculate, of course, the general is in the elf, you will see that these merchants are long, it is not very long.

To be true, like your girlfriend, what is the business, it's a star.

When everyone suddenly laughed, the atmosphere was hot.

Li Dong said with a smile: "Let's talk, you simply say that I don't have a long time, thank you, I thought you just praised me.

"Be a person, or you have a bit of self-knowledge.

Some people will eat this row, you can't accept it.

Dongzi, you will be your business, you are gold in this trip, and the light is too strong.

If you go to the entertainment circle, I am afraid that you can't eat.

Wu Yajun hit another sentence.

Li Dong smiled: "Get, I will pass the line, give you this right, I even even the old horse is not as good.


Wu Yajun's micro-slings, but soon, I would like to have a person, I can't help but laugh: "Do you speak Ma Wei?"

"Cough, this is not me."

Li Dong haha ​​laughed up, turned to Qin Yu Han Dao: "Huihan, you and Miss Chen go in, I and Wu Jie is here.

Said that Li Dong also paired Lu Yu Road: "Miss Chen, trouble you take care of Yuhan, I can't open it for a while.

Lu Yu smiled and nodded: "Li always rest assured, I will go in first, and I will give you a lot of hair.

"Thank you.

Li Dongke was set, and the Qin Yuhan waved, Qin Yuhan came to the banquet hall with Lu Yu.

Waiting for them, Li Dong asked: "Wu Jie, how much is it?"

"The people in the class come, they have arrived.

Would you like you first go to fight ... "

"Wait, I have a look at this, tonight, the film is worshiping.


Wu Yajun shook his head, big? There are still a few big giants in this year, I can suppress Li Dong, there are not many people who can press Li Dong, and the business world will not exceed 30.

And these people are distributed in the north of Heaven and north, and they will not come tonight.

There are not a few big things, Li Dong is actually a big character in everyone, including her Wu Yajun.

The two people chatting, and the guests participating in the banquet will continue.

At first, Li Dong and Wu Yajun were personally welcome, and everyone was a little stunned.

Laughing around two, others entered the banquet hall.

Early, big people are not much.

Over time, there is finally a person who is familiar with Li Dong's ear.

The first thing that Li Dong recognized is Pan Shiyi, SOHO's old, the real estate industry.

As one of the hegemon of the Beijing Real Estate, the old Pan is very good.

It is not only that he, the wife of Pan Shiyi is not only, and the wife of the old pansequin is also famous in the industry. Many people say that SOHO can do big, all the credits of his wife.

The two people went to the hands, and they were full of clothes. They saw Li Dong and Wu Yajun. Although they didn't get in touch, they quickly talked.

Three are all real estate, and there are many common languages.

Talking for a while, Pan Shiyi's wife Zhang Xing suddenly said: "Li, I heard that Dongyu Real Estate has to enter the capital market?"

Li Dong was slightly stunned, and his heart was even more dressed. Will not be Ren Hong Bing to say it? He is preparing to enter the capital, except for Du'an people, he said with Ren Huading.

However, Li Dong feels like, Ren Hongbing will not be so can't stay, then say that the other party has other channels? After all, enter the commercial real estate, which is actually not a secret in the distance, and many executives know this.

If the old Pan couple pay attention, it is also possible to be a message you know from the distance.

I am in my heart, but Li Dong face is smiling: "There is currently this intent, of course, nothing else, mainly wants to cover a branch building.

The capital rent is too high, thousands of rents, I can cover the building in Pingchuan, and I have rented a small office here, I always feel big.

"Hahaha, this is also."

However, saying it back, the capital of our Soho is still some industries, and Li always wants to be true, we have a few vacant office buildings.

"Thank you, I always ask, I will look back, I am generally not too much.

"That line, Li, Mr. Wu, let us go in.

Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xing two people went to the banquet hall, and Li Dongcai felt that Zhang Xing was more featful than the old Pan.

Seeing the two sorrows, Li Dong smiled: "The old Pan wife is serious.

Wu Yajun did not think it was said: "What is this, it can't afford to look at the woman, the mouth is more strict.

Li Dong's mouth smoked, I am really mouth, in front of Wu Yajun, the business woman, I said that this is still the same.

Li Dong is not awkward, Wu Yun is quite interest: "You are really ready to enter the capital real estate industry? I want to say that it is a bit late. Two years, the land price of Beijing is not too high.

Since the Olympics's approach, the land price of Beijing City is higher than one day.

Even if it is now, it is falling in other places, and the capital is because of the Olympics, the land price is not down.

"Not prepared to enter the capital, try water.

"Well, the little problem is not big, you really have to enter, just have just that kind of son will not give you a good break.

These years, Vanke, SOHO, China Resources, and Poly, these families are almost divided into the capital of the capital.

We are not generally difficult to enter these outsiders.

Wu Yajun sighed slightly, as an emperor, the capital is a super fat meat, who doesn't want to share the cup.

Longhu is not a small business, but I have to enter the capital several times and have been killed.

Later, Wu Yajun was also dead, temporarily abandoned the capital market, and two years are getting into the Sichuan and the southwest of the market.

Li Dong listened to this, his eyes micro-evident: "Wu Jie, the zone is alive, and we are not the weak."

Which day, we join hands to do one vote, let these guys have turned over? "


Wu Yaun's appearance, couldn't help but read Li Dong.

And next to Li Dong as if I forgot what I just said, whispered: "Feng Rong and Wu Ying are coming!

At this time, Wu Yajun did not come and continue to ask, Feng Rong and Wu Ying are the last student, and the two are famous in the industry, but they can't be slow.

This is just the two people in the Feng Wheel, and there are several celebrities.

Li Dong recognized the old horse with a look, and the old horse came with Guo Guli.

These two people come together, Li Dong is not surprised.

Previously, Star and Ali were in combination, set up a rookie logistics, plus two are the last students, and private intersection is also very good.

At this time, it is too normal.

Li Dong's concern is the old horse, Wu Yajun is paying attention to Guo Guli.

At the end of 2007, although the name of Ali is not small, it can be not big enough to cover Guo Guli.

And more than the real estate of the Internet and Wu Yajun's real estate, Wu Yajun is naturally not too much to see Ma Wei.

She didn't care, Li Dong is a bit excited.

I haven't seen it!

He is actually mainly to see if the old horse will come, now it is true, this is the first time Li Dong in reality in reality.

No matter what he has achieved today, even if he caught Ma Wei, it can be seen that the business happening of the world world, and Li Dongxin is still a bit.

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